How to add a new layer in Photoshop. How to create a new layer in Photoshop

All work in Photoshop happens on layers. We will look at how to work with layers, what they are, what layers there are, in this article.

Layers in Photoshop have the same function as layers in the physical world. Imagine a stack of photographs or office files. Sheets with images, inscriptions, geometric shapes can be folded into a stack and swapped, thrown away, and new ones added.

Working with layers in Photoshop

If you start the program, you won’t be able to start working in it until a new layer is created or any image is open. Layers are placed on the layers palette, indicated in red in the figure below. Layers are also managed there.

Layers palette items:

  • 1. Filters for selecting in the list of layers by attribute.
  • 2. List for selecting layer blending mode.
  • 3. Control layer transparency.
  • 4. Layer settings that allow you to preserve colors or pixel transparency lock the layer to a specific location.
  • 5. Controlling layer fill density.
  • 6. List of working layers. Icon "Eye" allows you to hide or show the visibility of a layer.
  • 7. Pictograms:
links layers
layer styles (stroke, shadow, etc.)
layer "Mask"
list of adjustment layers
allows you to combine layers into a group
create a new layer
delete layer
  • 8. Bookmarks. Here you can work with a list of layers, or with the color channels of a separate layer.

What can you do with layers?

You can create layers, change the blending mode, change layer styles (make a layer stroke or shadow), make them more transparent, copy, duplicate, transform, combine layers into a group, drag higher or lower relative to other layers, make visible or hide, pin layers to each other after each other (in this case, the layer effects will be applied only to the attached layer), merge (in this case, all layers are merged into one image). Next we will look at everything in more detail.

How to change the layer name?

Any image in Photoshop is a layer. If you opened a photo, its name will become the name of the layer. The new layer will be named "layer 0" by default. In each subsequent layer, the numerical part of the name will change in increasing order. To change the name of a layer, double-click directly on the name, highlighting it in blue. Then enter the new name using the keyboard. This is necessary for multi-layer collages, retouching and other works, in order to avoid confusion. It is better if the layer name is targeted, reflecting the task that this layer performs in your work.

You can create a new layer in Photoshop using the keys Shift+Ctrl+N or by clicking on the icon in the bottom panel of the layers palette, as described in the table above. To delete a layer, you need to select it (just move the cursor and single-click to select the layer), then click Delete on the keyboard or the icon at the bottom of the layers palette.

For image processing, it is better to work with a duplicate layer, leaving the original layer untouched. If something goes wrong in your work, you can quickly restore the image from the original layer. You can create a duplicate layer by clicking Ctrl+J.

You can copy a layer or a section of it in Photoshop by selecting the layer image with any selection tool. For example, Rectangle Select Tool. Then press Ctrl+C(copy) and Ctrl+V(insert).

Layers can interact with each other. For example, by changing the layer blending mode, you can achieve interesting effects.

If you create a white or black layer above the picture and change the blending mode from “Normal”/Normal on “Overlay”/Overlay, the picture will lighten/darken.

Another example of layer interaction is changing the opacity of the top layer.

Place the second one above the first layer - it’s good if the pictures are different. Shifting "Opacity" the top layer to a smaller extent, you will make the image more transparent and see the overlay of one image on another.

To outline a layer in Photoshop, you need to go to Blending Options(bottom panel in the layers palette).

Select the item there “Stroke”/Stroke.

In the window that opens, select the necessary parameters and get a frame around the layer. In the picture, a stroke is applied to the layer to which we copied a section of the image.

You can also easily create a shadow or glow around the layer.

To change the size of a layer in Photoshop, just place the cursor on it and press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T, thereby highlighting it. You will see a frame with nodes. By dragging these nodes, you can make the layer smaller or larger. In order not to distort the image, you need to transform while holding down the key Shift. After the transformation is complete, click Enter. In addition to increasing and decreasing, transformations such as "Distort" And Warp. They allow you to change the perspective and shape of the image. You can call them after pressing Ctrl+T by right-clicking in the context menu. Control is carried out by moving the grid nodes.

Layers can be combined into one image. To merge layers in Photoshop, you need to select the desired layers in the layers palette while holding Shift. Then right-click and select from the list “Merge Down”. If you need to merge all layers, then select “Merge Visible”.

Adjustment Layers

This type of layer allows you to process an image without making changes to it. All actions take place on the adjustment layer, but the effect is visible on the processed image. Adjustment layers are called up in the bottom panel of the layers palette by clicking on the icon.

