What to do if the iPhone 6 screen freezes. System and freezes. iPhone freezes when turned on

Every iPhone owner has wondered at least once in his life how to properly and safely turn off his iPhone. There are several answers to this question. Depending on the smartphone itself and its condition, the methods by which you can disable the device vary and each of them is completely valid and also absolutely safe for the phone in question. This article will discuss three options for rebooting the Apple device.

First, we will consider the option of turning off the iPhone when it is in normal operating mode, working properly and responding to all commands.

Turning off the smartphone in normal state

To disable the device in question under these conditions, the subscriber will need to perform some actions, following the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to press and hold the power button of the smartphone until the large buttons “Turn Off” and “Cancel” appear on the screen.
  2. After this, you need to touch the iPhone display in the left area of ​​the red “Turn Off” button, and then, without lifting your finger from the display, swipe the said key until the end of its right area. This gesture is called “Swipe”, and as a result of this, the iPhone will begin to turn off.
  3. To turn the device back on, you need to wait until its screen goes completely dark, and then click on the “Power” button. This will make the phone start in normal mode.

Forced shutdown of the smartphone

It happens that the iPhone freezes and stops responding to any operations, movements, commands, or completely stops functioning. Under such circumstances, it can be rebooted in the following way:

  1. First, you need to simultaneously hold down the “Home” and “Power” keys and hold them down for about 10 seconds. This will help turn off your iPhone completely.
  2. To start the device again, sometimes it is enough to simply release the pressed keys, but if this does not happen, you need to briefly press the Power off button. The smartphone will begin to boot in normal mode.

The method in question provides the ability to turn off and restart the iPhone if a software failure occurs. For the benefit of your own smartphone, it is recommended to use this option only when absolutely necessary; it is better to use other options for rebooting your Apple device.

The third, and at the same time final, method of turning off the iPhone is suitable only if the device is functioning absolutely properly and its display does not have any problems, despite the fact that the power button is out of order.

Disabling a gadget without using buttons

You can control your iPhone even without using any mechanical buttons. The developers took into account the fact that mechanical buttons can sometimes break, so they created a unique control through touching the display. To do this, the subscriber will need to enable a feature called “Assistive Touch”. Using this function, you can flexibly customize the control of the device using a variety of gestures, but “mechanics” are absolutely not needed for this.

Activation of the Assistive Touch service

  1. First you need to go to “Settings”, then go to “General”, and then open “Universal Access”.
  2. Then you need to scroll through the page with universal access settings to the end, and then, in the “Physiology and Motor Skills” section, click on the “Assistive Touch” line.
  3. In the settings window that appears, the activation slider for the function in question must be moved to the on position. An almost transparent key will appear on the smartphone display.
  4. Finally, you need to touch the phone’s touch screen, this must be done within the boundaries of the mentioned button. The display will present you with a window with the available options of the activated service.

Turning off an Apple smartphone via Assistive Touch

To disable your iPhone using this function you must:

  1. Click on the menu icon of the previously mentioned program.
  2. In the menu for this service, click on the “Device” icon, then long press on the “Screen lock” item. This should cause the "Shutdown" as well as "Cancel" buttons to appear.
  3. Subsequent actions should be the same as in the case of normal switching on of the device. Swipe your finger to the right on the “Turn Off” button.
  4. To start the device again without using the power button, it must be connected to the PC using a USB cable. As a result, the mobile device will start in normal mode.

The methods discussed above provide the ability to completely turn off or reboot the iPhone in normal mode when it freezes or the power button fails. The final method, which involves using the Assistive Touch service, allows you to incredibly flexibly customize the management of your smartphone using various gestures. But for this you need a fully functioning touch panel, and the device must work in normal mode, since the considered function does not work on a “frozen” device.

We have all encountered such a problem as the device freezing. Who will be pleased if you are lucky enough to meet your idol on the street, but your phone refuses to open the camera. Or will it just glitch all the time? Today we will look at the main causes of this problem.

