How to search for contact records. How to start a search in a group using VKontakte entries and why you need it

I recently saw something on VK and lost it, can’t find it? We are looking here. All ways to find a post (post on the wall, in a feed) on VKontakte, photo, video, bookmark.

How to find a post you liked

Everything you marked with the “Like” button on VKontakte(that is, “liked”, “liked”, “liked”), you can find it at any time using this link: My likes. There you can choose what to look for: photos, videos, posts, people, products, links. If you need to find a friend's post, a post in a group, open this link and select only "Records" and uncheck the rest - you will see all the posts that you liked, starting with the most recent (that is, the older ones go down below). By filter "Photos" you will find all the photos you liked, and by filter "Video"- videos, clips, films.

Is it possible to find something that another person liked?

There is no such function; it is impossible to find all the “Like” marks (likes) of another VKontakte user. This is due to privacy, because not everyone would like their likes to be viewed by any other person. You can only manually view the groups he visits and look for his likes there.

How to open bookmarks

There are all the people, groups, public pages and other links that you have bookmarked. By default, you see all materials (posts, articles, videos), and people and communities are in the section Bookmarked pages and people.

By the way, to add a person, group or public to bookmarks, you need to go to his page, click on the button with three dots and then click "Add to bookmarks".

How to find a post on VK by keywords, phrases, text

Try the standard search function in VK. In the full version of the site, the search is located at the top, and in the mobile application - under the button in the bottom row in the form of a magnifying glass.

Click on the empty search field and enter the words or phrase that were in the post. As you type, VK begins to suggest search results. To find a particular post, you need to select the “News” filter. To do this, in the full version of VK, click "Show all results" and then in the right column select "News", and find it in the app on your phone "News" in the list at the top ("All people"...), which needs to be moved to the left. The found entries will be shown in reverse chronological order, from newest to oldest.

Application for searching posts

There is an application for searching posts in the news feed - on the walls of all your VKontakte friends (as well as in subscriptions, groups, public pages that you read and in events in which you participate). You can find a post by certain words that are in it. The author himself describes it this way:

I came across this situation recently. You are scrolling through your feed, saw a post, read it, and forgot. And a couple of days later you suddenly really needed it, but you don’t even remember whose wall you saw it on. What to do?

The application is called "

The VKontakte website is intended for active communication. However, this social network has many communities and personal pages where you can read information: both useful and not so useful. Posts are posted on the walls every day. If you once saw a useful post, but didn't read it, and now want to return to it, you need to try to find it on the wall.

It is quite possible to find a certain post on the wall among their endless variety. You can search through posts in a VKontakte group by keyword or phrase, as well as date.

Follow the instructions below to run a search for posts in a group:
1.Go to the “Groups” block. It is the fifth item on the menu. Go to the community you need.

2. Click on the magnifying glass above the wall.

3. Write a query in the search field. This could be a key phrase or word. Click Enter on your keyboard. The results will show matches.

Let's expand the possibilities a little

This method allows you to find a post on a wall by date.
1.Click on “Community Posts” above the group wall.

2.Launch the “Search by Records” section. Here you can select a date in the calendar if you know what date the post was from. The standard search method is also available here.

Using these two methods, you can also find your post on the wall in groups, since you will know exactly when it was published and what exactly was written there. Unfortunately, you cannot set, for example, a parameter such as “search by people who published posts on this wall.”

When to search by dates and when by keywords? It is better to look for publications with pictures by date, as they are not always accompanied by text. Accordingly, entering key phrases from the text in the pictures is useless.

Enter a date that precedes the one you need if you don’t know what date the publication was made. For example, you remember that the desired entry is in January, select the end of December. This will display part of the tape starting from the specified date. All you have to do is scroll a little.

Search on personal page

Data on personal pages is located in the same way as posts in communities. Searching for information of interest by scrolling through the wall, if there are a lot of publications and if it is some old post, does not make sense - you will simply waste your precious time. By the way, you may never find it.

Looking for news publications

You can also search for an entry in your VKontakte news if you are a member of a small number of communities and follow several people. If your news feed is updated every minute, the chances of success are low if you just scroll through the feed.

If you don't know which group a post is from, click on the "News" section in the main menu, and then move your gaze to the list of blocks on the right. There, click on the “Search” option. The general system feed will open, but with a search bar at the top. There you can enter keywords and phrases.

