What is a touch bar in a Mac book? The Touch Bar is the only innovation in the new MacBook Pro. Touch Bar in apps

Apple's October presentation was 80 percent dedicated to the new Touch Bar. DJs played their tracks on it, Photoshoppers tested it, scrolled through videos and emails with it. This is the main innovation in MacBook Pro. What's good about it?

OLED touch display

For starters, MacBooks have lost the top row of the keyboard (the one above the numbers and plus/minus). In its place is now an OLED touch display. The buttons on it now change to suit the situation. You can adjust the brightness or volume, switch music tracks. Log into your browser and your favorite sites will appear on the touchbar. In the mail application - and there are buttons “Reply”, “Write” and so on.

The touchbar helps with typing, just like the iMessage assistant. It analyzes and shows you the words you are supposed to type next. Faster allows you to change the text color, make it bold, or write it in italics.

The new technology is good at photo processing. It takes care of all the navigation, with it you can flip and scale pictures, make them brighter, change contrast and exposure, and add effects.

Adobe and Microsoft are working closely with Apple to implement touchbar support in their Photoshop and MS Office. On the small display in the laptop you can see all the stages of work on your document or photo. You can click on the preview on a small screen and go to the corresponding stage of work on a large one.

Touch ID fingerprint scanner

On the right side of the touchbar in the MacBook Pro there is a Touch ID fingerprint scanner, combined with the power button. You can turn on devices without a password, using your fingerprint. The same thing applies to the “login/password” form on websites (there will be no need to endlessly fill in your data to enter the next site) or with payment using Apple Pay. Touch ID also helps you switch between different users using the same laptop with one click.

The MacBook Pro will now be available in three versions: a regular 13-inch without a touch screen above the keyboard (and 2 Thunderbolt ports), a more powerful 13-inch with a touchbar (and 4 Thunderbolt ports) and a 15-inch with a touchbar (and Thunderbolt). Prices in the States are $1499, $1799 and $2399. In Russia, new Macs are about $140-$500 more expensive.

You can order today! Deliveries of the first version of the MacBook Pro have begun, and shipping for two cool models will start in 2-3 weeks.

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The Touch Bar on the MacBook Pro is its most controversial component (apart from the keyboard itself). If for some reason you don't like the Touch Bar, you can simply turn it off. Instead of a touchbar, you will have a regular set of keys that will not change depending on what program you are using.

The touchbar line will display the ESC, brightness down, brightness up, Mission Control, Launchpad, keyboard brightness down/up, audio playback control, mute, volume control and Siri keys. You can also select other keys. In any case, they will be static and will not change in different programs.

How disableTouch BaronMacBook Pro

  1. Go to the Apple menu and select System Preferences.
  2. Select the "Keyboard" icon and then the "Keyboard" tab in the window that opens.
  3. Find "Show in Touch Bar" and select "Advanced Control Strip" next to it.

  1. The keys listed above should appear on the touchbar.

Now the touchbar interface will not change in different programs, it will remain constant and will look more like a regular keyboard. Naturally, the keys will be virtual on the small touchscreen.

Disabling the Touch Bar is the most effective way to get a standard keyboard. Or you can use an external keyboard. Disabling the touchbar will not return physical buttons to the keyboard, but it will help you get rid of unnecessary elements. Like most options, this one can be canceled by returning the settings to their previous state.

In addition, the Touch Bar can not be disabled, but simply configured. For example, you can remove the Siri icon if you keep pressing it by accident and add a lock screen icon. There are many more options, so we encourage you to explore the settings and see what works best for you.

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When describing the design, we paid a lot of attention to the main innovation of the model: the Touch Bar touch panel above the keyboard. But it is important that this is not only a hardware, but also a software solution. Moreover, the effectiveness of its use directly depends on the software and settings. In this article, we decided to look at the Touch Bar in all aspects and talk about the panel from the point of view of its application in various use scenarios.

First, some general information. So, Touch Bar is an OLED touch panel found in the 13-inch and 15-inch 2016 MacBook Pro models. Touch Bar resolution is 2170x60. The panel replaces the top row of keys and can display various information - depending on the running application, user settings and actions.

