Change mouse cursor color. Changing the mouse cursor using the CSS Cursor rule

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! In order to make the working area of ​​the monitor (desktop) look pleasant and beautiful, all of us, ordinary computer users, install various images, the so-called “wallpapers”. In addition to standard images that are installed automatically with the Windows operating system, you can find and download wallpapers for every color and taste on the Internet. But, in addition to changing the wallpaper on your desktop, “life at the computer” can be diversified by changing the appearance of the mouse cursor.

Of course, many people know about this and know how to do it. But my blog is for beginners, and perhaps someone will be interested in learning how to make a cursor for their mouse from a photo or picture and change it in Windows on a computer. And for those who want create a free blog, or who already has one created, for example, on, you can install a new cursor on blog pages in the simplest way. But for this you will need third-party online services, which I want to tell you about.

The most common file extensions for mouse cursors are *.cur (static cursor image) and *.ani (animated image). If your computer has the Windows operating system installed, mouse cursors with these extensions they will be displayed without problems. But if you install a cursor file on a website or blog, a cursor with the *ani file extension will be visible to users only through the Internet Explorer browser, and a cursor with the *cur extension can be viewed through Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. These nuances should be taken into account. Accordingly, if you have your own website or blog, and you install your original cursor on it, not all Internet users will be able to see its originality. If the browser through which your site or blog will be viewed does not support the cursor file extension, then it will simply be displayed as a standard classic arrow.

How to replace the mouse cursor in Windows on your computer.

If your computer has a windows operating system, then the files with cursors are located at: My computer - drive C:\WINDOWS\Cursors.

The default Cursors folder can contain over a hundred different cursors. To change the cursor on your computer, follow the path:

Start – Control Panel – and click on the mouse icon. In the “Mouse Properties” window that opens, open the “Pointers” tab.

In the “scheme” window, you can select ready-made collections of cursors, which include fifteen different modes (main mode, help mode, background, etc.), click “apply” and OK.

In order to create your own new cursor scheme, in the “settings” window, select the desired mode, for example “main mode”, click the “browse” button, select the cursor that interests us and save. And we do this with each mode (if you need it), and at the end of drawing up the diagram, click “apply” and OK.

To give the mouse cursor the effect of displaying a trail (something like a tail trailing behind the cursor), go to the “Pointer Options” tab and check the “Display mouse trail” checkbox.

The display length of the cursor trail can be adjusted using the movable slider. And to complete the settings, also click “apply” and OK.

As you can see, nothing special, everything is easy and simple. And find new mouse cursors you can freely on the Internet (there are a huge number of them there). Download to your computer and create your own diagrams with cursors. For convenience, you can create a separate folder and store new files with cursors in it. But I want to invite my readers not just to download from the Internet and install ready-made mouse cursors, but to make their own cursor. So to speak, get creative.

How to make a mouse cursor from a photo or picture using the free online service

For readers who view this article in the Opera and Internet Explorer browsers, unfortunately, the examples of cursors that I will give below will not be displayed. To view it, I recommend (if anyone doesn’t have it) to install an additional browser on your computer:

Chrome (

or Mozilla Firefox (

First, select a photo or any image from which you want to make a mouse cursor and change its size to 32x32 pixels. To resize an image, go to a free online service Pic resize and upload the desired picture from your computer by clicking on the “select file” button.

If you go to the site Pic resize follow the link from my blog, for the convenience of users I have already set the image resizing settings to 32x32 pixels. Therefore, there is no need to do additional actions, but simply click the “Resize Now” button (resize), and then save to your computer “Save to Disk” (save to disk).

That's it, your file with a photo or picture has taken the required size for further turning it into a cursor.

Next, we switch to a free online service for creating cursors and import the prepared photo or image onto it (the button in the upper left corner “Import Image”). If everything is satisfactory and the image does not need to be edited, save it to your computer, the “Download Cursor” button is immediately below the image. After downloading the mouse cursor file, be sure to rename it without changing the *.cur extension (for example, to main-cursor.cur). Then we place it in the folder with the cursor files and install it in Windows on your computer as described above in the paragraph how to replace the mouse cursor on a computer .

