What is Bitrix. What is Bitrix 1c Bitrix management

Austrian Internet research company W3Techs has compiled a report on content management systems (CMS).

Approximately 0.7% of the sites studied use the 1C-Bitrix: Site Management system, which is the ninth indicator among CMS. If we take only web resources created and managed using any CMS, then the share of 1C-Bitrix: Site Management in 2018 reached 1.4%. More than half of the sites do not use any CMS and are created from scratch. Read more.

2016 1C-Bitrix: Site Management 16.5
  • a set of tools for communicating with clients (Online chats, CRM forms, online bill payment);
  • Autocomposite - enabling technology that speeds up the loading of website pages with one button;
  • content-based recommendations for increasing conversion using the BigData service;
  • massive block of changes for e-commerce, presentation of a ready-made solution for food-retail

Online chat and “Open lines”

The product now includes tools for measuring and analyzing conversion, conducting A/B testing, performing triggered mailings, and protecting against DDoS attacks. In accordance with Google's requirements for websites, the platform has implemented a set of solutions and new SEO tools to maintain and increase the ranking of websites in search results.

Presentation "1C-Bitrix: Site Management 15.5", 2015

Conversion is the main indicator of the quality of an Internet project. You can now see website conversion in real time. In this version, a tool has appeared that shows website conversion for a selected period of time and analytics for each of the customer acquisition channels:

  • contextual advertising,
  • trigger mailings
  • mobile traffic.

Screenshot of the conversion data window, 2015

Conversion can also be assessed for users, depending on the type of device - computer, tablet or smartphone. The result is displayed in the “conversion pulse” - an indicator of changes in website conversion, the company said.

The platform has created analytical tools with which you can evaluate the effectiveness of an online store:

  • profitability,
  • transition price
  • average check.

Screenshot of the profitability indicators window, 2015

The site owner can, by changing the key parameters of the project, predict profits, determining the optimal indicators.

In “1C-Bitrix: Site Management 15.5” a tool for interacting with site visitors has appeared - an automated trigger mailing system that increases the number of returns and repeat purchases in the store. The product has seven ready-made trigger mailing scenarios:

  • abandoned cart,
  • canceled order,
  • repeat orders
  • 4 types of mailings for customers who have not visited the store
    • within 90 days,
    • within 111 days,
    • within 180 days,
    • within 365 days.

For each scenario, you can configure a letter template once and letters will be sent automatically to each user if he falls into one of the categories. At the same time, the effectiveness of each mailing can be analyzed.

1C-Bitrix offered a tool for managing contextual advertising campaigns directly from the site’s administrative panel. The tool helps to automatically stop or resume advertising campaigns depending on the availability of goods in stock, and automatically pause advertising campaigns if the cost of transition is higher than the cost of the product.

The product provides a set of solutions to fulfill Google's requirements for websites:

  • Adaptive layout technology is used using Bootstrap 3;
  • combining and compressing JavaScript and CSS files;
  • site acceleration 2.0;
  • optimizing images and moving JavaScript to the bottom of the page.

According to the developers, these changes will help clients improve their sites' rankings in search results.

1C-Bitrix: Site Management 16.0

Warehouse accounting and marketing promotions

The new version of the product includes functionality for maintaining warehouse accounting. With its help, you can register receipts and write-offs of goods to the warehouse, movement between warehouses, and keep track of balances. Barcode accounting of goods is available, which significantly saves time when shipping or entering goods into the catalogue.

The functionality for managing discounts and promotions and sales promotion has been improved. The mechanism for setting them up allows you to create various promotions for your online store aimed at increasing sales.

Security scanner

Among the important technological updates of the platform is the Security Scanner service for monitoring website vulnerabilities. For the first time in world practice, a “cloud” service has been developed for CMS, which checks the resource for the presence of external and internal security threats.

Using this service, site owners will be able to scan the project environment, check settings, find potential vulnerabilities in the code using static analysis, and make sure that all security system settings are correct.

Now even non-specialists in information security can do this. Together with the existing “Proactive Protection” module, the “Security Scanner” service will allow you to fully diagnose web resource security threats and prevent them in a timely manner.


