Ready graffiti for contact. How to draw graffiti "VKontakte": secrets of mastery

    After the release of the new (updated) design, around the summer of 2016, the Graffiti editor function appeared, which for some reason was removed. But it is currently available only to those who have gadgets with Android and Windows Phone, although the developers promise to launch it soon for iOS owners, as well as on a website with access to a regular computer.

    You can draw graffiti using the Graffiti menu (brush icon), which is located in the Attach menu (clip icon). Then, using the touch screen, you can draw a graffiti-style drawing and send it in correspondence as a personal message.

    If you access the social network VKontakte through a phone or tablet on Android or Windows Phone, then you need to click on the attach button when writing a message and select graffiti. This function is not yet available for users of sitting computers, but they promise to make such a function available everywhere soon.

    At the moment, graffiti in private messages is only possible from smartphones. This function is not currently available on desktop computers. In order to draw graffiti, you need to install the VKontakte application on your smartphone and go to the site under your name. Everything else is simple. You need to go to your personal messages and find your interlocutor, after that you need to click on the attachment icon and select the graffiti section. And then we draw and send it to our interlocutor.

    Previously, I used this function very often (on the wall, of course), but now I don’t see bright drawings on the pages, or less and less often, which is sad, of course. I wondered, why not create the ability to draw directly in private messages? Comfortable. To be honest, I always wanted to draw something for my interlocutor personally, and not for everyone to see. Unfortunately, we haven’t come to this point yet, but here’s the information I found on the Internet:

    I hope that in the near future it will be possible to send funny handwritings not only from the mobile application.

    Today I came across the graffiti function in personal messages for the first time - a friend sent me this message. I wanted to do this myself, but I couldn’t find this function in the attachments. After searching for information a little, I found out that for now this can only be done from mobile applications. There in attachments, among photos, audio, etc. There is also graffiti. It’s a pity, because it’s much easier to draw good graffiti on a computer... However, you can cheat the system a little and draw the desired graffiti, for example, on your wall, then copy the link to it as in a photo and send it to a friend as a photo. Of course, it will look a little different, but the essence is clear :) However, I’m not sure whether your friend will display it when you remove unnecessary graffiti from the wall, but even if it is deleted, you can create some kind of fake account for this, or draw on your own computer in Paint.

    First, of course, we open a dialogue with him (or click on the Write a message button) > then click on the attachment button (Attach) > select Graffiti from the list that appears and click the Draw Graffiti button.

    Draw it - send it.

    It is not yet possible to draw graffiti in personal messages on a social network such as VKontakte. True, there is information on the Internet that graffiti in VKontakte messages is available for mobile versions on Android and Windows Phone. To use it, you just need to select the attachment icon when directly going to write messages, and then find the graffiti there.

    You can draw graffiti on VKontakte, but only on the wall. It is not yet possible to draw graffiti in private messages. But this can be done from a phone on Android and iPhones. In messages you need to select stickers and select graffiti there.

    If you have a desktop computer like I do, creating graffiti will not be possible.

    But if you use VKontakte for Android or Windows Phone, all you need to do is go to messages and click on the icon that allows you to attach something to the letter (photo, audio, document, etc.). Among other things you will find Graffiti.

    Previously, I remember, it was very popular to send graffiti to each other, leaving them on the user’s wall. This is how they congratulated you on your birthday or simply asked how you were doing.

    In the message feed with the interlocutor to whom you want to present the graffiti, click on the paper clip icon, that is, Attach. Next, go to the Graffiti section and select Draw Graffiti. Using the available tools, we make a drawing, and upon completion, simply click on the white checkmark on the blue background of the circle and press the Send button.

    It is noteworthy that graffiti can also be drawn on a personal wall and the walls of other VK users.

There is an opinion that learning to draw VKontakte graffiti is very difficult. But actually it is not. At first, I myself watched with envy how others drew and only made some nondescript inscriptions. It is clear that the ideal option is to buy a tablet. You can draw on it just like regular graffiti on paper. But personally, I still don’t have it.

