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What to do if content is stolen from your site?

Hello everyone, the other day I noticed that content from my site began to appear on other sites. Sooner or later, everyone who runs their own blog will face the problem of content theft from a website.

In this article, I will try to tell you in as much detail as possible what to do if content from the site begins to appear on other sites and, most importantly, how to prevent the theft of content from the site in advance.

By the way, in the program for creating and making money on your website (SDL), at one of the sessions, we discuss in detail how to stop the theft of content from the site. For those who want to make money on their website or create their own profitable website that will bring you good money every month - welcome to the SDL program.

You can sign up and view the rates here:

1 Tariff. Your result: 10,000 rubles/month. Payment for participation is 4,900 rubles. After reaching the goal: 10,000 rubles. ==>>Take part

2 Tariff. Your result: 20,000 rubles/month. Payment for participation is 9,900 rubles. After reaching the goal: 20,000 rubles. ==>>Take part

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Content is being stolen from the site, what should I do?

So, you discovered that content from your site was copied and posted on another site. What harm can a content thief cause?

If your article is interesting, you will lose potential visitors. An article on your site may be considered a duplicate rather than an original. And if the theft of content is large-scale, then your site may even be recognized by the search engine as a site with completely stolen content.

If your content was stolen and a link to the original article was provided, there is no need to worry. The original is indicated, and the search engine can easily figure it out.

If your project is large enough and authoritative, then it’s not so scary if your content is stolen. Your site most likely already has . That is, the level of trust in your site from search engines is high; the search engine will understand that the materials on your site are unique.

But, if you have a young site, and all the content on the site is unique, you need to take measures to prevent content theft. Otherwise, a site with stolen content may overtake your site.

Technical measures to prevent theft of content from the site.

You can also take some technical measures to prevent content theft. You can block right-clicking, and you can also make sure that when you copy material to the clipboard, a link to the original article appears.

There are also several ways to prevent content theft from a website if the theft is carried out using special programs in automatic mode.

So, your content has been stolen. What to do?

The easiest option is to contact the site owner. This can be done using the feedback form, if available on the site. Or we are looking for contact information of the site owner.

Next, please remove the content or provide a link to the original article. If contact information is not indicated on the site, we contact the domain owner through a domain name registrar and find out information about hosting. To do this, we will use a service for analyzing domain information, for example -

Here we enter the address of the site that steals your content. Next, information about the domain will be displayed. In this case, we see that the CMS Ucoz provides for the site. The owner information is hidden, but there is a line “admin-contact”.

We copy the specified address to contact the domain administrator and send a message to the domain owner. We also found out the hosting of the site, that is, we can complain about the owner of the site to the hosting provider.

We report copyright content to Yandex

You can inform the Yandex search engine that unique content will soon appear on your site. To do this, use the “Original Texts” service. In order to use this service, the TIC indicator of your website must be at least 10.

At the beginning of 2016, I took over one website for full maintenance: content and promotion. After publication, the site began to rank well in search engines, and a serious problem immediately arose: content theft. Cunning competitors completely copied the text and pictures, and some were even too lazy to remove backlinks to our web resource.

Yes, it’s good for me as a copywriter - the articles are interesting, since they are copied. But this is bad for the client and the site. I have already written about why it is important to fill a web resource with unique content. Therefore, when stealing, there are at least three options:

  • ordering a new text requires additional money and time;
  • allow the article to be copied with a link to the source – the uniqueness is lower, but additional external links to the site appear;
  • Forcing a thief to remove copied texts will require spending time and effort.

Each owner of a web resource decides for himself whether to fight thieves or not. In this article I will describe what I do when text is stolen from a website. The instructions will help you achieve the removal of content copied from you from other people's portals.

Before you fight the thief, you need to catch him. I use several methods to determine which resource and which article I stole. Let's look at each option in more detail.

Backlinks in webmaster PS

Very often, inexperienced content thieves cannot remove all links from an article to internal sections of your site - this is an additional advantage of using cross-linking. Links are indexed and appear in the webmaster of search engines: both Yandex and Google. See the information in the section: “Incoming links” - “External” (photo below). Monitor the indicator periodically and you will be aware of changes.

Batch checking via anti-plagiarism

There are many services for determining the uniqueness of both one text and all content on a site. After studying various tools, I chose the anti-plagiarism tool “Etxt Anti-plagiarism”. The program is installed on your computer and makes it possible to check the uniqueness of all articles on the site absolutely free and without restrictions. One of the key disadvantages of the service is the need to enter a captcha. On average, checking one small web resource takes several hours. As a result, you receive a summary report and can see which article was stolen and who. Detailed instructions .