Improvements have affected the performance of the system as a whole - a mechanism for automatically combining CSS and JS has been developed, which leads to a reduction in the number of elements included on the page and speeds up the display of pages to the user. The number of requests in the core of the product has been reduced, and the work of menus and website templates has been accelerated.

As part of the announcement of the main product, the company presented another new product - “1C-Bitrix: Mobile application”.

1C-Bitrix: Site Management 14.0

Almost in the same period, in October 2010, in the domestic iTrack ranking, Bitrix took overall 4th place with a score of 7.52%, behind the free CMS Wordpress (29.62%), Joomla! (28.92%) and commercial DataLife Engine (11.16%).

It is interesting that the iTrack rating, which took into account only commercial boxed (circulation) products, showed that Bitrix captured more than half of the CMS market in RuNet with a result of 50.76%. DataLife Engine did not appear in this listing because it did not meet the “circulation” requirement.

According to the developer’s own information, as of March 2011, more than 50 thousand sites operate on the 1C-Bitrix platform

1C-Bitrix: Site Management 10

In March 2011, the developers of the domestic CMS (website content management system, Content Management System) 1C-Bitrix announced the launch of version 10 of the product.

The company has 10 innovations in its product, of which three seem to be the most interesting, focused on working with mobile devices: one is a platform for developing mobile applications BitrixMobile, and the other two are ready-made solutions for launching a mobile version of an online store and information portal.

According to the CEO of 1C-Bitrix Sergei Ryzhikov, “perhaps this is the world’s first implementation of a mobile store in a CMS.” While it will likely require some work from the designer and web coder, in theory the store is ready to launch out of the box. The demo version of the store was deployed by Bitrix on Amazon servers. In addition to the platform for a mobile online store out of the box, an “information portal” template is available.

BitrixMobile technology, which allows you to create mobile applications using HTML5, currently supports iOS, Android and BlackBerry platforms. Symbian support is planned.

As an example of an existing mobile application written with BitrixMobile using HTML5, Sergey Ryzhikov calls the BitrixOTP password generator. A six-digit one-time password, as an element of proactive protection for website admin areas, is usually displayed on the screen of a special key fob. BitrixOTP allows you to receive it on your phone screen, even if it is offline. According to Ryzhikov, the application is now awaiting approval from the Apple App Store and Android Market.

According to the head of Bitrix, creating a mobile application for accessing an online store can be a strong marketing ploy for owners of online trading platforms, since once installed on the phone, the application will encourage the user to visit the store again.

In materials dedicated to the release of Bitrix 10.0, developers propose a way to convert web applications into executable files for use on Apple and Google Android mobile platforms. For this purpose, Bitrix suggests using the open PhoneGap framework from Nitobi.

Prices for “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” version 10.0 have not changed since version 9.5 (with the exception of the “Expert” edition, which increased in price from 28.9 to 34.9 thousand rubles). Opportunities for creating mobile sites are present in it starting from the second most complete version, “Start”.

1C-Bitrix: Site Management 11.5

In the new version of the web project management system “1C-Bitrix: Site Management 11.5”, for the first time for a mass-produced CMS, the online store is fully integrated with CRM (Customers Relationship Management).

Now every owner of an online store on the 1C-Bitrix platform has the opportunity to maintain a single customer base, convert each order into a sale, and also increase the volume of repeat sales through effective recording and analysis of customer information.

CRM is integrated with an online store in two ways: through the Bitrix24 cloud service (if up to 12 employees use the service, it is completely free) and through the boxed product 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal.

Integration of CRM with an online store on the 1C-Bitrix platform allows you to:

  • process all orders directly in CRM;
  • combine orders from online stores, including from different ones, into CRM;
  • collect and store all information about clients;
  • set up bidirectional data exchange in CommerceML format between CRM and online stores and update data on a schedule;
  • upload “leads” from the website from web forms to CRM (for example, if potential clients fill out questionnaires or a feedback form on the website);
  • automatically distribute “leads” between managers (for example, depending on the contract amount);
  • build a “funnel” to evaluate sales performance and much more.

When editing, the order form in CRM opens directly from the online store. And for this, the manager does not need to log in to the online store. As a result, the data for all orders is relevant both in the online store and in the CRM, and if the manager creates an order in the CRM (for example, by a customer call), it will immediately appear in the online store.

