Email - where you can create it, how to register a mailbox and choose the best of the free Email services. How to create an email on Yandex for free: step-by-step instructions

So, a little later we’ll talk about how to create mail on mail ru, but first let’s see how to log into it. Here everything is very, very simple. In the address bar of your browser, enter mail ru. On the page that opens, there will be an authorization form in the upper left corner.

If you need to re-create your mail ru email, then under the form there will be “Registration in mail”. However, we already have our own account, so we need enter his name in the top field. Fill in everything up to the @ symbol. Below we write your password. Click the “login” button. Email login completed.
Mail.Ru - this is a browser, a search engine, games, and of course, mail. The history of the company began back in 1998. The American company DataArt, which was founded by Russian emigrants, created software for the mail server. It was planned that in the future this software would be sold to Western companies.

Since the developers were St. Petersburg programmers, they decided to test it in Russia. What came as a surprise to the developers was the fact that the service began to rapidly gain users. So the decision was made to create the mail ru mail service, in which anyone can register completely free of charge by creating their own mail with the required login.

A mailbox created once in the mail ru system will be valid at any time. The box has no lifespan or downtime. To this day, the project does not stand still; every day the development team is actively working on new ideas and regularly releasing updates. But let's focus on the first and largest project - mail.

Free mail registration on mail ru

From the moment of its foundation to this day, anyone can create an email account on mail ru absolutely free of charge. To create a mailbox, you will need come up with a unique mailbox name and password.

The difficulty is that the mail service has existed for quite a long time and it is very popular, which means that in order to create your own mail you'll have to use your imagination. The mailbox name must not match any existing one. Agree, it would not be right for someone to receive your letters and you to receive someone else’s. If the desired name is already taken, the system will offer you similar options from those currently available. You can agree with the proposed option or come up with another one and check if it is available.

An interesting point: if your name is taken in the @mail ru option, this does not mean at all that it was taken in other domain options of the mail service. It may well be free in@inbox ru, @bk ru or @list ru.

Email registration also requires entering a password that would satisfy generally accepted password security requirements. The password must be at least 6 characters long and cannot consist only of numbers.

Mail registration can be faster, if you leave your mobile phone number. In this case, you will not need to indicate the secret question and the answer to it. In addition, this will significantly increase the level of mailbox security. Without access to your phone, it will be impossible to recover your password.

Registration also provides filling out the Last Name and First Name fields. Please note that this is the data that recipients of your emails will see in their inbox before opening the email.

Enter your phone number or choose a secret question that only you will know, and click the “Register” button. This is the largest button on the registration form. Further, at the discretion of the server, protection against bots may appear: captcha.

The introduction of such a check is a necessary measure. At some point, a massive creation of mailboxes began from which unwanted mail was sent. That is why the decision was made to test on humans. Please enter these characters correctly. From this moment mail ru registration is considered completed.

However, since mail ru is a multi-service company, upon completion of registration it will offer you to use the company’s services, which you can refuse. But among the services offered there are some very useful ones.

  • For example, redirection to your new mailbox of letters that go to the old address you specified.
  • Possibility to specify a signature, which will be automatically added to the end of every email sent.
  • Upload a photo, for the My World social network, which you will see in the “my page” menu.
  • You can create an email address and stylize it to your preferences by choosing a theme.
  • In addition, you can install mobile application.

After all additional offers a web interface window will open mailbox. By default, the contents of your inbox will be displayed.

How to set up mail ru?

Let's start reviewing the settings from visual design. If you did not choose a theme during registration or you have a desire to change it, you can install a new theme.

For this you need go to the “Themes” section, which is in the settings. The range of themes offered will satisfy almost any user. They are provided to users absolutely free of charge.

You can also configure email sorting– the server will distribute mail according to the rules you specify into various folders. This will relieve your inbox. The server has excellent protection against spam and all kinds of unwanted mail. If the system does not take into account any letter, you can add it to the spam list. Thus, doing something useful for all users. The server can analyze such marks.

In addition, there is answering machine function. It will be very useful if you go on vacation and do not want to be disturbed. Particular attention should be paid to the unique mail ru mail service, the entrance to which is in the same settings - this SMS notification service. Very convenient, especially if you don’t want to monitor your mailbox.

Well, a phenomenon familiar to business people - calendar. It can replace a paper organizer and organize your affairs and meetings. You can find all this in the settings after you log into your email. mail.

How to send email from mail ru?