Just below there will be a “Search Options” section. They are as follows:

  1. Post type: comments only or copies only.
  2. Attachments: notes, photos, videos and more.
  3. Number of likes.
  4. Link mentions. Enter the page address if you have one.
  5. Content mentions.
  6. Geolocation.

If you know which community the post is in, go directly to it and search for the group’s news.

Searching on the wall is a fairly simple and convenient option. With it you can find the necessary information in just a couple of minutes - just enter the query and that’s it.

The social network offers a convenient and flexible tool for finding the desired publication. If you know approximately when it was posted, you can easily find it in the feed. If you don't know the dates, remember the keywords contained in the post.

Sometimes you like some post on VKontakte, but then time passes, the feed is updated - and that post can no longer be found...

Question: “A lot of news comes out in one public page per day. How can I get to records from, for example, 2010? Scrolling down and looking for it is unrealistic, and it’s a long procedure. Is there any other way?

Answer: Yes, there is a way to get to the desired date - you can go to the main page of the public, click on the number of publications (the link on a light blue background above the latest news), and only the news feed for this community will open. A little to the right above the feed there is a link to search among all entries - this is almost what you need. Under the search query text input field, find the “Records from a specific date” link, click it and indicate the date that is obviously prior to the one you need (for example, you remember that the desired record is in April, select the end of March). Part of the feed will open, starting from the specified date, so it will be easier to scroll through.

It’s even more convenient to use the search itself if you remember exactly the words or expressions that were in the news (for example, to find entries and comments about “authorization of designers,” just enter this phrase into the text line - and the VKontakte search can incline the search query, that is for “tolerance” there are also “tolerance”, “tolerance”, etc.). This move - direct search by keywords - does not always work, because some of the content in VK communities is contained in pictures, and the text in the images is not indexed (not searched).

And let nothing else be lost for you :)

Do you spend your days on VKontakte? Do you have many friends or even your own group? Make money from it! Start paying for your internet next month! Unlimited income in the future! PS: Everything is legal. Not only VKontakte, also Twitter, Facebook, various forums and communities. You need to write comments, texts of articles, make translations, even just like and retweet - there are paid tasks for any hobbies and skills.

How to find a post in a VKontakte group?

Groups, Popular Questions

Most of the well-promoted and large communities of the VKontakte social network have tens of thousands of entries in their arsenal, and if you are wondering how to find something specific and very necessary among so many, you have come to the right place. In groups you can also search for likes on the posts of any user who interests you. Now we will look together at how to find a specific post in a VKontakte group.

We go to the community in which you are going to search. Click on the number of posts on the wall.

You will be redirected to a new page where all the posts of the selected group are located. In the upper right corner, click on “Go to Search”.

A search field appears in the window that opens. Here you can enter a keyword phrase or word that is related to the group post you are looking for.

You also have the option to select a date to narrow down the results found.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in searching for records. Now let's look at a similar procedure for the new VKontakte design.

How to find a post in a group in the new VKontakte design?

The new interface does not show the number of posts for communities, so you should click on the “Community Posts” heading.

Unlike the old design, you can start searching for a key phrase on the page that opens; the developers have organized an input field immediately above the list of entries.

To use the date parameter, select the “Search by records” column and a separate page will open where you can select any date you need.

Thus, in general the instructions are the same, only minor external changes have occurred. I hope this information helps you, good luck with your search, thank you for your attention!

How to find a post in a VKontakte group?

Has it ever happened to you that, having seen an interesting post in some VKontakte community, you forgot to save it and now you can’t find it among hundreds of messages on the wall? I think many VKontakte users had such unpleasant moments. But few people know how to find a post in a VKontakte group. I hope the information is useful to you.

Since all VKontakte users have been transferred to the new site design, this article has lost its relevance, group search in the new design has become much better. Search by VKontakte group is now located here:

So, to find a post in a VKontakte group, we need to remember a few key phrases from this post. Go to the desired group and click on the number of posts on the community wall.

In the upper right corner we find the “Go to search” link.

Now we need to remember key phrases with which we can easily find the desired post.

But the search functionality does not end there; you can use the filter of records by date. To do this, click on the “Records before a specific date” link and select the desired date.