As a result, the owner of an online store can organize a comprehensive order processing system, consisting of an online store, CRM and 1C:Enterprise (for organizing warehouse accounting and logistics).

The Social Network module has been significantly updated. New opportunities have appeared to expand the functionality of communities and social networks: a web messenger that allows you to effectively communicate directly through the browser without installing additional programs; calendar of events and activities; mentioning users in messages with automatic notification to these users; a system of internal messages, when a message, including with attached files or photos, can be written directly from the community’s “Live Feed” and addressed to specific users or groups of the social network.

A new convenient interface for working with files in “cloud storage” (the product supports clouds Google Storage, Amazon S3, Windows Azure Storage from Microsoft, the OpenStack open source project and others) allows you to upload data to the cloud in the same way as in the usual file manager. Files uploaded to the cloud can be used like regular files on the website (for example, select an image in the cloud to announce news or insert it into text on the website).

It is now possible to save site backups in the clouds (cloud backup) and restore the backup from the clouds. And if the site uses files from cloud storage, they can also be added to the backup copy. Due to this, the cost of owning a web project is reduced, and the data storage procedure is simplified.

The proactive protection suite has been supplemented with a tool for auditing the security of PHP code and now allows not only to prevent the exploitation of vulnerabilities, but also to eliminate its source. The check shows potential vulnerabilities in the code in the report and strengthens the site’s protection against hacking.

1C-Bitrix: Site management integrated with CDN

For the first time in the world, integration with a CDN providing free traffic has become available without additional settings. Now owners of an active commercial license “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” can literally in “one click”, without additional financial costs, increase the loading speed of website pages, which increases the conversion of online stores several times.

Within a few days of open access to the content delivery network, more than 1,000 Russian sites of various subjects connected it, and their owners note that the average page opening time was reduced by 40-70%, and on some sites with a large amount of static content - even several times. the load on the server infrastructure has decreased by 40-50%.

Connecting a CDN is extremely simple: site owners with an active commercial license “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” select the “Enable site acceleration” option in the administrative part when updating, and the transition is complete.

Through the integrated CDN network, you can transfer almost all the static content of the site - images, style files (css), javascript, etc. – and on average up to 80% of the traffic volume is spent on this. The CDNvideo network uses patented original algorithms for the effective use of geographically distributed server infrastructure under conditions of dynamically changing loads. Network nodes are located in the largest cities of Russia and Ukraine; In Western Europe, the CDNvideo network is present at key traffic exchange points. Thanks to these features, the CDNvideo network provides its users with consistently high quality viewing of web content.

An important argument in favor of CDN is that it reduces the load on the site’s server infrastructure: static site content is cached on CDN nodes and distributed to users through the servers closest to them. Thus, CDN servers receive 50 times fewer requests to the site than when it directly serves requests from live visitors - this is the average for static content.

“Without exaggeration, our cooperation has opened a new stage in the development of the Russian CDN market. It has long become clear to those who are well versed in this technology that its use should not be limited to the distribution of “heavy” content. CDN changes the very perception of a website by visitors, which has a positive impact on the business of any company. We were sure that almost every Russian enterprise really needed a CDN, and not just the largest media portals,” says Yaroslav Gorodetsky, CEO of CDNvideo. – But only the integration of our CDN with the most popular Russian CMS made this technology truly accessible to tens of thousands of companies. For free. Without any risk. And literally “in one click”. The dynamics of connections and the absence of “swing” exceeded our expectations and showed that such a solution was really expected. I'm sure this is just the beginning. Speeding up the site multiple times is too much of an advantage to hesitate, because delays work against the company.”

trial version

Trial version Full-featured trial versions of the 1C-Bitrix: Site Management product are available free of charge and can be used for 30 days. Based on any trial version, you can start developing your own website. During the trial period, you will be able to purchase a license key and continue working with the site, saving all the work done and all data.

The “First Site” edition is distributed only through the 1C-Bitrix affiliate network, so downloading a trial version of this edition from our website is not available.

For developers. To test the product, developers can use packaged distributions - in .zip and .tar.gz archives for installation under Windows and Unix.

Distributions Remote installation on hosting using the BitrixSetup script Using the BitrixSetup script, you can download the distribution kit of a trial or commercial version of the product from the site directly to your site, without downloading the file to your local computer. In addition, the script allows you to unpack the distribution without accessing the site via ssh or external programs.