Why is this even necessary? Well, first of all, I personally often congratulate my friends on their birthday or on some other holidays. And it’s much more pleasant to send a person an exclusive postcard of your own making, and not some kind of rose that has already been sent to me a couple of tens of thousands of times. All you have to do to add a cool verse to such a postcard is that the gift is ready. By the way, I always look for happy birthday poems here (see the site at my link).

So, how to learn to draw beautiful graffiti on VKontakte. To begin with, I still advise you to practice on paper. If you don't know how to draw just like that, you definitely won't be able to do it with mice. Personally, my experience of drawing on walls helped me a lot, but that’s not what this is about. You can draw graffiti with your mouse. The main thing here is to develop skill. Don’t hope that it will work out right away and don’t get angry. You just need to sit stupidly and draw one letter and one line at a time. It turned out bad or crooked, I just didn’t like it - I immediately erased it and redrew it again.

The only thing is to immediately sketch the background with the desired color. Graffiti on VKontakte is not photoshopped. Here you won’t fill it later and you won’t change the background. If you want to make a transparent background, then you need to find the Vitrite program. It is very easy to find, it is free and is designed for window transparency in Windows. It is also very easy to use. Press shift + ctrl at the same time and choose the transparency that you like. If you press 0, the window will become opaque again.

If you can’t do anything or you don’t want to spend a long time with drawing (it sometimes takes me an hour to paint one picture), then download the VKPaint graffiti drawing program on VKontakte. Everything is quite simple here. You can simply transfer a drawing to your friend’s wall, add an inscription or some elements to it. The program makes very real graffiti and they look like ordinary drawings.

Well, that's all in a nutshell. I will definitely return to this topic and tell you which pictures are easier to draw and how to draw the elements. Don’t waste time and train. The main thing is to get good at using the mouse.

There are many ways to learn how to draw graffiti in contact. But first, let's look at the alternative. To create a beautiful drawing on the wall, you can use a special graffiti program.

Program for drawing graffiti in VK

In our opinion, the most convenient program for creating graffiti in VKontakte is vkpaint. With it you can:
send ready graffiti pictures on a friend’s wall or your own;
redraw pictures and photographs, arranging original under the drawing window;

To send a picture you made, simply select the option \"Open file\" and click \"Upload to wall\". In the window that appears, select the desired user and send him your graffiti on the wall.

Second way

Another way to draw graffiti in contact using a program is a little more complicated, but with it you will draw a picture yourself, based on your imagination. To understand how to use vkpaint, you need to decide on its version.

So, for example, in version 1.30 you can select the \"slow method\" option, load the selected image, and the program will automatically draw this image, but extremely slowly.

In newer versions, the picture appears in a window, and on top of it you can add a frame, add an original inscription, or redraw this image along the contours. At the same time you will be able change brush colors, sizes and intensity. In addition, if you want to finish drawing the graffiti a little later, you can simply press pause, and the unfinished work will be saved.

Classic method

If you decide to draw graffiti on VK, without resorting to programs, the following recommendations will be useful to you.

To draw a straight line and then get an arc from it, hold the left mouse button, then press the right one, release. Then, in the desired place on the graffiti, press the right button again. This way you will draw a straight line. And if you make the angle a little less than 45 degrees, you will get a beautiful arc.

If you want a perfectly straight line, click Shift+Alt+NumLock to open the mouse control function from an alternative keyboard. Then simultaneously press the mouse and the desired arrow on the keyboard.

In order for your contact graffiti to be truly neat and beautiful, you must be able to draw small nuances by zooming in. To do this you will need a program \"Screen magnifier\"(start - programs - standard - special features - screen magnifier).

How to learn to draw beautiful graffiti in VKontakte? How to draw graffiti yourself using a mouse? Which program for drawing VKontakte graffiti should I choose? The answer to these questions is in our article.

