What is an over-the-air (OTA) update for a smartphone? How to update Xiaomi firmware via OTA update

Here's a clear demonstration of why iOS still rules.

Nowadays it has become fashionable to scold iOS, saying that it is slow, Apple is no longer a cake and, in general, everything is bad in the “Apple” world, while Android furiously steers, pedals and works very quickly. There is some truth in all this, but it is only a share. In righteous anger, you shouldn’t forget about the pros of one platform and the cons of another. To support this, I'll be sharing my fun adventures with upgrading my Nexus 6, which began when I bought it two months ago and continue to this day.

Reference Googlephone, including software

Readers unfamiliar with my work can easily suspect Roman Yuryev of thoughtless fanboyism in relation to Apple and its products. Friends remember that I always tried to treat both competing platforms equally and, even if I was not burning with a wild love for Android, I perceived it adequately. Here are examples:

However, iOS has always remained the main platform due to the fact that for me personally it is simply more convenient, it is more comfortable to work in it, plus the ecosystem (iPhone + iPad + MacBook), no matter how hackneyed it may sound. Yes, I experimented, arranged for myself to move to Android, but always returned to iOS, which I described in detail earlier:

Wherein always praised the Nexus series smartphones for their long-term and high-quality software support, comparing it with that of Apple. After all, devices are promoted and supported by Google itself, promptly receiving software updates for two or even more years. A good example is the 2012 model, which my wife owns and which is still vigorous compared to Android smartphones of the same period, but from other manufacturers. It's no longer official, but it was updated to Android 5.1.1 and continues to receive . It works quite quickly and my wife is quite happy with it as a dialer + mini-tablet.

Having experimented with Android devices from third-party manufacturers, I decided to purchase a reference “Google phone” in the form of Nexus 6. I really liked him when he and .

6-inch AMOLED display (I really like this technology and size) with QHD resolution, excellent design and, of course, always the latest Android on board. I just didn’t expect that the reference “Google Phone,” the “face of Android,” so to speak, could be so unstable and sad with standard firmware update functions. And, to be honest, this is my biggest disappointment in Google and its platform. But first things first.

OTA battle “iOS vs Android”

OTA is an abbreviation for " Over-The-Air”, that is, an “over-the-air” update, when the firmware is downloaded to a smartphone via Wi-Fi or a cellular network, after which it is automatically installed, saving all user data. This feature appeared in Android a little earlier than in iOS, which is why fans of the “robot” have been trolling iPhone/iPad owners for a long time. Although in the end, Apple's OTA implementation turned out to be better.

So, just the other day, almost all Apple devices were updated with software. Came out, and... I have five Apple devices: , and - they all updated within half an hour almost simultaneously. How the process happened:

  • « Settings → General → Software Update → Install iOS 9.1» for iPad and iPhone.
  • « Launch the Watch app on iPhone → General → Software Update → Install watchOS 2.0.1» for Apple Watch.
  • « App Store → Updates → Install OS X El Capitan 10.11.1 update» for MacBook.
  • 30 minutes and all gadgets are updated automatically. At the same time, I did not take any active part in the process, but simply drank tea and relaxed my brain after a hard day of work.

An OTA update came out a little later Android 6 Marshmallow for Nexus 6. How the process happened:

  • The system reported that " there is an update, click to install».
  • Clicked, went to the installation menu, clicked on the “ Download" and... bummer. Instantly it showed up Failed to load”, and the button changed its name to “Download again”.

I pressed the button many times, waited for several hours (suddenly there was a rush and all that, Google servers could not stand it) - no effect. I did not perform any manipulations with the system - neither root, nor an unlocked bootloader, nor even a third-party launcher. Everything is stock, clean and tidy. How did I solve the problem? I spent an hour, or even more time, installing the update via the lanyard, using the “Terminal”, Android SDK, ADB and the “sideload” command, manipulating the smartphone itself to enter it into the desired mode (such as DFU in the iPhone). In general, it was fun and a little later I will tell you how fun it was, but the adventures began much earlier. Literally right after I printed out the brand new Nexus 6 and turned it on, which happened in Moscow at one in the morning. If it weren't for that experience that cost me four hours hard work, then I would install the update to Android 6 much longer.

