How to add a group in contact. Three clicks to create a new project. But how to make a VKontakte group interesting?

Instructions for creating a VKontakte group

In this article we will talk to you about how to competently create a VKontakte group. I decided to tell you most of the information personally! Namely, I recorded two videos!
There are quite a lot of reasons why you might need a group. Perhaps you want to promote your own business using social networks or you consider social networks as a platform for building a business

Creating a group or public on VKontakte (technical part)

Video #1

Designed for beginners. In it, I decided to highlight the technical process of creating a group or public:

As we can see, everything is quite simple, we need to perform the following steps:
- Join your groups.
— Start the “Create Group” button
— Select a name for the group
— Choose what we will have, a group, public or meeting.
- Ready!

If you still have questions about the technical part of creating a group after watching the video, ask questions in the comments at the end of the article.

Some tricks for creating VKontakte Groups!

Video No. 2
In this video we will look at the three main steps to create your project.
— Selecting a group name.
— Formation of the group.
— Group content (content).

So what should you do after you have received the knowledge? Right! Pin it!
Your task for today:
- To create a group.
— Come up with a title containing keywords.
— Fill the first 30 posts with content.
— Write in the comments to this post: the target audience of your project, the name of your project, why this particular project?

Setting up a VKontakte group

Once the group is created, we need to configure it. The first thing we need to do is upload a beautiful avatar. This is done by simply clicking on the “Add Photo” button in place of the avatar:

Next, go to the “Page Management” section, the link is located under the loaded avatar:

After we go to the “Page Management” section, the following fields will open in front of us:

We do the following:
— First of all, you need to pay attention to the “Page Address” field, initially we are given a standard address like “”, but we have the opportunity to replace the ending with this address. Let's replace it with ours! For example

— We write our name of the group. It is desirable that the title contains keywords.

— Fill out the description of the community. It would be desirable that the keys be registered there too.

— Website, if you have a website, insert a link to it. This will add loyalty from search engines Yandex and Google for your project.
You can also place a VKontakte widget of this group on the site. I explained how this is done in the article.

— Comments can be left either on or off. If you leave them enabled, the activity within your community will be much higher, but then you will have to constantly monitor comments for spam.

— Additional sections are also installed at your discretion. It is desirable that the group be filled as much as possible with various materials. video, photo, audio, discussion, etc.

And now a little about the sad... Every day hundreds of groups are created on VKontakte and only a few become successful! What's the secret? Why does most of it merge? You need to understand that creating a group is exactly the same business! Do you think it is possible to create a profitable business by devoting 10 minutes of time a day to it? Of course not! 90% of people who start promoting groups think that they can raise their project by investing in it a maximum of 30 minutes a day. I am sure that you will take this process as seriously as possible and the results will not take long to arrive!

A fairly common occurrence is when you need to make a previously created group on VKontakte visible. I would immediately like to point out why they are made invisible at all?

At the stage of creating a public page, its design and initial content, you don’t want users to see the “raw” version. Therefore, at the initial stage, the group in VK is made invisible (closed). After passing the preliminary stage, the public is made open. Also, some community owners initially want to make their group limited (giving the status of the importance and privilege of joining) or private (secret) for communication with a narrow circle of people and acquaintances.

How to make a group open/closed:

    log into the group as an administrator who has full rights to edit it;

    click the “ellipsis” icon;

    go to the “Community Management” section;

    select “Group Type”, set the required type, among which are available: “Open”, “Closed” and “Private”.

Let's add some comments.

If you select a group type such as “Closed”, joining it is possible after receiving an invitation and/or approval of the corresponding application by the administrator. By entering the name of the community in the search, only its name and logo (design) will be displayed; you can see the rest only by becoming a member.

When the “Open” type is selected, the group will become visible to everyone, and the contents can be viewed without being a member.

There is another specific type, such as “Private”, in which you cannot see the group even through a search, and in order to become a member you must receive a personal invitation.

You can make a group visible in VK by setting the type to “Open”.

There are a few more important points worth mentioning. If you want to promote a community not only on VKontakte, but also on the Yandex search engine, then for this you will need to perform a number of operations.

1) Collect a semantic core using the Yandex Wordstat service, breaking down key queries into articles (posts). In the first stages, there is no point in taking high-frequency “keys”; you need to focus on a combination of low-frequency and mid-frequency ones.

2) Published posts must be unique, the minimum amount of text must be at least 500 characters without spaces. It is important that the name of the community and its description contain at least one key phrase.

