How MTS monitors Internet distribution. Organization of VPN connection. VPN connection and its organization

The “Smart Unlimited” tariff plan from the well-known operator MTS was released relatively recently and has become popular among many subscribers. It includes 10 GB of Internet traffic, which made it possible to use it for Wi-Fi distribution. However, the company, according to many users, acted dishonestly by introducing a fee for Internet provision of 30 rubles from November 7, 2016. per day. This costs even more than paying a monthly tariff. Advanced network users began to look for ways to circumvent this injustice. And they found it!

Specifics of application of TP “Unlimited”

As soon as it appeared on the market, the tariff plan provoked a real stir. This is not surprising, because with the advent of this opportunity, subscribers have found a way to surf the Internet (read also,) and communicate by voice on a home network without borders. To communicate with subscribers throughout the country, you need to pay 12.9 rubles. per day. In addition to the standard parameters, this offer includes the following features:

  • 200 minutes for calls to all networks in your home region;
  • 200 messages to phones of all operators within the DR;
  • a well-known package costs 387 rubles from the very beginning;
  • from the second month a fee of 12.9 rubles is withdrawn. per day;
  • when connecting after the date of August 31, 2016, the cost became equal to 19 rubles. in a day.

Pricing policy is variable. To change the TP you should use ✶ 1 1 1 ✶ 3 8 8 8 # . To transfer the ability to use the World Wide Web, you can use Wi-Fi, USB port, Bluetooth.

As a result, your smartphone will become the object of distribution of Internet access.

Ways to bypass restrictions

It is not surprising that such ill-conceived innovations on the part of the mobile operator irritate many network users and force them to either switch to competitors or look for ways to circumvent the bans. Therefore, the most active subscribers began to look for all sorts of ways to “deceive” and avoid paying. Currently, there are already several methods that allow you to do this quickly and efficiently.

Changing IMEI within the dispenser

The operator allows you to use a SIM card only in a smartphone. As for the modem, there are a number of limitations. The easiest way to bypass this ban is to replace the IMEI from the modem to the phone. Its value includes 16 digits, which are unique for each device (i.e., unique). If this combination is replaced, the card will continue to function normally.

Remember that this act is fraught with criminal liability.

If your goal is to use a SIM card in a modem or use it to distribute the Internet through a router, you need to replace the IMEI on the distributing smartphone. It is worth using the value from a device that runs on Windows OS. After all, the flow of traffic to such resources does not entail suspicion. But there are a few points worth paying attention to:

  • there is a high risk that all actions will ultimately be in vain, since the operation may be unsuccessful;
  • It is worth paying attention to the fact that the selected IMEI is not registered in the same network (connection from two devices with the identical value of this parameter is prohibited);
  • If it is not possible to search for IMEI values ​​from a special background, generation activities can be carried out.

The change can be made through two options:

  • engineering mode;
  • console.

In the first case, the order of events is as follows:

  • dialing a special combination on a mobile device: 3 6 4 6 6 3 3 ;
  • opening Engenieer mode;
  • transition to Connectivity and select the next combination – CDS Information и Radio … и Phone 1;
  • writing the combination EGMR=1.7 above the AT+ line (and then the new preferred IMEI value);
  • in order to carry out measures to change the IMEI to another SIM card, if available, you need to repeat the agreed upon combination and write EGMR=1.10 (followed by the 16-digit number);
  • the last step is to click “Send At” and reboot.

In the second situation (when operating via the console), we are talking about using a terminal emulator. It functions in a similar manner to the Windows command line. The following code value is entered as a command:

Echo – e AT+EGMR=1.7.Your_IMEI”>/dev/smdo.

If the device is equipped with two SIM cards, the same combination is prescribed, but with a different meaning (1.10).

Carrying out a TTL change

This number symbolizes the “life” of a traffic packet. By default, for the lion's share of the OS, this parameter is 64. During the connection to the operator's network, transmission of this default value begins. This value is decreased by 1.

Make sure that packets taken from other gadgets, in the process of losing one from this number, acquire a value identical to that set “by default”. For devices running on iOS and Android OS, this number is 64. To make it possible to distribute the Internet without any payment, you need to assign the value 63.

You can carry out a set of shift work in manual and program mode. The second method is more convenient and therefore preferable. The TTL Master service is widespread. Previously it was called Yota Tether TTL. In order for it to function smoothly, it required root user rights. With one click, the system facilitates changing the value. And you can get it on Google Play (you can be content with the free version, because it is quite enough to solve your problem).

