The mouse cursor is shaking, what should I do? Why does the mouse arrow move on its own? Why does the cursor jump around the screen? The mouse cursor jerks due to foreign objects

The cursor is an almost invisible icon on the display screen that constantly moves. The main purpose of an arrow is to point to specific interface objects. The pointer does its job almost unnoticed. However, as soon as the cursor changes the smoothness of its movements, the resulting instability in the functioning of the device immediately begins to irritate.

Why does the mouse cursor twitch?

There can be many reasons for a twitching cursor. It can tremble both while working in a specific program, and regularly after a certain period of time or when a specific event occurs. Let's highlight the main reasons:

1. Incorrect program update

The cursor may behave strangely due to incorrect software updates, which provokes a device conflict. In such a case, you need to uninstall the last defective update, then try updating the application again.

2. Viruses

The cause of trouble in the form of a twitching mouse cursor may be the presence of malware. Therefore, it is necessary to check your computer for viruses with a high-quality antivirus.

3. Mouse sensitivity is too high

One of the reasons why the mouse cursor twitches on its own may be incorrect sensitivity settings of the manipulator. There are two ways to adjust sensitivity. In the first case, to reduce sensitivity, select the menu item in the control panel that is responsible for calibrating the cursor and the mouse itself. In the second case, fine tuning is done through additionally installed mouse software, which is included in the package of an expensive model with advanced functionality.

4. Uneven surface for mouse operation

The design of almost all laser and optical mice cannot work properly without a surface designed for this. You can often eliminate cursor jitter by placing the device on a mat.

5. Clogging

If the arrow, that is, the mouse cursor, constantly twitches, the mechanical elements of the device may be clogged with dirt. Turn the mouse over and carefully remove any dirt, being careful not to touch the sensors.

6. Incorrect operation of drivers

If the mouse cursor shakes on the screen, it is possible that the driver that should ensure the normal functioning of the mouse is outdated, damaged, or not compatible with the current version of the OS. To solve the problem, you need to update the drivers by downloading them from the official website.

The cursor is twitching: what to do?

Didn't find a solution in the above recommendations? The specialists of the PC-Help service center know exactly what to do if the mouse cursor twitches, where they will provide you with advice on various issues regarding computer equipment. We are always ready to help troubleshoot issues related to strange cursor behavior. If necessary, a home visit is carried out. Diagnostics of a computer or laptop is free, subject to further troubleshooting by our specialist.


At one point, the mouse cursor may begin to exhibit instability in operation: freeze, move intermittently, freeze, or slow down. In this article we will look at the possible reasons for such unpleasant behavior of the mouse pointer.

There may be several reasons, and we will try to understand what is wrong with it based on the accompanying “symptoms” that can also be observed.

1 reason why the mouse cursor is not working satisfactorily

Your computer is so loaded that the system cannot allocate enough resources to keep the mouse cursor running smoothly.

In this situation, as a rule, not only the mouse cursor slows down, but also the interface of the operating system itself and the programs launched in it.

Solution: You need to restart your computer. Usually this is enough to restore normal operation of the mouse cursor. If this does not help and the computer’s previous performance is not restored, then you should use it to a state where everything worked without brakes.

2 reason for mouse cursor glitches

All modern mice have an optical sensor, which determines the user’s cursor movement. However, not every surface is suitable for such mice. On some surfaces, the optical system used in the mouse is not always able to correctly detect cursor movement as expected. This is where problems with stuttering, freezes, etc. arise.

Solution: Try using the mouse on a different surface. If the problem is solved, then you should use it on this particular surface or purchase a mouse pad on which any optical mouse is almost guaranteed to work correctly.

3 reasons why the mouse cursor may be slow and glitchy

Malfunction of the mouse itself. The fact is that over time, the cable that connects the mouse to the computer wears out. It disrupts normal electrical contact, which leads to malfunctions and even the disappearance of the mouse cursor from the system.

Solution: test this mouse by connecting it to another computer. If it shows instability in its operation there too, this will confirm the existing fear that it will break down. In this situation, it will need to be repaired or replaced with a new one.

