What is the internal structure of a computer called? Computer device. What does computer consist of

Personal computer technology has come a long way in recent decades and continues to evolve at an astonishing rate. Machines that once barely fit in huge spaces are now easy to fit into the palm of your hand. They not only decreased in size.

Today's personal computer is incomparably more powerful than the model released just a few years ago.

Modern computers are made up of many parts that work together to create a stable, efficient tool.

The constant development of hardware and software makes the process of learning to work with a computer a difficult task that requires constant improvement and understanding. But some concepts and details remain unchanged. Let's look at them and become one step closer to great knowledge about the operation of a personal computer and an understanding of how a computer works.

Types of personal computers

Different computer companies make their products very similar. Each manufacturer uses the same spare parts to create a computer; they can only be distinguished by a sticker from a particular company. Even Apple computers, known for their exceptional design, are essentially no different from their competitors in terms of their technical design.

Laptops and desktop computers also use similar functional parts. Only laptops are created from smaller copies of the same parts as desktop computers. In other words, if you understand how, for example, a desktop computer works, then it will not be difficult for you to understand the operation of all other computers, for example, to understand the operation of laptops.

Vital parts of any computer

Computers are made up of several electronic chips, each of which has a specific function. The vital parts found in every computer include

  • motherboard,
  • HDD,
  • CPU,
  • RAM (Random Access Memory),
  • video card,
  • power supply and
  • other additional accessories,
  • for example, such as disk drives and wireless network cards.


The motherboard is a large board (namely, a circuit board or, as is sometimes said, a printed circuit board, using radio-electronic terminology) to which all other parts of the computer are connected.

Computer motherboard

The motherboard acts as a control station that connects and integrates other parts (hence the name “motherboard”).

For example, the processor, RAM and video card are connected directly to the motherboard. It is also quite common to see a configuration where the video card is mounted directly on the motherboard. Each of these computer elements deals with different aspects of information processing.


RAM stores current working information on the computer. When you open a program, such as an Internet browser, some of the RAM is allocated to run the browser.

After turning off the computer, all information from RAM is automatically deleted. The user can save his works (texts, drawings, etc.), for example, on a hard drive.

Processor and video card

The processor and video card process the information needed to perform various functions in the computer.

For example, running a game on a computer requires constant analysis of information. Performing this task falls on the processor and video card.


The processor receives, processes and sends processed information to other computer devices. While the video card provides output of processed information to the computer monitor screen (hence the name “video” card).


The hard drive acts as memory for long-term storage of information. In computer slang, a hard drive is also called

  • Winchester,
  • sometimes - hard or
  • hard disk.

The last name is borrowed from English: Hard Disk.

In RAM, information is stored only while the computer is running (this is the so-called volatile memory).

And in the hard drive, information is stored even when the computer is turned off (this is the so-called non-volatile memory).

Computer information, music, movies and photos are stored on the hard drive. This space is also used to store programs, such as word processors or games.

power unit

Finally, an important element of a computer is the electrical power supply, which distributes the necessary electricity to operate each part of the computer. One of the main cords from the power supply goes to the motherboard to power the various chips.

Other power cords are used to operate devices mounted separately from the motherboard, such as powering hard drives, CD drives, computer cooling fans, and other components.

In addition, laptops have a rechargeable battery so that the user can, if necessary, work for some time without connecting the laptop charger to a 220V network.


There are many computer parts that are not necessary for the functioning of the system, but which are undoubtedly important to users. These add-ons include things like CD and DVD drives, wireless cards, TV tuners, sound cards, and more.

Various types of drives (CD-DVD-etc.) are not connected directly to the motherboard, but are connected to it and to the power supply using several cables. The connection cable to the motherboard carries information to and from the drives, and the connection cable to the power supply provides the drive with electricity to operate.

