What will happen to the contact. Why doesn't VKontakte work?

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Almost every resident of domestic countries aged 14 to 45 years old has and, if not constantly, then periodically visits it.

But various failures and violations often occur, due to which certain problems arise with loading pages and their contents.

Why does this happen and what are the ways to solve the problems? Why won't the contact load? and how to solve this problem? Why is the social network not working and there is no access to this site? More on all this later in the article.

Why is the contact not working?

A common question that interests many users is the following: why is the contact not working?? This is possible due to several reasons:

Why can’t I go to the VKontakte website?

You sat down at the computer, entered your information and... Login failed! After numerous login attempts, it becomes clear that it is impossible to access the site. Why? There are several reasons why such consequences are possible:

  1. Lost password or other login information. Perhaps you're just you are typing the password incorrectly(in the wrong layout) or remembered it incorrectly. In this case, it is enough to check the language and character input mode. If everything was done correctly, but you still can’t log in, you can try via e-mail or during registration.
  2. Another answer to this question could be blocking your account in VK by site administrators. Perhaps your page contained prohibited materials or spam was sent from it - as a result, the page was blocked. If you think that your account has been blocked illegally, you can contact the administrators to resolve the issue in the “ Technical support ».
  3. It is possible that you have become a victim of a hack or malware. This is the most common reason why doesn't he log in to VK?. If you see messages that you need to send an SMS to a number or transfer money to an electronic wallet, then you can be sure that your page has been hacked or blocked by a virus. The solution to the problem is quite simple: install an antivirus and scan your computer, or, as an option, change your .
  4. Another reason why VK does not open is that the browser is not working correctly or access to the site is prohibited through the browser you are using. To solve the problem, you need to look at your browser settings (specifically in the section "Blocked content", in its settings). If the settings contain the VKontakte website, then you need to remove it from the list and you can try to access it again.

These are the most common reasons why why won't the contact load?. I hope that you have found the information you need and have identified the cause of your problems.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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You have some free time, and as usual, you decide to stick to VKontakte. You come in and try to log in: access is denied - VK doesn’t work. Or another situation: we have passed authorization, but everything works so slowly that from the outside it seems that it is not working at all. Why VK does not load and what to do about it - we will tell you further.

Having become accustomed to the constant presence of a social network in one’s life, its absence or problems in work are felt especially acutely. This recently affected Ukrainian users: the authorities banned mobile operators and providers from providing access to Vkontakte (in Russia there is a similar problem with Telegram). The blocking is bypassed using a VPN, so there would be a desire.

In other cases, the reason why VK does not work lies in one of the points described below.

Types of errors

The following types of errors are distinguished:

  1. Problem with VKontakte servers: nothing loads or loads poorly, authorization is impossible.
  2. When logging in, the VK start page requests information from a paid SMS - you have become the owner of a ransomware virus. Where there is one SMS, there are 10, and the mobile balance is not rubber.
  3. Malicious applications have filled the hosts file, hence the inability to log into your account.
  4. Browser cache is full. Sometimes the viewer itself reacts to changes and displays a bunch of squiggles and the text “Clean cash and restart your browser”.
  5. Antivirus software blocked the social networking site.
  6. Problems on the provider's side.

VK is not working now 2019

The social network VKontakte is the same Internet resource as other sites. The peculiarity is the huge influx of visitors, creating a crazy load on the servers that ensure uninterrupted operation. It would be nice if everyone was peacefully scrolling through their feed, but we upload photos, watch videos, send messages and perform many actions, loading the servers to the fullest.

In February 2019, the Internet was full of news reports that VKontakte servers were down: many users were denied access to the application and the full version of the site. Troubleshooting takes time: as a rule, VK specialists can handle it on the same day, but it all depends on the situation.

Solution: Enter the search query “VKontakte is not working now 2019” and read the news - they will definitely write there if the servers are down. Please be patient - the social network team will try to get things working as soon as possible - this is, first of all, in their interests.

Why doesn't VK load?

We opened the browser and first of all went to the social network, but the site did not open. We refreshed the page several times, restarted Chrome or Opera (whatever you're using) - no result.

Solution: Take a close look at the date and remember if it’s time to pay for the Internet. Isn't it time yet? Dial the provider's technical support number and check if there are any problems with the connection. Perhaps you are not the only subscriber with a similar problem and there are problems with the company’s equipment (line break, system failure, you never know).