So what happened? I printed out the Nexus 6, turned it on, did some basic setup by entering my Google account. Then the operating system cheerfully told me: “ There is an update to Android 5.1, let's install it?" My soul felt good from the feeling that I had an Android smartphone in my hands with the best software support from the “Good Corporation” itself! Of course I agreed. The update was quickly downloaded from Google servers, the phone rebooted, the installation process began, everything was going well, but in the end I saw this sad picture:

I repeat, this is a brand new, clean flagship Nexus 6, on which the software downloaded by Google itself was installed. " Well, okay, suddenly there’s a small glitch. I'll reboot now and everything will work. As a last resort, I'll download the update again“, I thought and pressed the power button for a few seconds so that the device rebooted. How naive I was

The system seemed to boot and began standard program optimization, which occurs every time after an OS update. Moreover, this process is very leisurely, even on flagship devices. In my case it took about 15–20 minutes. But he didn’t get to the end, on the 49th application the phone itself went into reboot and so on in a circle.

Owners of Apple smartphones also had incidents, I read about it, although I myself have not encountered any problems with OTA updating iOS devices, although I have been constantly updating them this way since the very moment the opportunity arose. What should an iPhone user do in this case? Connect your smartphone to your computer via a USB cable, launch iTunes and press one button “ Restore iPhone" After this, the required firmware will be automatically downloaded, installed, and if the person was not too lazy to make a backup copy of the data before, he will also successfully restore the address book, notes, SMS and information/settings from third-party applications.

What then does Google offer? Now I will tell you this anecdote, which has been going on for many years. After all, OTA support appeared in Android earlier than in iOS, but the Good Corporation still hasn’t figured out the emergency system.

Naive Roma went to the Google search engine with a request to restore the firmware in the Nexus, hoping that there was some simple one-button solution similar to that of Apple. Yeah, right now!

Here's a short description of what my 3-hour adventures turned out to be like:

You need to download and install Android Studio

Then you will need to go to the hidden folder " Libraries", find there " Android\SDK\platform-tools" Sorry, you polluted the system with all this rubbish just for the sake of two files: adb And fastboot, which are used to manipulate the Nexus firmware.

You need to download the required stock firmware from Google Developers - there are a lot of them out there, you will have to choose carefully.

After downloading, you will need to unpack it into a temporary folder, where you should also throw the files mentioned above.

To flash Nexus firmware, even with stock firmware, you need to unlock the bootloader.

Firstly, load the Nexus in the “bootloader/fastboot” mode by holding down the “ buttons on the switched off device volume down + power».

Secondly, we check whether the computer sees the phone, for this in “ Terminal"go to the folder with the firmware and the files obtained above and enter the command " fastboot devices" If it shows the serial number of the connected phone, then everything is ok, you can move on and enter the command “ fastboot oem unlock", then reboot the phone with the command " fastboot reboot", and then put it back into flashing mode.

Now you can reflash the previously downloaded and unpacked stock firmware. Again through the "Terminal".

And it turned out to be not as easy as I thought. You need to run the script " flash-all.sh”, who in theory will do everything himself, but he did nothing. The geniuses of Google did not add a couple of characters before the fastboot commands, if my memory serves me correctly, these are “./”. Ok, I entered everything manually, saved the script, the flashing of the modem and something else began - in total, 5 or 6 files were uploaded in turn - but on the largest one, the operating system itself, an error was displayed. The phone was not reflashed and remained a “brick”.

I searched long and tediously for the reason, which turned out to be some incorrect version of the fastboot module. In principle, it’s my own fault, since I tried to save time and took the archive recommended in the instructions with a couple of the modules mentioned. In general, I installed Android Studio, took what seemed to be the correct files, but again there was a problem. The phone was not reflashed. And all this at 3 am. After a hard and stressful day. I didn’t want to abandon the process, because in the morning all the knowledge gained would be forgotten and I would have to put my brains back together again, and there was no time for that then. You need to do everything at once and forget it.

Flashing all files one by one manually.