You don’t have to use specialized services. To do this, you need to follow the algorithm of events:

  • enable flight mode;
  • launch it through ES Explorer;
  • pass the path proc/sys/net/ipv4;
  • find in the final step a file called ip_default_ttl;
  • change the value from 64 to 63;
  • return the device to normal mode;
  • turn on the distribution.

If you need to connect to a computer telephone device, then you need to add a number of manipulations to the given commands:

  • click "Start", execute, regedit;
  • opening a register with parameters;
  • right-click on the keys to create, new parameter (32 bits), specifying the name “DefaultTTL”;
  • changing the system, setting the value 64;
  • saving the results and restarting the computer device.

Now you can distribute the Internet and not be afraid that you will be charged for it.

Editing the Host file

Its purpose is to match domain names, which are recorded using characters and special IP addresses. Editing is required in order to block resources with the help of which the operator detects the distribution of traffic. Collecting a universal document is impossible, so experts recommend installing analyzers and monitoring which resources the operator is able to detect the fact of distribution.

Traditionally, this file is located in the Windows OS folder on the C drive. To gain quick access to files and folders, you need to press the “Windows” + “R” key combination. After this, a execution window is formed. In the opening field, you must enter the appropriate command and confirm the action by clicking “Ok”. Next, the folder where the hosts file is located will open.

VPN connection and its organization

The abbreviation VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It is a special technology that facilitates the maintenance of an anonymous logical network on top of another network structure. This is necessary to protect it from the external influence of the provider by creating a protocol cipher. The operator is unable to identify the presence of a file exchange; accordingly, no speed restrictions will follow.

Absolutely any OS includes in its arsenal an integrated set of tools for creating a VPN. Such users can expect to research individual clients. Detailed instructions regarding connecting such networks are available on all services that provide file exchange operations.

Torrent client and encryption

By using the option associated with protocol encryption, you can instantly get rid of the fact of traffic reduction. This is done by optimizing the workflow of the torrent client in incognito mode.

Under current conditions, identifiers will not be able to track information flows and match them with specific IP addresses.

You can consider a way to bypass the restrictions using the example of the most popular µ-torrent client. To achieve activation of the mode associated with network protocol encryption, you must follow the algorithm of actions:

  • launch the file sharing program;
  • open the menu section with settings and the subsection with program settings;
  • Choose BitTorrent from all possible options;
  • at the bottom of the form, activate the encryption section;
  • from the menu that appears, select the enable command;
  • Remove the check mark next to the tracker support function;
  • complete the activities one by one by clicking the “Apply” and “OK” buttons.

Particular attention is paid to the procedure for supporting UPD trackers. If this requirement is neglected, the channel will be subject to filling with the service volume of traffic. And this, in turn, will not only lead to a decrease in the overall speed of file exchange, but will also contribute to tracking “willful” use of the network.

The advantage is that the program is completely free. And over the entire period of operation, it has acquired a huge number of modifications, variations and versions, so it will not be difficult for you to choose the best option. There are also minor differences in the organization of the main menu and user interface.

Thus, bypassing the restrictions established by the MTS operator regarding Internet distribution is possible, but not always legal. It is necessary to choose only legally permitted methods; this will allow you to share access to the network for free and receive high-speed, high-quality Internet at any convenient time.

This year, tariff plans with unlimited mobile Internet have caused a great stir. MTS, Beeline, MegaFon, Tele2 and Yota have similar offers. Tariff plans do indeed provide for no restrictions on speed and traffic (at least that’s what the operators say). However, it was not entirely without restrictions. The biggest drawback of these plans is that they are only for smartphones. It is also not possible to use the phone as a WI-FI access point and there is a restriction on the use of file-sharing networks. Many subscribers are interested in whether it is possible to bypass these restrictions? If you put in some effort, you can bypass restrictions on Internet distribution via Wi-Fi, use a SIM card in a modem, and download files from torrents.

As part of this review, we will look at all the ways to bypass restrictions on Internet distribution via Wi-Fi (TETHERING). It is difficult to single out one single method, so you will have to independently determine the most suitable option for you. The guide is relevant for all tariffs with unlimited mobile Internet, which are characterized by restrictions on Internet distribution via WI-FI (, “MegaUnlimit” MegaFon, Beeline postpaid tariffs, Yota tariff plan for a smartphone).