VK application does not work

The VKontakte application is on most users' phones - a convenient way to always stay in touch. Developers periodically release improved versions, introducing new features and adding new restrictions. An outdated version causes problems in the operation of the social network.

Solution: If you have problems with the application, update it to the latest version or uninstall it and install it again. Pop-up tips on smartphone screens notify you about the possibility of updating VK, but you can find out about the available version in the Play Market or App Store. You can download it there.

VK does not work on the computer

The influence of viruses and the work of anti-virus software on smartphones is not very noticeable - on a computer things are different. You won't get far without a working antivirus program: malware and files attack and infect the system, steal personal data and extort money in exchange for access to sites. This type of ransomware virus periodically pops up when working with VK, requiring you to send a message to a short number. Remember: no need to send SMS upon login, unless you forgot your password (login) and are trying to restore the page.

Solution: The best way out of the situation is to reinstall the system and change the antivirus that missed the threat.

The antivirus program works too well, so social networking sites that use cookies are exposed to protective screens - the program makes them inaccessible, considering them dangerous.


  • Test your guess by turning off the screens and launching the site.
  • If the problem disappears, reactivate the antivirus (you cannot leave your PC unprotected).
  • Go to Settings and add the VK site to the list of exceptions. This way, the antivirus will continue to work, but restrictions on the social network will not apply.
  • Carefully monitor what links you open, what applications you install for VKontakte - they can threaten the security of your computer, and since the antivirus will not work on the site, there is a threat of virus infection.

What to do if VK does not work

Go to the main page of VKontakte and see a message about blocking the site or a requirement to send a message to one of the offered numbers? Yesterday everything was fine, but today VKontakte is not working? The hosts file located in system information has probably been modified and needs to be checked.


  1. Go to My Computer and open Local Disk C. Then follow the path Windows\System32\drivers\etc. There will be several files in the folder, find hosts.
  2. We went to the desired folder, but did not find the file. It may be hidden. Displaying hidden files for operating systems Windows XP, Windows 7, 8 is disclosed below.
  3. Select the file and open it using Notepad.
  4. If there are a lot of letters and symbols, erase everything except the line localhost.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Restart your computer or laptop.
  7. Log in to your account to check.
  8. After logging in, change your password (come up with a more complex one and write it down so you don’t forget).

What to do if VK does not load, but the Internet works

There remains the last reason for possible problems with VK - temporary files accumulated in the browser, slowing down its operation and limiting access to sites.

Solution: Clear the cache of the browser you are using. In the settings there is an item “Delete temporary files” or something similar - it’s different for each browser. Select it, the process may take about a minute. Restart your browser and try logging in again.

If a couple of hours ago you were scrolling through the news feed, listening to music and watching videos, and now VKontakte is not working, you don’t have to immediately try all the suggested options, including reinstalling Windows in desperate attempts to gain access to the social network. Wait a little: if the problem is on the VK side, it will be resolved soon. If after a couple of hours VK does not load, contact your provider, and only after that start manipulating the computer. This does not apply to clearing the cache - the procedure is useful at any time.

What about the contact? The contact is there, where did the contact go? The server is temporarily unavailable. Why don't photos open in contact? Why won't the contact open? Why aren't photos and audio loading? What happened to VKontakte? Friends won't open up

Today, a million-strong army of VKontakte users asked themselves these questions.

Many users complain that VKontakte does not work. Residents of Ukraine are faced with VKontakte blocking.

Read HERE:

February 27, 2017 Users of the popular Russian social network VKontakte are complaining about a large-scale outage.

According to established tradition, VKontakte users went to Twitter to complain about problems, where they once again brought the hashtag #vkzhivi to the top.

A massive outage on VKontakte occurred at approximately 19:00 Moscow time. In particular, users complained about errors and empty frames when displaying all images on the social network, as well as problems with playing video and audio recordings.

Later, official representative of VKontakte Evgeny Krasnikov said that on the evening of February 27, “for an unknown reason, the GoDaddy registrar suspended the operation of one of the system domains, as a result of which some of the media content ceased to be displayed on the site and in mobile applications.”

March 6, 2016 For many users of the popular Russian social network, pages began to load slowly, some Contact functions became unavailable, profiles on the site became very slow, and the mobile version stopped working.