There are many methods for retouching and color correcting images using adjustment layers. Several of these layers can be applied to one image. Below is an example of applying an adjustment layer. “Hue / Saturation” / Hue / Saturation.

To make a layer invisible, just click on the icon "Eye" opposite the layer.

When making collages of multiple images, you can apply an adjustment layer to only one of them. Although, as a rule, this layer affects all images below it. To make it apply to only one, hold Alt, click between the adjustment layer and the image layer. An arrow will appear on the adjustment layer, pointing to the layer to which the adjustment is attached.

To avoid confusion, the list provides a layer grouping function. To group layers, you need to select them in the list by holding Shift. Then press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+G. A group of layers can be hidden in the same way as a regular layer. To do this, click on the image "Eye" opposite a group of layers or a single layer. Grouping layers is convenient to use when creating collages. Below is an example. Children, wall, background, road, shadow - different images used for one collage. The light is drawn on separate layers, collected in one group.

To move a layer in the list below, grab it and drag while holding down the left mouse button.

Working with layers is how Photoshop works, and the faster you master them, the easier it will be for you to work in the program. Working with layers in Photoshop is very easy. Practice what you have learned often, and soon you will be amazed at your own work.

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Welcome future Photoshop masters to my Start-Luck blog! Photoshop is an art that many people dream of mastering. Why pay for expensive treatments, if you can work miracles on your own: from weight loss to weight change and Of course, in words everything sounds very simple, but in practice...

We entered Photoshop for the first time and when we saw such an extensive toolbar, we were perplexed. The first question is: “what is it and what is it eaten with?” So, to master FS, you need to be patient and start small. Now I will tell you how to create an empty layer in Photoshop. To do this, I will explain both theoretically and practically.

What we will talk about today is the first and most important stage in Photoshop.

I write for those for whom layers are a dark forest. The first rule you should remember when working with Adobe Photoshop is that layers are very important! I know now you don’t quite understand what we’re talking about. But, reading the article further, you will see that everything is primitively simple.

What is a layer?

To explain it as clearly as possible, I will say that a layer in Photoshop is the same as in real life. Where else besides Photoshop can we come across this term?

  • The atmosphere of our planet consists of several layers;
  • Sometimes when decorating an apartment or house, we cover the walls not with one, but with several layers of paint;
  • Shrek, like onions, consists of layers;
  • Spread a thick layer of butter on the sandwich.

It's about the same in Photoshop. So in order to see this blank layer, of course, you need to create it first. Click on File and select New. The following window will pop up:

So, the first method: in the main menu, go to the Layer tab, then go to New, and then back to Layer (you are already familiar with this word). The following window will appear on the screen:

By the way, you can enter a name, although this is not at all necessary. But, leave all other parameters as you see in the photo.

Another way is as follows: on the right side of the Photoshop desktop there should be a special window that allows you to create. If it is missing, you can call it with the F7 hotkey. Now, when it is already in front of us, look for an arrow in it (shown in the photo below). By clicking on it, you will be automatically transferred to the menu where the New Layer item we need will be. By clicking on it, a familiar window will appear in front of you.

The next, namely the third method on the list is very simple - you need to use the following combination: Shift-Ctrl-N. That's it, job done. By the way, we will see this in the toolbar on the right:

This checkerboard determines transparency.

On your desktop, where you plan to start your creativity, this chessboard will not show itself in any way, the situation will not change, the background will continue to be just white.

For example, if you put A4 paper on the table (which we are basically going to work on), and put a transparent file on it, the situation won’t change, right? and will continue to be white.

To finally see this layer, you need to create something on it, draw, write... For clarity, I draw a circle (we imagine that this is the head of a future specialist in the FS industry). I offer you to work with me. The photo shows our art.

On this chessboard we see a circle - that is, our works. The white background at the bottom is the main background.

To the left of the created layer or the main background, we see an eye in small icons - it says that the background is visible, but the brush indicates that this layer is currently active, it is with it that we are now working.

Try to pick up the eye by clicking on it. The following picture will appear on the desktop:

As you might guess, for maximum understanding of what this term is and what it is used for, we work on two fronts: in real life and “virtually” - in the program. At the moment, in “real life” we get:

I hope you understand that on the head, which is in a transparent file on a white A4 sheet, this is the same as a drawn circle on a new layer in Photoshop.