Yes, I finally completed the process by finding another method where each firmware file is downloaded to the phone manually in a strictly defined sequence. After that, the phone came to life, it was already working on Android 5.1.1, I set everything up, installed applications and configured them too. (Normal data backup system on Android? No, I haven’t heard of it.) Everything about it still takes about 40 minutes of work. And then I discovered that instead of 64 GB the system sees 32 GB. It turned out that after flashing it was necessary to do the so-called “Wipe” - completely reset the smartphone, all caches, etc. Although this already happens during the firmware process.

Repeated Wipe.

As you understand, I had to boot the phone in flashing mode, find the desired command in the service menu, reset the device, and then reinstall all my applications and configure the Nexus.

In approximately the same way, I had to install the Android 6 OTA update by downloading (it’s important not to make a mistake, since there is no “foolproof” there - if you fix something wrong, you’ll get a “brick”), installing Android Studio (since everything is superfluous I took it with pleasure after the adventures described above) and after working with the “Terminal”. Yes, it was much faster, and I didn’t have to reinstall all applications again, upload media content and configure the phone. But this operation is far from being for ordinary people.

How long, Google?

Why all this big text above? Firstly, I hope it helps some Nexus owners. Secondly, I wanted to show how BAD EVERYTHING is at Google with a seemingly basic function - restoring a phone after a failure that was caused by the company itself.

Okay, I’m an experienced user who knows how to work with Terminal, use Google search, and have repeatedly flashed smartphones on almost all current platforms. What should less experienced people do in this case? A person bought an expensive smartphone, the best from Google, with the best software support, and received a “brick” immediately after the first update. Let’s say he spent his time and took the device to a store/service/friend, they reflashed his Nexus, and then again it’s a bummer, since an important system update cannot be installed on the machine.

Against this background, friends, screams, they say, “ Apple is no longer the same», « everything is bad with the company», « iOS has gone downhill"and others look funny. Yes, I’m ready to pray to Apple for the fact that the company has been saving my time since 2008, when I transferred all my work to Mac and finally moved to the company’s ecosystem. How many branded laptops, operating systems, smartphones have been changed and I still have my workspace, content, applications, documents from those very days. I move to a new laptop using Time Machine or update OS X without any hassle at the click of a button. I change my smartphone to a new one and within half an hour, while I drink tea or coffee, I get all my applications, data and even “saves” in toys. Yes, I spent an order of magnitude more time and effort just moving between five Android smartphones than in seven years of working with two dozen Apple devices.

You would like to update the firmware on your Android smartphone or tablet, but the latest version does not arrive over the air. Is there any new firmware for your gadget? Where can you find it, and how to update Android on your phone or tablet? Let's understand the issue together.

It would seem that what could be simpler than updating the firmware on Android? Even a person who is completely ignorant of operating systems and devices can press the right button, agreeing to the offer to update the platform. But, as it turned out, this seemingly simple process also has a number of nuances that can puzzle many experienced users and professionals. And yet, let's go point by point...

How do Android devices receive updates?

Beginner users are often concerned with the question: how Android updates come, and how often this happens. There is no single answer to this question. The specific timing depends on the device manufacturer, as well as on the general situation with the correct operation of the operating system. We can definitely say: devices belonging to the model line receive updates as regularly and promptly as possible. Google Nexus.

It is simply impossible to update all other gadgets in the same short time - manufacturers always need some time to create their own version of the platform based on the latest version of Android. Testing the so-called beta version and eliminating bugs still takes some time. Only after the final debugging of the software is the update sent “over the air” to smartphones and tablets. Approximate dates - from one month to six months.

Sometimes users are perplexed: the gadget was running , and then an update comes straight to . Where are all the other versions? Why didn't they come? The answer is simple: having a large model range (sometimes three or more dozen devices are produced simultaneously), the manufacturing company simply does not have time to work on each new version for all models. Therefore, updates are developed whenever possible and “rolled out” when ready for a particular smartphone or tablet.

How long will it take for the manufacturing company to send (develop) Android updates for a specific device? Will she lose interest in him? From this point of view, of course, it is more profitable to purchase popular models. A whole army of users becomes their owners, and it is important for manufacturers to maintain the software of such a device at the proper level for as long as possible, so that owners can always update the Android version and not become disappointed in the brand and remain faithful to it the next time they purchase.

