How to turn off notifications on Facebook? Annoying Facebook notifications

As you know, the social network Facebook today is incredibly popular among a large number of Internet users from the post-Soviet countries. However, in addition to the many advantages of communicating on this social resource, there are also certain aspects that account holders on this site do not like.

So, probably, every user of the social network Facebook has encountered an incessant stream of notifications to their own email from this social network. And quite often, users have no idea where these notifications come from and how to disable them?

The first question: “where from?” can be answered quite simply. Users, against their own will, are often included by friends into certain communities. A large number of users have many friends on the Facebook social network, who, in turn, actively play or use other built-in applications of this website. And thus, the owner of the social network account receives notifications about events in these communities, which can simply fill up his email to the top!

Please note that the default notification data is configured. In other words, if you are not interested in reading messages in your own feed that this or that person on the list of your friends on the social network Facebook has “upgraded his hero to level eighty” and you do not want to fight off numerous invitations, then this The article is just for you. In it we will tell our readers how to turn off notifications on Facebook.

detailed instructions

Go to the “Settings” of your social network account (to do this, click on the triangle in the upper right corner and select the item of the same name), select the “Notifications” tab in the left column.

By the way, just recently we published an interesting article about. Okay, let's get back to notifications. Here is a page with a variety of settings for all possible notifications on the site. Here you can configure alerts in general, SMS messages that come to your phone, letters from the site, types of notifications that you want to see or vice versa - you don’t want to see. Everything is in Russian, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties, because the settings are more than intuitive.

Thus, now your email will no longer be spammed with notifications from the social network, just like your smartphone. However, you should not let your guard down. As soon as you notice new notifications from unknown communities in your email again, follow the above steps again. And if you are used to making drastic decisions, it probably makes sense to remove from your friends list such persistent wasters of your time, who add you to many different communities without asking.

Having registered on Facebook, almost every user strives to be as informed as possible about all events related to his account. For this purpose, the developers of the social network have created an advanced notification system, part of which is SMS notifications. It would seem that the function should improve the life of social network fans and simplify the process of tracking important information, giving users the opportunity to receive notifications even offline.

However, constantly arriving short messages can cause inconvenience, and then the user will probably want to get rid of them. Fortunately, this is quite simple to do - you need to go to settings on, i.e. visit the settings page. We’ll tell you more about this now.

Features of notifications via SMS

We need to start with the fact that SMS notifications are a special category of notifications. Firstly, with their help you can find out about important news from your friends, as well as actions on the site related to your account - new “likes” and comments, requests to be added to Friends, invitations to Groups, posts on the wall, tags in the photo etc. Secondly, receiving SMS messages is possible even if you are outside the coverage area of ​​Wi-Fi or mobile Internet. Thirdly, SMS messages can also be outgoing - you can respond to messages from Friends and perform some simple actions.

Thus, short messages on your mobile phone are not ordinary notifications, but a kind of way to communicate with your account in the absence of an Internet connection.

"Prohibitive filter"

Let's get straight to the point - we'll show and tell you how to disable SMS messages coming from Facebook. The action is actually very simple. It will take much less time than enabling the function. The following needs to be done.

After logging into your Facebook account, go to settings (arrow in the upper right corner of the site header).

Go to the "Notifications" tab.

In the SMS notifications item, check the “Disable” checkbox and click “Save”.

You will not have to do any additional confirmations, so the whole process will take 2-3 minutes maximum.

The above method is relevant if you have access to the web version of Facebook. If you are unable to connect to the Internet, use another method - disconnect from the function via standard SMS.

To block Facebook SMS messages, simply send the word “stop” to the number corresponding to your country and mobile operator. The following numbers are relevant for Russian users:

  • 1006 for MTS and Megafon;
  • 32665 for Tele2 and Rostelecom.

After completing the steps, you will be able to forget about intrusive messages from Facebook and receive information related to your account in other ways, incl. convenient push notifications or by e-mail. Moreover, you can return SMS messages at any time in your personal account settings.

Facebook thinks it knows more than you. This applies not only to the automatic news feed, but also to notifications. For example, by default Facebook shows notifications from groups - or about what happened on this day a year or several years ago. We'll tell you how disable unnecessary notifications.


To disable notifications from unnecessary groups, you must first go to settings: click on the line in the upper right corner → “Settings”. Then select “Notifications” in the menu on the left and click on the “On Facebook” link. On the page that opens, click “Edit” opposite the “Group News” item - and there set the desired notification mode for each group.

Facebook offers four options: All Posts, Friends Posts, Trending, and Off. Everything except the “Current” option behaves predictably. If you turn on the unpredictable option, you will receive notifications about posts in groups that Facebook deems relevant to you, so enable it only at your own risk - there is a high risk of disappointment.