There has not yet been an official version.

Today, users of the social network VKontakte found the message “Unfortunately, the server is temporarily unavailable. Try again a little later.”

October 2, 2015 VKontakte users may have encountered the following entry when trying to log into the network:

Unfortunately, the server is temporarily unavailable. Try again a little later.


Georgy Lobushkin:

VKontakte is unavailable due to a cable break between our data centers. We find out the reasons and raise the site using a backup scheme. #vklivi

VKontakte is currently unavailable worldwide. Let's understand the reasons. The repair team is already on site and has begun work. #vklivi

As bloggers report: “Everything works - from Mail, Pikabu and Joy, to news sites - VK does not load.
Not at all, I checked from different browsers, the hosts are clean.
I usually use Yandex. browser, it has a feature, probably not only in it - on the express panel with visual bookmarks on the VK tab, new Messages, Friends and Replies are displayed in this form: “+1”, “+2”. Now it freezes, sometimes it shows these numbers, sometimes it doesn’t. When I turned on my PC for the first time today, the feed loaded, I opened the picture in the feed, I disabled VK, refreshed the page and it hasn’t worked since then.”

Georgy Lobushkin: “Some users may have problems loading some sections of VK. We are looking into the problem, but it will be a fever for a couple of minutes. #vkzhivi”

Operations Director of VKontakte Andrey about the reasons for the brakes on the site

Over the past two days, you may have noticed periodic glitches in VKontakte, during which access to communities and user pages occurred with a visible delay. Such failures are usually associated with an ever-growing audience and record loads.

At this time, one of the popular communities held an action on the social network, which in just a few hours gained a reach unprecedented in the history of VKontakte, close to 5,000,000 people. This concentrated load was a kind of stress test and allowed us to detect several bottlenecks in the multi-level architecture of the site.

As a result, over the past 24 hours we have done extensive work on global optimization of highly loaded communities and pages. Such tasks are an integral part of the daily work of our team and create the necessary foundation for the stable growth of VKontakte and setting new records.

At the moment, the head of the VKontakte press service, Georgy Lobushkin, reports the following on his Twitter page:

Some users of the web version of the site experienced slight problems with VKontakte. Technical work is underway. Now everything has returned to normal.

April 7, 2015

The profiles on the site are a little slow. This will pass now.

VKontakte is unavailable. And at the moment we are doing our best to find out why this happened. Stay in touch.

Many VK network users report the following problem:

"It is not possible to authenticate over a secure connection. Most often, this happens when the current date and time are set incorrectly on your computer. Please check the date and time settings on the system and restart the browser."

I can’t log into VK for about an hour. I tried everything...

And for some it works)... "It works, I log in only through Chrome. The first page loads for about 5 minutes, and then everything flies. The second time I logged in without interruptions, now everything works."

blogger tips:"-- Start - Run - regedit.exe
-- In the window that appears, select the path - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE--> SYSTEM--> CurrentControlSet--> Services--> Tcpip--> Parameters
-- In the Parameters tab on the right side of the window a menu will appear with the file name, its type and value.
Select DataBasePath and right-click on it, select Edit. Replace the value with %SystemRoot%--> System32--> drivers--> etc (if you have the same value, then you do not need to replace it)."

Official version:

As George Lobushkin reports on his Twitter: "Problems at the network equipment level. We are fixing them. He'll release them now."

Judging by the data available on the Internet, failures for various VKontakte users began on August 18, 2014 at about 10:45. Music or videos were partially not played in social network profiles, pictures were not loaded for some users, and later the social network stopped functioning altogether.

The exact reasons for such failures are not yet known.

Let us remind you that similar problems have already happened before.

The VKontakte network does not work and is unstable. It seems that the heat affects not only people, but also the social network VKontakte. In the last hour, VK users have been encountering problems accessing the site. Some have lost all their correspondence, wall posts, and even entire photo albums.

There are no official comments from the network management yet. There was a glitch in the VKontakte social network. Today there was a glitch on the VKontakte social network. Most users complain that they cannot open their accounts, and many have lost all their photos.