Trial version of "1C:Franchisee"

Virtual machine

"1C-Bitrix: Virtual Machine 7.3.4" "1C-Bitrix: Virtual Machine" is specially configured for fast execution of 1C-Bitrix software products: it deploys in minutes and is immediately ready for work! You can not only install trial versions of 1C-Bitrix products on a virtual machine, but also transfer your own, ready-made projects. "1C-Bitrix: Web Environment" - Linux
"1C-Bitrix": Web Environment" - Linux is used for quick and easy installation of all software necessary for the operation of 1C-Bitrix products and solutions on the Linux platforms CentOS 6 (i386, x86_64) and CentOS 7 (x86_64).

Using "1C-Bitrix: Virtual Machine", you save time and money: on deploying and setting up a server, on purchasing the necessary equipment, on ensuring the security of the project. You can use the virtual machine for free. The machine is also available for rent from hosters at the price of a hosting plan.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Amazon EC2 is a web service that provides scalable computing power and is designed to quickly and easily deploy web applications on Amazon sites (clouds). 1C-Bitrix specialists have prepared pre-configured BitrixVM images (AMI images) for quickly launching 1C-Bitrix applications in Amazon EC2, which include:
  • CentOS 7.5
  • NGINX + Apache2
  • MySQL5 with InnoDB support
  • Mail server agent
  • A UNIX-like Control Menu with common tasks
  • IP address via DHCP, or configured by Amazon Elastic IP
  • HTTPS support
List of ami by region: Region BitrixVM-7.3.0_CentOS7.5_x64_EBS BitrixVM-7.3.0_CentOS7.5_x64_HVM_EBS

I promised to devote a separate article to 1C-Bitrix software products, and now I am fulfilling this promise. The article is a review, in it I will not delve into the technical details and features of using the program code; for this there is detailed documentation available to everyone on the company’s official website.

Here I will talk about the important features of the Bitrix Framework, as well as the software products created on this platform. The article is intended, first of all, for users who want to understand whether certain Bitrix developments are needed for their business, and what their features are. Also, the information from this article may be useful to developers who work with other CMSs, but also want to get some insight into Bitrix.

Lately, I often come across the integration of websites with CRM systems and programs for accounting for the movement of goods and cash. Most often in our country, integration is required with different versions and configurations of 1C. Also, often, by the time they contact me, customers have either already created a Bitrix website, or are interested in the possibility of switching to this engine, since the 1C company recommends it as a system that has everything necessary to automate data exchange. Numerous questions and the accumulated practical experience of working with Bitrix sites became the factors due to which I remembered my long-standing promise to talk in detail about Bitrix and nevertheless wrote this article.

What is Bitrix? I propose to start with the definition of the very concept of Bitrix. Typically this name is used in two versions:
  • Bitrix is ​​the name of the software developer company.
  • Bitrix is ​​an environment for developing web applications, the so-called Bitrix Framework.
  • A little history First, let's talk about the company in order to understand where the Bitrix software product came from and why its name turned out to be that way. The Bitrix company was founded back in 1998, immediately after the financial crisis, as a web studio specializing in the development of custom-made websites. In the early 2000s, the company created and began to develop its own CMS system, which it also called Bitrix. The first versions of the Bitrix CMS were not fundamentally different from many other website engines, until in 2007 the 1C company bought out a controlling stake in Bitrix, after which the site management system received the name 1C-Bitrix.

    It is important to understand that after such a merger of companies and the subsequent change in the name of the product occurred at the business and marketing level, i.e. The companies merged, the brand merged, but the technical solutions for the most part remained the same - each software product (1C and Bitrix) had its own.

    Very often, users, focusing on the name and advertising from the 1C company, come to the conclusion: if the company uses 1C and seeks to create an online store, then it is best to choose the Bitrix CMS for this, because these are products under the same brand and 1C developers also recommend It is this engine that is the best for exchanging data with the 1C program.

    Likewise, and vice versa, if there is an online store on Bitrix and the owner comes to the conclusion about the need to automate sales, then of all the options for accounting systems he will most likely choose 1C software products.