1. In order to send a letter, you need go to your email. Open mail ru in your browser and log in.

2. Go to the Mail service.

3. At the top of the screen in the middle there will be "Write a letter" button. This is exactly what we need.

4. In the form that appears, fill in the recipient, the subject of the letter, and the actual text of the letter and click "Send".

If you are interested view contents of your sent message, you can easily find it in the “Sent” folder.

For more fast and simple communication you can install the Mail ru agent service. This will simplify correspondence and communication with colleagues and acquaintances. But this service is worth writing a separate article about.

How to send a picture or document from email ru?

1. To send a file, for example a picture or document – you need to create a regular letter.

2. Only Please attach the file before sending. This is done by clicking on the “Attach file” button.

In addition, the speed of delivery of the message to the recipient will depend on the file size. So don't send large files. For these purposes in Mail ru there is a cloud service. After placing the file there, send the final recipient a link to it. This will be more convenient not only for you, but also for the recipient. Indeed, in the modern world, letters can be read not only on a desktop PC, but also on a phone or tablet, where the speed of the Internet connection can be significantly lower.

Video lessons: registering and setting up mail ru mail

Do you have e-mail? If not, it will be in 5 minutes!

From this lesson you will learn how to easily and quickly create a mailbox After all, on the Internet you can’t live without mail. During any registration, you must indicate your mailbox; it is required as a passport in life.

Nothing complicated about mail registration no, but questions still arise and every day hundreds of people are looking for the answer to this question. This lesson will help all beginners!

There are quite a lot of services that offer to create a mailbox. In this lesson I will tell you how to create a mailbox on

Let's get started right now!

To do this, go to the website and click on the link “ Registration by mail».

In the window that opens, fill in fields with your data: enter first name, last name, birthday, city. In the Mailbox field, we come up with a login for your mailbox, and one that will be free. Next to the login, select or another domain zone from the list. Then we come up with a password, it should contain both numbers and letters, enter your mobile phone number and press the “ Register».

An SMS message with a confirmation code should be sent to the specified number. In the next window you need to enter it and click “Finish”.

All mailbox completed! The next window is our mailbox, you can see that we have two incoming letters. These are letters from itself, from the administration.

The letter greets us from the service and thanks us for registering. These emails can be deleted immediately.

E-mail is used for correspondence between recipients, and various types of files can be attached to a letter, be it photographs, archives, audio or video clips, documents, etc.

The email address looks like this: [email protected] where: name is a unique name (login) in the mail service, is the site (domain) on which your mail is located and @ is the email identifier. In Russia, this icon is called a Dog, a purely descriptive name, but it suits everyone, you can, of course, say that it is the letter “a” with a tail, and everyone will understand you too.

First, let's talk about where you can register your email:

Well-known and free email services are represented by such companies as,,,

Let's look at the capabilities of the listed email services.

Yandex Mail - box volume is 10 GB, 1 GB are added as it is filled,

Creating message templates, okay

They are protected from spam (junk mail) and, importantly, all letters are scanned by Dr.Web anti-virus. Decent and reliable postal service. Ability to attach files up to 30MB; if the volume is larger, then the file is automatically uploaded to your Yandex Disk. In this case, a link to this file will appear in the letter.

(see photo)

Mail mail - the mailbox volume is unlimited, i.e. At first they give 10GB and as they fill up they add as needed. Also good anti-spam protection and also
antivirus is working. Here you can attach files up to 25MB, and if the file is larger, then it is uploaded to [email protected]; the storage period for such files is 30 days. When registering, you can select one mail server from the proposed options, i.e. Your address might look like this: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Unlike Yandex, all addresses are independent units, i.e. These are different email addresses. - email service from Google, themes for every taste, autoresponder, email attachment, can send up to 25MB, if more? They suggest using Google Drive, where 15GB of free space will be available for you. I would like to note that 15GB is the total volume of mail: Messages, files, photos, etc. on Gmail, your email address might look like this: [email protected];

Rambler mail - mailbox capacity is 2GB, you can attach a file up to 20MB to a letter. When registering, you can choose one email server from those offered. As a result, your address may look like this: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected].

Don't want to share your real email address? Tired of endless spam in your inbox? Temporary mail for 10 minutes will be the solution to these problems.

Our reliable and free service allows you to create a quick temporary email anonymously and without registration. Temporary mailboxes have a short lifespan - from 10 minutes to 10 days. Use them when registering on websites, create several accounts on social networks and don’t worry about security and anonymity.