VKontakte press secretary Georgy Lobushkin confirmed the information about the failure in the Russian social network. Lobushkin explained that there are some problems. Currently, employees of the VKontakte headquarters are identifying the causes of the problems. The press secretary reassures that such disruptions are temporary, everything will soon fall into place, and the site will operate as usual.

The reasons for the failure on the site are currently unknown; employees of the social network are working to clarify and resolve the problems.

Let us remind you that the daily traffic on VKontakte in December 2013 reached 56 million unique visitors per day, according to data from the LiveInternet analytics service. According to the VKontakte presentation, traffic increased in December 2013 by 33% compared to 42 million unique visitors in December last year.

Of the VKontakte visitors, 35 million users play social network applications monthly, with 11 million users playing daily. Most often, in 58% of cases, they select applications from the “Popular” directory, in 12% of cases - from the “Requests and Invitations” block, in 10% - from the “New” directory, the remaining blocks are used less often.

“The site is unavailable due to an accident in one of the VKontakte data centers in St. Petersburg, caused by unprecedented heat,” Lobushkin wrote.

Lobushkin reported problems with some sections of the site at about 19:00 on Sunday. “All photos, posts and messages on VKontakte, which are currently unavailable for unknown reasons, will soon return. We are working on it,” he wrote.

Official statement:

On July 27, due to an accident in one of the VKontakte data centers, some of the site’s services were unavailable for several hours: photos, messages, wall posts. An hour after problems arose, company specialists decided to completely stop working on the site. This helped restore the resource's functionality as soon as possible without losing user data.

According to preliminary data, the troubles began when the cooling equipment of the server room of one of the VKontakte data processing centers in the Leningrad region failed. After this, there was an emergency shutdown of some of the servers.

Unfortunately, accidents happen to everyone. And VKontakte is no exception. Exactly four years ago (July 25, 2010), VK actually turned out to be unavailable under similar circumstances - due to the heat, one of our data centers was de-energized and the site did not work for some time, while specialists urgently transferred it to backup power sources. After this, a lot of work was done to ensure that even a complete power outage would not cause disruptions in the operation of the social network.

Now all our efforts are aimed at preventing this from happening in the future. We apologize for these unbearable waiting hours and thank you for your support and understanding. Our team will work for you in any weather and at any time of the day. Thank you for being with us!

This afternoon, the most visited site on the Runet, the social network VKontakte, stopped responding. According to official data, the site is not responding due to a server power failure. That's it, the issue has been resolved. Information from the twitter of Vlad Tsyplukhin, Head of the VKontakte Press Service. @tsyplukhin: “Lenenergo stopped supplying electricity due to the failure of the 35th substation #vkontakte” Proof @tsyplukhin: “Some of the servers were rebooted when switching to diesel.

Now everything will come back #vkontakte" Proof Just for fun @tsyplukhin:
“The information about the Central Internal Affairs Directorate is stupid rumors. But I don’t mind if you bring #vkontakte to trends.” Proof By the way, a search on Contact and VKontakte gives a more realistic picture of people’s dependence on this service.

Keywords: vk, VK, photo does not load, audio does not load, video does not work, Why the contact does not work, What's wrong with the contact, The contact is down, Why the photos in contact do not open, Why the contact does not open, social network Vkontakte, official version, VKontakte failures, May 17, 2017

It’s a shame when VK doesn’t want to work and doesn’t open your account. We'll tell you why VK in which cases you can fix it, and in which you can just wait until the resource becomes stable. The operation of your VC is affected by:

  • Internet stability
  • How new is the browser installed?
  • Speed ​​of mobile device or PC
  • Days of the week and time of day
  • External reasons that you cannot influence

The more stable and reliable the Internet connection, the easier the operation of VK. If pictures and videos take 10 minutes to load, first of all you should check your Wi-Fi. Reboot it as well as your device to troubleshoot. If all else fails, see if your browser is outdated or your phone has an old version of the resource. If you are convinced that everything is in order, perhaps the problem is in the accumulated cache, so VK does not want to work or displays the data incorrectly. Clear the cache in your browser history. On a PC, you can open the history by simultaneously pressing the CTRL+H buttons, on the phone in the application settings. Depending on the installed operating system. Cleaning data and instructions can be easily found on the Internet.

On some days, VK may work a little slower than usual. This especially happens on weekends and holidays. This is due to the fact that the resource cannot cope with the heavy user load. If many millions of people enter the site at the same time, it naturally begins to lag and slow down.