So, we have a head, let's continue to work. Let's begin the process of creating the body and hands of the future master. To do this, we need to add a layer again (yes, another one!).

In the program, the completed work will look like this:

But in real life the image would look different:

We just have to do our legs. Well, let's create it again. Hurray, there is a ready-made character. As you can see in the picture, I swapped the layers, that is, I dragged the legs under the shirt so that it was above the legs.

You shouldn't judge the resulting person too harshly. Yes, he is a little shapeless, scary, and faceless. But we weren’t learning how to create miracles now, we were studying the principle of how layers work.

But what happens to the real drawing?

To complete the overall image, let's add an easel. To do this, as always, we create what? That's right, layer! This is what we have now.

But in reality we get:

You can study the nuances for a very long time: how to duplicate, copy or block. But for today it is enough that we have learned and understood what they are.

Little tricks

Now I’ll write some tips that will definitely come in handy in the future.

Create more layers. There is no need to sculpt everything on one layer, especially in the main background. Every time you want to add something new (even to add a small line), create a new layer anyway. This will allow further work to correct, change, delete, and so on. You can also give layers specific names to make them easier to work with in the future, for example: “can be deleted” or “add transparency.”

I told you about one of the first steps in Photoshop, which you can work with in Cs6, Cs5 or Cs7. If you would like to continue your studies right now, I recommend contacting “ Photoshop from scratch in video format " There is a lot of interesting, useful and fascinating information here that will allow you to rise one step higher in the “Photoshop” industry.

Well, I finished my next story and I really hope that the information was useful to you. I will be glad if you share it with your friends on social networks. Subscribe and see you again!

Understanding Image Layers in Photoshop

You can think of each Photoshop document as a stack of sheets of paper stacked on top of each other. Each Photoshop document can consist of a single layer (Background) or a large number of layers of varying degrees of transparency (fully transparent, opaque or translucent). Each layer contains separate image fragments. Through the transparent and translucent areas of those layers placed above, you can see the contents of the lower layers.

Document layers in Photoshop can be moved to change the position and visibility of individual image fragments, similar to rearranging sheets of paper in a stack, changing their order. It is also possible to change the opacity level of any layer to make its contents transparent or translucent.

In addition, in Photoshop there are also layer masks, there are adjustment layers, the purpose of which is to display one or all layers located below with some effect. For example, darkening, brightening, increasing color saturation, displaying only part of the layer.

The main purpose of a tool such as a layer is the ability to compose one image from several disparate elements and work with each layer separately without changing the others.

Basic actions with layers are carried out in the Photoshop Layers palette. To open it, you need to execute the command Windows (Window)\u003e Layers (Layers). Each layer in this palette has a separate line with its thumbnail and name.

What is an active layer?

You can create or edit an image in Photoshop only in the layer that is currently active.

You can determine which layer is active in the Layers palette - its row is highlighted. To make another layer active, you just need to click on it with the mouse in the Layers palette. Some actions can be performed simultaneously in several layers, for example, resizing a fragment of an image. To do this, select several layers at once (use the Ctrl or Shift keys).

Changing the order of layers, turning layers on, off and linking

Image layers in Photoshop can be moved higher or lower by simply dragging the layer with the mouse in the Layers palette. They can be turned off (made invisible) by clicking on the eye image in the palette. Turned off layers do not disappear anywhere, even after closing the document (image). If you then, in the next session, open the image with some layers turned off, you can turn them on again.

Layers in Photoshop can be linked to each other, combined into a group so that their relative position does not change. If you try to change the position of one of the connected layers, all the layers connected to it will move. To do this, at the bottom of the Layers palette, click the Link button as a chain fragment. The selected layers will be linked to each other, and a chain icon will appear in the Layers palette opposite their names.

How to add a new layer?

In Photoshop, very often a new layer is created automatically (for example, when inserting a fragment of one image into another), but periodically there is a need to do it manually, to add a new empty layer.

To add a new blank layer in Photoshop CS4, do one of the following:

  • Method 1: Make active (select) in the Layers palette the layer above which you want to create a new empty layer, and at the bottom of the same palette, click on the Create New Layer button. A new empty transparent layer will appear in the Layers palette and automatically become active - the selection will move to it. This method of adding layers is the fastest.
  • Method 2: Make active (select) in the Layers palette the layer above which you want to create a new layer and in the menu bar select Layers → New → Layer. As a result, the New Layer dialog box will appear on the screen, in which you will need to set the layer parameters (you can immediately click OK).
In the Name field, you can leave the default value (Layer1, for example), but it is better to enter a meaningful name for the layer. You can also rename the layer later: double-click on the layer name in the layers palette, and enter any descriptive name!

