Which is better iphone 6 or se. Why iPhone SE is the best iPhone

Apple's presentation, held on March 21, did not go unnoticed either by fans of this manufacturer or by users who simply follow the world of high technology. The compact successor to the iPhone 5S, which was on sale for almost 3 years, has been awaited for a long time. Those who were not enthusiastic about the transition to large diagonals in 2014 really hoped that Cupertino would not forget about those who do not have a wide palm. Therefore, it is not surprising that the appearance of the iPhone SE was greeted with joy.

The new iPhone in appearance turned out to be almost a clone of the fifth model, but received quite serious filling from the 6s. In this regard, questions arise: should I buy an iPhone SE or not? Is there any real benefit from upgrading the hardware? Is it worth buying an iPhone SE to replace the 5s? Are there any real differences between these two models?

Differences between iPhone SE and 5s

iPhone SE (left) and 5s (right)

As can be seen from the comparison table, the updated iPhone received a new processor, increased memory, an improved camera, NFC support and acquired a pink body. But the version with 32 GB of memory has disappeared, and the design has undergone virtually no changes. Against this background, the question of whether to buy an iPhone SE becomes even more pressing. Moreover, not only for owners of older smartphone models, but also for other users. Therefore, we need to highlight 5 reasons why you should buy an iPhone SE, and 5 reasons why you should not buy an iPhone SE.

5 reasons why you should buy an iPhone SE


According to Tim Cook at a presentation in September, the Apple A9 processor is up to 70% more powerful than its predecessor. In practical applications, this translates into apps, games and other tasks being processed more efficiently. And due to the small screen with a relatively low resolution (compared to the 6s and 6s Plus), the increase in performance in games can be colossal. The same applies to web browsing, watching videos, working with text and other tasks. In this regard, the iPhone SE should confidently outperform its predecessor.


The resolution of the main camera matrix in the iPhone SE has increased from 8 to 12 MP. The aperture remains the same (f/2.2), but at the software level the innovations are impressive. Video recording in 4K resolution has appeared (just for the screen of top TVs and monitors), the ability to shoot video in slow motion has been added, and frame processing algorithms have been improved. In general, we can say: taking pictures with the iPhone SE has become much better, the picture quality is comparable to the pictures of the flagships Samsung or Sony.

New color

The release of the iPhone SE in pink is clearly a plus. The predecessor was recently produced only in silver, which had become boring. The appearance of a new, brighter color is a reason to buy an iPhone SE. After all, many people buy an iPhone for reasons of style, and the new shade of the panel is a clear plus.


The recommended price for the iPhone SE with 16 GB of memory is $399. This is the cheapest Apple smartphone in history. Of course, for that kind of money you can find a refurbished used 5s on sale, or even buy a “gray” iPhone 6, but then there will be neither a full guarantee nor that indescribable feeling of buying a completely new smartphone. For your money, the new product is clearly better than the iPhone 5s.

Manufacturer support

Apple really doesn’t like to “shame the old stuff” and squeeze all the juice out of old hardware. While the smartphone’s hardware remains relatively modern and up-to-date, they update it with new firmware, fix bugs, and improve performance. But once the hardware becomes a little outdated, the newest versions of the OS are no longer available. Full support for the iPhone 5s will most likely end next year. It is unlikely that a smartphone will see a version of iOS newer than 10. But the iPhone SE will probably receive fresh firmware for another three or four years.

5 reasons why you shouldn't buy an iPhone SE

Old screen

Even though the iPhone SE display is sharp, has good color reproduction and brightness, it is no different from the iPhone 5s. Many users wanted AMOLED, or improved clarity, or 3D Touch functionality on the sensor. But none of these options appeared in the iPhone SE, and the question of whether it’s worth buying the iPhone SE remains open.

Same design

Only ardent followers of the brand will be able to distinguish the SE model from the 5s with the naked eye. While the iPhone 6 and 6s remain well recognizable, only a specialist can visually distinguish the 5, 5s and SE. For most they are identical. Therefore, if you don’t buy a new product in pink (older models don’t have it), people won’t be able to understand whether it’s an iPhone SE or an “old one.”