3) It is also worth entering your URL name, adding the “key” used in the name to the name.

1) Come up with a status that will contain information about an ongoing promotion or special offer. Search engines often use status information to generate a snippet (description for a site in search).

2) The names of albums, topics for discussion, and videos must also contain search queries.

3) If it is important for a business to show video recordings to visitors, then you should use uploading via YouTube, since the search engines Yandex and Google treat the content of this service with higher priority than the standard player on Vkontakte.

4) Add a group to the Yandex Webmaster and Google services Search Console"(you can learn more about them in the relevant articles on our blog). This will inform search engines about the need to index it.

After 7 to 14 days, search engines will index the content in the community and begin to rank it in their results.

Thus, by opening the group for viewing and taking steps on search engine optimization, you can achieve significant results not only from the VKontakte social network, but also from the Yandex and Google systems, which will ultimately give a significant increase in targeted traffic and, as a result, clients.

At the same time, the indexing and ranking of the VKontakte community page, as a rule, occurs faster (from 2 weeks to two months, you can see good results with competent and professional promotion) than the website reaching the top of organic results (from 2 months to several years depending on region, level of competition, frequency of requests).

Let us also note in conclusion that in some types of niches (selling accessories for gadgets, online manicure training courses, etc.) SMM promotion will be less expensive, more profitable, relevant and faster than a “standard start” from a website .

And tell me how to create a group on VKontakte. On the one hand, creating a group on this social network is not particularly difficult, but for beginners our instructions will certainly be useful.

Why? Simply because we will explain step by step how to create a group on VKontakte. That is, it is clear and accessible. Since you are on this page of our website, you probably know that usually a group on VKontakte is a separate community of interests.

Creating a group in VKontakte

Let’s immediately answer one popular question about what kind of group you can create on VKontakte. You can create any group. The main thing is that she does not violate the rules of Contact. More precisely, so that you, as the creator, do not violate them. This is especially true for spam and invitations to new group members. For such violations, network administrators can not only close the group itself, but also delete your page. But let’s not think about sad things, let’s start creating our group on VKontakte!

In order for you to have the opportunity to create a group on VKontakte, your page must be linked to the number of the mobile operator, that is, to the SIM card number mobile phone. To start creating a group you need to follow the link "My Groups", which is located on your profile page.

Next you need to name the group. We advise you to choose a concise and memorable name that will attract attention and reflect the essence of the group itself. This simple technique will increase the group’s audience and retain its members. After entering the name, press the button "To create a group«.

After this we get to the group creation page. Everything is simple here. We advise you to clearly describe the group, choose the appropriate topic and type of group. It is not necessary to indicate the website, as well as the country and city. The last two fields are needed rather to indicate the local location of the group, for example, if you want to promote a product in a specific city or country. True, often visitors to VKontakte groups do not look at this.

After you have selected all the necessary items, proceed to "Settings". There is a whole list of different blocks that are responsible for the appearance, that is, for how the VKontakte group will look. We recommend turning on various settings to see how the appearance of the group will change.

Separately, we note that the main part of the group page is controlled by the setting "News on". Some users do not know how to make a VKontakte group menu. It is in this block that you can create a VKontakte group menu. News is the main block where all useful information is usually posted. Let's go through the points of which settings are responsible for what in the group:

Here you can set the privacy settings for your group in contact with. If you want group users to add photos, videos, create albums, discussion topics, then we open access to certain group features; if not, then we limit the circle of those who can do this. Press the button " Save”.

Below are the settings that are responsible for displaying a particular block. And also for privacy and access to the group. Open access to group settings such as “Audio recordings”, “Photo albums”, “Videos” and “Discussions” will allow group visitors to independently create material that corresponds to the desired setting.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. We hope you were able to create a group on VKontakte. Having set the desired access level, save the settings and move on to the next chapter of our article.

Setting up a VKontakte group after creation

We need to get into the newly created Contact group. To do this, click on the name of the group, as shown in the picture.

Immediately after this, we will be taken to the page for editing group data. If you did everything correctly before, then you don’t need to touch anything. The VKontakte group administrator has access to various management resources. Using these links, you can always change the composition of the group, add or remove a group member to its leadership. This is where the link to invite new members is located. You need to invite new participants with an eye to the rules of the VKontakte social network. That is, don't overdo it. It's best to start by inviting your friends, and friends of friends, using word of mouth. If the group is really interesting, then it will certainly find admirers. Let's go through the items in this menu to make it more clear:

Be sure to post pictures or even videos, this should help promote the group on VKontakte.