Layer Properties

All layers together have the following properties:

  • Opacity - characterizes the degree of transparency of all pixels of a layer, that is, how much the contents of the layer located below will appear through the image on this layer.
  • Visibility - a layer can be turned on or off in the Layers palette in Photoshop. Accordingly, it will be either visible or invisible.
  • Blending mode - characterizes how this layer is connected to what lies below. By default, in Adobe Photoshop, connections are based on transparency, but there are different options for mixing the pixels of a given layer with the pixels of the underlying layer.

Using the Opacity slider, if desired, adjust the opacity of the layer, that is, how much the content of the underlying layer will be visible through the subsequent contents of the layer.

The Fill option does almost the same thing as Opasity, it reduces the opacity of the layer, but unlike Opasity, the option has one remarkable feature: by reducing the opacity of the layer, it leaves all Layer Styles applied to the image visible. More details:

Duplicate a layer

Duplicating a layer involves creating a new layer that is an exact copy of some other layer: with the same content, position, etc. In this case, the name of the duplicate layer is made up of the name of the original layer with the addition of a copy layer (copy). A new copy layer is placed above the original.

Using duplicate layers allows you to store the original image on one of the layers, and carry out all changes and editing procedures with a copy of the image located on the duplicate layer. If the changes were unsuccessful, you can disable the modified duplicate at any time and return to the original image.

How to create a duplicate layer?

This can be done in several ways:

  • 1 way. Right-click on the layer name in the Layers palette and select the Duplicate Layer command from the context menu that appears.
  • Method 2. In the Layers palette, grab the layer you want to duplicate with the mouse and drag it with the mouse (without releasing the mouse button) to the Create New Layer button. As soon as you release the mouse button, a copy of the layer will appear above its original.

Merging layers

Layer merging is a process that allows you to merge several layers into one, thereby reducing the number of layers in an open document. When work on a fragment of an image is completed, all the layers that make it up can be combined. To do this, select the layers to be merged and execute the context menu command Merge.

To merge all visible layers, right-click on the current layer in the Layers palette and select the Merge Visible command from the context menu that appears. In addition, you can use the menu bar selection Layers → Merge Visible or press the hotkey “SHIFT” + “CTRL” + “E” - this option for merging layers is a tool for merging all visible layers.

Removing layers

There are quite a few ways to remove layers in Photoshop CS4. The most basic:

You can delete a layer by grabbing it with the mouse in the Layers palette and, without releasing the mouse button, dragging it to the trash can icon in the lower right corner of the same panel.

You can simply right-click on the layer in the Layers palette and select Delete Layer from the context menu that appears. To conveniently get rid of all invisible layers, use the menu bar selection Layers → Delete → Layers.

Layer Styles

A layer style is a collection of properties and . You can create styles yourself or use ready-made ones. More details:

You can apply styles to layers in Photoshop, available from the Layers > Styles menu. For example, you can apply the “Shadow” style, and from all objects of this layer a falling shadow will be formed on the layer located below.

Basic Layer Types

There are 5 main types of layers in Photoshop CS4:

  • Normal layer - contains a pixel image of an object, which can be edited using Photoshop tools;
  • Text layer - contains vector text, which can be edited using special text tools;
  • Adjustment layer - used to create special adjustment effects (for example, changing brightness, saturation);
  • Layer that fills (fill layer) - used to create a fill with a solid color, gradient or pattern;
  • Smart object layer - contains smart object data and provides the ability to edit it. A smart object is a document built into the program that has PSB extensions, but retains all the properties and capabilities of PSD files. It can be edited separately from the image and use in the image many times.

There are several ways to layer. The first one. From the main menu, select the “Layers” - “New” - “Layer” tab. A window will appear. In it you can enter the name of the layer to be created, define its color and select the overlay mode, if necessary. Click OK. The layer is ready.

Second way. On the right side of the workspace you will find the Layers panel. In its upper right corner there is an icon in the form of a small and several stripes. Click on it to bring up the menu. In it select “New layer"and the same window will appear in front of you as in the first step.

Third way. On the layer panel at the very bottom there are several small buttons. Select the icon that looks like paper with a curled corner. Click it and new layer will appear immediately. There will be no layer creation window. The parameters will be set automatically: background, normal blending mode, name " layer 1,2,3" or another number according to .

