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Browser (web-browser, graphical browser) is a program with which an Internet user can visit and watch websites on computers and gadgets. Essentially, it is a translator of CSS style markup, Java scripts and HTML language, processes http requests from users, receives data from the server and gives them the requested pages. Simply put, a browser is the program through which you downloaded our site and are reading this article.

Today, there are several popular versions of browsers, which differ to one degree or another, which is why inexperienced webmasters encounter difficulties when laying out web resources. However, qualified webmasters know how to solve such problems, so almost every advanced site looks great on any browser.

But before we talk about the functions and versions of modern web browsers, let us briefly recall the history of their appearance.

The first browser to receive a graphical interface for displaying not only texts, tables and lists, but also pictures, was Mosaic, created in 1993 by NCSA for Windows. In principle, it can be considered a “pioneer” among all modern browsers. At that time Mosaic was extremely popular, but 4 years after its creation, due to the loss of the market, the project was closed.

Leading NSCA employees went to work for Netscape, which began developing a new, more functional and modern graphical browser called Netscape Navigator. They wanted their browser to be simpler, easier to use, and more compliant with standards. And they managed to do it. It is worth noting that the basis for creating the masterpiece Netscape at that time was the Mosaic code.

Such success could not go unnoticed, and soon the then well-known company Microsoft came to the rescue. They realized that a big fish was swimming away from them. However, Microsoft geniuses soon reworked the source code of the first browser, creating their own - Internet Explorer.

It was IE, being integrated with Windows OS and available to users completely free of charge, that relegated the market leaders to the background. It has become an integral part of updating Windows OS, and people have lost their choice. But no one was indignant, because few people knew about alternative options.

Thanks to its monopoly, Internet Explorer quickly captured 95% of the market and forced Netscape to go out of business, but only for a short time. Soon, a code called Mozilla public License appeared in the public domain, on the basis of which a completely new browser, Mozilla Firefox, was created, which today has become one of the leaders on the market. Due to the lack of competition, the Microsoft project did not develop in any way, since at first users did not know about better alternatives, which became Mozilla Firefox.

The same Opera appeared back in 95 of the last century, but it was popular only in the CIS countries. And all because it appeared freely on the foreign market in 2005.

What functions does the browser perform?

In order for a computer or any other device connected to the Internet to download data from it, software designed for this is required that can request information, process it and load it onto the screen. For this purpose, a browser was created that opens web pages consisting of code. It receives the code from the server where the site is stored and processes it to give you a readable and watchable picture on the monitor.

To view the encoding of a site, you need to right-click on its page and select “View Code.” The normal operation and loading of web resource pages largely depends on the correct source code.

Another convenient feature of browsers is storing user passwords for various sites, so that when you visit and log into your account again, you do not have to re-enter your login and password. If you visited a website before and forgot what it was called, the saved history of visiting Internet resources will help you find the necessary source. But the story can be very long and finding the site among the abundance of visited pages will be quite difficult.

To avoid such situations, browsers have the ability to create bookmarks that are displayed under the address bar. With their help, you can store the sites you need and quickly access them with one click.

In addition to loading and opening websites, browsers are designed to download files of various formats: movies, audio recordings, games, text documents, and the like. All modern browsers have the ability to download add-ons:

  1. Extensions. These are add-ons that, for example, block advertising banners on websites, check links for viruses, and so on.
  2. Informers. The same extensions, only they notify the user: about the weather, about new messages in the mail, etc.
  3. Themes. Change the visual design of background images and other browser elements.

Browsers do not affect each other’s functioning in any way, so they can be installed all at once on one device. However, the user must select a default application, which will be the main application in the OS, and when clicking on links, they will open through it.

7 popular browsers

The oldest modern browser, included in the Windows OS. In the last century, it accounted for almost the entire market share. But the prolonged and unconditional leadership led to the regression of the web browser, which its competitors quickly took advantage of. IE from version 6 to 8 inclusive is a horror for webmasters. They do not meet any modern requirements for creating websites. The latest 11th version is available exclusively for Windows 7 and 8. Only Internet Explorer 9 deserves attention - a more or less stable, fast and well-protected version. Although it cannot be compared with other advanced analogues.