Needless to say, the panel can only fully function in macOS Sierra and only if the specific application is optimized for use with the Touch Bar. Of course, all pre-installed macOS applications have this optimization, but third-party developers can also use its functionality. In particular, we will look at how this is implemented in Microsoft Office.

In order to take screenshots with the Touch Bar, you need to install the current beta version of macOS Sierra. Any user can do this by registering in the Apple program, but you must be prepared for the fact that the MacBook Pro will quickly discharge.

To the right of the Touch Bar is the Touch ID fingerprint scanner. It is physically separate from the Touch Bar and is not part of it, but when we open the lid of the laptop, the Touch Bar displays the words “Unlock with Touch ID” and an arrow pointing to Touch ID.

As we noted in the first article, the MacBook Pro 2016 is the first Apple laptop with a fingerprint scanner. And its support first appeared in macOS Sierra. Below we will tell you how to use this feature on your MacBook.

Touch ID

So, when we first turn on and initially set up the MacBook, we are prompted to add a fingerprint.

The procedure is the same as for iPhone/iPad. We put our finger on the scanner several times, and the screen shows how the gray grooves are filled with red.

Once a fingerprint is added, you can add another finger and also specify what types of operations Touch ID can be used for. In addition to unlocking your Mac, this can include use with Apple Pay and confirmation of purchases from the iTunes Store and Mac App Store.

Touch Bar: Standard Options

Now let's get back to the Touch Bar itself. We have already seen what the panel shows before unlocking the computer. And this is what we see by default after unlocking. The screenshot shows the right side. On the left there is only the Esc button, between it and the one shown in the screenshot there is black space. The original screenshot is available by clicking.

So, on the right is the Siri call button. Starting with Sierra, macOS supports Siri, and Apple immediately decided to make its launch as clear as possible. Moreover, during operation you often press this button by accident, because previously the volume up button was located in this place. And it turns out that we are being deliberately pushed to use Siri, willy-nilly.

The remaining icons do not need comments. Except for the arrow. Tapping it reveals a row of touch-sensitive buttons identical to what we see on the top row of a traditional MacBook keyboard. Here is a screenshot divided into two halves: at the top is the left part, below is the right.

The decision seems quite controversial, firstly, to make this view not the main one, but accessible only after touching the small arrow (hit it again!), and secondly, to leave the Siri call icon in this row. However, if desired, all this can be configured. We will tell you how exactly further.

Touch Bar in apps

Now let's see how the Touch Bar works in applications. Once again, if the application is not optimized for the Touch Bar, the bar will always display what is shown above. However, with its pre-installed apps, Apple has naturally made sure that each one actually takes advantage of the Touch Bar's capabilities. For example, Safari. The screenshots below show fragments of Touch Bar screenshots, but the original screenshot is available by clicking.

As we can see, thumbnails of open tabs are displayed here. You can move between them simply by swiping your finger. Comfortable? Perhaps. On the other hand, I can’t say that it’s very clear - the thumbnails are too tiny, and they don’t always allow you to understand which site is which. And switching between tabs in the usual ways is no more difficult. But it's certainly a spectacular opportunity.

Another useful thing on this panel in Safari is “search” and “open new tab”.

The panel may also change depending on what is open in the browser. For example, if a video is playing there, the video navigation panel appears.

And here we come to understand the main quality of the Touch Bar: it is complete variability, that is, in one application there can be an infinite number of Touch Bar options. Everything depends solely on the imagination of the developers. The main question is that the functionality of the panel complements, and does not duplicate, the already easily accessible application options.

A good option is in the “Calendar”. There, you can easily switch between different weeks using the Touch Bar.

Less successfully done in text editors Pages and Word. The problem is that, for example, marking a piece of text in italics is much more convenient simply with the mouse, because we select this piece with the mouse. It turns out that in order to use the Touch Bar, we first need to make some kind of gesture with the mouse, then drop it, press the button on the Touch Bar, then grab the mouse again.

