Background How to convert PNG image to SVG? Converting images from raster to vector How to make png from svg

In one of the projects, small icons in svg format were displayed near the menu, and it was necessary that when you hover the cursor over a menu item, the text and icon change color. In order not to produce a large number of pictures, it was decided to translate svg into code and use it in CSS styles.

Brief instructions on how to use SVG in CSS

We use the resulting code in our css file.

For example, take the Facebook icon (standard icon with a slight modification).

On the website click "Open SVG" or simply drag the icon onto the viewing area. In the upper left corner click "CODE", highlight the code, and then click on copy icon, so we will get the code of our SVG image into the buffer.

Something like this:

Then paste the resulting code into the window above, click Converte and get the finished code background-image:

Background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3csvg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"%3e%3cpath fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="%23FFF" d="M12.748 16v-1h6v1h-6zm0-3h6v1h-6v-1zm4 5h -4v-1h4v1zM13.748 9.975v-3h-4v-1c0-1.104.896-2 2-2h2v-2.95h-2c-2.8.256-5 2.583-5 5.45 0 . -3v3h3v8h3v-8h4z"/%3e%3c/svg%3e");

Copy and use it in your css.

To change the color, change fill="%23FFF" , just keep in mind that %23 is a regular # sign, that is, fill="%23000" is a regular black (#000).

with adobe illustrator:

Open Adobe Illustrator. Click "File" and select "Open" to load the .PNG file into the program. Extract the image as needed before saving it as an .SVG file. Click "File" and select "Save As." Create a new file name or use an existing name. Make sure the selected file type is SVG. Select a directory and click "Save" to save the file.

i prefer AI because you can make any changes

How to convert a PNG image to SVG?

However, this is not ideal.

Png is a bitmap style and SVG is a vector graphic design that supports bitmaps, so it won't convert the image to vectors, but just an image embedded in a vector format. You can do this using which is free. It will inject it, however it also has a Live Trace engine that will try to convert it to paths if you want (using potrace). See Direct Tracing in Adobe Illustrator (commercial) is an example:

There is a website where you can upload your image and see the result.

But if you want to download the svg image, you need to register. (If you register you will receive 2 images for free)

If you are on some Linux system, imagemagick is ideal. Those.

Convert somefile.png somefile.svg

This works with tons of different formats.

However, for other media such as video and audio (ffmpeg), I know you clearly stated png to svg; It's still about the media.

Ffmpeg -i somefile.mp3 somefile.ogg

Just a hint if you want to go through a lot of files; loop using basic shell tricks.

For f in *.jpg; do convert $f $(f%jpg)png; done

This removes the jpg and adds the png, which tells you to convert what you want.

Depending on Why you want to convert from .png to .svg, you may not have to worry. Converting from .png (raster) to .svg (vector) can be a pain if you are not very familiar with the tools available or if you are not a graphic designer by trade.

If someone sends you a large, high-resolution file (like 1024x1024), you can resize it to almost any size you want to use in GIMP. It's common to have problems resizing an image if the resolution (pixels per inch) is too low. To fix this in GIMP you can:

  1. File -> Open: your .png file
  2. Image -> Image Properties: Check resolution and color space. You want a resolution of around 300 ppi. In most cases, you want the color space to be RGB.
  3. Image -> Mode: Set the RGB value
  4. Image -> Scale Image: Leave the size separate, and set the Y resolution to 300 or more. Hit scale.
  5. Image -> Scale Image: The resolution should now be 300 and you can now resize the image to almost any size.

Not as easy as resizing a .svg file, but certainly easier and faster than trying to convert a .png to .svg if you already have a large, high-resolution image.

When you convert from raster images like PNG to SVG or JPG to SVG, it will convert your forms and objects in black-and-white images in vector graphics that can be enlarged without loss of quality. Then you can paint them in any vector graphics editor such as Inkscape .

Conversion of ordinary pictures, most likely, won’t have the desired result.

For best results in convert to SVG, use image with solid background.

  • To convert to SVG, select the file, wait for it to download on our server.
  • Supports almost all image formats (PNG, JPG, BMP and other). File size is not limited, but the larger the file, the more time it will take to convert.
  • After the conversion, you will see your original file and the result under it.
  • Download the result via the link.