Wireless Internet cards, TV tuners and sound cards connect directly to the motherboard and do not require separate cables to supply power from the network. Each of these devices provides a specific function in the computer. For example, they provide higher sound quality or the ability to watch programs on a computer monitor.

operating system

Different operating systems

The combination of hardware creates a computer that is capable of complex calculations and has a huge amount of memory for storing information. But without a user interface (without the ability for a human user to use it in their work), the work of a computer will be meaningless.

This is exactly what the operating system is designed for: to provide access to computer resources to ordinary users, that is, not specially trained programmers or system administrators, but ordinary people.

The operating system is installed on the hard drive of your computer.

The main types of operating systems are

  • Windows
  • Android,
  • Mac OS or
  • Linux.

The operating system is a large program consisting of a large number of system files. The operating system creates visual (visual, understandable) interfaces for simple and sometimes untrained users to allow these users to access information and be able to navigate the computer.

Application programs

An operating system alone is not enough to successfully work on a computer; it only allows you to use the computing power of the computer. To perform “useful” work, application programs are also needed. “Applied” - this is because they help users perform quite applied actions, for example, editing texts, searching for information on the Internet, drawing pictures and drawings, listening to music, watching movies, etc.

Several different application programs can be used to perform the same actions. For example, you can edit texts using the Notepad program, or you can do this using the Microsoft Office Word application. In Notepad there are some possibilities for editing text, in Word there are others, much more extensive. But both programs allow you to ultimately print or edit text.

You can also watch movies using different programs. This is, for example, Flash Player as part of Internet browsers, or Windows Media Player as part of the Windows operating system, or Real Player, etc. The choice depends on many factors, including user preferences, the format of the video images being viewed, the requirements for image and sound quality, etc.

You can edit and draw pictures either using the fairly simple Paint program included in Windows, or, for example, using the powerful Photo Shop or Corel Draw programs, which have undeniably more opportunities for image editing, but are much more difficult to learn and work with .

You can also search for information on the Internet using: Internet Explorer in Windows, Mozila Firefox, Google Chrome, etc. The choice depends on many factors. But first of all, this is influenced by the preferences of computer users, as well as the amenities provided, additional services, the ability to customize browsers for the user’s tasks, etc.

An operating system is rather a given, which not all personal computer users can choose. Although there is a known category of computer users who are much more enthusiastic about reinstalling and adjusting operating systems than working with application programs. But this is rather an exception that confirms the main rule.

At the same time, users usually choose application programs independently. They choose based on their tasks that they want to solve using personal computers.

It is with application programs that a personal computer becomes a useful tool for users to work on it. It is application programs that “revive” the computer, making it an indispensable assistant at work, at home, while traveling, for hobbies, etc.

Tying it all together

Summarizing the above, we can state that computers are a very successful and extremely useful combination of hardware and software. To the question “How does a computer work?” can be answered with the following formula:

computer = hard + software,

or the same thing “in Russian”,

computer = hardware + programs.

The above formula clearly shows that the problems that arise on the computer are related

  • or with the computer hardware (i.e. hardware),
  • or with the software part of the computer (i.e., the operating system or application program).

The hardware of a personal computer is

  • motherboard with other parts of the computer installed on it (or connected to it using cables):
    • CPU,
    • RAM,
    • hard disks,
    • CD and DVD drives,
    • as well as other devices such as
      • sound card,
      • video card,
      • TV tuner and

All devices of a personal computer are enclosed in a housing and are powered by a power supply unit or a battery.

For the convenience of working with a computer, they are also connected to

  • keyboard,
  • monitor,
  • speakers and
  • other useful devices.

The software part of a personal computer consists of

  • operating system and
  • application software.

The operating system allows you to launch the hardware complex and achieve its smooth and precise operation. Application programs are the most useful and most important parts of the hardware and software complex, since it is with their help that computer users perform their tasks on a personal computer.

Thus, if you see and read this text, this means that in your computer all of the above software and hardware elements work harmoniously, clearly, uninterruptedly and in an interconnected manner.