In general, despite the fact that the capabilities of the Touch Bar in text editors are very wide, in fact it turns out that you either need to relearn and get used to completely new movements while working, or simply perceive the Touch Bar as some kind of optional addition that we, maybe , someday we’ll use it purely for fun, but for now we’ll do it the old fashioned way - with a mouse and keyboard.

This applies not only to text editors, but also to most other applications. For example, QuickTime Player.

Yes, we see a pause button, but in order to pause the video, just press the space bar on your keyboard.

And this is the main problem of the Touch Bar concept and the main challenge for developers: how to make using the Touch Bar intuitive and simpler than the usual keyboard shortcuts and mouse commands? It is clear that a lot here depends on Apple itself, because it is necessary to set an example for third-party developers to show that the Touch Bar can really be used intelligently. And there are such examples. We have already given several examples and we can give more.

Let's say Pages has word suggestions that pop up. This is exactly the option that is impossible, or at least impractical, without a touch screen, and the Touch Bar is just right for its implementation.

Setting up the Touch Bar

The Touch Bar can be customized to suit you, not only in general, but also for each application separately. General settings can be accessed through Settings/Keyboard.

You may notice that the “Configure Control Strip” button has appeared there. This is exactly what you need to set up the Touch Bar. At the top you can also specify what should be displayed by default on the panel.

Control Strip are standard icons on the right side of the Touch Bar. An extended version of the Control Strip opens if you click on the arrow. But if you don't want to do this regularly, you can set the extended Control Strip to show immediately.

So, click “Customize Control Strip” and we see a window with icons, and above them there is the inscription: “Drag frequently used items to the Touch Bar at the bottom of the screen.” Actually, from this it is already clear how exactly we can replace any icon on the Touch Bar with another. Just take the mouse you need and drag it down to the edge of the screen, after which it “jumps” to the Touch Bar and shakes there, like on iOS after a long press.

There is quite a large selection here. There are also useful things. For example, “Screenshot”, “Sleep”, Launchpad, “Show desktop”, “Do not disturb”... So don’t miss the opportunity to create the optimal set.

Thus, outside of applications, we have two levels of Touch Bar customization: the first level - what is displayed by default, the second level - what is the composition of the Control Strip (regular and extended options). But in addition to this, you can also customize the composition of Touch Bar icons in individual applications. For example, below is how this is done in Safari. In the “View” menu we see the line: “Customize the Touch Bar.”

Click on it - and we see a window similar to the Control Strip settings window, but with a set of icons directly for the browser. Well, then we proceed according to the familiar scheme: drag the necessary icons with the mouse and pin them to the desired place in the Touch Bar.

Therefore, software developers must take care not only about the fact of using the Touch Bar, but also about the options for customizing the panel within their application and choosing additional icons. That is, on the one hand, there must be a clear relationship between user actions and the icons that appear on the Touch Bar, and on the other hand, the initial set can be adjusted by the user.


Touch Bar is one of the main innovations in recent years. This is a very interesting and promising solution that can significantly expand the user’s interaction with the laptop and make it easier to perform a number of tasks. Hypothetically. In practice, a lot depends on how the Touch Bar functionality is implemented in a particular application and how easy or difficult it is for the user to customize it and start using it in real life.

We can't say that the Touch Bar is really useful yet. And expecting your productivity to increase if you upgrade from a previous generation MacBook Pro to a MacBook Pro with Touch Bar would be reckless. And if you consider that most third-party software manufacturers have not yet managed to optimize their applications for the Touch Bar, there is no need to be under any illusions. But, at the same time, the idea itself seems very promising, its implementation is as competent as it can be in real conditions, and the prospects are impressive, given that Apple has already demonstrated more than once how it can convince the entire industry of the need to implement those or other innovations. Will it work this time?

The Apple MacBook Pro (Late 2016) deserves our Original Design Award for its innovative Touch Bar and the deep integration of this hardware element into the laptop's software.

Emoji can rightfully be called the universal language of communication. With the new MacBook Pro, you won't be limited in how you can use its dictionary. Click on the emoticon located on the Touch Bar, and you will see the entire list of emotionally rich symbols that are available on your phone. And yes, the developers have not forgotten about your favorite Poo emoticon.