If you want to draw beautiful graffiti on the walls of your VKontakte friends, then you should think about buying. With its help, you can draw graffiti on the computer by hand, just like with a pencil in an art lesson at school. If you are good at drawing with your hand, then the tablet is simply irreplaceable for beautiful graffiti on VKontakte.

How to learn to draw graffiti in contact with the mouse?

It's very difficult to draw with a mouse. But if you want to redraw the finished picture in VKontakte graffiti yourself, then you can resort to the following tricky method.
Make the window with VKontakte graffiti transparent, and right behind it place a window with an open picture that you will redraw. This way we can easily transfer the contours of the photo, and the graffiti on the wall will look as if it was drawn by hand. This method is good even if you don’t know how to draw, but want to draw the most beautiful graffiti on VKontakte. To make a window transparent, you can use the Vitrite program. You need to download the program, install it and run it. After this, the program icon will appear in the tray. Now you need to press the shift and ctrl keys at the same time, and use the key from 1 to 9 to select the degree of transparency of the window with graffiti. Number 1 is 90% transparency, 3 is 70%, 5-50%, and so on. If you press 0, the transparency will disappear back.

Program for drawing graffiti in contact

If you don’t want to draw yourself, then you can use special programs to draw graffiti on VKontakte. For example, the VKPaint program. VKPaint allows you to add any element to the finished graffiti or completely transfer the selected picture to the wall of your VKontakte friends. There are two operating modes to choose from - “redrawing” the picture (when the selected picture is completely redrawn by the program in the graffiti window and looks realistic - as if it was drawn by hand) and loading the picture directly.

You can:
- choose the time and quality of drawing.
- pause drawing and resume it again.
- quickly redraw a complex drawing and make it beautiful graffiti on a friend’s wall.

This program for drawing graffiti on VKontakte is completely free. via direct link. The program is easy to use and should not cause any difficulties.
Attention: if the program gives an error when selecting an image for graffiti, you should run it with administrator rights (Right click - Run as administrator). Then you choose a drawing method, wait a little, and beautiful graffiti is already on the wall!

How to draw graffiti in VK in messages from a computer? No way. Ten years ago, graffiti was actually available to PC users, but today the function can only be used in the mobile version of the site. The instructions will tell you how to do this.

Graffiti in VK is a way to send someone an inscription created by hand (with a mouse or using a tablet) in your own social network editor.

REFERENCE. This function appeared on VKontakte at the end of the 2000s, and allowed people to share postcards only on each other’s walls. It was turned off along with the “old” wall.

In 2017, the ability to draw graffiti returned, but only in the mobile application. Fewer platforms - but more opportunities. Now graffiti can be sent not only to the wall, but also in private messages.


The interface of the VK application is intuitive, but if you are suddenly confused, the steps described below will help you.


First of all, you need to get into the graphic editor:

  • Select the recipient and open the corresponding dialog. By the way, graffiti is also available for conversations.
  • Click on the paperclip button. With its help, you usually send attached files.

  • We poke at the brush. Under this icon it says “graffiti”.

  • We see the “Draw graffiti” button and click it.

  • Hooray! A canvas has appeared, now you can draw.


Now you need to figure out how the tools are available in this graphic editor.

From left to right:

  • The cross is the way out. After clicking on it, the editor will warn you that your work will not be saved when you exit.
  • Three stripes - the size of the brush. Inside there are five (not three) brushes of different thicknesses to choose from. The brush shape is round, there are no other options.
  • Checkbox – save and send. Before sending, the editor will show a preview, and if you are not satisfied with something, you can always correct it.
  • The gray and white rectangle is an eraser. Improvement compared to the old version. Ten years ago you could only undo the entire action, but now you can tweak small touches.
  • Arrow – cancel the last action. No remarks are needed here, just the usual Ctrl+Z.


There are colored circles above the tool buttons. This is a palette in which 24 colors are available. You can select them by moving the line with your finger to the right and left. Hues and color wheel are not available, and transparency cannot be adjusted.