All ways to bypass restrictions on Internet distribution

On the Internet you can find many instructions on how to bypass restrictions on Internet distribution. Unfortunately, not all of them are relevant and most do not achieve the desired result. We checked all the options and identified the most effective ones. With their help, you can bypass restrictions on Internet distribution via Wi-Fi, but we cannot guarantee a 100% result.

We will consider the following methods for bypassing restrictions on Internet distribution via Wi-Fi:

  • Changing IMEI on the distribution device;
  • Changing/fixing the TTL value (TTL Editor and TTL Master programs);
  • Editing the host file on your computer.

Let's look at each technique separately (you can use them all). If you have any difficulties, ask questions in the comments. We also recommend visiting the relevant sections of the forum, where many recommendations are collected on how to bypass restrictions on Internet distribution.

Changing IMEI on the distribution device

If you want to use a SIM card in a modem or distribute the Internet using a Wi-Fi router, you need to change the IMEI on the distribution device. You need to use the IMEI from a smartphone running on the Windows operating system. You can use any other IMEI, but then the risk increases that after some time all your efforts will be in vain. Traffic to Windows resources from a computer does not raise suspicions, since mobile devices running the Windows operating system also access approximately the same resources.

Also note that the IMEI that you are going to register in your device should not be registered in the same network. That is, you cannot connect to the network simultaneously from two devices with the same IMEI. If you can’t find the IMEI from the Windows background, you can generate it. You can download IMEI Generator WinPhone.

You can change IMEI in two ways:

  • Through engineering mode;
  • Via the console (Terminal Emulator).

Which method is more convenient is up to you to decide. We will provide detailed instructions for both options.

Changing IMEI through engineering mode:

  • We dial in the phone: *#*#3646633#*#*, after which the engineering mode opens;
  • Go to the Connectivity tab.
    Select: CDS Information > Radio Information > Phone 1;
  • Above the AT+ line we add: EGMR = 1.7,"your_IMEI";
  • To change the IMEI to the second SIM card (if any), repeat the previous step, but write: EGMR = 1.10,"your_IMEI";
  • Press the SEND AT button and reboot.
  • Attention
  • If all else fails, try putting a space after AT+.

There is another way to change IMEI, which involves using a terminal emulator. The emulator works similarly to the Windows command line. The utility can be downloaded for free from Google Play. Find the Terminal Emulator for Android app and install it on your smartphone. The number of commands that must be executed in the emulator to change IMEI may differ depending on the phone model. In most cases you will need to enter the following code:

echo -e "AT +EGMR=1,7,"YOUR_IMEI""> /dev/smd0.

If you have a dual-SIM device, then to change the IMEI to the second SIM you need to add:

echo "AT +EGMR=1,10,"YOUR_IMEI""> /dev/pttycmd1.

If you need to change the IMEI of your router or modem, then

Change/fix TTL value

The TTL number represents the lifetime of traffic packets. By default, for most operating systems on smartphones, it is 64. When connecting to the operator’s network, the device transmits the default value to it. If a modem or router is used to connect to the Internet, the TTL value is reduced by one unit, as a result of which the operator recognizes that the subscriber is using a SIM in a device other than a smartphone. The same applies to using a phone as a Wi-Fi access point (the smartphone acts as a router and the TTL is reduced).

Bypassing restrictions on Internet distribution via Wi-Fi by changing TTL is quite possible. You need to change the value so that packets from other devices (possibly non-rooted) when losing one from the TTL have the same value as the default TTL on the donor. Devices running the iOS and Android operating systems have a default TTL of 64. To distribute the Internet, you must assign TTL=63 to the donor.

Changing/fixing the TTL value is possible manually and using special programs. First, let's look at a method that involves changing the TTL using programs.

Let's start with the TTL Master program (previously the program was called Yota Tether TTL). For the program to function, root user rights are required. read in a separate review. Using the program, you can change the TTL value in one click. You can download the utility from Google Play. To change TTL, the free version is sufficient. Instructions for using the program are not required, since everything is already very clear. After launching the application, your current TTL will be indicated, as well as the TTL that must be specified in the appropriate field. Enter the required TTL and click on the “Apply” button. Now try to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from your smartphone. The TTL Editor program works on a similar principle.

You can change TTL on Android without using the above programs (root rights are required).

