Deep Web, or The Invisible Side of the Internet. Deep Web: how to get there? Deep Internet: what happens there and how to get there

First of all, you will need a special browser called Tor, through which you will access black internet, or whatever it is also called deep or dark internet. In short, Tor is an anonymous browser that encrypts your IP address, replacing it with another one, for example, the IP address of France, thereby allowing you to surf the Internet more or less anonymously.

Enter “download Tor browser” into a search engine and go to the official website, then download it. Next, you'll need to connect via a VPN connection for added security. There are a huge variety of VPN services and you can find them simply by Googling them. Next, go to the root folder where you installed the TOR browser. Open the torrc file using notepad and enter the line there:

ExcludeNodes (ru), (ua), (by)

Save. Finally, you can launch Tor.

Once you launch the browser, cancel the global script (using the icon in the upper left corner). Next, click on the onion and select “privacy and security settings.” The slider responsible for the security level should be in the upper position.

Websites in the TOR browser have a .onion domain and cannot be viewed in a regular browser. If you are interested in looking at the forbidden fruit, then look for the sites yourself. Often their content is illegal and objectionable. It’s better not to download anything, but just view it.

Your ISP will, of course, see that you are using TOR and a VPN connection, but they will not be able to see what exactly you are browsing.

Don't do anything suspicious from your home Internet connection. This advice may seem trivial, but you will be identified by your IP. As soon as you visit any website, your IP and all your actions will be recorded in the server's HTTP logs. If logging is not disabled (and it is enabled in almost 100% of cases), then the only thing separating you from law enforcement agencies beyond the front door is an official or semi-official request to your Internet provider. He, in turn, will give out all your passport data and connection address using your IP. Each provider will provide your logs upon the first request of authorized organizations, and if he does not do this, he will be an accomplice in your illegal actions. His license and all his equipment will be confiscated. We can advise - if you need to either hide or make your work easier - transfer it to the cloud, for example here -

Another solution is possible. You will have to buy a SIM card. Of course, not in the nearest communication shop, but from some individuals who hang around markets and the metro. You will also need a 3G modem purchased from third parties. Next, you will need a new laptop with the complete absence of all unnecessary information on it. It is also recommended to roll back the system several times and return it to factory settings. It’s better not to buy used ones for obvious reasons. They will contact you through the former owner. Each computer has its own set of unique identification data, such as a MAC address. If you first connect to your home Internet from your computer, and then to the “dirty” one, that is, plug in a 3G modem, everything is gone. You will transfer your device's identity to the dirty network, and with this information, you can send queries to all regional Internet providers and find out what other networks this computer was on, which will reveal your identity and location. After that, wait for the guests in uniform, even connecting from a special laptop with a special 3G modem using TOR.

Of course, you cannot carry out activities for which all this anonymity is needed. Neither formatting nor TOR will save you. Each Internet user is registered with a special account after he installs TOR.

To use TOR to its full potential, you have to do the “VPN + virtual machine + VPN” scheme. A VPN is when all the programs on your computer start sending data and encrypted requests. Then they go to an intermediate server. The server decrypts them and sends the request to the final destination, receives the response and returns it to you, where it is decrypted and displayed in the same program that sent it.

It turns out that you open your browser, want to go to a certain site, enter a link and follow it. At this moment, you are not accessing the site directly, but your server via VPN. It returns the site to you and you see it. As a result, it turns out that you did not access the site. The site sees the server IP. Thanks to encryption, your provider saves sent and received information in logs instead of readable requests, and also saves the IP addressee.

Next, you need to rent a virtual machine. It allows you to remotely connect to a computer installed somewhere in another country, and see its desktop, expand it to full screen and, roughly speaking, get a second computer on your computer with its own launch pad, with its own power, etc.

Attention! You cannot connect to a virtual machine without first making a VPN connection, since virtual machines also write logs.

At the output, you can get, for example, the following chain: “anonymized laptop – 3G modem and SIM card from third parties – VPN connection through Italy – virtual machine in France – VPN connection through England.”