In such cases, you cannot influence it in any way. All that remains to be done is to wait until you can continue communicating with your And . We also note that at some times the resource may not work as quickly as usual. This usually happens after midnight, or in the hours closer to dawn. At such moments, fewer people sit on VK and the site tries to update and improve its appearance or introduce some updates that are invisible to the ordinary eye. For example, increase the speed of operation and sending messages, improve data transfer, and so on.

The answer to this question is best addressed to . Since we cannot predict all the nuances of the system’s operation, you can independently ask the community admins what happened to the resource to make it fail. Before wasting your time on this, check with your friends, perhaps VK is working for them and the problem is with your device.

In 95% of cases, this is exactly what happens: you are angry with the service, but you just need to clean your browser or restart your WiFi. Also, VK may not work due to accumulated viruses. Don't forget to clean your gadgets periodically. Even if you are sure that you have not visited any suspicious sites. It also happens that not the entire resource as a whole does not work, but only some functionality. For example, the video may not load, or constantly slow down the sound. Then you should wait a little and refresh the page. To update, simply click on the F5 button. If nothing happened after the update, try logging out and logging into VK by entering your password, phone number and access code.

Still would! 70 million people visit the site every day! Moreover, this is one of the busiest sites in RuNet.

First of all, make sure that everything is in order with your Internet. What if you don’t have a network, but VK works :) If everything is OK with your Internet, let’s see what could be the reason.

Why VK may not work

Videos, pictures, thousands of messages, etc. Can you imagine the load all this puts on the server? Therefore, periodically the site is unavailable and you wonder - why can't I log into VK. Take my word for it - tens of millions of people besides you cannot log in.

Also the reason about which VK is unavailable there may be technical works, namely global innovations. Rest assured that if the site stops working even for a second, then specialists will immediately deal with this problem.

For example, VK is not working today, and after half an hour everything is OK. This is fine. There is not a single site that does not have such failures. If you haven’t seen them, it means that all the work is being done very quickly and you simply didn’t get to the moment when this Internet resource was unavailable.

If the site has not been working for you for a long time (a day or two), then most likely the problem is with your computer or Internet provider. Let's look at the main problems and their solutions.

VK takes a long time to load:

It loads poorly, as we said earlier, most likely because you have a weak computer or you are running dozens of programs at the same time, which creates a significant load on the computer and not only VKontakte, but also other sites work poorly.

Also check your internet connection. If you are on a phone and only Edge receives data, then this site operation is quite normal.

Doesn't load video to VK:

Lately this problem has been occurring everywhere. Have you noticed that some videos load almost instantly for you, while others take hours to load?

This appeared immediately after the social network began to position itself as a good alternative to YouTube, namely after global changes in the ranking of video files and the creation of some semblance of channels, where “similar videos” and “interesting” sections by category also appeared.

And the second reason may be your Internet connection. If the Internet is slow, then loading the video will also take a very long time.

VKontakte now will change at an unimaginable speed in order to correspond to the ideas about the conduct of Internet business by the mail group company. Already, management is introducing innovations almost every two weeks.

What to do if VK doesn’t load:

If you have completed all the steps above and your site still does not work, then write to the contact’s technical support email. The email address changes frequently, so it is better to find out the latest information on another site. Often technical support gives practical advice that helps you access the site.

Most often, they advise clearing the cache and cookies, as well as removing all programs from the computer that required your data from the social network.

Messages won't open:

The most common problem. If this happens, then most likely you just need to wait a maximum of half an hour. When messages take a long time to load, do not send, or at all dialogs don't open, then most likely the technical work on the site is to blame, when not all servers are working.

In a word, if the main page of VKontakte, as well as dialogues and everything else, does not open, then these are temporary problems that will pass in less than an hour. Believe me, it is beneficial for the contact’s management that everything works well and does not cause problems for anyone, since the company receives large losses in profit for every hour of downtime. Okay, profit.” Visitors can go to another site if they don’t like something.

And if the video doesn’t load, then you’ll have to wait until they finish working on this section of the site. It probably won't be soon.

In the meantime, while the site is not working, you can occupy yourself with an interesting game in your browser. A funny Easter egg is available on the Google Chrome browser. When the page doesn't work, press spacebar and play :)