To edit the cursor file, let's go back to online service and make some small changes.

So, in a simple way, using free online services, you can make different static cursors for your mice. I will write about how you can make an animated mouse cursor with the *ani file extension in the following materials. In the meantime, if anyone has their own blog on some free blog site, I suggest you see how you can install your own unusual mouse cursor on the pages of a free blog.

How to change the cursor on a blog on the free site.

If readers of this material do not have their own blog on, but would like to know how to create one, you can read the note about how to create your own blog on the free blogspot platform. And those who already have their own blog on this resource can change the cursor on its pages.

Of course, changing cursors is the same as icons for the site or a blog, many experts do not recommend it. But, at the same time, almost every owner of his website wants to somehow highlight his pages with something interesting.

So, first you need to register for online service, so that you can get a link to the cursor (URL address) that you will create. The link will be needed in order to install it in the blog template to display the cursor on Web pages. After all, on Blogspot and other free blogging sites there is no access to site folders, and the file with the cursor must lie somewhere. So we will use a free online service, where our file with the cursor will always be located.

To register, go to the online service website, click “Register”, which is located on the left side. Then you need to create a cursor for the blog in the same way as you did to place it on your computer (see description above how to make a mouse cursor). When the cursor is made, click the “Publish under an open license” button under the image. In the window that opens, you need to fill out the form and click “OK”.

After this, the file will be placed in the cabinet of created cursors.

Then click on the name of the cursor and in the window that opens, almost at the very bottom under the image, select and copy the entire address line of the HTML code. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the address bar code will be quite long. Therefore, copy it carefully and completely (hot keys for copying are Ctrl + C).

Now let's go to the dashboard on Open your blog template and click the “edit HTML” button; in the window that opens, the “skip” button.

The HTML template editor should open in front of you. We are looking for the line:

(hotkeys for searching are Ctrl + F), and immediately after it we insert our HTML cursor code (hotkeys Ctrl + V).

Save the changes to the template and see what your new mouse cursor looks like on the free blog at If everything is done correctly, I can only congratulate you on installing the original cursor on your blog.

In conclusion, I would like to say that on sites and blogs hosted on thieves’ hostings, the process of replacing and installing new cursors is much simpler, since the cursor can be placed in a special folder and a short path to it can be specified.

I wish you all creative success and good luck in creating your own cursors for websites and Windows..

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will look at a small topic on how to change the mouse cursor using css. Your computer's operating system provides several possible mouse cursor options depending on the actions you perform. The cursor can take the form of various arrows, hands, crosshairs, hourglasses, etc.

The same images can be acquired by the mouse cursor when working in a browser when viewing various web pages. This is possible thanks to cascading style sheets, which provide us with such a wonderful opportunity as changing the mouse cursor when you hover it over the html elements of the page.

The mouse cursor can be changed using css cursor rules, which allows you to set the shape of the mouse cursor when you hover it over a given element of the web page. This attribute can be applied to any element on a web page, be it an inline or block element.

If you look at the css specification, you will notice that the cursor attribute has quite a lot of possible values:

cursor: auto|default|none|context-menu|help|pointer|progress|wait|cell|crosshair|text|vertical-text|alias|copy|move|no-drop|not-allowed|e-resize|n- resize|ne-resize|nw-resize|s-resize|se-resize|sw-resize|w-resize|ew-resize|ns-resize|nesw-resize|nwse-resize|col-resize|row-resize| all-scroll|inherit

Most values ​​are used quite rarely in practice. The default for the cursor property is auto value. In this case, the browser displays a default cursor for the current element. For example, when you hover over a link, the cursor takes the shape of a hand, a regular text cursor is shown in the text, and a simple arrow appears in empty spaces.

All main possible values ​​are shown in the table below. The “Value” column contains the values ​​of the cursor parameter, the second “View” column shows the display of the cursor on my computer, and the third contains an example of using the parameter with this value. When you hover your mouse over the cells with values, you can see how it changes in your browser and compare it with my version. Depending on your operating system and settings, the cursor appearance may vary.