Small battery

The iPhone SE battery even lost a little capacity compared to the 5s model. Despite the manufacturer’s vows that the new product lasts not 10, but 13 hours in talk mode, in games or when playing FullHD video, the iPhone still demonstrates less than ideal operating time without recharging.

No 3D Touch support

The main feature of the iPhone of the last year was support for the pressure recognition function. Depending on the intensity of finger pressure, the touchscreen determines what action to take. But the iPhone SE does not have this function; it still uses a regular touch screen. Considering that other manufacturers (for example, Meizu) are already introducing a similar function, its absence in the newest iPhone looks like a drawback.

It's still the same Apple

No matter how good the new iPhone SE is, for a number of users the very fact that it is Apple technology is a serious drawback. OS limitations such as the inability to install programs from third-party sources, a closed file system, and strict software restrictions make the iPhone unacceptable for a number of users. No matter how good the iPhone SE is, some people won't want to buy it precisely because it's Apple.

Who is the iPhone SE suitable for?

Against the background of the main advantages and disadvantages of the iPhone SE, many can already conclude thatwhether to buy an iPhone SE or not.But for some people this is not enough, so it’s worth highlighting who will probably like the new apple product.


Regulars of Instagram and Tumblr will surely check out the advantages of the new iPhone. While maintaining the compactness of the “five”, the functionality of the camera has been brought up to the level of the sixth generation with the letter S. Clarity is higher, focusing is faster, the image is brighter and more legible, the overall quality is better... What more does a mobile photographer need? In general, this is a definite plus.

Those who want to be in trend

If you want to follow fashion and constantly buy new gadgets, the iPhone SE will help with this. Everyone will probably notice a new iPhone in the form of an iPhone, while the purchase of another Samsung Galaxy among friends may go unnoticed.

Speed ​​lovers

What you can’t take away from the new iPhone is its performance. The new one opens songs in the player, pictures and in the gallery, and websites in the browser clearly faster than its predecessor. Sometimes it does it even better than the iPhone 6s Plus. In general, there are also continuous advantages, and no pitfalls.

Apple fans

There is a category of gadget fans who believe that every creation of their favorite manufacturer should take a place in their pocket. Those users who are devoted fans of the apple brand should definitely purchase the new product. For them it is a matter of honor and self-esteem.

Beginner users

If you have never had an Apple smartphone before, and the first device you are interested in isiPhone SE, is it worth buying?it is up to you to decide. You have to start somewhere. And if purchasing a used iPhone is not an option, then the SE model will be the optimal solution. Top-end hardware and a proven compact design promise to make the new product interesting.

Girls and those with small palms

Not everyone has been endowed by nature with wide fingers and long fingers. Many girls look with indignation at modern 5.5″ “shovels”, and not all men are happy with large screens. If you want a compact, modern smartphone, then the iPhone SE is worth buying, as it is one of the few advanced gadgets in a small body. On Android and Windows in a similar standard size, they now make only cheap dialers with the filling of the generation before last. So, if you want a compact device, then even having an iPhone 6s is not a hindrance. Does iPhone 6c seem large? Then you're on your way to the iPhone SE!

For whom the iPhone SE is not suitable

There are also users for whom the question isIs it worth buying an iPhone SE, will be decided negatively. Therefore, it is important to warn them and dissuade them from making a mistake.

Connoisseurs of advanced technology

Apple is proven technology, honed to a shine. You shouldn’t expect any revolutions from the company (no matter what the now deceased Steve Jobs or the living Tim Cook may say). All Apple does is implement proven features with high quality. And for revolutions, it’s Samsung, Sony or HTC. They always have something to surprise, but the quality of implementation cannot always be called ideal

iPhone SE is a kind of reincarnation of the once legendary flagship. And the Six is ​​simply the flagship of 2014. It is clear that at the end of 2017 on the current firmware, even though the Sixth supports it, it works extremely disgustingly. Which phone is better to choose? And how are they different?