To change TTL, follow these steps:

  • Turn on Airplane mode on your phone;
  • Install and launch the ES Explorer application (you can use another one with similar functionality). Go to the following path: proc/sys/net/ipv4, find a file there called ip_default_ttl, open it and change the value from 64 to 63. Don't forget to save your changes before exiting the application;
  • Turn off Airplane mode to allow your smartphone to connect to the network;
  • Turn on Wi-Fi distribution and you can connect your phone or tablet to the network.

If you need to connect your computer to your phone, then in addition to the above steps you need to perform the following manipulation:

  • On the computer, click Start -> Run -> write regedit in the line;
  • The registry opens, go to -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters;
  • In the right window, right-click -> New -> New DWORD value (32 bits) -> Call it “DefaultTTL”;
  • Right-click on the new parameter -> Change -> On the number system, put a dot “Decimal”, enter the value in the field (64);
  • Save everything and restart the computer.

Now you can distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from your smartphone. The method works, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

The above instructions are relevant for the Android operating system. If you need to change TTL on another OS, modem or router, then follow this link and use the corresponding guide.

Editing the host file on your computer

The hosts file is designed to match domain names (sites), which are written using symbols, and the corresponding IP addresses. It is necessary to edit this file in order to block resources through which the operator detects Internet distribution. Unfortunately, it is physically impossible to assemble a universal hosts file, so install a traffic analyzer and monitor on which resources the operator detects the distribution. A lot of useful information on editing the hosts file can be found by clicking on the link above (

The hosts file is located in the folder with the Windows operating system, usually the “C” drive on the user’s computer. To quickly access a file, press the “Windows” + “R” key combination on your keyboard. This will open the Run window. In the “Open” field, enter the command: %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc and click on the “OK” button. Next, the “etc” folder will be opened, in which the “hosts” file is located.


Bypassing restrictions on Internet distribution via Wi-Fi is quite feasible, but no one can guarantee that the results obtained will last for a long time. We have repeatedly tested various ways to bypass restrictions and most of them stopped working after some time. You can try the techniques described in this article or find other methods on forums, but operators will always ensure that the restrictions they set are difficult to bypass.

If you know of working schemes that were not mentioned in the review, share them in the comments.

This happened a little less than two months ago. And then I managed to get another 60 rubles. Moreover, this is no longer my inattention, but simply money stolen from me. Well, I didn’t start this war, and there’s no need to explain to me about “technical errors.” But in turn - I now feel every right to tell people how they (well, at least me) are being scammed out of money, and to gain the right to manage my own Internet (well, at least if the phone is on Android) - and how to bypass the rule introduced by MTS on November 10 to charge an additional fee of 30 rubles per day for whether you decide to use Wi-Fi Internet on your phone or decide to distribute it to your own computer. (UPD. It should be noted that everything written was true for the first version of Unlimited, which now appears in the archived tariffs under the name Smart Unlimited 052016; and the new unlimited introduced is not unlimited, read more). But about everything - in order, under the cut.

So, a little over six months ago, MTS rolled out its new tariff plan - Unlimited. At that time, I can’t say that it was a breakthrough, since they had something similar, but among the other three operators, it really was an event. And the most important thing about this unlimitedness was that people now did not need to provide additional wired Internet to their home or office (well, if they are not torrent downloaders, of course), and they could easily switch their mobile phone to distribution mode and continue to use it at home Internet and sitting at the computer, and not just plugging into the phone on the couch. At the same time, the MTS support service especially focused on this, here is just one screenshot from the correspondence:

Yeah - people were happy. Advertising is a pearl from all the cracks, screens, posters, Nagiyev has already specifically pulled it up with his “This is not just moisture - but ...”. And now, 6 months later, when most of the interested people changed the tariff/switched from other operators for the sake of this opportunity, MTS makes a trick with its ears: it announces that it will now charge a fee for distributing the Internet on the MTS Unlimited tariff. At the same time, with a tariff cost of 590 rubles, the additional fee for distribution will be one and a half times more - 900 rubles per month (30 rubles per day)!

How was it there? Unlimited? No, Unlimited! So it is here. To say it's crazy is an understatement. This is a lot of crap! Probably, if the operator had approached this adequately and set a reasonable price, well, half the tariff, let’s say, people would have hiccupped and swallowed it (let’s not forget to mention Beeline, which generally allows you to distribute for crazy money - but there it’s more of a closing measure so that people do not use this service).