Special scripts for the site

There are special services that will automatically check your site for anti-plagiarism. For example, free Tynt. But I personally am against installing additional scripts from third-party companies in the site code, and I specifically asked programmers I know about this service: their verdict is unequivocal - undesirable. That’s why I don’t use this service myself, but many bloggers recommend it.

We found a content thief – what to do next?

  1. You need to contact the resource administrator and ask to remove the stolen content. Typically, each web resource has contacts, links to social networks or a feedback form. I duplicate my letter to all contacts so that the message reaches the recipient faster. The text of the letter and correspondence is below. If there is no response within 2 days, move on to the next point.

  1. We write a letter to the hosting on whose server the thief’s site is located. Plus, we attach a complaint to the provider demanding that they remove the stolen texts from the pages of the thief site. You can find out the hoster of any website through special services for website analysis.

Excerpt from a lawyer’s comment: “Claims are written in free form, these are not statements of claim to the court, where the requirements of Articles 131, 132 of the Civil Procedure Code must be met. But to show the seriousness of your intentions, the claim must be drawn up legally.”

  1. If there is no response from the hosting, we send a complaint to the technical support of search engines: Yandex -, Google -.
  2. Then we either go to court, or use unofficial methods of influencing the thief. We make sure to save the entire correspondence history and other materials, which will later serve as evidence in court proceedings.

For now, completing the first two points was enough for me: a letter to the admin plus a message to the hoster so that the stolen content would be removed from someone else’s site. Plus, while studying this issue, I talked with programmers and other web resource specialists. From their experience, they confirm the effectiveness of contacting hosting and even initiative on their part in cases of copyright infringement. Here, for example, is a real story from one website designer:

“I made a website on my hosting. I did everything and handed it over to the customer. After a couple of days, a threat comes from my hosting that I have a complete duplicate of that site and if I don’t talk to the owner of the content or don’t delete the site myself, then it will simply be blocked.”

So these methods work. Don't give up and don't be afraid to assert copyright on the content on your site. Now you know what to do if text is stolen from a website. You'll have to work hard, but it's worth it.

How to protect content from theft?

There are no real copy protections. Any script can be bypassed in 2-3 clicks. There are many step-by-step instructions on the Internet, armed with which even a teapot can steal text, video or picture from your website. Yes, some people set a right-click lock in hopes of preventing content from being copied.

But such protection can stop completely incompetent users, and even less will help an experienced programmer. Plus, it only interferes with readers, worsening the usability of the site. And it’s very inconvenient for me, as an administrator, to check and configure a resource. Thus, there is no protection, and everyone is uncomfortable.

Confirmation of authorship for texts

How to prove that the content belongs to you? There are many ways to record authorship of unique text material. I usually use:

  • “Original texts” from the Yandex webmaster. Many webmasters claim that this is useless and the service does not work. I believe that more is better than less. And before publishing an article on the site, I always upload the text to this service. It records the publication date and the material itself, thereby confirming that the article belongs to the resource.
  • Recording of authorship from The anti-plagiarism provided by the TEXT.RU content exchange has the “Fix uniqueness” function. If the text is 100% unique, then this function becomes available - use it to your health. If you wrote the article yourself or ordered it from a professional copywriter, then there should be no problems with uniqueness.

As far as I know, some authors, before sending to the customer or publishing, send the source text to themselves by email, thereby recording the date and authorship. There are also special services, for example COPYTRUST and analogues, which are ready to act as a guarantor of your rights to any materials. No one has canceled the assignment of authorship to site content through the Google+ service. Plus, when posting content, the page code contains the date of publication, which can always be an argument in your favor.

Use all methods or choose the most convenient. In this case, there should not be any difficulties in dealing with the content thief. You have an ironclad argument: the texts are mine, here is the proof. Don't be afraid to stand up for your rights and Yandex will be with you!

Leonid Melikhov, a professional lawyer-copywriter, will help us understand the legal background of the actions I described above.

Commentary from a lawyer on copyright protection

To protect your rights, you need to know them. Therefore, we will figure out what’s what from a legal point of view. So, we are interested in part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It contains everything we need.

What is a copywriter's article from a legal point of view?

This is the result of intellectual activity (Part 1 of Article 1225 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The copywriter has intellectual rights to his articles. These intellectual rights are called copyrights when we are talking about works of science, literature or art, that is, this is exactly our case (Part 1 of Article 1255 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Copyright is the main term we will use.

Copyright consists of two main rights:

  1. Exclusive right.
  2. Personal non-property rights (among them – the right of authorship).

And they, in turn, are divided into other rights, some of which are listed in Article 1255 of the Civil Code, some of which are “scattered” throughout Chapter 70 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Among these rights is the right to publish a work (Article 1268 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). We are interested in these three rights – exclusive rights, the right of authorship, and the right to publish.