Interests many users, including experienced users, not to mention beginners. In this article we will try to explain in detail and as simply as possible what a computer is and what elements it consists of.

To begin with, let's define the term computer or electronic computer (computer) - a computing machine designed for transmitting, storing and processing information. That's the whole difficulty.
Oddly enough, the first computer (more precisely, a computing mechanism) was created a long time ago, when you and I did not yet exist. And it all started with the simplest abacus (abacus) - why not a computer? It processes information, is particularly reliable, and there can be no errors depending on the device itself, even theoretically (although the human factor plays a decisive role here too).
But a much more interesting, truly computing mechanism was the Antikythera mechanism, which was invented around 100 BC.
With the advent of electricity, and later transistors with integrated circuits, into our lives, life became better - life became more fun.
Every year, more precisely about two years, the number of transistors in processors doubles, therefore, the power of computers increases. Few people can now be surprised by the abilities of modern technology - progress does not stand still. Humanity's interest in personal computers is growing every day, and many want to learn more about the structure of a PC, so let's get started.
Each computer consists of several parts, each of which is responsible for a specific action (transfer, storage, processing). The main component of any PC is the system unit, which contains its entire essence.

Usually, system unit- This is the largest box with a lot of wires coming out of it. But there are PC variants in which the system unit is absent as a separate phenomenon, and all the hardware is built into the monitor. We will consider the device of the system unit in more detail a little later.
The second component of a PC is the monitor. Naturally, a computer can work without a monitor, but it won’t do you any good. Until recently, monitors were of two types: CRT and LCD.

Due to technological progress, monitors with cathode ray tubes have given the palm to liquid crystal matrices, and it is almost impossible to find CRT monitors on sale. LCD monitors differ from each other in physical size (diagonal in inches), matrix resolution (in pixels), the type of matrix itself (TN, PWA, MWA), the type of matrix backlight (lamps or LEDs), the number of available connectors for connecting video signal sources and directly by design.
To work normally with a personal computer, you will still need information input devices - mouse and keyboard.

It is pointless to examine these devices in detail, since every person, even those farthest from the information world, knows what it is.
The remaining parts of the PC, which some consider essential components of a computer, are absolutely not necessary for normal operation. We will consider printers, scanners, tablets, acoustics, webcams and other devices in the following articles and reviews. Now let's move on to a detailed examination of the internals of the system unit. And let's try to figure out what each element is responsible for.
Opening the side cover, you will see a lot of interesting, shiny and colorful things. Surely the first thing your eye noticed was a large printed circuit board the size of an A4 sheet.
This motherboard– the chassis of the system unit, which is responsible for connecting all other components into a single system. At first glance, the “motherboard” will seem like something very complex and intricate. From the technical side, this is true, because a lot of things are hidden inside the board itself and are not visible to the naked eye. But, in fact, from a practical point of view, there is nothing complicated in the device. As you have probably already noticed, other boards are inserted into the motherboard, a little smaller. Consider the available connectors on a typical motherboard in the following figure.

1. CPU socket ( Socket). Depending on the model, type of processor, the number of holes in the socket differs, so it is physically impossible to install an Intel processor in a socket for an AMD processor. It is impossible to see the socket in the assembled system unit, since the processor is already installed in it, and a radiator with a fan (cooler) is installed on the processor.
2. Slots for RAM. Usually there are pairs of them.
3. Connector for video card.
4. PCI (larger) and PCI-Express x1 (smaller) connectors for additional expansion cards (TV tuners, audio cards, network cards, modems).
5. Connectors for connecting hard drives and drives.
a) SATA connectors (7 pins) – there are three types, differing only in throughput. SATA (version SATA revision 1.x or SATA/150) data transfer speed up to 1.5 Gbit/s. SATAII (version SATA revision 2.x or SATA 2.0) – up to 3 Gbit/s and SATA Rev.3.0 (SATA 6Gb/s) – up to 6 Gbit/s.
b) IDE connector (40 pins) – is losing popularity at a steady pace and should soon disappear completely (some motherboard manufacturers have already abandoned this connector).
6. Connectors for power supply. Currently, the AT (12 pin) standard is used on older PCs. In the new ones, the ATX standard is used - a 20-pin connector or ATX2.0 - a 24-pin connector. An additional 4-pin connector is used to power the processor.
It seems that all the connectors on the motherboard have been examined.
Oh yes! There are also a whole bunch of connectors on the side of the motherboard, but we’ll talk about them some other time.