And the last, fourth method is perhaps the fastest. Press the combination Shift+Ctrl+N. The layer creation window will appear in front of you again. Select the desired options and click OK. These four options lead to creating a clean layer.

However, there is often a need to create layer with filling. Let's say you opened . It will automatically be placed on the “background” layer. To work, you need to create a copy of this layer. To do this, simply drag the initial layer to the icon we talked about in step 3. New layer will appear with the name "background copy"

Another way to create a new one layer-copy. Right-click on the “background” layer and select “duplicate layer” from the drop-down menu. A window will appear in which you can enter the name of the layer and the location where the copy will be placed (this document or you need to create a new one). Assign everything you need and click “OK”. The layer will appear and be ready to use.

The fact that Photoshop can work with layers makes life much easier for users of this graphic editor. By placing fragments on different layers, you can edit images independently of each other, move individual parts, or hide one image under another. And, if such a need arises, you can add layers by copying them from another file.

You will need

  • - Photoshop program.


To work comfortably with layers in Photoshop, you need a layers palette. By default, it is located on the right side of the program window. If this palette is hidden, click on the Layers option in the Window menu.

If you need to assemble a file from layers contained in other files, open those files by launching the dialog box with the Open command from the File menu. Select the documents you are going to open with your mouse while holding down the Ctrl key. Click on the “Open” button.

Click on the file window of the drawing you are going to insert as the bottom-most layer in your document. Select the contents of the window using the All command, which is located in the Select menu. Copy the selected image to the clipboard. To do this, you will need the Copy command from the Edit menu. Click on the file window into which you are inserting the layers. Add the copied layer to it using the Paste menu command.

This article describes possible options on how to create a new layer in Photoshop and copy an existing one. Depending on the purpose, layers can be created in several ways.

How to create a layer

When working with layers in Photoshop, you often need to create a new blank layer. Use one of the following methods:

1. “Layers” - “New” - “Layer...”. In the window that opens, you can set the name, color, mode, and opacity. By default the settings are set to 100% opacity. You can immediately click “Ok”.

2. The fastest way is to click on the icon at the bottom of the palette:

Before creating a new layer in Photoshop, it is advisable to activate exactly the layer above which you plan to place the one being created. Each new one appears above the active one.

If you need to place a new one under the active layer, create it while holding down the Ctrl key.

When only one pinned layer is open in the palette, as in the picture above, the new one will appear only above it. To create it below, you need to remove the lock from the existing one.

How to create a new layer - a picture

There are several ways to create a new layer in Photoshop. How to open an image in the editor was described in the CS5 lesson for beginners “” in the “Image Editing Area” section.

Now let's create a new layer using one of the following options:

1. Go to “File” - “Open”. In the drop-down window, select the required file and click the “Open” button. A new tab opens. We hold it with the mouse and drag it onto the work area. After that, we hold down the image and drag it to the tab on which we are going to place it.

2. Keys Ctrl+O, where O is a letter, not a number. Further actions are similar to those described above in paragraph 1

3. Select an image on your computer and drag it into the editor with the mouse. Press Enter. In this case, the layer is placed in the palette as a smart object. It may have to be rasterized for further work.

4. Simply copy (Ctrl+C) the picture and paste (Ctrl+V) it in the editor. This option only works if at least one layer already exists.

Now we have two different layers to work with.

How to copy a layer in Photoshop

1. Grab the layer with the mouse and drag it to the icon at the bottom of the palette, as shown in the figure above.

2. Right-click on the layer in the palette and select “Create a duplicate layer” in the list that opens.

3. On the control panel “Layers” - “New” - “Copy to new layer”.

4. On the “Layers” control panel – “Create a duplicate layer”. In the window that opens, you can set a name and select a tab. Click "Ok".

5. Use hotkeys Ctr+J.

6. Select the layer using the Ctrl+A keys or using the Select – All path. Then copy the selection using the Ctrl+C keys or using the Edit – Copy path. And paste with the Ctrl+V keys, or along the path Editing - Paste. A new duplicate of what was copied appears in the Layers palette.

7. While holding down the Alt key, grab the active layer with the mouse and drag it down or up. Look carefully. You can release the mouse and Alt after a double border line appears between the existing and created layers.

Using any of these methods, you can copy a layer in Photoshop and get its exact copy.