How can you find out when an Android update is available for your gadget? There are a lot of options here: communicating on specialized forums and in social networking groups, reading news on resources dedicated to the Android OS. But the surest way is to regularly view the official website of the manufacturer. The new image of the platform for manually updating Android on your device will definitely appear there first. One way or another, the corresponding notification will definitely come to your device.

How to update Android over the air?

It happens that some time passes between the announcement of a new version of the platform and the receipt of updates. Sometimes someone familiar with the same model as yours has already updated Android, and you are still waiting for the coveted notification. There is nothing critical about this - manufacturers simply send out the update to users of their gadgets, gradually covering the entire audience, and not all at once. It may take from several hours to two to three weeks before you receive a notification, and you will learn about the opportunity to update the system the next time you connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. However, you can periodically go to “Settings” and check the “ System update" in the "About device" section (located at the bottom of the settings menu).

If, when checking the “System Update” item, you see the “Download” button, then it’s time to install the latest version of the platform.

1. Click the "Download" button and wait for the download to finish;

2. To initiate the installation process of the updated system, click the "Restart and Install" button;
3. The device will then reboot on its own. After rebooting the device, it will work with the updated version of Android.

How to speed up receiving Android updates over the air?
You can speed up receiving OTA updates as follows:
1. Go to "Settings" -> "Applications" -> "All";

2. Open "Google Services Framework";

3. Select the "Erase data" function;

4. Check for updates: "Settings" -> "About device" -> "System update".

Sometimes you need to repeat these steps several times, and in some cases it is enough to wait a few minutes and check again for updates (they may not appear immediately).

How to update Android manually?

We have already said that you can find the latest firmware version on the official website of the manufacturer. If you don’t want to wait for OTA updates, you can update the Android version manually using the platform mirror provided by the manufacturers of your smartphone or tablet computer. The first thing you need to do for this is go to the website and download the ZIP archive with the firmware to your gadget, placing it in the device’s memory in any place convenient for you. Next, follow the step-by-step instructions below:
1. Turn off your device.

2. Enable it again using a specific key combination - find it on the Internet for your smartphone or tablet model (even better if you use the instructions “How to enter Recovery” (Recovery Menu) for your device). The most common keyboard shortcuts:
Power button/"Volume +";
Power button/"Volume -";
"Volume +/-" + power button + Home;
“Volume +” + “Volume –” + power button.
Navigation through the Recovery menu is carried out using the "Volume +" and "Volume –" keys, selection - with the power/lock button (in case navigation through the menu is not touch-sensitive).
3. After entering the Recovery menu, select "Apply update".

4. If the ZIP archive with the firmware is located on a memory card, then select "Choose from sdcard". If the archive is located in the device’s own memory, you need to select “Choose from internal storage”.

5. Next, find the folder where you saved the firmware and select it - the update installation process will begin automatically.

Upon completion of the update installation process, you will need to return to the main Recovery menu, where select " Reboot system now" - the gadget will reboot with the latest firmware version.

Now you know how to update Android over the air and manually. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments to the article - we will be happy to help.

We decided to devote today’s material to answering the pressing question of many Android smartphone users: where to download and how to update Android? The operating system, which is being developed by the giant Google, appeared recently (about 10 years ago), but is developing rapidly. Now Android is one of the market leaders in terms of prevalence, receives updates with enviable regularity and has a lot of advantages that attract users.

How to find out what version of Android is on your smartphone

Before you start looking for the latest updates, you should find out which version of Android you are using.

The version is indicated by the manufacturer in a separate item in the device settings - “About phone”. Here you need to find “Android Version”, where you will see the version you are using. Also in this menu you can find out which shell is preinstalled by the manufacturer and the date of the last security update.

How to update Android

There are two ways to update the system:

  • through OTA updates (over-the-air updates), which are provided by the device manufacturer;
  • using custom firmware developed by ordinary users.

The first method of updating Android is preferable, as it ensures ease of installation and stable operation of the device on the new version of the system, which cannot be said about custom firmware. However, OTA updates are usually relevant for flagship smartphones, whose manufacturers take care of releasing updates for a long time after release. But the budget class often has to be content with a couple of updates, after which the manufacturer simply forgets about the device. In this case, custom ones are ready to help out.