System errors

When we buy a new phone, we are buying an already obsolete phone. Therefore, after a while, the phones begin to glitch and freeze. BUT we all know that iPhone is the most well optimized phone. But EVEN he can face a similar problem.

Let's start with the simplest and most logical. The phone has a limited memory limit and, logically, if the memory reaches zero, then it simply becomes difficult for the phone to think. Therefore, if your phone suddenly glitches and freezes, check if you have free space in the device memory)

It happens that the phone may start to malfunction due to software glitches. During operation of the device, a large number of errors and failures may occur, and the constant load of the phone can load the processor so much that it simply ceases to understand “where it is.” You can try to fix these errors yourself.

Software failures are common and the problems are very different; most often, they appear when updating the device “over the air” or in another way, via Wi-Fi, or on beta versions of the firmware. A hard reboot of the device helps solve these problems. To do this, you need to hold down the device's on/off button and the Home button until the phone turns off and turns back on on its own. On models older than 6s, the Home button is replaced with a volume down button.

Natural wear and tear of the battery

Any battery is a consumable item. This means that batteries are short-lived and require replacement periodically. After a certain period of use, they tend to lose capacity and using the device without a cord becomes almost impossible. In the case of a battery, the symptoms are immediately clear.

But what is the connection between battery wear and iPhone freezing? It's simple. Recently, the Apple company revealed the secret of freezing devices. The iPhone OS itself has a built-in special system for protecting motherboard elements from internal microdamage. It sounds complicated, but it's actually simple. When a battery is used for a long time, it gradually loses its capacity, and the current supplied to it flows less and less evenly. And when the battery already has a large number of charge-discharge cycles, the OS independently and specifically slows down the processor frequency in order to reduce power consumption. This helps keep the board in good condition and protects it from micro-short circuits, but has the side effect of freezes and glitches.

But I strongly advise against trying to change the battery yourself! It’s better to contact a service center, where they will quickly and efficiently fix the problem, so that you don’t have to come back later with more serious, expensive damage. (One of the most frequent calls to service is after attempting to repair it yourself. Before you try to repair it yourself, think about whether you are ready are you getting a negative result...?)

Understanding that your iPhone has become slower is quite simple. Animations for scrolling through desktops slow down, applications and games take a long time to open, and in general the smartphone slows down. The reasons for this are also simple.

Why iPhone slows down and how to fix it

1. You just installed a new version of iOS

Don’t rush to scold your iPhone for being slow immediately after the update. The system needs some time to index all files, delete the cache, and optimize its performance and the performance of applications. The smartphone will slow down a little, heat up and discharge faster than usual - this is normal.

Actually, there is nothing to fix here. You just need to wait. It's ideal to update in the evening and leave your iPhone on charge overnight to let iOS do its thing.

2. The disk is almost completely full

Filling your built-in storage to capacity can also be a reason why your iPhone is slowing down. No matter how powerful a smartphone is, the system will inevitably work slower if there are a few free megabytes left on the disk.

Fixing this problem couldn't be easier. It’s enough to delete anything unnecessary or dump photos and videos onto your computer or save them to the cloud. Starting from , it’s convenient to clear free space directly on your smartphone from the “iPhone Storage” menu, which is located in the “General” settings section.

3. You updated instead of installing iOS from scratch

Another reason for slowdowns can be accumulated garbage and bugs from previous versions of iOS. This usually happens if you upgrade your device for several years in a row rather than perform a clean install.

To prevent this from happening, it is better to alternate the update with a clean installation and sometimes flash the iPhone via iTunes without restoring from a backup. It’s better to keep a backup copy just in case. At least in iCloud.

4. Visual effects are enabled on the old device

Modern iOS has many more visual effects and animations than earlier versions. In new devices they do not affect performance in any way, but in older devices they can cause the same slowdown.