Meaning View Example
P (cursor: default)
none P (cursor: none)
context-menu P (cursor: context-menu)
help P (cursor: help)
pointer P (cursor: pointer)
progress P (cursor: progress)
wait P (cursor: wait)
cell P (cursor: cell)
crosshair P (cursor: crosshair)
text P (cursor: text)
P (cursor: vertical-text)
alias P (cursor: alias)
copy P (cursor: copy)
move P (cursor: move)
P (cursor: no-drop)
not-allowed P (cursor: not-allowed)
P (cursor: e-resize)
P (cursor: n-resize)
P (cursor: ne-resize)
P (cursor: nw-resize)
P (cursor: s-resize)
P (cursor: se-resize)
P (cursor: sw-resize)
w-resize P (cursor: w-resize)
P (cursor: ew-resize)
P (cursor: ns-resize)
P (cursor: nesw-resize)
P (cursor: nwse-resize)
P (cursor: col-resize)
P (cursor: row-resize)
P (cursor: all-scroll)

Some CSS cursor rule values ​​listed above may not work in different browsers. Problems especially often arise with Opera; sometimes something may not work in the Mozila Firefox and Chrome browsers. The default Internet Explorer browser installed on the Windows operating system supports all values.

Using the cursor rule, you can also define your own cursor by specifying the path to the corresponding image. The file extension for the course image is usually .cur. In addition to the format CUR Internet Explorer also supports the following format as a cursor file format: ANI. And Firefox, Chrome and Safari support other formats besides CUR PNG, GIF And JPG.

When you specify your own cursor, the rule syntax changes slightly. One or more url values ​​are listed separated by commas, and the last value must be one of the keywords:

cursor: url ("address of picture 1"), url ("address of picture 2"), ...,<ключевое слово>

With this style rule, the browser will first try to open the first file with the cursor, and if it cannot be opened for some reason, it will move on to the next file, and so on. By the way, I set up a non-standard cursor for this paragraph. Therefore, when you hover over it with the mouse, if your browser supports the file format, the cursor will change. To achieve this effect, the following entry is enough:

paragraph text

At all CSS Cursor rule I use webmasters quite rarely, so as not to mislead the user. Before you change the appearance of the cursor, determine whether the change will be appropriate. After all, let’s say what the user might think if instead of the traditional hand that appears when hovering over a link, something else appears.

That's all about cursors. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates and I will be grateful if you use the social network buttons.

Hello everyone, Ruslan Nova is here, today I will tell you how to change the mouse cursor on Windows 7. The article will be useful to everyone who wants to change the usual appearance of the operating system to suit their taste.

We all know that in the latest versions of Windows, developers gave us the ability to personalize. It allows you to fine-tune the appearance of the system on all devices: tablets, laptops, smartphones and personal computers. The familiar seventh version of the operating system is considered classic and unchanged, but this is not so. You can also change something in it, and today I will show this using the example of a cursor.

detailed instructions

  • First, we need to click on the Start menu icon at the bottom left of the screen once with the left mouse button.
  • In the window that opens, find the Control Panel line on the right side and open it with a single click of the left mouse button.

  • In the upper right part of the window we find the Categories block and open it by clicking the left mouse button once.

  • In the drop-down menu, find the line Small icons and click on it.

  • The menu presentation will change; we need the Mouse item. Find and open it by double clicking the mouse.

  • A dialog box for setting up the mouse in your operating system will open. We need the Pointers tab, go to it.

  • In order to select the type of cursor representation, we need the Scheme drop-down menu, click on it, as shown in the screenshot.

  • A list will appear in front of us from which you can choose any performance that you like. To preview how it will look on your operating system, just click on any line.

  • Immediately after you have made your choice, a visual demonstration of the new cursor will appear in a small window on the right side. To make the changes take effect and see how the cursor changes in real time, click the Apply button.

  • If you liked everything, then you need to commit the changes to the operating system by clicking the OK button.