Don't neglect backups before upgrading your operating system. Even in the case of an over-the-air update, errors are possible that will lead to the loss of photos, contacts and other information. Therefore, we recommend making backups of important data manually or using third-party software, which is available in abundance on Google Play (for example: SM Backup - Safe Cloud, App Backup Restore Transfer, G Cloud Backup).

Update Android over the air (OTA update)

The easiest way to update an Android phone or tablet, which requires a minimum of skills and knowledge from the user.

As already noted, official updates are released more often to popular devices. In addition, some smartphones (usually those ordered from China) can be flashed by the seller with custom firmware, which does not provide for over-the-air updates at all.

If you are one of the lucky ones, then:

  1. go to the device settings;
  2. at the very bottom find the item “About phone”;

A number of manufacturers bring the tool to update Android to the desktop to make this process even easier for the user.

  1. in the new window, at the very top, there is a “System update” button, which is what we need. Click on the button;
  2. in the menu that opens, click “Check for updates”;

On most devices, automatic updates are installed by default from the factory, when the phone or tablet downloads updates in the background (usually when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network), offering to install them afterwards.

  1. it will take some time (depending on Internet speed) until available Android updates are found (or not found);
  2. if there are system updates, you will be prompted to download them and then install them;

Be sure to fully charge your device before installing updates!

  1. now you just need to follow the assistant’s instructions and wait until the update installation is completed and the smartphone reboots.

As a result, you will receive a device with the latest updates, while your personal data will be preserved, as will installed applications.

Updating Android using custom firmware: where to download, how to install

Due to the abundance of phone models in their lines, manufacturers often do not have time to officially update all devices, and therefore enthusiasts take on this task, collecting firmware based on the latest versions of Android for a specific device. Custom firmware is distributed free of charge; installation requires additional software and some skills.

Note! Not every custom firmware is suitable for your device - only those that were developed for it. In exceptional cases, firmware from a smartphone whose characteristics are identical to yours may be suitable.

So, let's start with the search. You can download the updated version of Android on forums dedicated to the topic of flashing various devices. The most visited are the forums of the 4PDA resource, where using the search bar you can easily find a topic dedicated to your smartphone. Here you can choose the firmware you like (based on which version, from which developer, with which improvements), and also learn more about it from topic visitors.

It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the instructions for installing the firmware, which are located in the topic headers and are constantly updated by users. The fact is that all smartphones, albeit slightly, differ from each other, as does the process of flashing them, so it’s worth paying attention to the instructions.

When the firmware image is loaded into the memory of your phone or computer, you can proceed to the installation itself, but there are some nuances here too. First of all, you have to choose a method for installing custom firmware:

  • through applications that are installed directly on Android;
  • using a personal computer, special software and custom recovery.

Here it is worth warning you that you install custom firmware at your own risk. In addition to the fact that the firmware may simply not suit your device, other problems are possible: errors in operation, inoperability of some functions, complete failure of the device, etc.

Update Android firmware using the application

An easier way to install firmware on Android, but it does not always guarantee success. To carry out the update we will need:

  • (not required, but recommended);
  • install the application on the device (recommended: Android Update Manager, ROM Manager);
  • download the firmware (save to SD card).

When all of the above is ready, move on to updating Android:

  1. launch the installed application;
  2. the application will require you to install ClockWorkMod Recovery (custom recovery for installing third-party firmware), agree with the proposal;
  3. Click on “Install ROM from SD card”, then specify the path to the firmware image;
  4. a new window will open in which you should click “Save current ROM” (in case of unexpected errors) and “Reboot and installation”;
  5. All you have to do is wait (about 10-15 minutes) until the smartphone appears before you with an updated interface and functionality.
Updating Android firmware using a computer

This option is somewhat more complicated, but with more flexible options and guarantees of success. It will take a little more time and various software:

  • naturally, downloaded firmware;
  • client for installing firmware (it is different for each smartphone model, so search for your device in the appropriate sections of the forum);
  • ADB drivers for your device, a download link for which can also be obtained on the forum.

Now, in order regarding the update:

  1. We take the smartphone in our hands and go to “Settings”, where at the bottom we look for the “For Developers” item;

It may not exist initially. In order for it to appear, you need to go to the “About phone” menu and click on the “Android version” item several times.

