How to bypass the license server 1.6 bit dentistry. BIT: Commercial service management. Delivery for remote office

Date: 10/12/2013

Welcome to the website! Everyone who visits our site comes here with the goal of getting an excellent licensed Counter Strike build. The Internet is now flooded with a huge number of different game build options. However, not all of them are professionally assembled or even suitable for safe play. If you are looking for a cool Contra 1.6, then you are on the right track. Our CS client will be an excellent addition to your collection of computer games. By going to the main page of the site you can download a cs 1.6 licensed copy, which was obtained from Steam Counter-Strike, as well as other assemblies. The client is absolutely clean, has original standard models of weapons and players, sprites, voice acting, design... And therefore, if you want to change anything in the client, for example, install new models of players or “guns,” it will be very easy to do . Although, if your plans are to learn how to shoot well from an AWP or Deagle, then it is best to practice shooting with standard models. The cs 1.6 build is protected from embedding advertising, changing the game menu, installing advertising banners, and does not require activation.

Shooting technique with Desert Eagle in CS 1.6

Desert Eagle is one of the types of weapons in cs 1.6 that is quite difficult to hit the target with. However, the lethal force and power of this pistol is simply amazing. There is no problem, with proper shooting, to fire a bullet into the enemy’s head from a long distance. But this requires training and it is best to hone your shooting on CSDM servers, which can be found in the server search, if download licensed Contra from our website. In one round you can easily kill seven by emptying the entire clip, but in another round all seven rounds will fly by.

Of all the pistols in CS 1.6, the Deagle is the only one capable of piercing walls, beams, boxes, etc., and the bullet will hit the enemy’s head. We can say with 100% confidence that long-term shooting training will yield results and every bullet fired from the Deagle will fly straight to the head. But what is the secret of shooting? Try not to sit in one place while shooting. It is necessary to constantly strafe and fire shots between short pauses. But if you shoot while sitting, then try to aim at the neck area, then you will definitely hit the head. Deagle is the best addition to AWP, and its main secret is that you must make a move before firing! You can read about sniper tactics, the “Fast Zoom” or “No Scope” shooting technique, as they say among foreign players, in our other article.

There is no special technique for shooting from Deagle, and at first glance, in theory everything is simple, but in practice everything is different. There is a proverb: “Patience and hard work will grind everything down”... constant shooting training with Deagle and you will hit the enemy’s head with every cartridge!

Main software product:

Select the main product 1C: Accounting 8 PROF 1C: Accounting 8 PROF (USB) 1C: Accounting 8 PROF for 5 users. Delivery for retail distribution (USB) 1C: Accounting 8 PROF for 5 users. Supply for retail distribution. Corporate delivery 1C: Accounting 8 CORP 1C: Accounting 8 CORP (USB) 1C: Document management 8 CORP 1C: Salaries and personnel management 8 CORP 1C: Consolidation 8 PROF 1C: Consolidation 8 PROF (USB) 1C: Enterprise 8 PROF. ERP Enterprise Management 2 + Document Flow CORP. Server (x86-64). 50 client licenses 1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Enterprise Management 2 1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management 1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management (USB) 1C:Enterprise 8. Industrial Enterprise Management for 10 users + client-server 1C:Enterprise 8 Management of a manufacturing enterprise for 10 users + client-server (USB) 1C: Holding Management 8 1C: Holding Management 8. Corporate delivery

Main supplies

The main deliveries of BIT.FINANCE products are intended for use with one or another standard configuration of the 1C Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Main Product”, for example “1C: Accounting 8”). The User has the right to use the BIT.FINANCE product only if he has a legally purchased Main Product. The number of workstations and mode of use (file/client server) are limited by the corresponding rules for the Main Product.

Delivery for remote office

This license allows the use of the BIT.FINANCE product in a remote office/individual subnetworks of the Main Delivery Licensee, or in separate offices of companies that are part of the same holding with the Main Delivery Licensee. The user of the delivery for a remote office has the right to use the BIT.FINANCE product only if he has a legally purchased Main Product. The number of workstations and mode of use (file/client server) are limited by the corresponding rules for the Main Product.

Laptop supply

This license allows the use of the BIT.FINANCE product on a separate laptop of an employee of the Main Delivery Licensee. The user of the laptop supply has the right to use the BIT.FINANCE product only if he has a legally purchased Main Product.

Providing product updates

Updates to BIT.FINANCE products are provided only if the Licensee has a valid subscription to the ITS Disk, in accordance with the rules established by 1C Company.

Procedure for obtaining a license

BIT.FINANCE products have a protection system in the form of electronic licenses tied to specific software and hardware (server) on which the License Server is installed. For the BIT.FINANCE product to operate, a user who has a legally purchased copy of the product must receive an electronic key (file) that activates the license. Detailed instructions for working with "BIT: Licensing System" are contained in the BIT.FINANCE distribution kit.

  • Tutorial

Good afternoon, the article was written as a kind of continuation of this opus. The 1C company is quite often criticized, often objectively, but I will try to show with my example that 1C provides freedom of choice, which at the present time at least deserves respect. Let's also count the money a little.