2. Easily navigate through downloaded images

If you're tired of constantly searching for the right photo, opening and closing images on your computer, Touch Bar will solve your problem. As soon as you open a photo from the “Pictures” folder, all the recent photos you took will appear on the display. All you have to do is select the photo you want - it will immediately appear on the big screen.

3. Control the video


Touch Bar allows you to conveniently manage not only photos, but also videos. Thanks to it, you can quickly rewind a movie or video and pause it. The feature does not yet work with players such as BBC iPlayer and Netflix, but this problem is only a matter of time.

4. Think twice before purchasing


Touch ID makes every purchase much easier and faster, and Apple makes sure you don't waste your money. Every time your finger touches the ID on the panel, the Touch Bar will remind you of the amount you are about to part with. You'll soon get into the habit of thinking twice before you buy anything!

5. Quickly cycle through tabs

Most people have one problem when surfing the Internet: an endless number of open tabs. To get back to what you need, you often have to go through them all, which takes time. The Safari browser in tandem with the Touch Bar easily eliminates this inconvenience: images of the pages of open tabs will now be right in front of you.

6. Add, divide, multiply

The calculator is an invention of a bygone century. However, it is unlikely that it will ever become irrelevant. The Touch Bar will make using the calculator somewhat easier: you can perform all mathematical operations quickly and without the Shift and Command keys.

7. Travel through time

You've probably spent a long time flipping through the “Calendar” to find out if you have any events planned, for example, on January 10th. When you go to Calendar on your new MacBook Pro, you'll see month, week, and date shortcuts on the Touch Bar. You can now find out your schedule for any day literally in a split second.

8. Format tables without hassle

It can be difficult to connect multiple tables that use different input methods. Now that you're in the Number app, the interactive panel will give you instant formatting commands, making your work much easier.

9. Become a DJ

Perhaps this is one of the functions for which the Touch Bar was created. We all love listening to music on our laptop, but having to constantly turn iTunes on and off just to change the track gets annoying. Problem solved. The new MacBook Pro feature will allow you to perform absolutely all operations with music without leaving the cash register: adjust the volume, select a track, add songs to a playlist.

10. Use a color spectrum

Touch Bar allows you to quickly and easily change text color. Just highlight the letters you need and click on the colored button with the “A” symbol on the panel. It will immediately turn into a color spectrum, on which you can quickly choose the desired shade.

11. Return old functionality

Do you think the Touch Bar has left function keys in the past? Not at all. You can always customize the panel to your liking. And if the ability to quickly change screen brightness, backlight and volume is so important to you, then know that Apple has not forgotten about you.

In defense of the MacBook Pro with Touch Bar. He should have told me how to properly configure the touchpad, to make it as useful as possible.

It's a pity, but many still refuse to admit that the Touch Bar is a step forward compared to the F1-12 function buttons. It is for such doubters that we have prepared as many as 40 additional tips on how to upgrade your sensor strip.

Basic features:

1. Learn to look at the Touch Bar

Train yourself to look at the Touch Bar and you will love it

When Apple launched the first MacBook Pro with Touch Bar in 2016, it felt awkward. But in fact, he was rather unusual.

The fact is that most Mac owners who work at the computer for a long time every day get so used to their keyboard that they don’t even look at it anymore.

Touch Bar requires different habits: you I'll have to learn to look wider and look at the touch strip.

As practice shows, you can adapt in a week or two.

2. Don't overload the Touch Bar with buttons

A clear example of adjusting the volume from a button

Keep in mind that you don't have to try to fit literally everything on the touchpad: It's better to use multi-function buttons.

For example, the “Volume Slider” will easily replace all other buttons for you to configure it. You don't just have to press it to bring up the controller - instead, hold it and slide it in any direction.

3. Be sure to configure the Control Strip

On the left are application control buttons, on the right is Control Strip

You can customize the Touch Bar in System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard.

Select “Program Control Buttons” from the “Show in Touch Bar” menu, check the “Show Control Strip” box, and check “Extend the Control Strip” in the “Press the Fn key to” box.