What will it take to figure you out? Let's say you did everything according to the instructions and committed an illegal action on some website. The authorities will have to send the request to the data center of the second VPN (in our example this is England), where it will most likely be ignored. Perhaps the British will give out the IP from which the connection came. This will already be a French IP. You will need to send a request there due to recent circumstances. It will be ignored with a 70% probability, and even if not, the output will be the new IP from which the connections were made. And seeing VPN there again, even the most stubborn investigator will probably give up. But if he didn’t give up, he made another request and found out that connections to the first VPN were made, for example, through an MTS SIM card from a 3G modem, he finds out the passport details and registration address of the owner, then during the visit, as you understand , nothing criminal will be revealed. Next, identification of the location of the modem will begin, so it is recommended to change the SIM card at least once every three months. While law enforcement agencies will be following the trail for a long time, you will already be working from a new IP. By the way, in order to more or less accurately determine your location within a radius of 500 meters, you need to have extremely expensive, not entirely mobile equipment at your disposal.

Panda Security in Russia and CIS

"" (or "The Invisible Internet") is on the rise. People are curious by nature, and therefore more and more Internet users are going to its “dark side”. Everyone knows that the Internet is an endless source of information, and search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing can quench our thirst for information with just a few keywords, resulting in huge lists of information in seconds. But did you know that most of us only have access to 4% of the World Wide Web?

We know only the tip of the iceberg: the structure of the “dark Internet”
As we said above, to better understand the “dark Internet”, it is necessary to imagine the entire Internet as an iceberg, which is divided into five parts, each of which is more immersed than the previous one.

Level 1. At the tip of the iceberg we will find all the pages that we can access using search engines. This part of the Internet is visible and accessible to “mere mortals”, and the information on it is completely traceable.

Level 2. Just below the surface of the water we will find those pages or sites that are not indexed (in other words, sites that are not visible in search engines) by traditional search engines (like Google or Yahoo). Thus, they are only accessible to those who are “in the know” about these sites.

Level 3
. If we dive even deeper into the cold water of the iceberg surrounding us, then we can see information (mostly illegal) that is very difficult to find “openly”.

Level 4. As we get closer to the bottom of the iceberg, we will be able to find any type of illegal site. Most of them are monitored by the US government (eg child pornography websites).

Level 5. After going through the four levels of the “dark Internet”, we can reach the very bottom of our iceberg - the most hidden part of the Internet, known as “The Dark Net”. A haven for hackers, this part of the web is based on a set of private networks that can only be accessed by “trusted” users. This is the darkest side of the Internet: it does not follow standard protocols and it is insecure.

Tor: How to access the "dark Internet"

Each of us can access the "dark" parts of the World Wide Web, but to do this you must use alternative search engines. Tor (The Onion Router) is a free program that was developed at the US Naval Research Laboratory in the mid-90s to protect online communications of US intelligence agencies.

Tor has a multi-layer structure (hence its name) that allows the user to navigate the network from one layer to another, while the user is protected by a encryption that allows him to hide his IP address. One of the main distinguishing features of the “shadow Internet” is user anonymity.

Is it really possible to surf the web anonymously?

Industry experts say connecting via Tor can be risky. Tor does not allow the user to control the proxy they connect to, which can result in them being exposed to man-in-the-middle attacks and JavaScript infections that violate the user's privacy.

It would seem that everything is known about the World Wide Web, but in reality there are hidden places that some users are still just beginning to learn about. We invite you to find out what the black Internet is and how to enter the black Internet.

What is the black internet?

Not every user of the World Wide Web knows that there is access to the black Internet. It is also often called the deep or dark internet. There is often a lot of confusion with these terms, but by and large they all mean the same thing - the hidden part of the Internet. There are sites here that are not indexed by search engines and therefore can only be reached using a direct link.