4 reasons why the mouse does not work properly

If the mouse is wireless (radio or Bluetooth), then the cursor may shake from time to time. This is due to the fact that the radio signal is less reliable than a wired connection. Cheap wireless mice or those that come with a keyboard often glitch.

Solution: in this situation, we can recommend placing the USB receiver as close as possible to the wireless mouse, this should improve the stability of its operation. If you inserted the receiver into the USB port located at the back of the computer, then switch it to the front panel.

Greetings, dear readers.

There are many reasons why the mouse cursor on a computer shakes. And in the article I will try to talk about all the possible ones. As soon as you can find out the source of the problem, you can immediately do something about the manipulator.

The first and most common reason why the pointer shakes is the entry of foreign objects into the mechanism itself. When you lift the mouse up, you should pay attention to the optical component. Often the sensor gets clogged with dirt, dust, fur, etc.

Excess elements must be removed so as not to damage the laser.

Wrong work surface( )

It must be said right away that the manipulator must be on a special surface. The best solution can be safely called a monotonous rug. Of course, old samples with a rubber ball inside can also work on transparent glass, but we are not considering such cases, since these devices are extremely rare today.

The solution is simple - try moving the mouse to another surface. Perhaps this will fix the problem.

Virus( )

Sometimes the cursor shakes in Windows 7 due to malware entering the system. It is not difficult to define, and therefore you can use any appropriate solution. Personally, I recommend the following antiviruses: Comodo Internet Security, AVG AntiVirus Free or Dr Web Cureit.

High sensitivity( )

Sometimes the arrow on the computer screen twitches as a result of incorrect installation of a component. To do this you need to go to " Control Panel» and calibrate the element. Additionally, if you use special software for your mouse, you will need to refer to it. It is very likely that this is where all settings should be set, even the simplest ones.

Driver problems( )

Sometimes problems with a connected device occur as a result of a damaged or outdated driver. The solution is simple - reinstall. To do this in Windows 8 or other latest versions, you need to go to “ Control Panel», « device Manager", and then click "" in the appropriate section.

In addition, you can go to the manufacturer’s official website and download the software.

Updates( )

Starting from the seventh version and ending with Windows 10, the developers have provided a useful tool - “ System update" But it can also cause problems. So, a new addition sometimes causes a conflict between connected devices. For example, often after removing an add-on KB2847204 the arrow stopped jumping.

Programs( )

Sometimes problems arise when programs run. For example, in AutoCAD the cursor begins to tremble, even though everything was fine on a blank monitor. This occurs as a result of incorrect installation of the application itself. What to do in this case? It's simple - reinstall the program. True, it is best to clean the registry first.

Wireless mouse problems( )

If you happen to have a spare wired pointer, try connecting it. When the radio mouse has problems, check some important points:

Using the mouse, commands are given to the computer. Atypical twitching or freezing of the cursor when working with the system can signal various problems. Most often, the reason lies in the software part of the PC, although a breakdown of the peripheral device itself is also possible. 90% of emergency situations are resolved using simple methods.

System load

Computer performance depends on the parameters of the components: video card, processor, RAM and hard drive. Running multiple applications at the same time can cause the system to freeze. The message “Not responding” appears on the frames around application windows; the program interface responds with delays - these are symptoms of a lack of resources in the OS. In such a situation, the mouse cursor may also “freeze”, twitch, or move with delays.

For the same reason, the pointer is unstable in some games or programs - they overload the computer hardware. You should upgrade your PC or use older versions of applications. After disabling utilities that overload the hardware, Windows operation returns to normal. Once you restart the system, the computer mouse begins to function fully. If sudden twitching does not disappear, you need to check whether the manipulator is working correctly.

Working surface

Each mouse has a movement sensor, thanks to which the program reads the movements of the device on the surface. Any obstacles interfere with the sensor of the peripheral device, which leads to unstable operation of the cursor. It's worth doing the following:

  • turn the gadget over and inspect for debris, wipe the sensor with a cotton swab;
  • clean the mouse pad;
  • change the work surface.