The sixth and iPhone SE now cost approximately the same. Those people who want to buy Apple products and not spend a huge amount of money on it are wondering: how is the se different from the iPhone 6? Are these options even worth looking at? Or is it better to look for others?

Of course, as soon as you see them in the store, you'll want to buy the Six thanks to the larger screen and more modern, streamlined design, but don't rush. Everything is not so clear. The CE design first began to be used in the Five, and this is no less than in 2012, and has not lost its relevance to this day.

The differences between iPhone 6 and se lie not only in the screen size of 4.4 inches versus 4 inches, but also in its bevel. 6 represents 2.5 D, while CE is normal. The design of the more modern smartphone has brought pleasant changes, for example, the side volume buttons now fit more comfortably than before. The small SE buttons are a bit difficult to hit.


Both phones have a Touch ID button, which unlocks your phone using your fingerprint. But the most interesting thing lies as soon as we open our smartphones. The Six is ​​equipped with an Apple A8 processor paired with one gigabyte of RAM. CE has an A9 with two gigabytes of RAM. Probably someone will say that in both cases the iron is extremely weak, but for CE it is absolutely enough.

The Apple iPhone 6 has a higher screen resolution, but its performance is very much behind the CE. Moreover, on iOS 10, this difference was not nearly as huge. Having updated the Apple iPhone SE to iOS 11, the smartphone will simply heat up a little more, but it will work approximately the same, while this cannot be said about the iPhone 6.

From this we can naturally conclude that this can be an important factor when purchasing.

The difference in synthetics is approximately 2 times, and this is how it is felt in life.

As for the Six specifically, we can openly say that iOS 11 killed this device. Of course, you can use it, but it’s not worth buying and making such sacrifices with the expectation that you will use this phone for a year or two. At number ten the situation was radically different.

As for CE with iOS 10. Compared to iOS 11.2, you will not feel any difference in smoothness. And the difference that exists on the Six is ​​not even noticeable here. The only thing is that on iOS 11 the phone began to heat up much more, which may indicate that at 10 there was a huge power reserve, and at 11 it is fully revealed.


The quality of the screens themselves is strikingly different. If you turn the screen light to maximum, you can immediately see that the Six wins in the battle of iPhone 6 vs se. The screen is brighter and the colors are contrasting. While on the SE there is absolutely not enough brightness.

It’s a completely different matter when we talk about the sensations from the content consumed. At the end of 2017, the small screen of the CE does not seem to fit anywhere. All programs are perfectly optimized for it, but playing is no longer comfortable. Here, again, everything is subjective, it depends on the person, some people like compact devices, but for others, give them a “shovel”. Therefore, before buying, you should just go to any hardware store and feel the iPhone SE in your hands, understand how you like this display, and whether it will be convenient for browsing the Internet and social networks.

Still, in terms of display parameters, the 6th is far superior to the SE, so think about this point most carefully. In the same case, it’s better to either save up for a slightly newer 6s or 7, or watch something on Android.


Speaking about the cameras, it’s worth first mentioning that in the Apple iPhone 6 it sticks out a little, and therefore can get scratched after some time if you carry the smartphone without a case. This won't happen in SE, of course.

The 6 has a slightly better front camera, but not significantly. And the CE has a much better rear camera - almost a flagship one. In all other respects, these are similar devices. You can see how the Apple iPhone SE camera shoots, its features, and how it differs in the video below.


Specifically about the advisability of purchasing an CE with a small display at the end of 2017, we need to make a separate article.

If we now talk about the sixth iPhone, then this gadget should be recommended for purchase only if you are 100% sure that iOS 10 is installed on it out of the box. Otherwise, there is no point. Now, even those who bought it in 2015 are not satisfied with iOS 11 in terms of operation. But it is incredibly laggy to buy immediately and pay money for it - there is no logic in such an action.