This is the combination after a year of use proved to be the simplest and most universal. Now on the left side of the Touch Bar there will be application control buttons, on the right - computer control, which you can expand with the Fn button.

Now click “Customize Touch Bar” and drag only useful features for the Control Strip onto it: both the full and short version.

4. Actions for all applications can be customized

Application-specific Touch Bar settings are most often found in the View menu.

Check the View menu of standard and third-party applications. Most often, this is where you will find the “Customize the Touch Bar” item, which will help you choose the content of the panel for yourself.

5. Figure out how to hide the Control Strip

If you don't have enough space for app buttons, hide the Control Strip

If you use complex apps with a lot of quick actions on the Touch Bar, you can hide the Control Strip in System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard.

You'll still be able to access it by pressing Fn.

6. Think about what you can do to occupy the entire Touch Bar

This is especially true in third-party applications

If you actively use Adobe Photoshop, be sure to set up the Touch Bar. In this program, this item is hidden in the “View” menu.

You can add buttons to the panel for working with brushes and fills, quick access to the history of changes, control of the opacity level - all this will help you take advantage of your space on the Touch Bar.

7. Understand switching between tabs

Note the arrow buttons

Typically buttons that have an arrow image are switches with additional features.

For example, when editing images in the Photos app, you can use the arrow button on the left edge of the Touch Bar to switch between settings, filters, and cropping.

8. Try the Incoming Call Panel

If your iPhone is set up to allow calls from other Apple devices (Settings > Phone > On Other Devices) and you receive or make a call from your MacBook Pro, you can monitor its progress directly from the Touch Bar.

9. Don’t be afraid to be left without the F1-12 keys

You can return the familiar function keys for your favorite apps

If any of your applications are not adapted to work with the Touch Bar (to be honest, we have not seen any), you can enable the usual function keys F1-12 for it.

To do this, go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts and add it here.

Editing text:

10. Try predictive typing

Predictive mode will speed up text entry if you're not good at it

If you are not typing as quickly as you would like, predictive mode will help you with this - almost all standard and many third-party applications support it.

When you work with text, the Touch Bar will display word options for further input.

11. Enter Emoji quickly

Quickly enter Emoji using the Touch Bar

In Messages and other instant messengers, a button with a smiley face appears on the left side of the Touch Bar. It will help you quickly enter Emoji without going to the Emoji & Symbols panel.

12. Learn to switch between emoji sections

The button with the treasured arrow will help you with this.

By default, the emoji menu shows the last emoji you used. But you can move to other sections using the arrow button.

13. Turn ordinary words into emojis

Predictive input + Emoji

In addition to ordinary words, Touch Bar also offers Emojis, which can and should be used to diversify communication.

14. Unlock secret formatting tools

Auto-hide predictive input

When you highlight text in Notes or any other predictive app, it automatically hides so you can speed up the formatting process.

Finder Actions:

15. Change Finder Display with One Click

Switch how files are displayed in the Finder using the Touch Bar

In Finder, the Touch Bar is the easiest way to switch between file display options.

16. Quickly create folders and move files

Notice the button with the folder icon

Select several files that need to be moved to a new folder, use drag-n-drop, click on the create folder button and drop these files into it.

This combo seems difficult at first, but over time it will greatly speed up working with files.

17. Send any file in a couple of clicks

The fastest way

Select any file in the Finder, click on the eye button to activate a preview, and then immediately click on the send button to transfer it in any convenient way.

This is much faster than using sending from the context menu.

Buttons for Safari:

18. Open links in a couple of clicks

The entire list of favorite sites on the Touch Bar

Just click on the input line, and a complete list of your favorite sites with folders will immediately appear on the Touch Bar.

19. Sort links by importance

The bookmarks bar on the left should contain the sites you use most often

To make sure the sites you open most often are immediately accessible, move them as far to the left as possible in the bookmarks bar.

20. Enter site passwords quickly

Select the account you want to use

If you are using Keychain Access, simply click on the login or password entry field, and the Touch Bar will immediately display multiple accounts, which are available for entry.