    In fact, Bitrix and 1C are different products created by different companies, and the developers of these products work completely independently of each other. It cannot even be said that 1C developers focus their work on the needs of Bitrix users or, conversely, that Bitrix developers take into account some innovations from 1C in their work. And the combination of names is purely a marketing ploy, which must be admittedly very successful. That is, this move can be considered a successful move precisely from the marketing side; from the technical side, I cannot give positive examples from the merger.

    Bitrix as a software product All Bitrix software products are based on the Bitrix Framework. If you refer to the help section on the 1C-Bitrix website, you will see the following definition: Bitrix Framework is a PHP-based platform for developing web applications. On this platform, 1C-Bitrix has created two popular products: 1C-Bitrix: Site Management and 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal.
    This definition is clear to web developers, but does not tell users anything. Therefore, I will try to explain in a simplified way what we are talking about.

    Framework is a kind of “framework”, a platform for creating software products.
    PHP is the programming language in which this “framework” is written.

    Based on this “framework”, this platform, the Bitrix company created the software products “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” and “1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal”. These are ready-made CMSs that can be installed on your hosting, configured and worked with, just like with any other content management system.

    From a technical point of view, Bitrix software products (websites and mobile applications) are created on the basis of its own Bitrix Framework platform.

  • Today these software products are represented by the following solutions:
  • 1C-Bitrix: Site management. A system for creating websites and online stores.
  • 1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal. Platform for creating powerful corporate portals.
  • Mobile applications based on the Bitrix Framework (mobile versions of websites, etc.)
  • Various ready-made industry solutions.
  • In addition, the Bitrix company maintains its own “App Store” called MarketPlace, where you can also buy or download for free various solutions, for example, templates, additional modules, add-ons for software products, ready-made solutions for connecting telephony, integration with other services, etc. .d.

    The development of software products on the Bitrix Framework platform is carried out by a narrow circle of programmers consisting of company specialists. This is a commercial product, and therefore this limitation can be considered an advantage. Software updates are predictable and clear, the approach to work is comprehensive, and new features usually work exactly as advertised.

    The company also takes a very responsible approach to the operation of its MarketPlace add-on and application store. Not only company employees, but also third-party developers can offer development for this store. But any proposed product undergoes strict pre-moderation, the solution is tested by Bitrix specialists, and only after their approval appears in the public domain.

    Among the disadvantages of this approach, it should be noted that the number of extensions (modules) is much less than that of products with a free license, and they are much less diverse. This is understandable - the number of developers is not limited by the size of the company.

    What is a "framework"? More about the Bitrix Framework Bitrix Framework is a set of ready-made modules and components, i.e. “bricks” from which Bitrix programmers create software products. In principle, any programmer can, if desired, use the Bitrix Framework platform to create their own software solutions; it is also quite possible to modify ready-made Bitrix products in the way the user needs.

    Bitrix Framework is an open source solution, i.e. a programmer can modify your Bitrix software product in any way he likes; there are no restrictions on access to software modules and their code in this system. But at the same time, Bitrix Framework is a solution supplied on the basis of licenses. Those. You can install and use software products based on the Bitrix Framework on as many computers as the number of licenses you purchased.

    For comparison: 1C software products also come with licensing, but only the configuration can be modified; the kernel (the basis of the software product) is not available to programmers. In Bitrix, a programmer can make any changes, including to the core. And, for example, DRUPAL is an open source system, but without licensing.

    In order to understand how Bitrix software solutions work, you need to know that each of them consists of a core (platform) and add-on modules. Those. There is a programming language (php) in which the core is written. The kernel contains certain capabilities, rules, and tools that can be used by the developer. When creating a software product, the necessary tools are connected and configured; if necessary, the kernel can also be modified. And when working with a finished software product, you can also adjust the platform, but more often it remains untouched, and improvements are made using various external modules.

    You also need to take into account that the platform already includes a certain list of basic modules that can be connected or disabled if necessary. That’s why, for example, the corporate portal has a “shopping cart” module, which would seem to be completely unnecessary. But, since it was included in the basic set, it is present in all Bitrix software products.
    Next, the user (moderator, site administrator, etc.) can work with ready-made tools and use them to create content, post products, and so on.