One of the newest popular browsers. In 2015, with the release of Windows 10, Microsoft introduced its new and modern Edge browser. Unlike IE, it is constantly updated and has become the standard browser for Windows 10, replacing the completely outdated Internet Explorer.

The current leader, developed by the most powerful company in the world - the search engine Google. The WebKit engine is used to display pages of Internet resources. Chrome has reached the top at an unimaginable pace, since it appeared only in 2008 - much later than its competitors. Now it occupies about 50% of the total market. The browser pleases users with its speed, reliable protection, and simple and stylish design.

It ranks third in popularity. However, this is the first browser that managed to break the monopoly of Microsoft Corporation in the 20th century. Unlike its counterparts, Mozilla is focused on using add-ons. One of the disadvantages is that the browser becomes heavy when installing plugins and takes much longer to load pages.

5. Opera

One of the most popular browsers on the RuNet, but noticeably lagging behind on the global market. Opera pleases with an abundance of interesting and unique features, such as built-in instant messengers and an email client, VPN, and many other features not inherent to its competitors, who had to come up with special add-ons. Web browser developers offer users cool mobile versions that occupy leading positions in their field.

6. Yandex.Browser

Development from Yandex, appeared in 2012. The first versions of the application were disappointing with a number of shortcomings. However, they have been corrected in new versions, and now the modern multifunctional web browser is more than a worthy competitor to Chrome. Its main difference: speed of operation (turbo mode), reading articles without loading graphics, built-in protected technology protect.

From the name you can guess that this is the brainchild of Apple. It is included in iOS and Mac OS. At the moment, this browser cannot be downloaded for Windows - Apple has removed this option from its website.


We have listed the most popular modern browsers. But there are other small browsers on the market:

  • Chromium;
  • Nichrome;
  • Comodo Dragon;
  • [email protected];
  • CoolNovo (Chrome Plus);
  • SRWare Iron.

Previously, Internet Explorer rested on its laurels, because Microsoft literally forced Windows OS users to use its browser, while there were worthy analogues. However, the bright mind and interesting innovations of talented developers from various companies, which make it easier for users to use the Internet, prevailed, and today the monopolist’s share in the world market is sharply declining. Today, the most successful is Google Chrome, but competition breeds progress, and no one knows who will be able to offer us a cooler browser tomorrow.

Today it is impossible to imagine working on the Internet without using browsers. They have become so commonplace that people don't even notice them.

Unfortunately, the consequence of this attitude is ignorance of basic issues related to Internet browsers, and, as a result, problems with finding the necessary information, inefficient use of system resources, and much more.

We will try to tell you what browsers are and why they are needed. But we'll start with definitions.

What is a browser?

Before learning a concept, it is always useful to define it.

A browser is software designed for viewing web pages, managing and working with web applications, exploring the content of web documents, and much more.

In other words, this is a multifunctional product that has become a comprehensive system for processing incoming data and ensuring user interaction with the Global Web.

They are distributed and updated completely free of charge, often as an element of the operating system.

The Rise of Browsers

The very first viewer appeared back in 1990 thanks to the efforts of the outstanding scientist Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the Internet. It was called WorldWideWeb, and later received the name Nexus.

However, this program did not gain national love, and now only a few fans and historians remember it. NCSA Mosaic gained real popularity, forming the basis for the famous Internet Explorer and the lesser-known Netscape Navigator.

Photo: launch of one of the very first browsers

The latter was developed for a wide variety of operating systems, from Unix to MAC OS. This was the reason for the disappearance of Netscape - Windows, which was gaining strength in those years, came with built-in Explorer, which was intended primarily to work in this OS.

We can say that in 1995 the first war took place in the Internet browser market, in which the brainchild of Microsoft defeated all its rivals, becoming a monopolist for many years.

The Netscape source code formed the basis of Mozilla, which at one time turned into the “Fire Fox” (from English Firefox - fire fox).