Exclusive right is also called property right. It allows its owner to use the object of right in any way that does not contradict the law (Part 1 of Article 1229 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 1270 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

It is important to know: copyright arises due to the creation of a work (Part 1 of Article 1228 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). That is, a copywriter wrote an article - and he is its author. No additional proof of authorship or anything like that is required.

Go ahead. Having written an article, the copywriter has both the exclusive right and the right of authorship (and other copyrights that we do not consider). When a copywriter sells an article to a customer, he alienates the exclusive right. Now the owner of the article becomes the customer, to whom the exclusive right is transferred. In this case, personal non-property rights remain with the copywriter, because they are legally impossible to transfer to another person.

It's okay for now. The customer paid and received an article with exclusive rights and published the material on his website. And then someone stole the text, that is, without the permission of the customer and the author, he posted it on another web resource.

Why can't this be done by law?

By virtue of Part 1 of Article 1229 of the Civil Code, which states that the copyright holder (in our case, the customer) can prohibit or allow other persons to use the article, but the absence of a prohibition is not considered permission. Other people cannot use the article without the consent of the copyright holder.

Posting an article on a website is precisely use. This is where the violation lies. In our case, exclusive rights were violated. Go ahead.

On what grounds can the copyright holder demand the removal of an article?

Articles 1252 and 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation talk about the protection of exclusive rights. Both the author and the owner of the exclusive right (in our example, this is the customer) can demand that the stolen article be removed from the site. This expresses one of the ways to protect civil rights: “restoring the situation that existed before the violation of the right and suppressing actions that violate the right” (Article 12 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This requirement must be presented to the hosting provider that serves the site where the stolen article is posted.

Why do we file a claim with the provider?

Of course, you can contact the site administrator, but for obvious reasons the chances of satisfying the request are slim. The hosting provider is the custodian of the site's database. That is, there is a tangible medium where the corresponding files are stored and, thus, the hosting provider is the custodian.

And part 4 of Article 1252 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation says that if a material medium of information leads to violations of an exclusive right, then such a medium is considered counterfeit and is destroyed by court decision. So the judicial prospects for the case are clear – removal of the stolen article files from the hosting provider’s server. But it's unlikely to go to trial. Most likely, upon receiving a complaint, the provider will delete the stolen article.

That's all for me. I wish everyone who has read this far generous and understanding customers and no legal squabbles!

  • Hi all! The number of sites that steal articles from this is growing day by day and what’s most offensive is this copy-paste, moreover (98% without an ACTIVE link) and what’s most offensive is that their copy-paste lives perfectly in the index and there have been cases that are ranked higher than the original source - this blog.

    There is no time to deal with thieves and there is no time to write, but it might be useful for someone to consider how their copy-paste gets into the index. I’ll say right away that there is =0 unique content on sites, only copy-paste (both manual and with a parser). The sites are over 3 months old, the design is usually a cleaned-up public one.

    The first thing that alerted me was the huge number of retweets to the post, and this suggests that there is cross-posting on Twitter in order to speed up indexing and in case of any problems on my site - the speedbot did not index or the server went down for 15 minutes - their article the search engine will perceive it as original, and mine as a blatant copy-paste. But it didn’t stop there; along the way, all announcements of articles went to the live magazine. In a word, Twitter will speed up indexing in Google, and LiveJournal in Yandex.

    I also noticed an interesting pattern on some blogs. These entries are commented on, and all the time by some kind of leftist accounts with installed . This means that another 1n parser is working, which collects comments on blogs (neutral) or contains its own database and posts them to each entry, thereby creating the appearance of a live blog and, as a result, boosting and increasing the trustworthiness of the site. But here they made a mistake, since they do everything from one IP and do not use proxies, through which many people love to visit the mirror in VKontakte and other similar sites.

    I think sooner or later the search engines will burn it all down and the thieves will fly under. Also, in order for everything to be well indexed, they use an internal linking plugin unknown to me (possibly written to order). Every second word is a link to another page. All this helps them, in addition, to receive traffic via .

    Well, and most importantly, some steal from 5-10 blogs at once and this is apparently the best option for indexing. Copy-paste sits perfectly in the index. By the way, they used to at least put an active link, but now they’ve stopped doing that too and they’re just outright stealing.

    So you see, copy-paste has the right to life if it is presented correctly. But after the session, I think I’ll start working on troubleshooting and ensure that the sites at least migrate from hoster to hoster.

    Have a nice day, everyone!