There are also sites among them that require you to know and use a password to access. There are also resources that work on the TOR network. Sites in this network have their own domain – ONION, which is not officially registered anywhere. However, this does not prevent you from using it if you have software for working with TOR. Using this domain, you can easily distinguish links to regular sites on the traditional network from links to black Internet resources hosted on the TOR network.

Does the black internet exist?

Myth or reality? There are actually quite a few rumors and speculations floating around the deep web. However, we can say with confidence that such a network exists. At the same time, access to the black Internet is not difficult. Anyone who wants to learn as much as possible about the hidden part of the World Wide Web can get there. Anyone who still doubts can try to get into the deep network now.

Black Internet - what is there?

The very name of the network is frightening and alarming, but at the same time it arouses the interest of the average user and the desire to find out what is on the black Internet. This place is a network invisible to the user and search robots. Due to the fact that search engines cannot index information on this network, it is not so easy for the average user to see the information posted here.

For its anonymity, this part of the Internet is loved by everyone who wants to remain anonymous and those involved in illegal activities. Thus, with the help of the sites located here, illegal substances, pornography, etc. are sold. The problem is that new ones grow in place of closed large resources and it is much more difficult to fight them than with the same, for example, drug laboratories in real life. Yes, and identifying and arresting a seller who is located on one side of the planet and using a server on the other side of the planet is not always within the capabilities of the law enforcement officers.

Black Internet - how to get there?

Nowadays, probably only the lazy don’t know how to use the Internet. However, there is a network that not everyone knows about. Having heard about the deep Internet, the average user often thinks about something special and very complex. However, in reality, understanding how to access the black Internet is very easy. To make such a trip, you need to have the desire and access to the World Wide Web. To go to the deep Internet, you need to install a browser on your computer - TOR.

How to get to the deep Internet through TOP?

Finding yourself in a black network is not very difficult. To access the deep Internet, the TOR Browser is often used. It has the following properties:

  1. TOR is able to ensure communication confidentiality and prevent navigation surveillance.
  2. Protects against various types of surveillance by website owners and providers.
  3. Hides data about the user's physical location.
  4. Capable of blocking all security threats.
  5. Does not require special installation and runs from all media.
  6. Does not require special knowledge and is accessible to beginners.

How to use the black Internet?

To understand how to surf the dark web, you need to understand that there can be no search engines there and all transitions are made through existing lists of links. You also need to know that the speed of the black Internet is so slow that you can’t do it without patience. Otherwise, everything is intuitive. Before going deep, users want to know what they can find on the black internet. Those who have been here say that the deep network provides:

  1. Market for counterfeit documents and identity documents.
  2. Places where illegal substances are traded.
  3. Equipment and equipment stores.
  4. Selling credit cards – data is obtained from skimmers installed on ATMs. Such information will not cost much, but a PIN code and a scan of the card will cost more.

Why is the black internet dangerous?

Going to the black internet or can it be dangerous? Such thoughts can occur to anyone who first heard about the existence of the other side of the World Wide Web. In fact, downloading a browser and logging into the deep Internet itself does not pose any danger. However, if there is such a desire to use the capabilities of the black Internet, then it’s worth thinking about how such an adventure could end.

The “deep zone” or, as it is called in English, DeepWeb, is thousands of Internet pages that are hidden from search engine indexing, and can only be accessed from encrypted Internet connections. In this zone of the network, the distribution of child porn is thriving, you can buy any weapon or drugs there, and it is in such networks that terrorist attacks and crimes are planned.
It would be extremely unpleasant for any law-abiding person to learn the information that I want to tell you next. Therefore, if you want to sleep well at night, it is better not to continue the post.

TOR client management console. The screen displays the current route of traffic through the encrypted network.
All connections are anonymous, you can create a new route at any time. However, TOR does not guarantee 100% protection against interception, since data can be “listened to” at the provider level at the stages of entering and exiting the network. The software client can operate as an input or output point, so that flows of other people’s traffic will pass through it, and the owner of such a computer will always be able to say “that someone else downloaded/came in” and will be right. By the way, they say about TOR that it consists of 99% trolls, hackers, child porn lovers and FBI agents.