In 1995, Opera also appeared, a very interesting program at that time, but its shareware distribution greatly reduced the popularity of the project in Europe and the USA. The fallacy of this measure was recognized by its creators only in 2005.

As you can see, a lot has changed over time, but only one thing has remained constant - the irreconcilable struggle of observers with each other. A war in which all means were used to win. But this is not relevant to the topic of this article.

Video: Review

What browsers are there for a computer?

We have already given several names above.

We believe that the time has come to talk about them in more detail.

Advantages and disadvantages

We figured out what browsers are available for computers and mobile devices. Now we will try to answer the question of what their strengths and weaknesses are. Let's start, naturally, with the recent owner of the market.

Internet Explorer



Internet Explorer


Google Chrome

Internet Explorer


Mozilla Firefox

Internet Explorer


Yandex browser

Internet Explorer

For those who continue to understand the Internet and what is connected with it, today we will talk about what a browser is, what it is needed for, and also conduct a small analysis of the most popular Internet browsers today.

What is a browser and what functions does it perform?

A browser (WEB browser) is a program that allows you to view Internet sites on computer devices and gadgets. The essence of the browser is to process the user's request and load the site he requested. Now let's briefly look at what functions the browser performs.

As mentioned above, the main function of the browser is to open web pages of sites. The web pages themselves consist of code, which the browser actually receives from the server on which the site is located. The browser processes this code, and you see the “finished picture” on your monitor. In order to see what the site actually is, right-click, for example, somewhere in the side part of the site and select the item in the context menu that appears “View source code” (or “Page source code”, or something like that). similar). The correct source code is very important for the browser, since the adequate display of site pages and the performance of its functions depends on it.

Browsers allow you to save your passwords from sites so that each time you access your account on a particular resource, you do not have to re-enter your username and password. All browsers also save the history of your visits to various sites, so that if necessary, you can find the site you previously visited. Well, the last thing worth noting from the main functionality of the browser is the ability to store sites in bookmarks for memorizing them and quick access.

In addition to opening the web pages themselves, browsers allow you to download files from sites, that is, the browser downloads them. These can be programs, games, music and other files.

Modern browsers overwhelmingly support various add-ons. These add-ons may include: extensions of browser functions, informers from various resources, as well as add-ons in the form of visual themes for the browser itself. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Extensions. Vivid examples of browser extensions are extensions from antivirus programs: anti-banner and link checking module, which protect users from intrusive advertising and also check dangerous links and sites.

  • Informers. Informers are also made in the form of extensions. As the name implies, “informers” inform. The most popular informers are weather informers, informers about the arrival of new mail, messages, etc.

  • Visual themes. Visual themes allow you to change the design of the browser: tabs, buttons, background images and other elements.

It is worth noting that you can install an unlimited number of browsers on your computer, and one of them must be the main one - the default browser. The default browser is the browser that is installed as the main one in the operating system; all links and services that you go to from other programs will be opened through it.

Now let's look at the most popular browsers today.

What browsers are there?

It is very difficult to count the total number of browsers today. Below we want to look at the top five browsers that most Internet users use.

Internet Explorer browser

Internet Explorer is the standard browser that comes with the Windows operating system. That is, you will immediately be able to access the Internet through Internet Explorer. We named Internet Explorer first not because it is the most popular or the best, but because initially everyone uses it, at least to download another browser. Yes, by the way, there is a joke on many Internet computer resources: “Internet Explorer is the program with which you can download a good browser.”

Yes, there is some truth in every joke, and as you understand, this joke appeared for a reason. The fact is that Internet Explorer (IE) in our opinion is not the best browser option. Firstly, it is very slow and its slowness lies not only in the operation of the program itself, but also in opening pages. Secondly, IE opens the web pages themselves incorrectly, as they say in common parlance - “crookedly”. In addition, Internet Explorer is a very dysfunctional browser, and most importantly, its updated versions do not carry anything radically new and do not even have a hint of it. IE does not have extension integration support and does not support visual themes, which makes it quite marginal today.