Who needs a service for creating temporary mail and why?

There are many advantages of the service. You yourself know about them or guess, since you are on our website.

But it would not be superfluous to clarify that temporary mail is extremely necessary:

    If you work in the field of SMM (social media marketing), to create several accounts on social networks.

    If you don’t want to “shine” your real Email address on various Internet resources.

    If you want to remain anonymous on the Internet, but access to some sites and services requires registration.

    If you do not want to receive spam and annoying mailings to your main mailbox.

    If there is a need to correspond with the respondent while remaining anonymous.


Thanks to temporary mail, you can remain anonymous always and everywhere. For example, you wanted to register on some forum or portal, but you do not want to reveal your real Email address. Then Crazymailing is perfect for you.

Spam protection

When creating accounts on various sites, there is a potential risk of becoming a victim of an attack by hackers who can instantly steal your personal data and use it to your detriment without your knowledge. There is nothing easier than introducing a virus through a letter to your computer or mobile phone, even if you have a good antivirus. A temporary mailbox minimizes the risk of losing personal data and ensures the security of your computer and mobile device. Temporary mail will be the best solution to this problem, which will protect you as much as possible from unwanted spam while maintaining complete anonymity.

Forwarding letters to a real email address

We have provided the ability to send a letter from a temporary address to your real mailbox. This option is useful for users who want to receive letters from different sites without showing their real email address.

Chrome browser app

Install the application in your browser and use temporary email addresses without going to the site itself. Just click on the Crazymailing icon in the upper right corner of the browser, and in a second a window will appear with a new temporary Email address. In the same window you will receive notifications about received letters.


Temporary mail can not only receive letters, but also send them! No one except you can view the contents of letters! Your safety is under control.

1 account and 10 Email addresses!

Log in to the website through a social network convenient for you (Facebook, Vkontakte, Google+, Twitter, etc.) and get access to manage up to 10 temporary email addresses. Delete old ones and add new ones, extend the period of activity of mailboxes, redirect letters to your main mailbox - customization exclusively for your needs!

By the way, the service is absolutely free! Use it!

About, how to create an email(E-mail). Why did I decide to write this article? I won’t tell you what E-mail is and why it is needed, those days have already passed. It seems that everything is very simple, I went in and registered and that’s all, but that wasn’t the case. People often ask me how to create an email, tell me what to click where.

To be honest, such questions make me a little angry, is it really that difficult? I have friends who do not have an email and therefore cannot register on many sites (Vadim, hello! :)) But creating an email is difficult, and also lazy. So I decided to tell you step by step and with pictures how to create an email on

I use email from both Yandex and Google, but to be honest, I like email from Google better and its interface is more convenient. So let’s look at the example of mail from Google, aka Gmail .

Follow the link and pay attention to the right side of the page. As you can see, there is a form in which you can enter your password with your login and log in to your email box. But this is Later, we don’t have email yet, and we need to create one. To do this, click on the red button in the upper right corner “Create an account”.

After clicking on this button, we are taken to a page where we just need to remember the registration form. I’ll remember it as an example, and you enter your real data.

Well, here it seems to me that everything is clear. Where “Create a username” come up with a name for yourself in English letters, maybe numbers. If such an address already exists, the system will warn you about it. As for the password, you should come up with a long and complex one. I immediately advise you to write it down somewhere so as not to forget. By the way, you don't have to enter your phone number. When you remember everything correctly, click “Next”.

A new page will appear with some useful text and an offer to upload a photo for your profile. But this is not necessary, so feel free to click “Next” .

All is ready! The service will congratulate us on registration and offer to go to our mailbox. Click “Go to Gmail service”.

After clicking on this blue button, you will be taken to your personal Gmail account where you can read the letters that come to you and send email. As I said, everything is very simple!

As you can see, everything is still very simple in the interface itself. You will already have 4 incoming letters, these are letters from Google. To read a letter, just click on it, and to write a letter, click “Write”.

How to sign in to email from Google?

If you close the page with your mail, you will most likely need to log in to it again. To do this, go to the same address and in the form about which I already wrote, enter your email address and password that we specified during registration.

You can also check the box "Remain in the system" so that you don’t have to enter the password again later. Well, all that remains is to click on the “Login” button.

All! Now you are a happy owner of e-mail, you can receive and send letters as much as you want. Good luck!

Also on the site:

How to create an email (E-mail)? Using Gmail as an example. updated: September 12, 2012 by: admin