For iOS: Click on the three stripes from the main screen → “Settings” → “Account Settings” → “Notifications”. There you need to find the section “What notifications do you receive” and click “Group publications”. For each group, notifications are again configured separately.

For Android: Click on the three bars from the main screen → “Account Settings” → “Notifications”. Then - the same as on iOS.

"On this day"

The “On This Day” service sends daily notifications about what happened to you on Facebook a year or several years ago. This could be your post or someone else's post in which you are tagged. To turn off such notifications, you need to go to “Settings” → “Notifications” → “On Facebook” and select “Off” in the corresponding menu item. You can also turn off notifications on the page " On this day" In addition, there you can select dates that you do not want to remember.

If you turn off On This Day notifications on your computer, they won't work on your phone either.

There are many opinions about this huge social network. Most people consider Facebook to be a business network and use it to promote their brand, company, business, etc... In part, this is true, although there are also ordinary accounts of people who share something interesting and useful. Facebook is integrated into almost all news, business and popular sites. The “like” button is very popular in the blogosphere.

But today we will talk about settings, pleasant and unpleasant moments of the social network. I won’t touch on well-known things that are understandable in the interface, but let’s talk about moments that are not always noticeable to the eye.

Facebook Settings

Sometimes I wonder how many answers there are to the question “What are you thinking about?” Facebook stores, and how much photographic material... This is probably a very valuable archive for future journalists, but it is not available to us.

Facebook account archive

However, if you want to have an archive of all your profile information, then this is quite possible. In the general settings at the bottom, click the “Download a copy” link.

A link to the archive will be sent to your inbox. Your photos will be divided into albums, where you will also find a list of all your friends. Those. you will receive your entire Facebook archive on your computer. If you wish, you can create an off-line photo album.

Switch between profile and page on Facebook.

The page is essentially the same profile, only for companies, famous personalities, etc. However, there is one difference, the pages have an administrator(s)

In the page settings section, there is a checkbox “Publication preference”. Remove it and you will be presented with the entry “You are currently using Facebook as (first name, last name). To switch to the user (your page name), click the “Account” menu at the top of any page.

And as you already understood, by unchecking the “tick” you also removed the administrator’s problem. Now you can distribute comments, likes, and share news from your personal account without any problems.

Annoying notifications

It happens that people you don’t want become friends on Facebook. Girls want to meet boys or restless boys approach girls for the same purpose. But you are in business and your interests are parallel.

Situations also occur with people you know well. There are simply reasons why you not only do not want to see them on your page, but also receive messages from them.

What to do? In User Settings, edit "Block". Here you should add accounts you don’t want by the owner’s name or email. This data is enough to prevent “friends” from the blacklist from reminding you of themselves.

Here you can immediately block invitations to groups, applications, events from excessively intrusive messages from your contact list.

Notifications from groups

Perhaps every user faces this problem. We are talking about notifications coming from groups. Any Facebook friend, without asking your consent, adds you to the group.

And according to one or another of its activities, it will update the news with enviable regularity. What else could be more “interesting” for you than communicating with his “accomplices” in a chat? The height of bliss! Is not it?

There is no limit on adding to groups on Facebook, and there is no confirmation of invitation. And here’s the situation - the topic of the group is interesting to you, but not enough to receive notifications about all the movements in it.

The exit is again in the settings. Select the “Notifications” setting, and in it “group news”. Manipulate the settings as you wish.

And we can do the following. Set the required settings. Usually, when we subscribe (join) a new group on Facebook, they offer to receive notifications. Many agree. if they are necessary, useful, interesting, then there is no problem. We receive, read, and enjoy. But there are times when what we receive is not exactly what we expected. We consider this unnecessary information and want to get rid of it. We don't need a notification feed filled with uninteresting news and offers. Let's get rid of this trash.

Facebook developers have foreseen this desire. They have this option in the settings. The main thing is to find them in the right place. Let's do this together.

How should we get rid of all kinds of spam on our mobile devices running Android OS?

The method is the simplest, but extremely effective. Let's dig into our settings and get rid of this problem.

A small step-by-step instruction:

  1. First of all, go to “Settings” of our gadget.
  2. Activate “Applications”.
  3. We find “Application Manager” there.
  4. Find there Facebook > Notifications.
  5. Turn on or off notifications from Facebook.
  6. Everything can be done selectively. By groups.

In order to also set up push notifications on your mobile smartphone or tablet, do the following:

You can delete everything at once, or you can selectively. For whom it is convenient and necessary. We would recommend that when subscribing to a new group, you immediately go to its settings and turn off notifications. There will be no need to delve into the settings again. Leave only what you think will be truly interesting, useful, and entertaining. And the rest is all spam with intrusive offers to play with some toy. Or buy a useless product.

Well, you can download and install it on your gadgets running Android and iOS by following this link.