How to disable auto-update in windows 7. How to disable Windows update

By default, the Windows 7 and Window 8 operating systems have the update system enabled. The so-called “Windows Update” is responsible for this; it is responsible for regularly receiving and installing updates.

In some situations there is a need. For example, in order to save traffic. In addition, the update is disabled by users of pirated versions of Windows. In this material we will talk about how to disable updating Windows 7 and Window 8.

Disabling Windows 7 and Window 8 updates via Control Panel

Open Control Panel. If you are using Windows 7, then you can open the Control Panel from the Start menu, if you are using Window 8, then open the Start screen and search for “Control Panel”.

In Control Panel, open System and Security.

After this, the “Windows Update” window will open in front of you. In this window you need to click on the “Settings” link. This link is in the left side menu.

The default method is “Install updates automatically”. In order to completely disable Windows updates, you need to set the method to “Don’t check for updates.”

After you have changed the method for installing updates, you need to save the settings by clicking on the “OK” button. After these simple manipulations, Windows update will be disabled.

Disabling Windows 7 and Window 8 Update Service

Disabling it through the Control Panel is quite enough. But if necessary, you can also disable the service that is responsible for Windows Update.

Open the Computer Management window. The easiest way to do this is by searching. Open the Start menu or Start screen (if you have Windows 8) and type “Computer management.” In the Computer Management window, go to the Services section.

In the list of services that opens, find “Windows Update.”

Open the properties of the Windows Update service; this can be done from the context menu or by simply double-clicking. After this, a window with the properties of this service will open in front of you. Here you need to change the “Startup Type” of the service from “Automatic” to “Disabled” and then click on the “Stop” button.

After completing all the steps, close the properties window by clicking on the “OK” button. These actions will result in the service being completely disabled.

Automatic installation of updates is a feature that Microsoft has included in its OS since Windows XP, in my opinion, in one of the service packs, but I don’t remember exactly which one. In general, the developers themselves categorically do not recommend turn off automatic updates because This may compromise its security, but in some cases it makes sense. For example, if your copy of Windows is not of entirely licensed origin.

Why disable automatic Windows updates?

Installed on my personal laptop licensed Windows 7 Home Basic, and I turned off automatic updating almost immediately. And I don't even want to.

You know, everything works great, no failures for almost 3 years.

  • Sometimes users turn off updates because crashes occur after them, the computer stops booting altogether, a blue screen of death appears, or their installation takes a very long time.
  • Also, the reason why you want to turn off automatic updates is the small size of drive C. The free space on it runs out very quickly, especially since Windows downloads and installs them almost every week.

How can I prevent update requests from appearing at all?

Turn off all updates in Windows 7

To get rid of Windows 7 updates once and for all, I have prepared the following instructions. It is valid for any edition of “Seven” (Elementary, Home, Home Extended, Corporate, Professional or Ultimate). Right click on My computer and go to Properties. Let's go to Windows Update

On the left in the list select “Settings parameters”

We need to set the switch to the “Do not check for updates” position, check the “Recommended updates” section and click OK.

We are looking for a service called “Windows Update”. We put startup type: Disabled and click OK. Reboot the Computer.

We remove all notifications about the need for updates

Now you need to get rid of notifications that updates are turned off. We look in the tray, click on the flag image and select “Open support center”.

We turn off all notifications that relate specifically to the update center. I found 2 of these in mine.

This completes the instructions. I hope you found it useful. Switching on can be done in reverse order.

I don’t know about you, but personally, auto updating in Windows 7 infuriates me. By and large, not only me, but also everyone I know. In fact, there is no point in it anymore, because... Microsoft has stopped supporting the OS and your PC/laptop will not download anything important.

In addition to what was said above, updates further worsen Internet speed, computer performance (affects only weak and old models), and you also have to wait when turning it off and on.

As you can see for yourself, there is no sense in automatic updates in Windows 7, and let’s look at all the possible ways to disable it.

How to turn off auto-update in windows 7

Or another option, thanks to our almost selfless YouTube videos

If for some reason the video above does not suit you, for example, you are saving traffic (is this still possible in 2018?), let's take a look using step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open the Start menu, click on Control Panel, then click on Update Center.
  1. Settings. Find this option on the left side as shown in the picture.

  1. In the drop-down menu, you should click “Don’t check for updates (not recommended).” Don’t be afraid, even if they don’t recommend it, the main thing is that it won’t annoy us anymore. I almost forgot, you need to remove the checkboxes as in the screenshot and click OK.

That's all, such a simple way to disable updates, and how much nerves are saved).

How to disable updating via command line

Dedicated to those who do not need a graphical shell, he thinks that the hacker and fans of Ubuntu. Come on, I'm kidding. This is the fastest and easiest way you can think of.

In the command line you need to enter - net stop wuauserv

That's all! Just in case for those who don’t know how to open it:

Click "Start" And "All programs".

Select directory "Standard".

In the list of standard applications, find "Command line". Click on this element RMB. Choose "Run as administrator".