I hope this little instruction will help you find the posts you need on the VKontakte group wall.

How to find a post on a VKontakte wall

Hi all! Today we will talk about how easier, and therefore faster, you can find any post on the wall in contact. I'll try to be brief.

“VKontakte” is a social network where you can not only communicate, but also read useful information. This information is available in abundance on community pages. All communities have different topics and the information found in them is different. Then the question of finding the right record arises. If you are interested in a specific date or topic, you can find a suitable post using the search.

How to find a post on a wall in contact? All you need to do is follow a few simple steps.

Instructions for searching for contact records:

  1. Go to the community, we find the news wall. On the left is the inscription “Community Posts”. Place the cursor over the inscription and click on it with the mouse.

  1. A search page opens in front of us.
  1. Enter any phrase or word of interest. For example, we are interested in “Habit”. Enter this word in the line and press “Enter” or the “magnifying glass” icon. Below we will see a list of entries related to the word “Habit”. You can also enter extended phrases: “Bad habit”, “Good habit”, etc.

  1. You can also search for entries by date. To do this, click on the calendar icon and enter the date of interest in the calendar that appears.

Search for posts on your page

Using the same algorithm, you search for VK posts on your wall. Many users also have a lot of different posts published on their page, so it’s not practical to search for the one you’re interested in by scrolling through the wall. The functionality of the social network allows you to do this much faster.

Searching a wall in contact is a very simple and convenient option. It allows you to find the information you need in just a few minutes.

I hope after reading the instructions you don’t have any questions. If there are any left, then feel free to ask them.

No, not only. By clicking like, you take your favorite post or photo, or music, etc. to your archive. And you can view them very simply by going to the “Bookmarks” section of the menu.

Can I see the community archives? Or only through page scrolling?

Of course you can. If you see that there are a lot of posts on the wall, just click on the number of posts and a strip with page numbers will open in front of you. You can start browsing from the last one (historically, the first one), and, scrolling through in portions of 10 pieces, see how the community has evolved and which posts aroused the greatest interest (likes and reposts).

Is it possible to find the desired thematic post among the many posts on the wall?

Of course, there is a function to search for words (phrases) on the community wall. The “Go to Search” function will appear as soon as you have requested a page-by-page archive of posts. There is also an advanced search function in your news feed (it looks for words, links to sites, links to posts in VK itself, posts that hold the record for likes, etc.). And this is in addition to the usual search for people and communities.

Is it possible to somehow clear the news feed of unnecessary, uninteresting entries?

Certainly. The news feed is fully customizable - from which of your friends and from the communities in which you are a member do you want to receive news, and from whom do you not. Just check or uncheck the boxes in the “Customize news” section.

Besides the news feed, what else can be broadcast to my account, and where can I see it all?

They can write you personal messages, notify you of their desire to make friends, etc. You can independently adjust the frequency of notifications, for example, if you are in important correspondence, you can order instant notifications via SMS (this is free) or email, and if you don’t want to have extra hassle, you can refuse any notifications altogether. All this can be edited in the “Alerts” section.

And if I conduct business correspondence on VK, can I somehow sort my friends according to certain criteria (except for “friends from school”, by university, relatives, etc.)?

Certainly! Lists are used for these purposes. You create the necessary lists (clients, potential clients, etc.), in approximately the same way as is customary to do in CRM (customer relationship management) systems, and after that your friends will be sorted into separate folders (which is especially convenient with a large number of friends).

How can you assess the attractiveness of a community for advertising? For example, am I interested in a certain thematic group, and are there people from my city in it?

There is nothing simpler: click on the “Subscribers” (“Participants”) section, and in the open window with photos of people, select the “Search by subscribers” item. In the menu that opens, you can search for community members using many criteria - place of residence, position, year of birth, etc. In addition, you can use the sorting function - for example, to see those who have been added recently (the default is to sort by popularity).

But what if there are more than a hundred thousand members in the group? After all, it is known that VK produces no more than 1000 results in searches?

In this case, it is better to segment the audience: for example, by age, by location, etc.

High-quality posts are the basis of any VKontakte community. Thanks to published content, you can increase the loyalty of your target audience, increase sales and the number of new participants. Working with the target audience involves publishing thematic content. Before you start promoting a group, you should review all your content, for which you run a VKontakte search in the group by posts. Productive writing means working with your outline of articles and reviewing and analyzing the most interesting ideas.