The last factor is very important. A mouse pad is not a decorative element. It is needed so that the OS correctly tracks the movement of the device. There are devices that work on any type of surface. But the manufacturer reports this on the packaging. When using a regular mouse, correct selection of the working surface is a prerequisite for normal functioning.

Increased sensitivity

The value of the "DPI" parameter is indicated on the packaging of each computer mouse. It displays the accuracy of the cursor and the speed of its movement. Relatively speaking, the lower the DPI, the slower the cursor moves. And at high values, the pointer may jerk. The sensitivity parameter can be changed using Windows, special software, or a special button located on the mouse (near the scroll wheel or left button - depending on the model). DPI Setting:

  1. Go to “Control Panel” (select from the drop-down list in the “Start” menu).
  2. Go to the menu "Hardware and Sound" - "Mice".
  3. Go to the "Pointer Options" tab and change the position of the slider in "Move".
  4. Click "Apply" - "Ok". Close a window.

If the device is gaming and requires special software for control, then detailed settings can be found in the instructions for the mouse. Changing the sensitivity can eliminate unpleasant freezing or jerking of the cursor.

Driver failure

The software may become outdated, the system may experience crashes after updates - these factors also lead to unstable operation of the gadget. The Device Manager displays the status of all computer components. In the “Mice and other pointing devices” menu item, you should check to see if an exclamation mark appears next to the peripheral equipment. If this is the case, you need to go to the manufacturer’s official website and download the current version of the driver.

After rebooting the system, the device should work normally. If reinstalling the software did not help, it may be a hardware issue on the device.

Physical breakdown

Jerking and freezing when working with the mouse may indicate a malfunction of the device. For wired gadgets, the signal wire may be interrupted, which causes unstable interaction with the computer. By connecting the mouse to another PC, you can find out whether the problem is actually with the device. If the pointer also jerks, you will have to purchase a new one.

Cheap wireless mice are often unstable. This happens for the following reasons:

  • unreliable radio signal;
  • The signal receiver is of poor quality.

In such a situation, you need to place the USB adapter as close to the device as possible so that there are no foreign objects between them. If this does not help, then you will have to buy a new gadget.

Virus infection

A factor that cannot be excluded when any problems occur with your PC. Trojans interact with system files in unpredictable ways and can cause various problems in the operation of the computer. Jerking the mouse cursor is no exception. It is worth scanning Windows for malware and then restarting your PC. In some cases, such a simple measure helps.

Very specific problems can also lead to cursor twitching and freezing: a clogged system registry, hidden system processes, including malicious ones, not detected by the antivirus. However, without special knowledge, it is better not to interfere with the internal processes of Windows, but to entrust such work to professionals.

Computer mouse- perhaps one of the objects most often in our hands, it is difficult not to notice. But what really hardly attracts attention to itself is the cursor in the operating system we use. This is understandable, the cursor does not need to be visible, its main purpose is point us to specific interface objects, focusing our attention on them. That is, it does its job" arrow"Almost imperceptibly. But as soon as the cursor movements become less smooth, twitching and shaking, the resulting instability in the operation of the device will immediately begin to be evident.

What to do if the mouse arrow is shaking

In this article we will consider two typical points.
The first problem is a situation in which you can see on the screen how cursor twitches , that is The mouse arrow on the monitor is shaking at the moment when the mouse itself is in a static position.

Let's start with the simplest reason why we can observe such a nuisance: debris on the mouse pad or work surface , if we don't use a mat.
Small debris, small clots of dust, hair caught under the optical beam of a mouse - this is all that can cause annoying twitching of the cursor on the computer screen
Therefore, the first piece of advice that can be given when the needle twitches is to wipe the mouse pad or the surface on which we move the mouse.
Of course, the surface itself used for working with the mouse must not only be clean, but also, if possible, even, however, in no case glossy. By the way, this is why, don’t be surprised when, in the age of optical and laser manipulators, you meet people who still use mouse pads; it’s quite practical.

The second possible reason is the same garbage, only caught in the eye of a mouse laser .