The main activity of our small company is IT outsourcing. Rather, for marketing and enthusiastic purposes, we create solution templates that allow us to slightly standardize the IT infrastructure of our clients, and the client receives and, most importantly, realizes the savings (if you don’t praise yourself with a report, then no one will notice). Clients are small companies from 20 to 200 people. One of such solutions is the implementation of a 1C enterprise server on the free Linux + Postgres SQL platform. The article will not contain another technical implementation, since everything has been chewed and chewed for a long time. There will only be a comparison of the standard offer from 1C franchisees and our economical option for May 2014.

Task No. 1.

Transfer the database from a file operating mode to a SQL version with the ability to use up to 20 clients.

Calculation of two options.

We do not support 1C, therefore all recommendations: on the need to switch from a file database to SQL, purchase licenses, and a hardware complex, the client receives from the 1C franchisee accompanying him. Next, there is a consultation with us, we offer an alternative solution based on the 1C+Linux+Postgres SQL combination, and we implement it ourselves.

Offer for 20 users.

1C licenses
- 86400
103700 -
Client license for 20 1C workstations: Enterprise 8 (USB) 97600 -
1C: Enterprise 8. Client license for 20 workstations - 78000
SQL licenses
13381 0
Client access for 20 workstations to MS SQL Server 2012 Runtime for 1C: Enterprise 8 117748 0
Total 332429 164400
Saving 168029

Explanations and nuances:

  1. 1C implementers (of course, there are others in the universe who are trying to save money for the client, but we haven’t come across any) by default offer USB keys; they are significantly more expensive than file licenses. Naturally, the choice of key type does not depend in any way on the implementation platform. It turns out that the table contains a trick in favor of the Linux platform. However, let me remind you that this is not about a scrupulous assessment of proposals, but about a fresh example from practice. For the sake of objectivity, I must clarify that in my opinion, implementers are inclined to favor USB keys not in order to increase costs, but for the sake of reliability of use and ease of further maintenance, “especially” if we are talking about implementation on Linux + Postgres SQL.
  2. Often, for small companies, we also purchase a 1C: Enterprise key x86, not 64. At the same time, Postgres SQL uses the 64-bit version, and the 1C enterprise server is 32-bit. We consider it acceptable to use across organizations of up to 60 people; the thesis is subjective.
  3. The cost of work is not taken into account. In our case, it is included in the service contract, therefore it is zero for the client. We will assume that implementation and further support are approximately the same.

Task No. 2 + bonus from 1C

Transfer the database from a file operating mode to a SQL version with the ability to use up to 10 clients.

Offer for 10 users

Name Standard offer for 1C franchisees Windows + MSSQL (RUB) Linux Sanity Option + Postgres SQL (RUB)
1C licenses
1C: Enterprise 8.3.Server license (x86-64) - 0
1C: Enterprise 8.3. Server license (x86-64) (USB) 103700 -
Client license for 10 workstations 1C: Enterprise 8 (USB) 51900 -
1C: Enterprise 8. Client license for 10 workstations - 41400
SQL licenses
License for MS SQL Server Standard 2012 Runtime for 1C: Enterprise 8 users 13381 0
Client access for 10 workstations to MS SQL Server 2012 Runtime for 1C: Enterprise 8 58874 0
Total 227855 41400
Saving 186455

Addition to the nuances from example No. 1

  • Good 1C allows you to use a 1C enterprise server on Linux for 12 clients without an enterprise server key; there is no such thing for Windows. The bonus is dubious, because 10 users will be able to survive on the file one, but still pleasant.

Bottom line.

Often, saving within our country ruins any good systemic undertakings. It seems to me that this case is still from a different category. Three years ago, when we introduced the 1C enterprise server on Linux as a standard for our companies, we really listened without false concern from 1C implementers that they abdicated responsibility for the functionality of the supported configuration on such a non-kosher combination of Linux + Postgres SQL, with This puts the client into a state of panic.
Perhaps a dozen more critical arrows could be fired into the calculations I have given; it is difficult to claim objectivity, but I wanted to convey a general idea of ​​the financial component of the issue.

UPD. from Thug21
Client software and hardware licenses are consumed differently in client-server mode.
-Software costs for each connection
-Hardware for a computer.

UPD from [email protected]
The technical ability to work without a key does not mean legal permission to do so. The Law on the Legal Protection of Information for Computers prohibits the use of any software products whose copyright holder does not declare them free (and we have never declared this server free).
Best regards, Sales Manager Viktor Bykov
We kindly ask you to save your correspondence history for future requests.

To install SLK version, perform the following steps:

1. Download the distribution kit of the 3.0 licensing system and unzip it into any folder:

2. Before installing SLK, close all 1C applications and remove the hardware security keys.

3. Run the file “LicenceServer-”. This will open the licensing system installation window, click on the “Next” button:

4. Make sure that all additional tasks that need to be completed are checked and click the “Install” button:

5. Next, the installation window for the SLK USB protection key driver will open. Click the “Install” button. We remind you that before installing the USB security key driver, you must remove the valid USB key from the computer:

6. After the installation is complete, a message will appear that the driver has been installed successfully, click the “Close” button:

7. After this, check the “Launch server console” checkbox and click the “Finish” button:

Note: the server console can be launched later, for example, through the menu “Start – All Programs – SLK – SLK Server Console”.

8. Then insert the USB key into the computer. The program will detect the protection key and install it; the key should be displayed in the SLK server console as shown in the screenshot.