    Bitrix software products Bitrix software products differ from each other mainly in the set of modules that are included in the ready-made solution, and are divided into categories according to the type of site that may be required in a particular case:
  • The “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” solution is a software product that is used to develop online stores, business card sites and similar projects.
  • The 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal solution is best suited for large companies and for any business that requires a corporate portal to operate.
  • Industry solutions are specialized solutions based on the Bitrix Framework, which provide modules for organizing work in a particular industry.
  • 1C-Bitrix: Enterprise – a solution for large Internet projects. Also in a separate area it is worth highlighting the product “1C-Bitrix: Mobile application”, which is used to create mobile versions of websites or online stores, as well as other types of applications for mobile devices, which, after creation, can be uploaded for download or sale in the App Store or Google Play. This software product is also a ready-made platform, making the creation of mobile applications much faster and easier than working as a programmer from scratch.

    Let me also remind you once again that any 1C-Bitrix product after purchase can be modified at any level, starting from the familiar external modules and add-ons to core modifications.

    1C-Bitrix. Site Management “Site Management” is a software product designed for creating and managing online stores, business card sites, etc. There are a huge number of editions of this software product, but they are all intended for one purpose - creating a website and its further maintenance (filling, editing, etc.).

    Initially, Bitrix was created as an engine (CMS) for creating online stores, and therefore Site Management has a very wide range of capabilities and rich functionality. On the other hand, all the rich capabilities of this engine are rarely used. It is rare to see several catalogs on a Bitrix website; marketing opportunities are practically not used, since most online stores do not need all these functions, but they are still included among the capabilities of the software product and, if the need arises, they can be connected at any time.

    When creating an online store using the Site Management product, you must:

  • Install the “engine” itself on the hosting;
  • Set up a design, set up information pages;
  • Set up a product catalog and cart management (checkout);
  • If necessary, connect payment systems, data exchange with an accounting program, etc.
  • Most of the functionality that may be required to implement any type of online trading is already included in the “Site Management” product, but you can also use your own developments or buy solutions from MarketPlace.

    Important! System "1C-Bitrix. Website management" requires a wide range of hosting capabilities; some hosting companies even introduce special tariff plans for "online stores on Bitrix", this is important to remember when choosing hosting and calculating the cost of website support.

    1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal A corporate portal (English: Enterprise portal) is, in general, a web interface for employee access to corporate data and applications. Wikipedia
    1C-Bitrix: A corporate portal is a kind of platform where information is collected, the company’s information center. This is a multifunctional product where you can combine information in a variety of areas. For example, a company maintains accounting data in 1C. Accounting, movement of goods through warehouses and sales - in 1C. Trade and warehouse, work with potential and real clients - in a CRM system, technical support is provided in a specialized customer support service.

    And the corporate portal allows you to manage all these areas in one place, collect data for management reporting, and get an overall detailed picture of the company’s work from different points of view. In some ways, the Bitrix corporate portal resembles a Swiss knife: this tool has no specialization, but with its help you can perform a variety of actions, since the product contains tools for working with clients, users, and much more, even if at a minimum level.

    1C-Bitrix: The corporate portal is also positioned as a product that allows the manager to control the entire work process of the company, for which a variety of reporting is used; the manager can also set functions, for example, the start and end of the working day, set tasks (projects) for departments, set for them the timing and main stages of implementation. Also, a CRM system, telephony, accounting, accounting programs, etc. can be integrated with the portal.

    There are two products from Bitrix designed for corporate work:

    • Bitrix24 is a SAAS solution where you pay for access to the cloud service. Here you do not need to pay for your own hosting and specialist services; all service updates will be available to you without any action on your part. But at the same time, you will be able to use only the functionality that the developer offers, as well as solutions from MarketPlace. Custom modifications are not possible in Bitrix24.
    • A corporate portal is a software product with open source code for customers, which must be installed on your own hosting after purchase. You will need to make all settings for this software product yourself. To receive updates, you will need to download them and install them yourself. But at the same time, your specialists have access to all functions of the software product and any modifications will be available to you.
    Industry solutions Specialized industry solutions are a “Site Management” system with all the functions available in the basic version, supplemented by pre-installed add-ons for organizing work in a particular industry. For example, such solutions are very popular for organizing the work of medical institutions, budget organizations, educational institutions, etc.

    There are already special questionnaires for creating a patient’s medical record or registering an entrepreneur, tax payer, future property owner, etc. and so on. Options for the sequence of actions when making an appointment with a specialist, paying state fees, invoices for services, as well as other modules necessary to create a convenient website for a particular industry have been implemented.