21. Add reading mode to the Touch Bar

Reading mode on the Touch Bar in Safari can be added through Settings

Add Reading Mode to the Touch Bar in Safari via View > Customize Touch Bar and you'll be able to activate it as quickly as possible.

Other Apple software:

22. Mail: Hold the checkbox to change its color

Mark the letter with any color

In Mail, you can highlight emails with flags so you can later find information on a specific topic by color—you can do this using the Touch Bar.

First select a letter and then press the red checkbox to select a color.

23. Photo: scroll through pictures

Flipping through photos in Photos with the Touch Bar is great

You don't even have to look down at the touchpad: just flip through photos by swiping left and right.

24. Photo: Adjust the intensity of the setting

Make your photo darker and brighter, but not only

Select the required option when editing a photo in Photos and change its value via the Touch Bar. This applies to brightness, color, white balance, and so on.

At the same time you will immediately see the possible result in the touchpad preview.

25. Photo: compare before and after

You only need to press one button!

Pay attention to the button to the left of the adjustments. It will give you the opportunity to quickly see the result before and after to understand that your manipulations did not make the photo worse.

26. Books: turn the pages

And through the Touch Bar in “Books” it’s convenient to quickly make bookmarks

Similar to Photos, the Books app has a convenient slider for turning pages. To the right of it there are also buttons for searching the book and bookmarks.

27. iTunes: Control from any app

The most convenient playback control

If you listen to music through Apple Music, on the Control Strip button is automatically added, which activates playback control mode.

With it, you can rewind a song, pause it, and also switch between recordings.

28. Calculator: use action buttons

Touch Bar makes your Mac a complete calculator

If you literally just upgraded to a MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, you'll definitely be pleased to see calculator control buttons on the Touch Bar.

Now you won't need to use the cursor to perform actions at all, and this speeds up calculations significantly.

29. Terminal: Use function keys

You can add up to 20 function keys in Terminal

If you need function keys in the same “Terminal”, go to the Touch Bar settings for this application and add up to 20 of them.

Third Party Applications:

30. Adobe Photoshop: Set Up Your Favorites

Customize any of the three panels

In Adobe Photoshop, you have three panels available to you for the Touch Bar: Layer Options, Brushes, and Favorites. You can first select any of them and then customize as you wish.

The item with touch panel settings in this case is hidden in the “View” menu.

31. Adobe Photoshop: Switch between changes

The history menu on the Touch Bar is simply brilliant

Notice the history button on the Touch Bar. It will open to you a whole set of iterations of your image, and you can select the one you need based on the preview.

32. Adobe Illustrator: Combine Objects

One of the most popular functions when working with vector graphics

The most popular button on the Touch Bar when working with Adobe Illustrator has long been the combination of several simple shapes into a more complex one.

33. Microsoft Word: Switch Between Styles

This greatly speeds up formatting

Activate the style editing feature and quickly use them with text via the Touch Bar. This speeds up formatting documents in this editor literally significantly.

Try it.

34. Microsoft Office: Open recent documents

Quickly search for recent documents

To quickly open one of your latest documents, simply click on the clock button - this works in any Microsoft Office application.

35. Take Touch Bar screenshots

And then edit them

To take a screenshot of the Touch Bar, simply press Command+Shift+6. After that, you can make the necessary notes on it using the screenshot editor built into macOS.

This will help you explain the touchpad features friend, as I am doing now, or, conversely, ask questions.

36. Customize the area for screenshots

Select the area to take the screenshot and where to save it

Press Command+Shift+4, and then select more screenshot options on the Touch Bar.

37. Figure out how to tell if there are a lot of elements on the Touch Bar

Note the shading on the left and right

This can be seen by the darkening of the elements on the left and right sides of the touchpad.

38. Customize your site for Touch Bar

To have a beautiful icon on the Touch Bar

To ensure your web page icon looks optimal on the Touch Bar, follow Apple's instructions for website owners.

39. Add Automator Actions to the Touch Bar

Automator Quick Actions button in the lower right corner

If you're a heavy user of Automator, you can add a button with your favorite quick actions to its base on the Touch Bar.

So it will be possible to launch them easier and faster.