The problem is solved by disabling effects, transparency and animations. To do this, open “Settings” → “General” → “Universal Access” and in the “Increase Contrast” item, turn on the “Reduce Transparency” and “Darken Colors” toggle switches.

There, in the “Universal Access” menu, you need to find the “Reduce Motion” item and turn on the toggle switch of the same name.

5. Content update enabled

The usability-enhancing background content refresh feature can also cause slowdowns by loading up the processor with tasks even when the iPhone screen is locked. By disabling it, you can slightly improve performance.

To do this, open “Settings” → “General” → “Content Update” and turn off the corresponding toggle switch. It's simple.

6. You are using the minimum required device for current iOS

Apple supports its devices for as long as possible, releasing software updates even for those that are several years old. To prevent older iPhones from slowing down, developers are optimizing iOS. But sometimes this is not enough.

Therefore, if your iPhone is the minimum required to update to a new version of iOS, the best solution is to stay on the current one. For example, for iOS 11, such a device is the iPhone 5s.

7. It just seems to you

As paradoxical as it may sound, decreased iPhone performance can often be just a psychological effect. Knowing that a new, faster iPhone has been released, we begin to think that our old and still good smartphone is slower.

This is just self-hypnosis.

How else to speed up iPhone

To get started, you can use an express method to speed up your iPhone, which will not require any complex manipulations and will only take a few seconds. Life hacker talked about him in.

If none of the above works, it makes sense to try resetting your iPhone to factory settings. The easiest way is to proceed in order: first try to reset the network settings, then all the settings, and then completely erase the device.

Before doing this, of course, you need to back up all your data in iTunes or via iCloud.

If this does not help, there is the last method described in the third section of this article: a clean installation of iOS via iTunes and setting up the iPhone as a new device without restoring from a backup.

Every owner of a smartphone or other iOS device, at least once, has encountered a device failure when it does not respond to touch. The operation of the iPhone 5 can be affected by many different factors, but in most cases the problem can be solved by simply restarting the smart device.

How to turn off iPhone 5 if it's frozen

In a situation where the sensor is working, to bring the smartphone to life, it must be turned off. To do this, you need to hold down the lock, then slide your finger across the screen to confirm the action. It happens that the sensor freezes. To simply turn off the device, you need to simultaneously press both the power and “Home” buttons for 3-4 seconds, after which the iPhone 5 will turn off without restarting. To turn on the device, you must press the phone lock again.

Sometimes problems occur not only with the sensor, but also the keys stop responding to commands. How to restart iPhone 5 or turn it off completely if neither one nor the other works? In this situation, there is only one thing left to do - wait until the device is completely discharged. When the phone turns off on its own, you should immediately connect it to the charger and then turn it on again. If the proposed methods did not help, and the iPhone 5 does not turn off, then take the device to a service center.

How to restart iPhone 5

After purchasing a long-awaited device, owners enjoy the opportunity to work on a smart device for a long time, using multiple applications and programs simultaneously. But nothing is perfect, so when the moment comes that the phone cannot cope with numerous commands, the user begins to panic. Don’t despair and look for the nearest service center to ask how to force restart your iPhone. Try to solve the problem yourself in several ways.

Normal reboot of iPhone 5 using a button combination

Sometimes, to bring the device back to life, you need to restart it. How to restart an iPhone 5 that is functioning normally?

  • hold down “Power” until the “Cancel” and “Shutdown” commands appear;
  • touch the screen in the left border of the “Turn off” key;
  • Without looking up from the sensor surface, move your finger to its right side;
  • wait until the device turns off completely, then briefly press “Power”;
  • The display will show the Apple logo and then the iPhone 5 will start booting up again.

Force reboot

How to completely restart an iPhone if the sensor is not responding? To do this, simultaneously hold down the “Home” and the power key for 5-7 seconds. The display will go dark. Then release the mechanical control. When the manufacturer's logo (apple) appears on the screen, briefly press “Power”. The phone should start working normally. Remember that the last option is to force restart your iPhone 5, which may result in a software crash. Use this procedure only in the most extreme cases.