Let’s just say that they are designed to connect the same mouse and keyboard, monitor (if the video card is built-in), speaker system, USB devices (printers, scanners, flash drives) and other “irreplaceable” devices.
Let's return to a detailed review of the insides of our system unit.
The location of the components can be seen more clearly in the following diagram.

Typical layout of components inside the system unit

CPU– the computer’s brain, responsible for processing information. The more powerful the processor, the faster data calculations will be performed and the faster the PC will function as a whole.

Processors differ in size, performance, heat dissipation, number of contacts, or more precisely, socket. For example, for Intel processors, today the most common are three sockets: Socket T (775), Socket H (1156), Socket B (1366). Three sockets are also popular for AMD: AM2, AM2+, which have the same number of legs (940) and socket AM3 (938 for processors and 941 for boards).

Cooler(cooler) – designed to remove heat from a heating processor and dissipate it.

Coolers are either passive or active (with a fan). There are also extreme cooling systems (liquid nitrogen, freon), which are more efficient and less noisy during operation.

Random access memory (RAM)- the purpose is quite simple, to hold the most needed data and provide the processor with this data for processing. The creation of RAM was required in order to speed up the processor, since the main delay in operation is caused not by the speed of the processor, but by the speed of data exchange between the processor and physical memory (hard drive). The more RAM, the faster the computer will run overall.

There are several types of RAM: DDR– an almost obsolete standard; DDR2– features doubled data transfer speed, number of contacts 240 (120 on each side); DDR3– the latest available type of RAM, characterized by lower power consumption and increased bus frequency. The DDR3 type also has 240 pins, but is not compatible with the DDR2 connector, since the key is located in a different location.

Video card– another important part of the system unit, designed to display images on the monitor. The video card has a responsible task, and it is characterized by high performance and considerable power consumption. Therefore, the video card (graphics accelerator) is equipped with its own cooler.

The more powerful the accelerator, the more modern games you can play with maximum comfort and quality. In cases where special graphics performance is not required, the video card can be built into the motherboard. At the same time, the performance is quite enough for normal work with office applications, Internet surfing and undemanding games. You can determine whether your motherboard has a built-in video card by looking at the side of the motherboard and finding one of the possible connectors for connecting a monitor.
There are several standards for video card slots. AGP– an obsolete slot, currently found only on fairly old PCs. PCI-Express x16– there are several versions: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, differing in throughput.
The video cards themselves have their own graphics processor and their own RAM (the exception is built-in video cards, which use the system's shared RAM). The higher the graphics core frequency, the memory frequency and the larger its volume, the more powerful the video card (theoretically).

There is another box above the motherboard - power unit.

I think there is no point in explaining why it is needed.

A little to the right of the motherboard there is a basket with hard drive (HDD). This is also one of the most important elements of the system unit, so to speak, the storage of your data. Modern hard drives have reached memory capacities of hundreds of gigabytes, and some models are available in capacities of up to 2 terabytes.

Although working on a computer is possible without a hard drive, it is an indispensable component of a PC; naturally, the larger the hard drive, the more information you can store on your computer (movies, music, photos, documents).

Slightly higher is usually located card reader.

A device that replaced the Floppy drive. The card reader allows you to work directly with memory cards ( SD, xD, MMS) at the same time get a higher data exchange speed than when using additional cables (for example, when connecting a phone with a memory card).