The entire difference between the models can be clearly assessed in the “Characteristics table of iphone 6 vs SE vs 6 s”


After all of the above, we can draw a final conclusion -

Six should be bought only in absolutely extreme cases.

As for CE, it is better to buy it if you come to the store, feel it in your hands, and it brings you joy. You like this design, the display, the very feeling of how the device lies in your hand. You begin to feel nostalgic for it and want to acquire such a device.

Both purchase options are quite contradictory, so if you have the opportunity to save up, it is better to buy an iPhone 6s, which is an iPhone SE in speed, only with a larger screen. This is a combination of their advantages.


Everything is pragmatic. 6s owners, sorry.

Today, pre-orders for the new 4-inch Apple smart phone open in the country. The official delivery times are not encouraging; you will have to wait at least 7-10 days.

1. It's more powerful than 6s

I still don't believe it. But tests and first reviews will not let you lie. The iPhone SE has outpaced Apple's current flagships in terms of pure performance. The difference is only 5-8%, in practice it should not be noticeable without direct comparison.

But what a punch on the nose to everyone who has already shelled out 50-60 thousand for 6s, tired of waiting for something less! The dream mini-smartphone is coming out, which is both faster and cheaper.

The main advantage of the highest performance of the iPhone SE is the fact that the smartphone will have a long and happy life even on the newest versions of iOS. When iPhone 6 owners start complaining about the slowness and lack of features in some iOS 11, the SE buyer will look down on them. Tro-lo-lo from Apple that no one expected.

2. It fits more comfortably in the hand

I don't think anyone can argue with this. The iPhone 5/5s were the last ones that you can use with one hand without difficulty. Typing texts on the go, and generally using the device was much faster. Now we have adapted to the “sixes,” but it is a fact that life was simpler before.

Yes, the display fits noticeably less information. But it is readable no worse - the long history of iOS is reflected in a much smaller screen size than it is now. It’s just not so convenient to watch the video, no one argues here.

By the way, not only your hands, but also your pockets will thank you for the SE. There was no place for shovels there, no matter how hard we tried.

3. It lasts longer than 6s

Everything good in this world comes at a price. The large screen on the iPhone 6/6 Plus and increased resolution consume battery power one and a half times more actively than on older models. When I used the “six”, I often noticed: my wife’s iPhone 5s lasts longer than my flagship smartphone.

Foreign publications have conducted dozens of tests of the battery life of the iPhone SE. Conclusion? iPhone 6s absolutely fails. At maximum load, the new mini-model works 2-3 hours longer.

As a result, the owner of an iPhone SE will need to charge their iPhone one and a half times less often. With the same habits. Eh. Smaller display means less energy needed, it’s simple.

4. It is much stronger than the six

I remember with warmth how cool, far, and powerfully my five flew. I didn’t wear covers as a matter of principle, and I never regretted it. After 2 years, the display was in wonderful condition, with minimal dents on the sides. It's a brick phone, which I wasn't worried about at all.

Why did the iPhone 6/6s disappoint in this regard? It's a matter of design. The display in them is rounded and raised. When you drop it, the chances of hitting the glass corner are incredibly high. In the iPhone 5 case, a moderately hard metal rim protected from such situations. He took light blows.

It also seems to me personally that the iPhone 6s has noticeably weakened the screen protection against scratches. None of my iPhones have ever been scratched as badly as the new models - despite the fact that now I wear a case 24/7. Still, the old building was good. Not Nokia 3310, but definitely better than Apple's flagship.

5. Accessories for it are cheaper

iPhone 5 came out in 2012. Since then, hundreds of thousands of accessories have been made for this case. The choice is mind-boggling: name out loud any combination of functions, materials, shapes - it’s done, it’s already been done and is being sold inexpensively. Anyone will fit the iPhone SE thanks to the same size and shape of the case.

In addition to selection, the SE boasts cheap prices on the same accessories. For the last six months, cases, docking stations, and other little things for the “A” case have been sold in stores much cheaper than their analogues for the iPhone 6/6s. This is very cool, because junk for newly released iPhones is usually exorbitantly expensive.