The Internet Explorer browser is used mainly by beginners who do not know, do not understand, or do not really delve into the concept of what a browser is and what other browsers there are besides IE. In most cases, those users who have tried other browsers never use Internet Explorer again, which is why we recommend installing another, or rather a good browser.

Internet Explorer does not require installation as it is integrated into the Windows operating system.

Google Chrome browser

The most popular browser in the territory of the former USSR is a browser called “Google Chrome” (Russian). Chrome is a browser from Google that is not only a popular browser, but also probably the best. By the way, Chrome is a fairly young browser, but at the same time, over the several years of its existence, it has won a large army of fans.

Probably the very first advantage of this browser is its “lightness”, which consists in the fast operation of both the program itself and the quick opening of website pages. This WEB browser is well thought out and therefore very easy to use. A large number of functions is also the strong point of the Google Chrome browser. Let's look at the functional features of Chrome separately.

In our opinion, the most important functional advantage of Google Chrome is the synchronization of passwords and bookmarks in the browser with the Google server, so that by entering your login and password, you will have access to your bookmarks and passwords after reinstalling the system or on your other gadgets. This is very convenient, since, for example, when reinstalling the system, it is not as difficult to reinstall it as it is difficult to remember all your visited sites and passwords to them. And with Chrome, you just need to log in to Google, and all your bookmarks and passwords will be restored. Also among the functional features of Chrome, it is worth noting the ability to install extensions and change the design style, of which there are a large number in the Chrome Online Store, and for free. Well, the last thing that needs to be mentioned is the smart address bar, that is, in the address bar (in the field where you enter the site address), you can enter search queries - it’s universal and convenient.

To download the Chrome browser to your computer, go to: “”.

Browser Mozilla Firefox

The next browser we would like to consider is Mozilla Firefox. The Mozilla Firefox browser has been around for about 10 years and is one of the old-timers among web browsers. Mozilla Firefox is used mainly by webmasters and advanced users due to its correct and correct display of website pages.

Among the functional features of Mozilla, it is worth highlighting the presence of a huge number of plugins (extensions), the number of which significantly exceeds the range of extensions in Chrome. In addition, Mazil Firefox has the ability to change the visual style of the browser, which is also an advantage.

Despite all this, Mozilla Firefox is a rather “heavy” browser. Compared to other browsers, it takes a little longer to launch, and sometimes freezes and slows down, even on a fairly powerful computer. If we compare Mozilla Firefox with the aforementioned Chrome, then the disadvantage of the first is the lack of synchronization of bookmarks and passwords. Therefore, if there is no special need to use Mazila, then it is better not to use it as the main browser.

You can download the Mozilla Firefox browser from the official website of the browser: “”.

Opera browser

The Opera browser is the elder among browsers, which has existed for almost 20 years. The Opera browser is quite lightweight and convenient. Among the functional features, we can highlight support for widgets and plugins, but they are not widely used. It is worth noting the Turbo function, which allows you to load pages faster with a slow Internet connection or to save traffic by compressing it, but, as a rule, today this function is relevant for laptop owners on limited 3G Internet plans.

Analyzing the Opera browser, it’s impossible to say anything bad about it, but it’s also difficult to single out something good. In our opinion, Opera lacks a certain charisma that would make it stand out among the above browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

You can download the Opera browser from its main page: “”.

And finally, we should say about the fifth browser, which in our opinion deserves its place in our top five. Yandex Browser is the last on our list, but not the least important. Although the first mentioned is Internet Explorer, it is far from a leader, and perhaps even an outsider in our list of top browsers.

As for the Yandex browser, this is the youngest browser developed by Yandex. This browser has only been around for about a year, but despite its novelty, it is quickly gaining its audience. Probably Yandex wanted something more serious than intrusively integrating its Yandex.Bar (add-on with its services) into other browsers, so the company’s developers decided to create their own full-fledged browser. It’s somewhat difficult to call Yandex.Browser “our own,” since it’s the same Chrome, with a slightly redesigned design and some additionally implemented functions. One such additional feature is the Turbo feature, which was borrowed from the Opera browser. Let's analyze Yandex.Browser in more detail.

