What kind of program is mozilla maintenance? What is "Mozilla maintenance service"? Our technical service support will remove System Maintenance Service right now

At one time, when I had just switched from Windows XP to more modern operating systems, I, like other browser users, noticed something new in the list of installed applications on the computer. In the control panel, next to the installed browser, there was an object called mozilla maintenance service - I didn’t know what kind of program it was at the time, and, not wanting to leave an unknown application on the computer, I decided to find the answer to this question.


In fact, the Firefox browser itself is to blame for the appearance of this service. The fact is that in new operating systems there is a component called UAC, which, when a user tries to install something on the computer or make changes to system settings, issues a corresponding request, and sometimes requires administrator rights.

In the process of collecting information, I found out about mozilla maintenance service that this application is responsible for disabling the user control service during browser updates. As a result, the installation of a new version of the browser occurs “silently” and unnoticed by the person sitting in front of the computer. After the file installation process is completed, the UAC service continues to function normally.

In a word: the maintenance service is a completely harmless component for the system, which you can simply ignore. However, if necessary, it can be disabled or removed, which will not affect the stability of the browser.


Now that we have learned about the mozilla maintenance service, what it is, I will tell you how to disable this service. This is done in the Firefox browser settings. The user will need:

  1. Launch browser.
  2. Open the menu in the upper right corner of the program window.
  3. Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Open the “Advanced” section and go to the “Update” tab.

Next, you just need to uncheck the “Use a background service to install updates” option and apply the changes. You can see what this looks like in practice in the following screenshot:

So, we found out what it is about the mozilla maintenance service, and the photo above showed the mechanism for turning it off. Now let's look at how to remove this application.


To remove the Mozilla background update service, you can use standard Windows features by going to the appropriate section of the Control Panel. This is done as follows:

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Select “Control Panel”. If you are using Windows 8, or the display of this menu item is disabled, then use the search bar in the Start menu, enter the phrase “Control Panel” there and select the appropriate item from the results.
  3. Go to the "Programs and Features" section.
  4. Find “Mozilla Maintenance Service” in the list of applications and delete it by clicking the corresponding button.

Important! When you reinstall the browser, this program will appear in the list of installed applications again and will need to be removed again.

So we dealt with this unknown application from Mozilla. I repeat that its very presence does not cause any harm to the operating system, and removing or disabling the service does not affect the stability of the browser.

Mozilla, known for its Firefox browser, has released three new experimental tools, including a secure file sharing service called Firefox Send, which supports files up to 1 gigabyte in size.

The current version of Firefox Send allows you to send files to a recipient using a link that only works once. After downloading or after 24 hours, the file encrypted and stored on the Mozilla server is destroyed.

Send is part of the Firefox Test Pilot. Typically, Test Pilot apps require an add-on to work, but according to Mozilla, Firefox Send can run in “any modern browser.”

Open Send in your browser and drag the file into the special area to start uploading. A link with a unique key will then be created, ready to be sent in a message.

Firefox Send may require you to update your Mozilla desktop browser to Firefox 54 to work. Send also works in Chrome, but does not support the current version of Safari, and support for Edge is in development.

Technically, Send supports files up to 2 gigabytes, but large files cause browsers to crash. Additionally, the web application does not work in browsers without support for the Web Crypto API, a specification and W3C JavaScript API for handling certain cryptographic functions. As Mozilla notes, implementation of the technology in mobile browsers has been slow.

Firefox Send uses the WebCrypto API with the AES-GCM algorithm to encrypt and decrypt the file in the browser, meaning the file that was sent to the Mozilla server is already encrypted and its contents cannot be viewed by Mozilla, although the company can obtain the file name and its size.

Mozilla is considering allowing files to be downloaded more than once in a future version.

The Test Pilot team also launched Voice Fill, a tool for using voice to search in Firefox, which currently supports Google, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo search engines. The developers also introduced Notes, a simple one-page notepad located in the browser's sidebar.

Found a typo? Highlight and press Ctrl + Enter

Sometimes maintenanceservice.exe and other EXE system errors can be related to problems in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the maintenanceservice.exe file, but when those programs are uninstalled or modified, sometimes "orphaned" (incorrect) EXE registry entries are left behind.

Basically, this means that while the actual path of the file may have changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows Registry. When Windows tries to look up these incorrect file references (file locations on your PC), maintenanceservice.exe errors can occur. Additionally, a malware infection may have corrupted Firefox-related registry entries. Thus, these corrupted EXE registry entries need to be fixed to fix the problem at the root.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid maintenanceservice.exe keys is not recommended unless you are a PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can render your PC inoperable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as %%product%% (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any maintenanceservice.exe-related registry problems. Using a registry cleaner, you can automate the process of finding corrupted registry entries, missing file references (such as the one causing the maintenanceservice.exe error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy is automatically created, allowing you to undo any changes with one click and protecting you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that eliminating registry errors can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows Registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall Windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before you manually repair the Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting a portion of the registry associated with maintenanceservice.exe (eg. Firefox):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the maintenanceservice.exe-related key (eg. Firefox) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to Select the folder where you want to save the Firefox key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter a name for the backup file, such as "Firefox backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your maintenanceservice.exe-related registry entry.

The following steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information about editing the registry manually, please check out the links below.

Mozilla Firefox is considered one of the most popular browsers. Developers are constantly introducing new features and extensions to make it more comfortable to use. One such useful extension is mozilla maintenance service, which is automatically installed with the browser. Some users may have a question: what kind of program is this and whether it is malicious software. Therefore, it is worth explaining why it is needed and how to use it.

Purpose of Mozilla Maintenance Service

In order to understand why the Firefox developers created this application, we should talk about such a component of the modern Windows operating system as UAC.

UAC (User Account Control) is a dialog box that appears when a computer user tries to install a new component.

With new versions released regularly for many programs, this pop-up window can be distracting and annoying. The developers of the Firefox web browser created the Mozilla Maintenance Service to disable the UAC component for their program. This service is configured in such a way that the annoying window will not appear, and the browser will update automatically.

Disabling and uninstalling the utility

Not everyone considers automatic updates acceptable on their equipment. Some updates may have bugs that will negatively affect the performance of your computer and programs. Therefore, some users prefer to disable automatic updates and download a new version of the software when positive reviews appear.

To disable the Mozilla Maintenance Service utility, you must do the following:

  1. Go to your web browser settings.
  2. Select the “Advanced” section.
  3. Go to the “Update” subsection.
  4. Uncheck the box “Use a background service to install updates.”

The same subsection allows you to configure notifications about the release of a new version of the program.

Removing Mozilla Maintenance Service follows the same principle as other software on the computer. To do this, you will need to use the Control Panel and select the utility in the “Programs and Features” section and click the “Uninstall” button. If you know the address where the utility was installed, you can go to the corresponding folder on your hard drive and run the “Uninstall” file.

This service was created to make using the Firefox browser more comfortable. The decision whether to leave it or delete it is made by a person based on his own preferences.