Personally, two months ago I stupidly threw away about 12 cases for the “five”. Oops. But new ones are so cheap that if I wanted, I could fill the entire collection back for just a couple of thousand.

website Everything is pragmatic. 6s owners, sorry. Today, pre-orders for the new 4-inch Apple smart phone open in the country. The official delivery times are not encouraging; you will have to wait at least 7-10 days. 1. It is more powerful than 6s I still don’t believe it. But tests and first reviews won’t let you lie. The iPhone SE has outpaced Apple's current flagships in terms of pure performance. Difference...

The latest iPhones are amazing, but mind-bogglingly expensive smartphones. For the basic iPhone X model you will have to pay 80,000 rubles! But there is also good news. There is an iPhone that is in many ways not inferior to flagships. We're talking about the iPhone SE, the best iPhone ever, and here's why.

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Attractive price – 18,490 rubles for the basic model

Of course, millions of people will be excitedly counting down the coveted 80,000 rubles (minimum version) to buy a brand new iPhone X. This is more than just a phone, it is a status symbol, something like a luxury Ferrari. But Ferrari isn't for everyone. Some people prefer something quite powerful, reliable and affordable, for example, the Honda Civic. Those who do not want to dazzle anyone with chic and do not chase the latest technology will certainly like the iPhone X, but they will not buy it.

From a hardware standpoint, the base SE model is identical to the iPhone 6s. The volume of internal memory is 32 GB.

iPhone SE is powerful enough

iPhone SE is powered by the same Apple A9 processor as the iPhone 6s and . Apple calls the iPhone SE the most powerful of all four-inch smartphones, largely because of this chip.

With the A9 you can shoot 4K videos, play games at higher resolutions and much more. But most importantly, with the A9 the device works like the most modern smartphone.

Like other iPhones, the iPhone SE is equipped with a high-quality camera

The iPhone SE camera lacks optical image stabilization and technology that captures the widest range of colors, so in low-light conditions, video will not be as clear as if it were shot on the next generation iPhone. However, don't worry, everything else, from 4K videos to HDR photos, is included in the iPhone SE. In addition, the device allows you to take “live photos” (Live Photos).

The main camera allows you to take clear, detailed photos. The iPhone SE camera aperture is slightly different from the new models, but it is still the same 12-megapixel camera as in the iPhone 7, iPhone 8 and iPhone X. Just like the A9 processor, the camera “migrated” to the iPhone SE from the iPhone 6s .

Convenient size

In truth, the iPhone X is a massive lump of glass and metal. The device is only available in one size—about six inches tall and three inches wide. The iPhone SE seems tiny in comparison, but that appearance is deceiving. Yes, if you put both devices side by side, the iPhone SE looks much smaller, but in fact, it is quite normal in size. We are used to the fact that smartphones are getting bigger every year, and many people generally prefer to buy Plus models. However, there are those who are used to normal-sized devices and do not like the constant increase. Plus, unlike larger models, the iPhone SE fits easily into a small clutch bag.

A guide for those who can’t decide between size and power.

Happy times have suddenly arrived in Russia. The seventh iPhone can be purchased for 40 thousand, the eighth for 50, 8 Plus for 53-55.

6s are sold for a little over 30, and “sixes” with 32 gigabytes are sold for 23-24 thousand.

With SE everything is even more beautiful - in the summer the 4-inch mini-flagship began to cost 20 thousand for the 32 gigabyte version.

All that remains is the most important thing - choosing the right model. All true advice is below.

Why should you or should you not buy an iPhone 6?

I’ll say right away: I used the iPhone 6 from the first day it came out in Russia, so I found all the defects of the first batches, except for the famous bendable case. So:

1. During calls, that iPhone viciously plucked the hair on my temples - it really hurt;

2. After 3-4 months, the front camera frankly moved to one side. This did not affect the quality, but was purely aesthetically annoying;

3. Thick cases and bumpers strangely affected the operation of the screen - from time to time it began to lag terribly. For example, when scrolling, the lists went somewhere wrong. It was also impossible to poke at the keyboard.