Located even higher optical drive.

Currently, it is almost impossible to find just CD drives or combo drives. Most common DVD-RW drives that allow you to write and read data from both CDs and DVDs. There are also new Blu-ray drives that allow you to record from 25 GB to 500 GB (according to the latest data) on one BD disc, this is made possible thanks to the 10-layer disc. But Blu-ray drives are not yet popular enough due to their high cost.

Well, it seems that's it. I hope our article will help you understand at least a little about the structure of a personal computer, and in the future not fall face down in the dirt by calling the big black box not a processor, but a system unit.

A computer consists of a system unit and peripheral devices (monitor, mouse, keyboard). In this post, I would like to disassemble the computer in detail down to every bolt, consider the structure of the computer as a whole, what it contains and what each part is needed for.

System unit

The system unit is the computer itself. The system unit contains: PSU (power supply), HDD (hard drive), motherboard, RAM, processor, sound card, video card, network card, disk drive and other components that are necessary to expand capabilities. Let's now take a closer look at each device and find out what function it performs.

System unit case

Cases come in different types: compact, transparent, backlit, but its main task is to fit all the computer devices. Of course, you could do without it, hang the motherboard on the wall, and put everything else next to it on the table, but this is stupid, inconvenient and dangerous.

While the system unit is turned on, under no circumstances should you touch its components. High voltage passes inside, which can even kill. This is why the case is always used, it is convenient and safe.

PSU – Power supply

Almost all the wires in the computer come from the power supply. It provides each device in the system unit with electricity, without which nothing will work. The power supply weighs about a kilogram, and is approximately the size of .

The power supply produces: 3.3v, 5v and 12v. Each device has a separate voltage. Also, to prevent the power supply from overheating, it is equipped with a radiator and a cooling fan. This is where the sound of a working computer comes from.


The main task of the motherboard is to connect ALL devices of the computer. It literally combines everything: mouse, keyboard, monitor, USB drives, HDD, processor, video card and everything else. You can see the holes/connectors and ports of the motherboard in more detail in the picture above.

CPU - computer's central processing unit

The processor powers and calculates all operations on the computer. When compared to human organs, a computer processor can be compared to the brain. The more powerful the chip (CPU), the more calculations it can do, in other words: the computer will run faster. But this is only one of the main devices responsible for the speed of your computer.

RAM - random access memory

RAM is a random access memory device. Also called RAM, random access memory and random access memory. This small board is needed to store temporary data. When you copy something, this information is temporarily stored in RAM, and it also stores information from system files, programs and games. The more tasks you assign to your computer, the more RAM it will need. For example, at the same time the PC will download something, play an audio file and the game will be launched, then there will be a large load on the RAM.

The more RAM, the better and faster the computer works (as is the case with the processor).

Video card (video adapter)

A video card, also called a video adapter, is necessary to transfer images from a computer to a screen/monitor. As mentioned above, it is inserted into the mat. board into its connector.

In general, the computer is designed in such a way that each device has its own hole, and even with brute force it is impossible to insert something into the wrong place.

The more complex the image (HD video, game, graphical shell and editor), the more memory the graphics card should have. For example, 4k. The video will not play properly on a weak video card. The video will slow down, and you may think that the Internet is weak.

A modern video card also contains a small cooler (cooling fan), both for power supply and CPU cooling. Under the cooler is a small graphics processor that works like a central processor.

HDD (hard disk) Hard Disk Drive

HDD – aka: hard disk, hard drive, hard drive, screw, drive. No matter what people call him, he has one task. It stores all information and files. Including OS (operating system), programs, browsers, photos, music, etc. In other words, this is computer memory (like a flash drive in a phone).

There is also SSD. The essence and principle are the same, but an SSD works many times faster and costs an order of magnitude more. If you use an SSD as a system drive for the OS, then your computer will run much faster.