Well, I won’t speak for the whole people, but I will speak for myself. So, even with such a price, I - honestly - hiccupped and swallowed. Should I pay more? Well, I seem to be a law-abiding citizen, here is the concluded agreement, which means I will pay, especially since, as it was stated in the SMS sent to me in advance and in the description of the tariff on the MTS website, that the money is debited only on the day when the service is used - once, and 100 MB per day is free - two.

I cry one day, the second I cry. And so, on Saturday-Sunday, when I don’t use the computer at all (it just sits and hums quietly in the corner in standby mode), I with peace of mind leave the Internet distribution on the phone. Why - 100 MB is included, all updates are disabled on my computer, so the maximum he can do is pull the phone a couple of times, saying, I’m here. And suddenly, I receive a message on Tuesday that my number is blocked. To be honest, I’m slightly perplexed, because theoretically, there should have been enough money there until Thursday, and on Wednesday I was thinking of replenishing the balance.

I immediately order the invoice details, and what do we see? Both on Saturday and Sunday, a maximum of 20 kilobytes of traffic out of one hundred free MEGABYTES was used (I repeat in letters - TWENTY, not even a MEGABYTE, but a KILOBYTE!). At the same time, 30 rubles were written off (without VAT - 25 with kopecks) for the distribution service. Here is a screenshot of the details for the 19th, for the 20th - the same thing is there. I specifically added one line before this day, and one after it, so that it would be clear that it is for this particular day:

Thus, MTS cheated me out of 60 rubles with a fairly easy movement of the hand. And this is just one person, I don’t know how many such people are sitting on unlimited, but even if we assume at least a million, then we will get 60 million rubles on an innocent write-off over just one weekend, about which we can then shrug our shoulders, apologize and say - well, what happens, there is a technical error, of course we will return 60 rubles to you - you’re the only one so meticulous who was able to detect it. No guys - this is a matter of principle, and I don’t believe one iota (funny pun) that this mistake is accidental.

All this prompted me to study this issue and see what people think and propose, and how to get around this limitation. After all, stealing from a thief is not a crime, and if you also give it to people, it’s pure Robin Hood.

So, how does MTS care for those people who distribute the Internet from their devices? Well, I mean, how does he know that a person has turned on the distribution on his phone?

No one will tell us exactly, but theoretically there could be several ways.

Firstly, these are applications like My MTS. If you have it, there is a non-zero chance of receiving an SMS of happiness. Out of harm's way - we demolish it.

Secondly, these are Windows updates for desktops. Think for yourself from the MTS side - if you don’t distribute the Internet, then why do you need them on your phone? Hence the conclusion - you connected from your computer to a phone that distributes the Internet - you turned off WINDOWS updates, or you resigned yourself to an update at a price of 30 rubles.

Well, thirdly, this is the so-called TTL, which stands for Time To Live. TTL is a thing that every packet on the network has, it contains the number of nodes (servers, computers, routers) through which it can pass, each node, when the packet passes through it, reduces this value by 1 unit. For example, if you enable the “Mobile Access Point” (tethering) mode on your smartphone, the TTL from connected devices passing through it will be 1 less than expected.

Each device has its own TTL. For example, on smartphones it is 64 by default, on computers/laptops it is 128. Thus, if a packet with a TTL value different from 64 arrives at the router on the provider’s side, it means that something else is connected through our device. A packet arrived with the value 63, which means the tablet is connected. It came with a value of 127, which means they connected a Win computer. And from here there are two simple conclusions:

  1. The TTL coming to the provider must be strictly fixed and not differ from one packet to another, regardless of which connected device sent it
  2. It should be fixed at the value 64. Any other value will immediately burn MTS, just like using a smartphone for distribution using special programs (which we will talk about later).

Well, of course, it immediately becomes clear how to deal with this TTL check.

If your Internet is distributed from your smartphone only to a desktop computer/laptop, and not to other smartphones/tablets, then everything is elementary, there is no need to even do anything with the phone from which the Internet is distributed via Wi Fi. All we need is to force our computers to send packets with a TTL value of 65; when passing through a smartphone, one will be subtracted; packets with a value of 64 will be sent to MTS. Thus, we will be able to distinguish them from packets sent by the smartphone itself no longer possible. Bingo!

So how do you do this? Also very simple. You just need to make changes to the registry.

For 32-bit Windows:

1. Launch the registry editor. The easiest way is to press Win + R, type regedit and press Enter.
2. Open a thread at:



3. Create a DWORD parameter there (32 bits) with the name DefaultTTL, open it, select the decimal number system and enter the required TTL as the value. In our case it is 64 + 1 = 65.
4. Click “OK”, close the registry, and restart the computer.