The iPhone 6 cannot be called a champion in battery life (it was easily discharged by 18:00) or the king of shooting in low light. But what was most infuriating was the scratches that covered my “six” almost immediately, despite the fact that I did not put the phone in the same pocket with the keys.

As far as I know, in later batches the main problems were corrected: the front camera no longer travels anywhere, and the micro-slits do not pull out hairs. Everything else can be tolerated.

The main advantages of the iPhone 6 are the screen and design. The case size is ideal for doing everything with one hand. I switched to the “six” from the iPhone 4S and got used to it within a day, although I don’t have a very large palm.

The 4.7-inch iPhone 6 is good everywhere - from games and movies to comfortable reading and messaging in instant messengers. In words it sounds modest and banal, but in the process you will understand how important the bonus 0.7 inches is in comparison with the iPhone SE.

There’s also nothing you can do about the main disadvantage of the iPhone 6. A gigabyte of RAM is a circus for 2017. Applications will be constantly unloaded, menus will slow down, and some apps will open with delays.

It all depends on temperament: if the jitters force you to drink New Passit, it’s better to just forget about the existence of the iPhone 6. But if you have complete composure and are ready to wait a little, then it’s quite possible to take a model with a screen that is still is close to the flagship (iPhone 8 is not much better).

Why should you or should you not buy an iPhone SE?

Amazing fact: I know so many iPhone SE owners, and they all rave about their phone. They are pleased with the operating time (there is some kind of crazy optimization - the SE easily lasts until the night), and the compactness, and the quality of the photos, and the fact that the device does not glitch or freeze.

But! There are also those who turned the SE in their hands, said to themselves “Not mine” and said goodbye forever to the idea of ​​​​taking a small phone.

I belong exactly to this category. Four inches is now enough for calls, a quick check of Instagram and short dialogues in instant messengers.

Watching a movie on such a screen is torture. It's not easy to play either. It is simply impossible to type long texts: the size of the buttons on the keyboard does not allow you to write without errors without using auto-correct. And with auto-correction, the input speed slows down significantly.

Otherwise the SE is great.

The funniest complaint about the mini-flagship is its ancient design.

Let me remind you that we are talking about Apple, which has become extremely lazy in recent years. iPhone 8 sketches are three years old. The Watch case is the same three years old. MacBooks in general were chronically gray and identical - no one cared.

So it's wiser to perceive the design of the iPhone SE not as outdated, but as classic.

What should I buy?

I have a clear hierarchy of budget iPhones:

1. iPhone SE 128 gigabytes for 26-27 thousand rubles.

Imagine getting a phone and never having to worry about storage at all. The memory is absolutely bottomless: let’s say I couldn’t get 128 gigs on the iPhone 7 Plus in a year, although I didn’t do a single cleaning during that entire time.

2. iPhone 6 32 GB for 23-24 thousand rubles.

The screen still decides. I don’t care about microlags if the display size allows you to work, have fun, and not rub your eyes after 30 minutes of being glued to your smartphone. It is the “six,” as it seems to me, that should have become the new people’s model instead of the deceased iPhone 5s.

3. iPhone SE with 32 gigabytes for 19-20 thousand rubles.

Everything is fair here: small screen, small amount of memory, but cool hardware. It is not surprising that SE has become a Russian super hit, but there is a suspicion that it is taken mainly out of greed: people see a powerful iPhone for 20 thousand, stop looking around and skip the iPhone 6. But in vain.

P.S. Refurbished iPhone 6s and iPhone 6 Plus were not considered for the obvious reason: 16 gigabytes of internal memory are doomed to torture and suffering. 32 gigabytes is a living wage.


Question for everyone: Which iPhone would you buy on a budget?

Would you experiment with used gadgets?

Would you take a glance at the Android device market?

All versions must be voiced in the comments!