  1. in the “For Developers” settings, check the box next to “USB Debugging”;
  2. install ADB drivers on the PC (so that it can recognize your device), and then connect the smartphone via a USB cable;
  3. launch the client to download the firmware to the smartphone;
  4. we indicate to the client the location of the firmware and proceed to the update process;

Each client is different, so you should familiarize yourself with their features in advance.

  1. we wait while the client installs updates without disconnecting the wire;
  2. The client will be notified of the completion of the update, as will the smartphone, which will begin to turn on.

The initial startup process may take quite a long time, don't worry.

What to do after updating Android

Now we figured out how to install Android, installed the latest version of the operating system with a bunch of new features (or with a minimum of these features), what should we do next?

If you updated using the regular smartphone tools, then you won’t have to do anything: you will still have all the applications, all SMS messages and other data (unless, of course, there was an error during the update process). That is, you can continue to use your device without bothering with reinstalling applications.

In cases where the device is flashed, all data disappears. Whether you like it or not, you will have to re-login to your accounts, install the necessary applications and re-download your favorite music. Therefore, we always recommend doing Backup, which will greatly simplify these tasks.

How to disable Android updates

Along with the question regarding installing new updates, many users are interested in how to disable them. Some people simply don’t need them, others are already accustomed to the old version of Android and don’t want to change anything in their smartphone. So that the system does not pester you with constant offers to get updates, and also does not waste traffic on downloading them, you need to:

  1. go to “Settings” of your phone or tablet;
  2. go to “About phone”, then “System update”;
  3. Uncheck the box next to “Auto-update”.

Now only after your request the system will start searching for new versions to download.

Also, many users, as we have noticed, are hampered by automatic application updates, which often change the usual messenger or social network client beyond recognition and consume gigabytes of traffic. Here, too, everything can be turned off in a few simple steps:

  1. launch Google Play (Play Market);
  2. By swiping from the left side of the screen, we get to the side menu, where we find “Settings” at the bottom;
  3. go to “Auto-update applications”;
  4. Select “Never” from the list provided.

In the future, you will only be able to update the necessary applications manually.


Android update is a very useful thing. Regular updates correct errors, introduce many innovations to the system, and simply make it more pleasant to use. The updated smartphone is much less afraid of virus attacks and is “smarter” than its counterparts on older versions of the OS. In addition, the update process is not as complicated as it might initially seem. Just about thirty minutes of work and you have an updated device that can work with all the latest applications.

This article is devoted to the problem in which your Android phone or tablet does not want to be updated “over the air,” i.e. via WiFi. We will look at the main reasons and what to do in this case.

This article is suitable for phones and tablets of all Android device manufacturers: Samsung, LG, Sony, Huawei, Xiaomi, HTC, ZTE, Fly, Alcatel and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Quite often there is a situation when Android is updated “over the air”. But not all users prefer such an OTA update, since it can be expensive when using mobile traffic and is not secure. During the update, failures may occur (the update was not downloaded successfully, the battery is dead).

Let's look at how you can enable and disable Android updates over the air with or without root rights. We will also study the question of why the Android firmware is not updated via OTA.

First you need to do:

  • Before updating the operating system, you should charge the gadget's battery 100%.
  • Before starting the update, you need to save contacts, programs, information, etc. in a separate place. Often, after an update, all this can simply be lost.

There are the following ways to update Android to the latest version:

  • Auto.
  • Semi-automatic.
  • Using a computer.

Why are there no updates on Android?

The most common reason why Android is not updated is that the manufacturer has stopped supporting the device and the gadget has become obsolete. Android developers are forced to work on the problem of compatibility with a large number of devices by creating additional drivers. Because of this, updates are often available only for the latest models of devices, the flagships of the series.

Other reasons for the lack of over-the-air updates include:

  • Google services crash.
  • Lack of memory on the device. There is simply nowhere for the update to install. In this case, a corresponding message appears.
  • Hardware faults leading to failure of individual components.
  • Use of unofficial software. Installing applications from dubious sources, installing custom recovery and firmware.