Since regular search indexing on the Internet is not available, collections of links to various resources are popular in TOR.
The most famous of them is HiddenWiki, one of the largest. Since access to it is anonymous, it is often vandalized, for example by deleting sections with links to child porn. It also contains archives of all AnonOps operations, with all the data and files stolen from the FBI. Even WikiLeaks would be jealous of some of the information.

HackBB is one of the largest boards for sharing experiences in the field of cybercrime. There is also a kind of market here,
where you can buy a pack of credit card data, spambots, order DDoS (for example, on LJ) or hacking of mail or a specific site.
Most transactions go through an intermediary - a person with an established reputation who will not lose it for the sake of immediate gain.
Of course, the intermediary takes a percentage for his services. Basically, they sell credit card data, but once they even sold an administrator account in World of Warcraft.

The prices are not very high. Card data is obtained from skimmers at ATMs. With such cards you can make online purchases without any problems.
Data with a pin and full scans of cards are a little more expensive - with such information you can make a real card and make purchases in stores.

Due to encryption and a large chain of nodes, the connection speed in TOR is very, very low, so most sites are designed extremely ascetically. Often this is ordinary HTML, just like 15 years ago, when the Internet was just appearing in Russia, and even that was carried out through modem access.

Search for computer hacker services. Please note - 6 (six!) minutes from posting a task to finding a vulnerability and showing readiness to help in this delicate matter. This is where Department K needs to look for personnel.

Here's a scam going on using Verizon.

In addition to online services, there are also clothing stores on the deep Internet where they sell stolen equipment and technology.
These are very affordable prices for Apple products. Surely my brand new MacBook, which was stolen from me in Madagascar, is also somewhere here.

But the guys from Russia are selling skimmers. Put it in an ATM and withdraw the details of other people’s cards until you get tired of it.
Below are some more photos of their products.

Card reader, installed as an overlay on an ATM.

A box with a camera that imitates an ATM part.

Her insides. Miniature camera and Flash memory.

Installation examples. As expected, the skimmer comes with an instruction manual, warranty card and drivers.

Here we understand that the guys are from Russia. My soul cannot be happier for my compatriot craftsmen...

Nationalist revolutionaries from various countries also find themselves in the vastness of the encrypted network.
They create forums, access to closed sections is possible only to trusted members who have proven their loyalty by some brave act, such as beating up an immigrant or drawing swastikas on fences.

Revolutionaries in Denmark actively share personal information of government officials they dislike. Their phone numbers, addresses, names of their relatives. This is the head of all prisons in Denmark.

Here's the police chief. The radicals are also unhappy with her. These guys, in particular, had a lot of information on Denmark, Sweden and Germany. It turns out that everything there is not as calm as it seems to us from here, from Russia.

For lovers of all sorts of shady dealings, a wide range of fake documents and identity cards is always available. Too lazy to apply for Schengen and a visa? Buy yourself a Czech passport, for example, and that’s it.

Product samples: driver's license. States of Hawaii and Maine.
You can discover all the categories and travel with them in Russia without any problems.

And here is a fake passport. The seller prudently wears gloves so as not to leave unnecessary marks.

As a result, in Europe you can also easily buy all the necessary documents. True, unlike Russia, they can do all this via the Internet - that’s what service means.

Another passport. By the way, all goods are sent by regular mail. Contrary to the statements of postal services, no organization is simply able to inspect all goods and parcels for the presence of substances and items prohibited for transportation. The drugs are hidden, and the weapons are disassembled into their component parts and sent through several parcels. How difficult do you think it is to hide and send a passport or plastic card?

The title page of the section with links to child pornography in HiddenWiki. 5 seconds before the screenshot was taken, it was “vandalized” - but a moment later it was restored again. Seasoned pedophiles, as a rule, self-organize into sites based on interests, where they exchange photographs and experiences. Some of these resources are open to everyone, and some require a “contribution” to the general collection of pornographic materials.