"Command line" launched. Enter your command command:

That's it, we live peacefully and are happy. All updates are disabled)

For all update operations, open Windows Update. To do this, click the Start button, select the “Computer” tab and right-click. A menu should appear where you need to select “Properties” and click on it. All that remains is to look in the lower left corner, where the second sub-item will be “Windows Update”.

If you were unable to get to the update center using this method, then you can try the second option: go to the “Start” menu, go to the “Control Panel”, change the icon display to the “Large icons” mode, and then go to the “System” tab . If this algorithm did not help you, then you can use the simplest option: click on the “Start” button and enter “Update Center” in the search bar and press “Enter”. After a couple of seconds, the search will give you a direct link to the “Update Center”, where you can enter all the necessary edits and settings.

For example, if you want to know how to disable updating Windows 7, the easiest way is to go to the “Settings” tab in the update center, select “Do not check for updates (not recommended)” and click “OK”.

As a result, we turned off automatic updates, but for the system this event is, first of all, negative. The first message from the Support Center informs us that changes have been made to the Windows 7 update settings: the flag in the lower right corner begins to loom with a red cross. Now, so that this flag does not annoy our attention, we need to disable this information. To do this, the easiest way is to single-click on the flag icon in the tray and click “Open Support Center”. In the window that appears, look for the sub-item “Support Center Settings” and click. Then all that remains is to uncheck the box next to “Windows Update”.

How to remove Windows 7 update

Many users, after an unsuccessful Windows 7 update, which they believe led to unstable operation of the system, are trying to remove it as soon as possible. Indeed, if the cause of unstable operation or freezes is related to the update, then it is best to remove it. By the way, there is an opinion that in the new Windows 9 operating system there will no longer be such problems. To remove updates, you can use the universal algorithm, which will be given below.

Before disabling the Windows 7 update, call the “Start” menu, find the “Computer” tab and right-click. A pop-up menu should appear, where you need to select “Properties” and click on it. Then all that remains is to look in the lower left corner, where the second sub-item will be “Windows Update”.

Also pay attention to the left tab of the Update Center panel. There should be a "View Update Log" tab. Click on this tab. We will then be able to see all the updates that have ever been installed on the computer, and we will also see their status, importance and installation date.

It is by these parameters that you can identify which update has led to unstable operation and may entail the need to restore the Windows 7 system. And you can directly remove Windows 7 updates by clicking on the “installed updates” tab. You can also manage updates through the control panel. To do this, we will do the following:

  • call the “Start” menu;
  • then click on the “Control Panel” tab;
  • set the viewing mode to “Categories”;
  • select the “Programs” item;
  • Find the “System and Security” item in the left menu;
  • select the sub-item “View installed updates”.
  • All that remains is to select the update and click “Delete”.

    Updates for the Windows 7 operating system play a very important role. Microsoft regularly releases new packages to ensure the security of users' operating systems. They close system vulnerabilities, thereby protecting the user’s personal information.

    But owners of unlicensed operating systems may encounter problems when downloading and installing patches from Microsoft. In such assemblies, they most often cannot be installed correctly. Either some critical error appears, or one of the updates creates a software conflict. It may also happen that the system will be completely or partially blocked by one of the security updates for OS authentication. Such security packages arrive on your computer every six months to a year. For example, this is KB971033 or this is KB915597. By installing this or another similar security package, the system will be partially blocked until it is activated via the Internet or by entering a license key in the system settings. In such cases, the question arises of how to disable Windows 7 updates to avoid all these problems.

    This is only a small fraction of the possible problems that may appear in the system when installing the next batch of computer security products. Therefore, when using a pirated build on your computer, searching for new patches on the network, automatic downloading and installation, it is better to completely disable it.

    Disabling security updates in Windows 7

    In Windows 7, disable updates - how is this done? Very simple.

    • Click on the menu button " Start».

    • Next, click “ Control Panel».

    • Then " system and safety».

    • Windows Update.

    • In the left column of the window select “ Settings».

    In the subparagraph " Important updates", switch the settings to the last line where it says - " Don't check for updates" Next to it in parentheses there will be a warning that this action is not recommended.

    In licensed systems, such packages do not create any problems or conflicts, in most cases. But developers can also make mistakes, and very rarely, but it still happens that some kind of unfinished program appears. In such cases, the problem is usually resolved very quickly by releasing a new update that solves the previous problem. Everything happens automatically without user intervention. The system itself finds, downloads and installs packages, unless, of course, automatic download and installation by the user is initially configured.

    Should I disable Windows 7 updates?

    You need to remember that if you disable the search and installation of important system file libraries for protection, you are putting your computer at risk. Unprotected systems are more likely to be attacked by hackers. This can lead to, at a minimum, freezes or unstable operation of the OS, or, at maximum, loss of important data during the next virus attack. Also, the use of pirated assemblies that are not compatible with updates, without taking into account the ethical side of the issue, threatens serious system problems.