If you need to view/copy information from a disk, then you need a disk drive. Nowadays, you rarely see this device in new computers; the drive has been replaced by USB drives (flash drives). They take up much less space than disks, are easier to use, and are reusable. Nevertheless, disk drives are still used, and I couldn’t help but write about it.

Sound card

A computer needs a sound card to play audio files. Without it, there will be no sound on the computer. If you go back to the "motherboard" section for a second, you will see that it is already built into every motherboard.

As you can see in the photo above, there are additional sound cards. They are necessary for connecting more powerful speaker systems and provide better sound in contrast to integrated (built-in) ones.

If you use ordinary small speakers, then the difference will not even be noticeable. If you have a subwoofer or home theater, then of course you need to install a decent sound card.

Additional computer devices

Everything I said above necessary for the operation of the system unit, and now let's look at additional computer devices that expand its capabilities and add functionality.

External hard drive

Unlike an HDD, an external hard drive is portable. If the HDD and SSD need to be installed in the case and secured there, then the external one is connected with just one USB cable. This is very convenient for all occasions that there is no point in describing. An external HDD is like a flash drive, only with more memory.

Uninterruptable power source

Absolutely every computer is afraid of voltage surges, I would even say more than any other equipment. An uninterruptible power supply will provide stable voltage and protect your power supply from surges.

Voltage can jump for various reasons, and it is not always noticeable. For example, if you have weak wiring, then when you turn on other equipment in the house, the voltage may jump. Or maybe the neighbors have something powerful... In general, I strongly recommend that everyone use a power supply.

TV tuner

A TV tuner is a special chip that allows you to watch TV on a computer. Here, rather, as in the case of the disk drive, it still works, but is no longer relevant. To watch TV on a computer, you don’t have to insert special boards; we now have it and on my blog there is a whole section dedicated to this topic.

Computer peripherals

As Wikipedia says:

Peripherals are hardware that allows information to be entered into or output from a computer. Peripheral devices are optional for system operation and can be disconnected from the computer.

But, I don't agree with her. For example, we don’t even need a computer without a monitor, and without a keyboard, not everyone can turn on a computer, only the most experienced users can do without a mouse, and without speakers you can’t watch or listen to anything. These are not all devices yet, so let's look at each of them separately.

Personal computer monitor

Let me repeat a little - we don’t need a computer without a monitor, otherwise we won’t see what’s going on there. Perhaps in the future they will come up with some kind of hologram or special glasses, but for now this is just my sick fantasy).

The monitor is connected to the video card with a special cable, of which there are 2 types: VGA (obsolete connector) and HDMI. HDMI provides a better image and also transmits sound parallel to the image. So, if your monitor has built-in speakers and is high resolution, you definitely need to use an HDMI cable.


The keyboard is needed to enter information, call commands and perform actions. There are different types of keyboards: regular, silent, multimedia and gaming.

  1. Regular - the simplest keyboard with only standard buttons.
  2. Silent – ​​rubber/silicone keyboards, when working with which not a single sound is heard.
  3. Multimedia. In addition to the standard buttons, the keyboard has additional keys for controlling audio/video files, volume, touchpad (possibly), and more.
  4. Gaming – Additional buttons for different games, the main buttons for the game have a different color and other goodies.


The main task of a computer mouse is to control/move the cursor on the screen. You can also select and open files/folders and call the menu with the right button.

Now there are many different mice for computers. There are wireless, small, large, with additional buttons for convenience, but its main function remains the same after decades.

Acoustic system

As mentioned above, the speaker system is connected to the sound card. The signal is transmitted through the sound to the speakers, and you hear what they say in the video and sing in the song. Acoustics can be different, but without any, a computer with all its capabilities becomes an ordinary working tool, in front of which it is boring to spend time.

MFP - Multifunctional Devices

An MFP is more necessary for office and study. Typically contains: scanner, printer, copier. Although these are all in one device, they perform completely different tasks:

  1. Scanner – makes an exact copy of a photograph/document in electronic form.
  2. Printer – prints an electronic version of a document, photographs, pictures onto paper.
  3. Xerox – Makes an exact copy from one paper to another.