We are interested in the column "Latest news", start leading your group with them, filling them with several interesting news for users.

The following management resources are available to the VKontakte group administrator. Using these links, you can always change the composition of the group, add or remove a group member to its leadership. This is where the link to invite new members is located. You need to invite new participants with an eye to the rules of the VKontakte social network. That is, don't overdo it. In general, understanding how to make a VKontakte group popular comes with time, you just need to work on the group.

It's best to start by inviting your friends, and friends of friends, using word of mouth. If the group is really interesting, then it will certainly find admirers. Let's go through the items in this menu to make it more clear:

  • “Edit information”—re-edit the group data.
  • “Edit Guide” - using this option you can assign administrators and moderators of the group.
  • “Edit composition” - if you need to remove someone. A list of invited group members is available at this link.
  • “Invite to group” - distribution of invitations, as mentioned above, it’s better to start with friends.
  • “Group Statistics” is an informative link that will become most useful when the group grows.
  • “Leave the group” means saying goodbye to the group.
  • “Add to bookmarks” - if the “My bookmarks” option is enabled in your profile settings.

Be sure to post pictures or even videos when publishing news, this should help promote the group on VKontakte. We also recommend that you immediately add a main photo for your group. It must be attractive.

To make a VKontakte group popular, you need to interest a potential participant. To do this, we recommend posting not only interesting, informative and colorful news in the group, but also customizing the appearance.

In order to make a beautiful VKontakte group, set up your group using wiki markup. This is a special system from the Contact developers that will help make your group recognizable and attractive. Using this system, Group Members can create additional pages with backlinks. Wiki markup allows you to create a group menu, place photos and videos as needed.

We hope our instructions on how to create a group on VKontakte were useful. All you have to do is decide which group to create on VKontakte and make the group design attractive. Read website!

In this article we will look step by step at how to properly create, configure and properly design the VKontakte community.

Community creation

You can create a VKontakte community by going to the “groups”, “management”, “create community” tab.

Community type and topic

First, you will need to decide on the type of community, depending on your goals, and choose the topic of the community.

Group registration

After choosing the type of community, you can move on to the most important thing, this is the design. The design of your community is a kind of business card of the company; depending on how high-quality the design is, your potential subscribers will draw conclusions about your work.
You can download the cover by going to “settings”, then clicking “download”.

On the cover you can place:

  • Name
  • logo
  • motto
  • contact information
  • promotions or call to action
    Important point:
    the cover is the first thing a client will see when they go to your group, so the cover should be bright and attract attention.

Cover in the MTS community

Cover in the Tinkoff Bank community

Cover in the HeadShot community
Image sizes for designing the VKontakte community.
Cover size for VKontakte group 1590x400px
Avatar thumbnail size is a circle with a diameter of 200px

Also, VKontakte recently introduced dynamic covers for communities.
Dynamic covers have very rich functionality, with which you can display the last subscriber, the best commentator on the cover, set the background to change at your request, add a weather widget, time and much more.

Community Description

In the description, the main thing is to describe as briefly as possible the main advantages of the company.
Important point: there is no need to describe everything that your company has done, is doing or will do. No one will read a long description. You have a few seconds to attract attention before the client starts looking at posts on the community wall. Therefore, the description should contain only key points that reflect the essence of the community/company.

Lifehack: In order to describe the community in more detail (with photos, links and beautiful layout), you need to add a wiki post to the pinned post, which will contain a bright picture and a call to action.

Examples of wiki posts:

Group avatar

A community avatar is an important detail in the overall construction of a high-quality design; in this article we have highlighted several very important points that need to be taken into account when creating a community avatar.
Taking into account the fact that now they mainly use community covers, the avatar itself in the group is displayed as a miniature. Therefore, here we will talk about how important it is to design the avatar miniature. As mentioned above, the avatar thumbnail size is a circle with a diameter of 200px.

    1. Text
      If you place text on an avatar thumbnail, it is important that it is large and does not extend beyond the avatar.
    2. Understanding
      It is necessary to place an image on the avatar that will make it clear what is depicted.
    3. Minimalism
      To make your avatar look relevant, you can make it in a minimalist style: fewer words and unnecessary elements that carry virtually no semantic meaning. The avatar thumbnail must be as simple and readable as possible.
    4. Attract attention
      So that the avatar miniature attracts attention. You need to design it so that it is not too white and boring, otherwise it will get lost against the background of the more colorful avatars of competitors.