List of major porn forums with DP. Nobody knows the exact number of disgusting resources, but there are very, very many of them.

The main page of one of the popular English-language forums on this topic.
It is unlikely that such a site would last on the regular Internet for more than 10 minutes.

And here is the dating section on one of the resources. A married couple is looking for a young boy to sleep with his young wife.

One of the largest child porn sites. The creators claim hundreds of gigabytes. At the service of perverts,
its visitors can search, tag, catalog and comment on the materials they like. If we remove all pedophiles from this site, the number of these scum on the loose will be reduced by at least several times.

These freaks live among us, go to work with us, travel in public transport, etc. Having access to such resources, they only deepen their corruption, which can ultimately lead to their active actions. Access to such resources must be clearly blocked and prohibited. Unfortunately, our law enforcement agencies seem to be completely unaware of the existence of TOR.

And of course, there is a place for traditional perverts. The smiling dog happily greets everyone who visits the site.

Oddly enough, there are also fighters against pedophilia in the deep network. Here is a screenshot from one resource where pedophilia is discussed as a disease, and the administrator is trying to guide the perverts who come to him on the right path.

Silk Road is the largest online drug trafficking resource. On the site and its forums you can buy all kinds of all kinds of substances.
In addition, there is an active trade in weapons and equipment for drug laboratories. SilkRoad uses an internal currency - bitcoins. For the normal functioning of the market, there are exchange offices where bitcoins can be exchanged for regular money.

Heroin with delivery. Sealed packages, Russian Post.

The legendary "Desert Eagle" - with delivery in parts all over the world.

A pleasant and convenient Glock for solving life's problems.

Lot placed for solving some private transactions. “For Dmitry” - the Russian trace is immediately visible.

Two Glocks with silencers. Worldwide delivery, by mail, in parts.

We are approaching the Russian segment of the TOR network. Directory of links.
Child porn is neatly called a “highly specialized topic.”

There are also our own Russian drug stores.

Another example of such a store.

Large selection of items and several delivery options.

It's not just drugs that are available. Left SIM cards:

Some weapons:

And discussion of current political topics.

In the Russian Federation there are no problems with documents either. In the discussion, the seller says that Russian passports are also available, but more complicated and more expensive.

And here are the Russian pedophiles. One of their many forums. To gain access there, you need to post your story of seducing a child in one of the available sections, so that everyone else can be convinced that he is a pedophile and let him into their pedophile arms.

In fact, TOR was not intended to be a pedophile network. It was created for some military needs, but was eventually declassified and made publicly available, after which its active development began. It began to be used by a variety of people, from journalists seeking to remain incognito when conducting investigations and safe communication with organizers, to law enforcement agencies who did not want to “reveal” their official IP addresses when visiting various sites. Thus, there is nothing wrong with the TOR network itself; it is a very convenient and good tool for protecting a person’s privacy and bypassing Internet censorship.

And yet, now it is at the same time a breeding ground for pedophiles, cybercriminals and perverts, which is just a couple of clicks from the regular Internet, and the essence of this problem in relation to our country lies not in the availability of TOR, but in the complete prostration of our law enforcement agencies regarding capabilities of this network.

Governments of different countries are trying to fight the deep Internet. In 2006, German intelligence agencies seized six computers operating as nodes of the Tor network on the grounds that they were illegally used to access child pornography.

In 2007, German police arrested Alexander Janssen in Düsseldorf, who organized a Tor server on his computer through which an unknown person sent a false message about a terrorist attack. Although Mr. Janssen was soon released, he decided not to continue using his computer as a Tor exit point.

On September 25, 2009, 80% of the IP addresses of public Tor servers were blacklisted by the Great Firewall of China.

Unfortunately, I did not find any evidence of domestic law enforcement agencies fighting TOR. Perhaps they do it anonymously.