Why do you need the SVG format and how to use it? After convert PNG to SVG or JPG to SVG

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an XML-based vector graphics format
The advantage is that you can change the image size without losing the quality and details. When you increase the size, the vector image preserves the shape of the curves, so the image can be displayed at any resolution.

SVG image is a major vector format for the next generation of websites, and it’s fully integrated with the new standards of HTML5. With Aurora SVG Viewer & Converter: You can easily View SVG graphics and Convert your productions to multiple formats.

The advent of HTML5 has brought greater usage of SVG-formatted vector images. If you’re a web developer, now’s the perfect time to get ahead of the game and outfit your workflow with everything that you need to work with HTML5 and SVG images. The first step is to grab a copy of today’s discounted software promotion, available for Mac and Windows users!

Aurora SVG Viewer & Converter makes it easy to organize, view, and convert SVG images. With Aurora SVG Viewer & Converter, you’ll enjoy a convenient thumbnail display mode, and an instantly recognizable folder view. If you need to convert an SVG image to a different format, Aurora SVG Viewer & Converter saves the day by enabling you to save images as TIFF, PNG, JPB, BMP, GIF, TGA, XPM, PPM, XBM, or even PDF format files. Even better, you can convert multiple files in batch!

Of course, you always have full control over the details with Aurora SVG Viewer & Converter. Adjust output resolution, convert portions of SVG images, and set conversion quality!

Windows Screenshot: Mac Screenshot:

Aurora SVG Viewer & Converter Features:

1.Support Windows & MAC OS.

2.Easy folder selection and thumbnail display mode.

3. Quickly preview SVG pictures or convert them; supports SVG and SVGZ.

4. SVG converter to multiple image formats include: tiff, png, jpg, bmp, gif, tga, xpm, ppm, xbm, and pdf.

5. Batch Convert, make a list of images to convert, and then in one sweep convert them and save them to another folder.

6. Output resolution is easily set with the free zoom resolution. Select and convert any area of ​​the SVG canvas.

7.Custom convert any area you choose: select an area of ​​the SVG image and convert.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to save svg as png using the browser. Unfortunately, the browser does not have a magic API that would allow this to be done without various hacks. What to do if you still want to achieve what you want?

The first idea that came to my mind was to do this through canvas, which has a method toDataURL("image/png");
So, I wrote a simple script: jsfiddle, github:

Var html = document.querySelector("svg").parentNode.innerHTML; var imgsrc = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(html); var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas"), context = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.setAttribute("width", 526); canvas.setAttribute("height", 233); var image = new Image; image.src = imgsrc; image.onload = function () ( context.drawImage(image, 0, 0); var canvasdata = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); var a = document.createElement("a"); a.textContent = " save"; = "export_" + + ".png"; a.href = canvasdata; document.body.appendChild(a); canvas.parentNode.removeChild(canvas); );

The essence of the script is simple: I converted svg to dataUri, loaded it via image, drew a picture on canvas and turned it into png. It seemed that the goal had been achieved and we could relax. This approach worked in Firefox and Chrome, but when I opened it in everyone's favorite browser, IE, I got this wonderful error:

The fact is that IE believes that the image was loaded from another host. Unfortunately, you won't be able to set origin for dataUri. Actually, a description of the rules can be found here: It was possible, of course, to proxy the svg through the server, and then everything would work, but I wanted a purely client-side solution.

And then I remembered the wonderful canvg library. Using this library, I draw svg on canvas, and then proceed as in the first option: take toDataURL("image/png") . The result is this simple code: github:

Var svg = document.querySelector("svg"); var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.height = svg.getAttribute("height"); canvas.width = svg.getAttribute("width"); canvg(canvas, svg.parentNode.innerHTML.trim()); var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); var data = atob(dataURL.substring("data:image/png;base64,".length)), asArray = new Uint8Array(data.length); for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i< len; ++i) { asArray[i] = data.charCodeAt(i); } var blob = new Blob(, {type: "image/png"}); saveAs(blob, "export_" + + ".png");

It’s worth mentioning here that I also used the FileSaver library to bring up the save dialog box.
That's all, we have achieved the desired result.

One thing worth noting is that I wondered about saving svg to png when I was writing the tauCharts export plugin. Since the styles in the svg are set from an external file, in order to achieve maximum similarity with the original svg, I insert an inline style into the svg. And we get this result.

I hope the article will be useful to you and save your time.