For 64-bit Windows- everything is the same, only an identical QWORD parameter (64 bits) is created.

For those who are scared by all the above lines for making changes to the registry - good people posted the finished Reg files who will make changes for you. All you need is:

Well, the final chord is checking the result on the computer:

1. We start distributing from a smartphone
2. Look at the phone’s IP (for me it’s a click on the Wi-Fi icon > right-click on the distributed network > Status > Details > Default gateway)
3. On the connected PC, call the cmd command line
4. Enter the command ping, space, phone ip, enter
5. Packet exchange begins, look at their TTL value. If 64, everything is fine. If anything else, MTS will shoot you down.

Everything becomes much more complicated if, in addition to the computer, you need to distribute the Internet to a tablet, TV, or some kind of iPhone. Well, or Samsung - depending on what your preferences are. And you can go here in two ways: the first is to change the TTL on this very tablet, TV, smartphone in the same way as we changed the TTL on our computer. I will not describe this path, since the method of changing TTL on a device connected to a donor depends directly on this device, for most devices it is very difficult, and these devices are from different manufacturers - a car and a small cart.

Therefore, we can use the second way - this is to force our smartphone, which distributes the Internet via Wi-Fi, to rewrite its header before sending the packet to the provider, setting the TTL we need. This also does not work on all smartphones, and for example, on an iPhone without a jailbreak - nothing will work, and on Android smartphones, if you cannot get root rights, it is also not a fact that it will work. But if it works, then will work for all devices connected to it, including the computers and laptops described above, so you don’t even have to use the first described method with changing the TTL to 65 and poking around in their registries.

So, the technique is as follows:

  1. We obtain Root rights for your smartphone, which will act as a donor and distribute the Internet via WiFi. How to obtain these rights is individual for each device; in general, has appropriate programs and relevant sections for almost all devices with detailed instructions on how to do this. We enter the name of the device and the word root in the search bar - press the search button - we get the result. For example, I managed to do this using the Framaroot program, although not the first time. For some, KingRoot may be suitable, for others - 360Root. In general, try it.
  2. Let's go again to and download the wonderful program TTL Master. Please note that we needversion: 3.0.1!!! If you download version 4.01, then nothing will work for you, this version is only suitable for (I don’t know about version 2.01)!!!
  3. Although, judging by my previous publications, I understand that ~10% of people still don’t know how to read, and in the comments they will write that nothing worked for them, and the fact that they downloaded the wrong version is even in their heads will not come. You'll see.

Let's launch this program. By default - it contains settings for, i.e. 63, and it looks like this:

We need the number 64 in the circle, and it looks like this:

To do this, you just need to change 63 to 64 :) But, as I already said, version 4.01 does not support changing this parameter; this can only be done in version 3.01 (and possibly lower). How to change? It's simple. We enter the settings by clicking on the gear in the upper right corner, and in the menu items “TTL value” and “TTL value in the input field” set the value to 64. Now click the “Apply” or “Bypass restrictions” buttons (depending on whether you have the second or third version) and be sure to “Try ipTables rule”

(not sure if this is in the second version). After this, we switch the phone to airplane mode and return it back to operating mode so that the phone reconnects with the new settings to the base station.

In general, of course, the situation - when the provider decides for you on which devices of YOURS you should use the Internet - smacks of nonsense. Imagine that wired Internet comes to you, then it is distributed through the router via WiFI, and the provider says - you can use it from your phone, but from a tablet and computer - no, no. Imagine that you bought a car, and the manufacturer says - you can carry yourself in it, but not your wife and cargo, or you can, but pay the manufacturer of this car a certain bribe for each day you drive together.

I see a direct need to raise with the FAS and other regulatory bodies the issue of the admissibility of charging for the consumed Internet when it is transferred to other devices, especially considering the fact that the Internet can only be consumed within a limited radius from the location of the distributing device; as well as the permissibility of deceiving clients by charging a subscription fee for a service that was not actually provided, as happened in my case, when I was charged 60 rubles despite the fact that there was no actual distribution. And if today I decided to limit myself to just this article, then a couple more such tricks from MTS - and I do not rule out that someone will get tired of this matter, and MTS will already receive a class action lawsuit.

In the meantime, I hope this article will help you, in which I tried to summarize all the publicly available information that I collected bit by bit from the Internet.