    1C-Bitrix: Enterprise This solution, designed for the implementation of large and complex projects, is sold at a very high price (from RUB 1,499,900). Bitrix positions this product as a solution for companies that are ready to make the most of the opportunities of the Internet and e-commerce. The product includes all existing modules and add-ons and the implementation of the most diverse capabilities that you can imagine. The developers claim that the product, along with a huge number of capabilities, also has an incredible degree of scalability and flexibility and guarantees extended technical support.

    Whether it is worth using such an expensive and powerful product is up to you to decide. Some large retail chains successfully work with this solution, others prefer to implement the work based on the usual “Site Management” functionality. It all depends on the scale of the project and the demand for the wide range of features that developers offer for the price indicated above.

    A few words about MarketPlace If you wish, you can also buy or download ready-made solutions for any of the software products through your own application store 1C-Bitrix MarketPlace. There are a lot of different templates, solutions for integration with various software products and systems, and additional modules for implementing a variety of functions. These solutions also come as open source, i.e. If desired, they can be modified to suit your own needs. But it is important to understand that after making any changes to the code, technical support for these solutions is not provided. Important: the Bitrix core, like the 1C core, also needs to be updated regularly. Although these updates are not as critical as for 1C software products, they also have their own nuances.
    When updating the core of a software product, any add-ons and applications from the MarketPlace may stop working, and therefore, after the update, you will need to re-test these features and, if necessary, download and install updates for them separately. Also, the update becomes unavailable or problematic if changes are made to the software product code. A composite site is another technology that is actively promoted by 1C-Bitrix developers. They position composite sites as an opportunity to combine high loading speeds with all the features of a modern, dynamic site.
    How it works:
  • Site pages are divided into static and dynamic parts.
  • To quickly display the static part, caching is actively used.
  • The system loads the dynamic part in the background and also caches it in the browser.
  • Active use of caching allows you to reduce the amount of information that the site sends to the user each time the site is accessed again.

    Those. When you first access the composite site, the page loads normally
    A call is made from the user's browser to the hosting site. The site generates a response, i.e. a full page along with all the images and other types of content. The user waits for all the information to be downloaded to the computer and sees a full page.

    Composite sites then store most of the page (images, videos, other static information) in the system cache. And when accessing again, the presence of a copy of the static part of the page in the cache is taken into account, and therefore only the dynamic part is generated and transmitted, the rest is loaded from the cache. Due to this, the download speed increases significantly.

    Usability of 1C-Bitrix products The usability of Bitrix software products is very unique. Initially, the Bitrix developers used a special approach for their CMS, which in many ways did not coincide with other popular website content management systems. The number of features included in Bitrix software products is very large and increases even more with each release. And while many other CMSs are designed according to the principle of having a small and relatively simple core to which you can connect a wide variety of solutions as needed, Bitrix tries to put “everything at once” into the software product.

    As a result, there is a phenomenon called overcoding; in 1C-Bitrix software solutions there is too much code and capabilities that are most often not used. This, in turn, leads to increased complexity of the entire system. As a result, not only users, but very often even programmers find it difficult to understand the usability of software products and understand where each feature is configured. Unfortunately, this drawback is the downside of powerful and multifunctional solutions, which is important to consider when choosing a product for creating a website or corporate (collaboration) work.

    Summary 1C-Bitrix software products are very powerful modern tools for creating websites, corporate portals and mobile applications. But we must understand that these technologies are only one of the solutions available on the modern market. Bitrix has a high entry rate and certain specifics. Therefore, before deciding to use a particular software product, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the various offers on the market, as well as consult with specialists.

    Among the advantages, in addition to the opportunities listed above, it is also worth noting that the software products and all documentation are in Russian, as well as the presence of many partner solutions for integrating Bitrix with other systems.

    The disadvantages are the complexity of the software products for users (administrating websites on their own is difficult, and setting up without the help of specialists is almost impossible), as well as not the most affordable price.

    Whether or not to work with these software solutions is everyone’s personal choice. I believe that even for integration with 1C, the use of Bitrix is ​​not necessary; there are other methods for organizing data exchange. On the other hand, for complex and large projects, this powerful system with extensive capabilities can be a suitable solution.