Productive work with VKontakte posts and searching for posts - an example

Interesting posts receive more likes and reposts, it becomes clear that you need to search for your interesting posts.

Thanks to great posts, the likelihood that a particular post will go viral increases, which will increase the natural growth of subscribers.

One example of how quality posts have increased audience engagement in a group is a community dedicated to small business ideas.

At the initial stages of development, the public administration posted 4-5 different ideas copied from third-party sites. At the same time, advertising was purchased to promote the community. The number of new members was increasing, but audience involvement and interest in the group was at a low level.

After this, the public administrators decided to change the approach to creating publications and try to diversify it as much as possible. They ran a search, did some analysis, and found out what was popular. So, along with regular text notes, they began publishing audio books, videos from conferences, and interviews with experts.

This allowed us to increase the number of likes, reposts and unique visitors to the community. Also, thanks to high-quality posts that were interesting to the target audience, the percentage of conversion to subscriptions increased and the cost of attracting one participant decreased.

Types of posts and working with them on VKontakte

There are 4 main types of content on VKontakte. Let's briefly look at each of them:

  1. Text. Classic text notes. Try not to create very lengthy publications, as social network users do not like to read long texts.
  2. Images. The simplest type of content. It is most often used in entertainment communities.
  3. Audio recordings. This type of content is great for creating interviews.
  4. Video recordings. In recent years, video has become increasingly popular. For this reason, try to publish as much content as possible in video format to increase user engagement.

Working with posts – searching for posts by tags

How to search for posts in a VK group? There are several different ways to do this:

  1. Using the community posts search tool.
  2. Using hashtags.

To use the search, go to the community you need. On the group wall in the upper right corner there is an icon in the form of a magnifying glass. Click on it.

After this, a line will open to enter key phrases for the search.

Enter the word or phrase by which you want to find the entry. For example, if you went to a group with recipes, then enter the name of the recipe you need and if it is in the community of your choice, then using this tool you will find it among all posts.

To search by tags, enter a hashtag in the search keywords field.

To search for records on mobile devices you need to:

  1. Open the group you need.
  2. In the action section, which is located in front of the public wall, select the “Search by posts” item.
  3. A new window will open where you can enter a keyword or hashtag to search.

You can also add your comment to the post, which will be displayed on your wall.

To edit already created publications, you need to open the post management menu.

Select “Edit” from the pop-up menu.

Now you can make any changes to the post: change the text, add an audio or video file, attach a poll, etc.

Once all changes have been made click on the save button to complete the process.

Also, many users have a question about how to tag a group on a VK post. Everything is very simple.

To do this, when creating a post, enter the “@” symbol.

The system will automatically prompt you to select any group of which you are an administrator.

This will allow you to tag the group and create a clickable link in your post to it.

Creating deferred publications

If you are thinking about automating the process of adding posts, then you are probably concerned about the question of how to postpone the publication of posts in a VK group. There are several ways to do this.

In the first case, you need to use the “Timer” tool in the VKontakte social network itself.

To do this, go to the record creation mode.

Expand the More menu and select the Timer function.

After this, indicate the date and time for the release of the planned material.

The second way to create deferred publications is the service and its analogues.

To work with the service, you need to register in the system and log in using your VK account.

In your personal account, you can create scheduled publications for your communities.

Free use of the service allows you to publish 50 posts per month. To increase the limit, you must pay for one of the available tariff plans in the system.

Possible problems

Now let's look at possible problems when working with entries in VK groups in order to avoid them in the future.

Lack of ideas for content. Very often, community administrators have problems with ideas for creating high-quality and interesting materials. The solution to this problem could be:

  • analysis of competitors on VKontakte;
  • searching for interesting ideas on thematic websites, both Russian-language and foreign;
  • watching YouTube videos and borrowing some ideas from them.

The most important thing is not to copy other people’s publications, but to try to create original posts.

Bottom line

Based on all the information, we can conclude that creating high-quality posts that are interesting to the target audience is easier than it might seem at first glance.

Make your content as interesting as possible for your target audience and the result in the form of increased coverage and new subscribers will not take long to arrive.