UPD. 03/30/2017: It should be noted that everything written is true for the very first version of Unlimited, which now appears in the archived tariffs under the name Smart Unlimited 052016; and the new Unlimited, introduced on March 27, is not even close to unlimited, limiting traffic to ten GB; You can read more about it in comparison with the old original unlimited, and what to replace it with now -. In short, MTS has a Connect4 tariff (but you still need to figure it out, everything is written in the description so that the devil himself will break his leg). If you don’t want to figure it out, but still need a lot of Internet, then you’ll still have to go to the limit one, just with a lot of traffic included:

Almost any modern smartphone can work to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. To do this, all other devices must be located within the coverage area of ​​the organized access point. But sometimes distribution means something completely different - the “Unified Internet” service from MTS. It will allow you to use traffic on several devices at once, even if they are in neighboring cities. Let's see what this service is, how to connect it and how to configure it.

Description of the “Unified Internet” service from MTS

MTS is doing everything possible to make communication services more accessible to every subscriber. It should be noted that she does this quite well. Thanks to the recently launched “Unified Internet” service from MTS, we can distribute traffic from our smartphone to any other devices - these are other smartphones, tablets and modems. The main thing is that some kind of Internet package is connected to the head number. Main advantages of the service:

  • The minimum subscription fee is only 100 rubles/month;
  • Wi-Fi is not needed to distribute traffic - distribution is carried out at the level of the MTS cellular network;
  • You can save on the subscription fee - it will only be charged from one device.

Indeed, if a person needs Internet from MTS on both a smartphone and a tablet, then he does not need to connect the options separately on each device - just connect a single Internet package on the smartphone and distribute traffic to the tablet. In the first case, by connecting two Internet-Mini packages, we will receive a total subscription fee of 1000 rubles/month. And in the second - only 600 rubles / month (for the package and for the “Unified Internet”), since the dedicated package can be enough for both a smartphone and a tablet.

To distribute the Internet, we can use the following options and tariffs:

  • MTS “Internet-Mini” option - 7 GB are provided for 500 rubles/month, the minimum solution for the “Unified Internet”;
  • Option “Internet Maxi” - here we get 15 GB during the day and unlimited at night for 800 rubles/month;
  • Option “Internet-VIP” - a powerful package of 30 GB of daytime and unlimited night traffic for 1,200 rubles/month;
  • Tariff “Smart” - 5 GB for 500 rubles/month;
  • Tariff “Smart Zabugorishche” - 7 GB for 250 rubles/week;
  • Tariff “Smart Top” - 20GB for 1950 rubles/month;
  • Tariff “Smart Unlimited” - 10 GB for 550 rubles/month.

note that The presented tariffs, in addition to Internet traffic, have solid packages of minutes and SMS.

A little about the limits - in one month you can distribute no more than 50 GB of traffic. If you use the “Smart Unlimited” tariff, then only 10 GB will be allocated for distribution (you can safely forget about unlimited Internet on all devices).

As already mentioned, the head device in the “Unified Internet” service from MTS is a smartphone - just select the appropriate tariff or option. The maximum number of connected devices is 5 pcs. Moreover, the SIM cards in these devices can also be issued to other subscribers - this does not matter. But if the number is serviced in another region, then it will not be possible to distribute traffic through the “Unified Internet” service from MTS.

Connecting the service

Let's see how to connect the "Unified Internet" from MTS. To do this, we need to organize a group - go to the operator’s website from a smartphone, select the “My Group” block and click on the “Invite device” link - in the field that opens, indicate the phone number of the invited subscriber and confirm your actions by clicking the “Invite” button.

On the invited device you also need to go to the Internet, to the MTS website. A notification about the invitation will be displayed on the screen - click the “Accept” button. Congratulations - now you can use general traffic within the “Unified Internet” service. You can connect up to four more devices in the same way. Another confirmation method is to reply with the number 1 to the received SMS notification.

The cost of “Unified Internet” from MTS is 100 rubles/month for the first month of connection and 4 rubles/day for all subsequent months. There is no charge for added devices.

Disabling the service

In order to disable the “Unified Internet” from MTS on recipient devices, you should go to the operator’s website. Here you need to leave the group. Both parties will receive a confirmation SMS after logging out.. You can also send 0 to the free service number 5340. After this, traffic will be charged according to the current tariff plan.