What should I put on my avatar thumbnail?

Let's consider options for using an avatar thumbnail to attract subscribers to the community.

Community Settings

By going to the “community management” tab, you can come up with a short page address and provide additional information.

Next, in the “links” tab, provide links to your page on other social networks and a link to your website.

In the “sections” tab, enable the necessary ones. It is more convenient to set up a limited community wall, so as not to rake it in the future from posts by spam bots.

Include products if your community is for selling products or services.

You can also add applications to the community and customize them for your purposes. For example, the Applications application is the most convenient for working with leads. This is online registration and acceptance of orders. Or, for example, the Maps application, with the addresses of your stores, offices, events. Using the Buy Ticket application, you can sell tickets to events directly on the community page, i.e. subscribers/customers will be able to buy a ticket without going to your website.

Wiki menu - beautiful and informative

This is another way to show the uniqueness of your community, attract the attention of customers, and also structure services, products and all information about the page. Plus, using the wiki menu, you can set up direct links to go directly to the company’s website.

Wiki menu examples:

You can see a detailed guide to creating a wiki menu here -

The social network Vkontakte is the most popular service, which is visited daily by up to 50 million people. Activity is largely generated by popular groups and official pages where news, music, films, photographs and other entertaining and educational content are published. Services for automatic publishing and programs for promotion allow you to minimize your participation in this process and spend a minimum of time on administering your own resource.

Goals of creating the group:

1. Promotion of goods and services of commercial organizations.
2. Search for like-minded people and formation of associations of interests.
3. Creation of a corporate community of an educational institution, company, sports club.
4. Popularization of political parties and public associations.
5. Formation of feedback from government agencies and society.
6. Making profit by promoting the page and publishing advertisements.
7. Promotion of music, literature and other types of creativity.

Group creation process:

1. Click on the “My Groups” tab and click “Create a Community”.

2. Select the community type and name. “Event” is suitable for advertising a one-time event (concert, prom, trip), “Public Page” - for presenting an individual, company, brand, “Group” - for other purposes.

3. In the future, depending on the chosen position, you need to answer additional questions.

4. It is the “Group” class that gives the creator the widest opportunities, so it’s worth focusing on it. You will be able to create an original design and use other useful services.

5. Specify important parameters: name, topic, enter a description of the future group. Choose a short address that will make the page unique and simplify its search if the user for some reason cannot find the page. Do not use special characters in the name, as this will complicate the search for the community in the future.

6. Activate the necessary modules (wall type - open or closed, photographs, video and audio recordings, etc.). If necessary, include the group's website and location (this is very important for promoting commercial products and advertising events).

8. The group is ready. Now you can publish any news in your feed, add audio and video recordings, create a virtual catalog by inserting new photo albums, appoint managers, and invite new users to the group.

Group promotion

You can promote your community in several ways:

1. Inviting friends. Previously, the administrator had access to the option of sending invitations to random people. This is now prohibited due to numerous abuses and spam. However, there is a way out - find new friends and advertise the community among them.

2. Buying advertising. You need to select the “Advertise Community” tab, top up your account using the “Budget” section, and then start creating an ad. It can be tied to a specific region (country, city), which is ideal for commercial groups.

You can also use other promotion methods: viral marketing, SEO optimization (at the moment, groups with unique content are well promoted in search engines), publishing video materials with a link to your page.

Creating your own group menu

The unique design of the VKontakte community allows it to stand out from competitors and simplify navigation through the group’s materials. However, this task requires a little more time, as well as installation of the program – Photoshop.

1. Log in to group management and make adding content limited (only administrators will be able to perform this action).

2. Now you need to create a picture with future navigation and save it in the required format (GIF, JPEG).

3. Slice the navigation image into individual segments, each of which will become a hyperlink, using the cutting tool, and then save the template as a GIF.

4. If you are too lazy to use Photoshop or don’t want to install it on your computer, download ready-made templates, of which there are plenty on the Internet.

5. For example, let’s take a universal template made using wiki markup. Its loading is even easier and faster.

6. Click “latest news” and select “Wiki markup mode”, and then paste the ready-made code taken from the template there.

7. To include photos in the code, you need to upload them to an album, and then paste the link in the right place.

Thus, a VKontakte group can be created in just a few hours of work, and there is no need to spend money on someone else’s work. Not only basic options are available to you, but also your own design, which will make the community unique and inimitable. Answers to any questions can be found on the Internet and on the social network Vkontakte: very convenient and simple.