Disconnect the mouse's USB cable from the computer's connector, turn the mouse over and look for any foreign particles. You need to turn off the device in order to de-energize the laser, the light of which can have a negative effect on your eyes. The hole in the bottom of the mouse can be blown out or cleaned with a cotton swab. After cleaning, be sure to check that there are no cotton lint left in the hole.

And the last one cause of cursor shaking, which I would like to mention - malfunction of mouse software and drivers .
For various reasons, it happens that over time this or that software may begin to work unstable. Viruses, conflicting programs, errors in software and in the operating system registry can cause failures. First you need to check the operation of the mouse in Windows safe mode, how to start it is described in the article:. If there are no problems in Safe Mode, then all that remains is to figure out which program is conflicting or influencing the cursor.
Otherwise it is necessary reinstall the software, which supports stable operation of the equipment, in our case we need reinstall drivers.

And if for a wired mouse, just delete the entry from Device Manager HID compatible mouse , then restart the computer, waiting for the drivers to be installed again in automatic mode, then for Bluetooth It would be smarter to completely remove the hardware driver, restart your computer and install the driver yourself, which must be downloaded from the website of the manufacturer of your bluetooth mouse. If, when purchasing a device, you received a driver disk with it, you can use it, however: Only visiting the manufacturer's website will give you confidence in installing the latest version of the software, which, quite possibly, could have corrected problems and errors in drivers of previous versions.
These were the main actions to correct the situation in which mouse arrow jumps on the screen.

What to do if scrolling with the mouse wheel slows down

The second problem that we will touch upon in this article is the situation in which The screen jerks when scrolling the page .

You can observe a similar effect both while surfing the Internet, and when reading documents, or when working with any object whose boundaries extend beyond the bottom edge of the monitor screen.

The main causes of image shake when scrolling the mouse wheel are mechanical. This could be either debris, wear or chafing of the mouse wheel module. And if simply blowing through the laser eye does not succeed in restoring stable operation of the mouse, then it will be necessary disassemble usb mouse or your ps/2 device, clean it of dirt and lubricate the rubbing mechanisms.
Let's look at it in pictures, how to disassemble and clean a computer mouse using the model as an example A4Tech X7 X-760H.

We disconnect the USB cord of our mouse from the computer connector, turn it over and carefully remove the stickers on the legs of the mouse. Do not try to knock off the small round button, there is no screw under it, this is a system sensor AntiVibrate, which increases the accuracy of cursor positioning when raising the mouse above the working surface, that is, when lifting the computer mouse off the table. appeared before us screws that we need to unscrew a small Phillips screwdriver.

Slowly move the upper part of the mouse body away from the lower part to the left. Inside we see board contact cable that needs to be disconnected from the bottom of the mouse by slightly pulling up the cable connector. The cable itself is not secured in any way to the bottom board; it is held in place only by tight contact with the pins coming directly out of the board.

Now we need remove the mouse wheel. To do this, slightly lift the right leg of the wheel and carefully remove the left leg from the module responsible for scrolling the image on the computer screen.

Below is a photo of what we will see after removing the mouse wheel. We need to clean this hole if debris and dust have accumulated there.

In addition, the left leg of the mouse wheel itself often becomes very dirty in the groove that clings to the scrolling module. Cleaning the mouse wheel mounts.

After we have cleaned the mouse, all we have to do is lubricate the rubbing parts in the mouse wheel, which will help us make scrolling in the browser and documents smooth without twitching or shaking. For lubrication, you can also use a thick technical product such as Litol or CV joint, but then you will need to open the block responsible for scrolling the mouse wheel. In order not to bother with such small details, you can lubricate the computer mouse wheel with silicone grease, which is sold in aerosol cans.

You just need to apply a few drops of lubricant into the slots of the scrolling block.

After cleaning and lubricating the mouse, put the wheel in place and rotate the wheel up and down several times to distribute the lubricant over all surfaces of the contacting parts. Then We assemble the mouse body in reverse order. We glue stickers that imitate mouse legs, and use new ones if necessary.

On this usb mouse repair finished, connect the mouse to the computer and check the smoothness of scrolling and the clarity of cursor movements.