Why am I telling all this? The next time you see a message that you have closed another torrent tracker or pirate, do not rush to be indignant. Recently, the image of Internet pirates has been too idealized. But the problem is much deeper. This is why more attention needs to be drawn to them and we need to fight them. Until there is a wide response in society to this problem, pedophiles and cybercriminals will continue to fearlessly continue their dirty work.

The Internet is full of dark nooks and crannies that cannot be reached by following the standard “VKontakte-Facebook-Trendyman” route. The deep web, or as it is commonly called the “dark web,” is a completely self-sufficient side of the Internet, which operates according to its own laws and rules, by accepting which you can find a lot, a lot. Imagine yourself as a fisherman in a boat floating on the surface of the ocean above the Mariana Trench. Scary? But this is only the beginning of a dive into the abyss of the dark Internet. We'll walk you through the steps you need to take to take your first cautious steps into the dark side of the web.

  • What is the dark web?

    This is a collection of thousands of websites that can only be accessed using an anonymization system and specialized tools like the Tor browser and I2P, which hide users' IP addresses. The essence of the anonymous Internet is decentralization, so a regular browser like Chrome or Safari is not suitable for using the dark web.

    For most users, the dark web is a place to buy bizarre or potentially illegal items. It is on the dark side of the Internet that the largest markets for illegal goods live, like the famous Silk Road and thousands of others like it. In addition, the dark web is an ideal place for communities of people who, for various reasons, avoid publicity. For such users there are numerous forums, chats and other associations.

  • Silk Road Plums

    The dark web became famous primarily due to the illegal trade that flourished on the territory of the dark internet. The main platform for this kind of transactions was Silk Road - an online market where you could buy almost everything that a person’s imagination is capable of.

    The recent scandal involving the leaking of photographs of celebrities also began on the dark web. The famous Snappening was organized by deep web personalities. In addition, famous leakers like Edward Snowden use the dark web to exchange secret documents.


    The easiest way to hide your IP address is to use a tool known as the Tor Browser. It was developed by a group of volunteers who wished to remain anonymous. TOR is similar to regular browsers, but uses an anonymity system based on IP address spoofing. This makes it impossible to track which sites open in the browser window. TOR can be downloaded and installed completely openly, and to obtain encrypted access, no additional procedures are usually required. However, to be completely confident in incognito mode, it is worth understanding the proxy and network access settings. Fortunately, on the regular Internet there are many manuals with a detailed analysis of the steps. Technically, by opening your first website in the TOR browser, you have already taken your first step into the dark web. But there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.


    The onions extension in the address bar means that you are on a site that exists only on the dark web or on a section of a regular site that is hidden from ordinary users. This extension also uses a decentralized protocol and is a marker of the page's membership in a closed virtual space.

    Hidden Wiki

    One of the basic resources of the dark web is the dark analogue of the light Wikipedia. This encyclopedia is the basis for everything that can be viewed on the deep Internet. These are links to markets, forums, search engines, services and many other aspects of the dark side of the web. The addition of articles is carried out by the participants themselves, so there is no censorship here. Links to Hidden Wiki are constantly changing, but finding it is not too difficult, you just need to enter a few queries in the TOR search engine.


    Using the TOR browser does not mean that you cannot be found. It has been experimentally proven that some methods can reveal the identity of a dark web user. However, the developers of the TOR system themselves write about such gaps in anonymity and immediately propose ways to eliminate them. Do not forget that if someone really wants to find you, then standard depersonalization procedures will not do.

    Law and order

    The dark side of the Internet is interesting and scary at the same time. Here you don’t have to be afraid of moral principles and banhammers that reign on the regular web. Hence the dominance of undeniably bad things that you can come across on the dark web. Trade in illegal substances is the most harmless thing that can be found here. However, you know what you're getting into.

    At the same time, the dark web is the only ray of freedom on the controlled Internet. It is used by politicians in countries where censorship is rampant. Here, personal freedoms are not subject to any pressure, which makes the dark web a refuge for those who do not want to be persecuted for ideological or other reasons.