    Speed ​​up your site 100 times! New technology from 1C-Bitrix!

    Composite site. Acceleration x100! Easy website management Ready-made functionality Integration of online store and CRM
    The online store is fully integrated with CRM (Customers Relationship Management). Each owner of an online store on the 1C-Bitrix platform has the opportunity to maintain a single customer base, convert each order into a sale, and also increase the volume of repeat sales through effective recording and analysis of customer information. CRM is integrated with an online store in two ways: through the Bitrix24 cloud service (if up to 12 employees use the service, it is completely free) and through the boxed product 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal.
    Web Security "Cloud Services"

    1C-Bitrix provides its clients with a free automatic cloud backup option. The 1C-Bitrix cloud always stores 3 backup copies of your website. The product is compatible with Google Storage, Amazon S3, Windows Azure Storage from Microsoft, the open source OpenStack project and other clouds. The Site Acceleration (CDN) service allows you to download all the static content of your site (pictures, css style files, js scripts) through the content distribution network (Content Delivery Network or Content Distribution Network, CDN). The system automatically backups the site to the cloud according to a specified schedule.
    Real time integration with 1C Mobile administration Mobile applications

    More than 85,000 different web projects operate on the 1C-Bitrix platform.

    A professional web project management system, a universal software product for the creation, support and successful development of:

    • corporate sites
    • online stores
    • information portals
    • community sites
    • social networks and other web projects.

    The software product "1C-Bitrix: Site Management" includes seven product editions that differ in functionality: from managing site content to creating portal Internet solutions for e-commerce.

    You can expand the capabilities of the site by upgrading to a new edition of the product. The cost of switching to another edition of the product is the difference in the price of the editions. The transition to a new version of the product occurs while preserving the accumulated data. Improvements will only be required to implement new technical capabilities.

    *Secure Web Application Certificate from Positive Technologies.

    1C-Bitrix is ​​convenient to use for large projects that require stability and a high level of protection. The platform is optimized for RuNet, which is manifested not only in the localization of the interface, but also in the support of domestic services: both other 1C products and solutions from third-party developers.

    1C-Bitrix also offers built-in tools for monitoring site traffic, studying referral sources and user behavior. This module is weaker in functionality than Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics, but it can also be used to collect basic information about the success of the site.

    A large number of marketing tools are available by default on the engine. Among them:

    • System for sending notifications to registered users.
    • Widgets for communicating with clients on the site and beyond.
    • Authorization through social networks and social bar to share links.
    • Analytical data demonstrating a portrait of the audience and showing traffic.
    • A/B testing to study the effectiveness of a sales offer.

    The standard functionality of the engine is expanded by installing applications from the Marketplace. Here you can find ready-made websites, integrations with third-party services, applications for managing and interacting with visitors. For example, there is the “1C-Bitrix: Administration” application, which allows you to manage orders, edit product cards, and monitor statistics.

    Another solution is the 1C-Bitrix: Demo Store program, which eliminates the need to order the development of a mobile version. With this application you can create a catalog that will be available to customers from their phone. They will be able to make purchases through it, as well as subscribe to notifications about the arrival of new products.

    Almost unlimited scalability is one of the main features of 1C-Bitrix. You can start with a small site that will be managed by one person, and over time you can reach a large portal with a bunch of employees and different opportunities for interacting with customers. And all this can be implemented within one system - only the editions differ.


    Websites are created based on templates that determine their structure and how content is presented. One layout can contain several themes, but the difference between them will be mainly in the colors. All templates have a responsive layout that ensures excellent display of content on different devices. You can customize the design using a visual editor, editing template files, as well as downloading solutions developed independently or ordered from specialists.

    The visual editor's capabilities are limited. With it, you can edit content, change photos, place links and banners. The editor is available in the “Site Management” module, which adds a universal designer to the engine. There are more than 35 thematic templates and about 200 blocks available on it, which can be freely moved on pages and modified.

    However, the builder is more suitable for launching landing pages as part of the marketing promotion of individual products/services. Websites created in the designer are located on the same hosting as the main project and are available as its subdomains. This connection allows you to quickly pull up the necessary data - for example, place a product from an online store on the landing page and use the functionality of the main website to place an order.