Let's see how to disable the "Unified Internet" service from MTS on the distributing smartphone. This is all done through the same operator’s website or by sending the USSD command “0 *” (separated by a space, without quotes) to service number 5340. Automatic disconnection is also provided - this will happen if all previously connected consumers are disconnected from the distribution device.

Some time ago, the “Smart Unlimited” tariff plan was released, containing 10 GB of traffic. People used it to distribute Wi-Fi. But the MTS company decided to make money on this - Internet distribution began to cost 30 rubles per day. This works out to be more expensive than the monthly tariff fee. This injustice can be eliminated. In this article we will talk about how to bypass restrictions on Wi-Fi distribution on the “Smart Unlimited” tariff.

If you look at it sensibly, MTS acted dishonestly towards its subscribers. Why not reciprocate, because what difference does it make where users spend their traffic?

To control Wi-Fi distribution, telecom operators use TTL (stands for “Time to live”). It's difficult to explain what it is. Let's consider only the principle of operation:

  • All devices set their own TTL value, which is taken into account when sending data packets to the network.
  • The packet passes through the router and then decrements its value by one. For example, from 64 (the standard value used by mobile devices) to 63.
  • The carrier monitors this and knows when the Wi-Fi goes live.

To get around the ban, there is one solution - to adjust the TTL value. This is done either on a mobile device or on a computer.

Adjusting TTL on a computer

This method is suitable for those who transfer Wi-Fi exclusively to a computer. You will have to slightly adjust the registry data.

Instructions for Windows 32 bit:

  • You need to enter the registry. Call up the “Run” menu by pressing “win” + “r” at the same time. Write “regedit” in the input field.
  • Let's go to the necessary settings - “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters”.
  • Click on the “Parameters” tab. Next, look for the “Create” item.
  • Select "DWORD". Be sure to assign a name - “DefaultTTL”.
  • Check the box next to the decimal number system.
  • All that remains is to set the TTL. Remember that when passing through a router, it increases by one point. Set the value to “65”.
  • Save. Reboot the system.

The instructions for Windows 64 bit are practically the same. We go to the registry and follow the specified path. The only difference is that instead of “DWORD” we create “QWORD”. Don't forget to restart your computer.

If you perform the steps not for your version of the operating system, then nothing will work. Fees will continue to apply.

To verify that the action performed correctly, do the following:

  • We distribute Wi-Fi using a mobile device. We connect to the network from a computer.
  • Go to the “Network and Sharing Center”. Next, select the network you are using and view its properties. In the “Default Gateway” item we find out the IP and write it down.
  • Call the “Run” program using the “win” + “R” buttons. Enter “cmd” into it.
  • The command line opened. Enter the request - “ping + recorded IP” (be sure to leave spaces). Then press “Enter”.
  • If TTL=64, then everything is correct.

If you don’t want to get into your computer’s connections, then enter “ping” in CMD. When using this IP, TTL=65.

As you can see, bypassing restrictions is profitable and simple.

Adjusting TTL on an Android device

This method allows you to make sure your phone can transmit Wi-Fi to absolutely any device for free.

To succeed, you need to get ROOT rights on Android. This is done as follows:

  • Download the “King ROOT” application. It cannot be found on Google Play.
  • Install the APK. Let's launch the application.
  • A large green button will appear, click on it.

Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to obtain ROOT rights. It depends on your phone model and its firmware. If this does not help, use other applications: “SuperSU”, “FramaRoot”, “Root360”.

By obtaining such rights, users are deprived of warranties for their devices. Be careful.

Let's move on to the next part of the instructions:

  • Download the TTL Master program. It is easily found on Google Play. But it’s better to find another version using a search engine - 3.0.1.
  • Install and launch the application.
  • We see the interface on which there is a circle with numbers. The value indicated there is “63”.
  • Go to settings using the corresponding icon.
  • Change the “TTL value” and “TTL value in the input field”. You must specify that the TTL is 64.
  • Save the settings.
  • Let's return to the main program interface. Click on the “Bypass restrictions” button.

Now you can distribute Wi-Fi without spending any money.

If you reboot the device, the settings are reset from the phone. We repeat the steps from the beginning, after which you will be able to use the network again.

Is the Internet distributed free of charge on the MTS Unlimited tariff? This can be checked using the method indicated in the instructions for the computer. And also you should not receive messages from MTS.

Bottom line

Operators do not have to control how users use traffic. Therefore, above are instructions that will help save your money. It is suitable not only for MTS, but also for other cellular operators.