Gamepad or joystick

A gamepad is also a joystick in the past. Only needed for comfort in some games. There are wireless ones and vice versa. Usually they contain no more than 15 buttons, and there is no point in using them in non-games.

Nowadays, it is no longer possible to imagine your life without a personal computer. He has penetrated into every corner of our existence. To the point that some users spend days on it.

Five years ago it would have been impossible to imagine what opportunities a personal computer would bring into our everyday lives. Now you no longer need to go to the Bank in order to make any payment. I think it will get to the point where you won’t even have to go to the store. We will order everything online. I think that against this background, every non-advanced user should know the structure of his computer, so in this article I will tell you what it consists of.

I won’t go too deep; for the average user, knowing the main device will be enough. A deeper study requires separate larger articles. If you don’t know anything yet and have no idea what components your PC consists of, then this article is just for you, and then decide for yourself whether you need deeper knowledge about its structure or will make do with what you learn from this article.

So, the first thing that needs to be said about the structure of a personal computer (I think everyone already knows this, but for the sake of completeness of the article, we still need to talk about it).

First, this is the system unit

And the first mistake of an inexperienced user is that they call him “Processor” (I don’t know why). Processor R12; this is completely different, and after reading the article to the end you will understand that the system unit is not a processor.

Second, this is the monitor

I don’t think there’s any need to explain what a monitor is, everyone already knows that.

Third, it's a mouse

It is used to perform almost all manipulations in the operating system. The expression R12 even fits it; Without a mouse it’s like without hands.

If anyone else doesn’t know (which I highly doubt) there are two types of mice R12; wired and wireless. Both types of mice have their advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of wireless mice is that they do not have a wire, but the disadvantage is that you often have to change the batteries very often (depending on their quality). With wired mice everything is exactly the opposite.

Fourth, this is the keyboard

With the keyboard everything is exactly the same as with the mouse, one might say they are inseparable friends and complement each other very well.

So, these were the main components of a personal computer without which working on it would not have been possible. There are also additional components, such as printers, scanners, webcams and other gadgets that, in principle, are not so important for the functioning of the PC and are installed as needed.

Now let's look at the structure of the system unit. The main element of a computer.

To find out what the system unit consists of, you need to look inside it, which inexperienced users are often afraid to do.

Main parts of the system unit

The first thing we see when opening the side cover of the PC is the motherboard

Main parts of the motherboard:

1. Connector where the processor with cooler is installed.

2. Connector for video card.

3. Connector for RAM.

4. SATA connectors for connecting a hard drive or DVD ROM.

5. Connector for connecting the power supply.

Secondly, this is the power side. This is what he looks like

It is responsible for powering all devices of the computer system unit.

Third, this is the video card. This is what she looks like

this is what a more modern video card looks like

The video card is responsible for outputting the image to the monitor. The more powerful your video card, the faster the video performance will be, especially for computer games.

Fourth, this is the hard drive

The hard drive is responsible for storing information. This is a kind of warehouse for your photographs, films, music, etc. etc.. In general, everything that you have on your computer is stored on your hard drive. (To make it completely clear, I’ll give an analogy to R12; the principle of a hard drive, like for example a video cassette, is that you record something on it, so it will remain on it until you erase it)

Well, fifth, this is a DVD-ROM

I think there is no need to explain anything here. Everyone knows what a DVD-ROM is and what it is needed for.

And this is what the assembled system unit looks like.

1. The power supply is located here.

2. There is a cooler here that cools the processor. Actually, the processor is located under it.

3. This is a video card

4 and 5. The hard drive is located here

6. The DVD-ROM is usually located here

This, in principle, is the main device of a personal computer, which, in my opinion, every non-advanced user should know. At least to have at least some idea of ​​what it works on.