The Yandex browser is made on the same engine as Chrome, so they have a similar appearance and similar functionality. New versions of Yandex Browser now allow you to synchronize your passwords and bookmarks with the Yandex server. The Yandex browser also allows you to install extensions, but they must be installed manually, since Yandex does not have its own store for downloading add-ons. It is worth noting that it is possible to set a background image, but, unfortunately, there is no ability to change the background of the navigation bar in the browser. But there is a convenient “Scoreboard” - a panel with website icons for quickly opening them, which is very original and convenient. You can also note the ability to search for a query in different search engines from the “smart line” of this browser by selecting the desired search engine below.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that Yandex.Browser is the same as Chrome, but more focused on Russian-speaking users living in the CIS. If you decide to remove Yandex.Browser, then .

To download the browser from Yandex, go to its official page: “”.

Which browser should you choose?

It would be wrong to give an unambiguous and categorical answer to the question: which browser to choose. Each browser has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as its own characteristics, so for each user, “their own” browser is the best. For example, some people prefer the Chrome browser for its simplicity, integration of passwords and bookmarks with Google, and others prefer Mozilla Firefox for its huge number of different add-ons. Despite the fact that the browsers are all the same in structure, they have their own visual differences, which significantly distinguishes them from each other. In order to determine which browser to choose and which one is best for you, you need to try them all to make this decision for yourself.

Choosing a browser is simple: just download any of the most popular ones and, sooner or later, you will definitely get used to it. But in order for the process of learning and further use to be as comfortable as possible, you must know what to look for and count on. Here is a list of the most famous free browsers for Windows 7/8/10. Downloading them and trying them yourself is the best option, but take the time to read the entire text and save time.

Google Chrome - the forefront of web technologies

Google Chrome is the most popular browser today, installed on almost every computer. At first, Chrome gained popularity for its speed and flexibility in settings, including through the installation of browser extensions. Now this is not the fastest browser, but the most functional with support for all innovations in web technologies. A truly huge library of add-ons allows you to get any functionality.

Chrome has the Chromium engine under its hood, which has become the standard for modern browsers. Most popular browsers are made using the Chromium engine. The engine is responsible for rendering the code of pages and scripts -> into a visible page on the monitor screen.

Browser advantages:

  • All kinds of extensions that can replace standard programs
  • Failure control allows you to keep your browser working even if there is an error in one of the open windows
  • Warning the user about visiting malicious sites
  • Import settings from any browser
  • Multilingual interface
  • Automatic updates
  • There is a developer toolbar
  • with a Google account
  • The built-in task manager allows you to assess which tabs are consuming a lot of processor and memory resources
  • Bookmarks are not very convenient, there are no built-in visual bookmarks, but there are
  • Works poorly with many open tabs, and eats up a lot of memory, but frees it up the fastest after closing them.

Currently, Google Chrome is considered the best browser for Windows 7 and Windows 8/10. But to each his own. For example, I don’t like the uninformative download manager when opening many tabs. True, there is an extension called The Great Suspender, which, after a specified time, frees memory from unused tabs. But Chrome doesn’t close them, and to see these pages again, you just need to refresh them.

Chrome launches the fastest in Windows 7, but in Windows 7 and 10 things are bad - the loading time increases up to two times!

Opera is the best choice

There is perhaps no browser that is clearer, more understandable and easier to learn for a beginner than Opera. Although Opera now runs on the Chromium engine, it has everything you need for surfing without installing additional extensions.

I used to use Opera because of its convenient visual bookmarks (tiles with the most necessary sites on an empty tab) and the file download manager. Here it is done very conveniently and clearly. Opera is the best browser for working with many open tabs, and in general. You can keep several dozen sites open, and this will not particularly affect the speed of work.

Particularly useful in today's realities, built-in and unlimited traffic. And plus there is a “Turbo” function for compressing transmitted data for . But here you need to experiment. Sometimes, on a slow connection, the opposite effect occurs - the speed decreases even more.