It is also important to understand that the new firmware is distributed gradually among users, starting from the region where the product is bound. Even if someone you know has already updated Android, this is not a reason to troubleshoot; you need to wait a little longer.


Only Nexus models in the line of different brands are updated in a timely and regular manner. Owners of other devices need to wait for information about whether the new version will support their gadgets, and when the update will be published - in a week or several months.

Automatic and manual Android updates

Often, a notification about the availability of updates appears while connected to the Internet. They can be downloaded and installed via mobile traffic or Wi-Fi. If other users have already installed new firmware, but nothing works for you, then you can request the update again:

  • Open the settings.
  • Go to the “About device” menu.
  • Select "System Update".
  • Click “Check for updates”.

If there are updates for the device, click “Download”. It is much preferable to use a Wi-Fi Internet connection. To prevent the gadget from running out of power when reinstalling it, when the battery charge is low, connect a charger to it.


If the update does not arrive, but your device model supports the new version, you need to force the update:

  • Open the settings.
  • Go to the "Applications" menu
  • In the “All” section, open “Google Service Framework”.
  • There you should erase the data and clear the cache.
  • Check again for updates.


If the manufacturer supplies a proprietary control program with the device, then it can be used to receive Android updates. The screenshot below shows the Samsung Kies program. Other brands have their own software.


When connecting the gadget to Android, the program window will display a list of available updates that can be downloaded.

Using the Recovery Menu to install firmware updates

If all else fails, you can manually install the update by downloading the file from the gadget manufacturer’s website:

  • Download the new official firmware to your computer. The firmware can be found on the manufacturer’s website page in the support menu for the tablet/phone model.
  • We move the file with updates to the internal memory of the device or to a memory card.
  • Turn on the device and go to the Recovery Menu. Often, to enter Recovery, the combination “Power button” - “Volume up” is used. If this combination does not work, you need to look at the combination for a specific model and manufacturer.

The Recovery menu is navigated using the power button and volume keys. To install the firmware, follow the steps:

  • Select “Apply Update”.
  • Click “... internal storage” or “Choose from sdcard” depending on the location where the update file was downloaded.
  • Select the firmware file to start the installation process.


The gadget will reboot. You must ensure that there is enough charge to complete the installation. Otherwise, the system will not install correctly and will need to be reinstalled again.

Prohibiting Android updates over the air

The first method assumes that there are no root rights. The instructions are suitable for Android 5.X and higher:


The second method is relevant if you have root rights:

Allowing Android updates over the air

The first method assumes that there are no root rights. Instructions for Android 5.X and higher.

Today I updated my Nexus 4 to Android 4.4.3 (build number KTU84L) via OTA. Many users of Android devices are faced with the issue of updating their operating system over the air - everything seems to have been updated, but it doesn’t come to me!

I want to update my Android to the latest version, but the automatic update does not come.

The question arises: how to speed up (force) the automatic update of the Android operating system on a smartphone or tablet?

By the way, if anyone doesn’t know, click on the link and find out in detail about this issue.

So, to speed up getting the updated or latest version of the Android OS on your favorite gadget, you need to do one of the two proposed options.

Method 1.

Find the “Settings” item in the device menu, then click on “Applications” and click on “All”. In the list of applications that appears, find “Google Services Framework” - click on the application and in the menu that appears, clear the cache and erase the data.

Then we go to the telephone number dialing menu and enter the following combination: *#*#2432546#*#*. After dialing this number, wait for the system notification to appear - “checkin succeeded”. This message means that everything was done correctly. Then go to “Settings-About phone-System update-Check now”. Let's update to the latest version of Android and smile.

Method 2.

To successfully start forcing the receipt of an OTA update, you need to turn off Wi-Fi and even 3G connections. Then go to “Settings-Location” and turn off permission to determine the location of the device. Next, similar to the previous method, we delete data from the Google Services Framework application and stop it.

Then we activate the Wi-Fi connection and check for updates. Let's update.

You also need to go to “Settings-Accounts-Google-select your account-Delete account”. We add it again and then connect device definitions by location. We smile broadly again.

Note: These methods were tested on the Google Nexus 4 smartphone. The effectiveness of the result reached 100%. No one can give any guarantee of a successful update of your device via OTA. Just experimenting.