Additional Information

Knowing how to change the mouse cursor on Windows 7, you can experiment with its appearance at any time using my instructions. The fact is that we spend a lot of time at the computer, this is especially true for those who work remotely using the World Wide Web. Therefore, the cursor is essentially what we see most often, and sometimes we want variety or just customize everything to our liking. How to do this - now you know from my article. I gave only a simple example, but the operating system offers us a lot of other options in which you can choose graphic schemes to suit your mood and different time periods. So feel free to install cursor sets and change them any time you want. These can be voluminous arrows, or cursors with an emphasis on image fields, thin, massive: a whole set opens up for you to realize your preferences. If one cursor is not enough for you, then you can try experimenting with the visual settings of the system as a whole. There you can change the transparency of windows, the color of the title bars of the active and inactive windows, the animation of playing and opening folders, the desktop view and much more. You can also create your own unique color scheme for the operating system, which allows you to realize your wildest decisions and fantasies. The familiar Windows will become your own creation.

If you have questions, write to me in the comments, we’ll discuss.

Hello! Today I will tell you and show you how to replace a boring, standard cursor in just a few seconds without installing any programs. You can download cursors from the link below - there are hundreds of them, for every taste, including live and animated cursors.

I would like to immediately say to those comrades who will start “pooping” in the comments with messages - “this is all pampering”, “don’t clog up the system”, “this is unnecessary”... give yourself a classic view of the system and rejoice in such beauty. Better yet, don’t turn on the computer at all, this will greatly complicate its useless existence.

Dear readers, this is Your computer and To you decide how comfortable, original and individual it will look. Don't listen to stone age people. Thank God today RAM is not measured in kilobytes or even megabytes. When replacing the cursor, the computer will not slow down - it’s like a pellet to an elephant.

So, first, download the archive with hundreds of different cursors...

Cursors download: 11 MB

We unpacked the archive and got this folder...

Move it to a place where it won’t be an eyesore. After replacing the cursor, this folder cannot be moved or deleted, otherwise the cursor will return to the standard, boring appearance.

Now let's forget about it for the moment. Close it if you opened it. Go to the desktop and right-click anywhere. A menu like this should appear...

We need the “Personalization” item. Now…

...and we get to the mouse pointer settings window...

Click “Browse”...

Specify the path to our folder with a bunch of cursors and choose the one you like. Click directly on the cursor...

In the returned window, look at the preview (above, right) of the new cursor and if it suits you, click “Apply”. That's all - the cursor has changed. This operation can be done at least a hundred times. To return the index to its original appearance, click - “Default”.

Advice - cursors with resolution (.ani) are live, animated, and with (.cur) - dead.

So you are convinced that downloading and replacing cursors is really very simple and easy. I also advise you to change the appearance of the start button or make colored folders With original background. You can also read how to improve your mouse.

Some users are not satisfied with the default mouse cursor available in Windows 10.

Some say that it is too small, others that it is too simple and gets lost in the landscape, others want it animated or in a different color.

If you want to change the mouse cursor in Windows 10, read this guide.

Then you will learn how you can change the size and color of the cursor using the standard options offered by the operating system.

Change mouse cursor size and color in Control Panel

One way to configure this is to use . In the control panel, select the "accessibility" section.

There, find the line “change mouse settings” and click on it to open a window where you can configure it.

A window named “Make your mouse easier to use” will open. There you will find a list of options to configure.

You can choose from three different colors and three different sizes for each color.

The third choice changes the effect - the pointer changes depending on the color the cursor is on.

Once you've selected the optimal settings you want to use, click OK to apply the changes.

Change mouse cursor size and color in application settings

The second method is especially suitable for devices with touch screens, using the Windows 10 system settings.

The fastest way to open Settings is to press the Windows + I keys.

Once the app opens, click on the “accessibility” section.

In the left column, click on the mouse. On the right side you will see three sections: changing size, changing color and changing mouse from keyboard.

The first two allow you to change the size and color using one of three options for each section.

Choose which ones you want. After making changes, close the settings application and the changes will be activated immediately, without having to click on the “Save” button.

The pointer is one of the things on the Windows 10 desktop that you need to constantly keep an eye on.

For this reason, it is a good idea to change it so that it is clearly visible on the screen.

As you can see in this article, this process is very easy to do in Windows 10 - using the old classic Control Panel or the new built-in tools. Good luck.

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