Sometimes disassembling the case helps bring your smartphone back to life. This can be done using a screwdriver, which should be used to unscrew the mounting bolts at the bottom of the mobile phone. The goal is the battery, which needs to be removed and then reinserted. This method is suitable for phones that have already expired the warranty period. If the warranty is still valid, you cannot open the case yourself.

How to restart iPhone without lock button

All of the above methods are carried out using mechanical control. However, if a mechanical breakdown occurs, how to restart or how to turn on the iPhone without the lock button? The creators of the iPhone 5 took into account the limited resource of mechanical control, so when the sensor is working, it is quite possible to control the smartphone. How to restart iPhone 5 without locking? To activate phone control without mechanics, you must enable the Assistive Touch function. It allows you to customize device control using gestures.

A soft reboot does not justify itself, because you cannot use a smartphone for a long time without proper control. If you know the answer to how to restart an iPhone without the top button or with a black screen, then you can do this several times, and then you will still have to contact the service center. Specialists will open the device, replace the lock/power key, reassemble it and return it in working condition.

How to use Assistive Touch

This function can be used not only by phone owners who are interested in how to reboot iPhone 5 without mechanical control, but also by people with disabilities. If it is difficult for a person to use mechanics or standard gestures, but it is more convenient to press in a certain place on the screen, he can activate Assistive Touch:

  • go to the options “Settings” - “General” - “Universal Access”;
  • activate “Assistive Touch” by moving the slider to the “Enable” position;
  • click the software option that appears;
  • select the “Device” function, go to key management;
  • in the menu, press and hold “Screen lock”;
  • By analogy with a simple restart, move the “Turn off” button to the right;
  • if the device requires a password, enter it;
  • To turn on a smartphone with a faulty lock, you need to connect it with a USB cable to the computer.

Video: how to restart an iPhone

iPhone is the most popular smartphone in the world. A huge number of the planet's inhabitants are literally raving about it. The demand for this electronic device is getting higher and higher every year. This is what accounts for the constant record sales of iPhones.

Due to the fact that the iPhone is a technically complex device, it is prone to certain glitches. There is nothing strange about this, since difficulties occur when using almost any technique. The most common problem when using these smartphones is freezing, the causes of which are numerous.

Braking or even freezing of the product fromApplecan happen in a variety of situations:

  • during phone calls;
  • when installing applications;
  • when moving file data, etc.

Often the cause of freezes can be the replacement of firmware, which can be quite strange. Although installing the standard firmware version on this device may cause it to freeze. In short, the iPhone freezes and many of its owners simply have no idea what to do about it.

It is important to know what you can do if your Apple smartphone freezes. There are several effective ways that, in most cases, will revive your favorite communicator. Failures occur in almost all operating systems, and iOS is no exception.

Basic signs of a frozen device are failure to respond to key presses, as well as touching the communicator’s sensor.

Possible reasons

There are many reasons why an iPhone freezes, and the most common reason for such a failure is a conflict between the program code of some application and part of the active code of the Apple device itself.

More than 90% of cases when the iPhone freezes is due to a software error. If the problem does not disappear for a long time, or causes you inconvenience, you should contact a specialist. Such a nuisance can be eliminated by specialists in a short time.

Video: iPhone frozen

Simple freeze

Strange cases often occur with iPhones when, which practically did not appear on other communicators: at one moment the device’s display stops responding to touches altogether, and this feature of its behavior can last up to 30 seconds.

Some owners of this smartphone claim that this problem most often occurs when various notifications appear on the smartphone display, but it can also occur on the lock display.

Another unpleasant feature is that while typing in programs, the keyboard “freezes” and does not respond to user actions.

Lots of active applications

Often, iPhone freezing is associated with a huge number of active applications that significantly load the processor and RAM. In this case, you need to remove the most resource-intensive applications.

  • To do this you need:
  • Return to the desktop by pressing the Home button, and then press the Home button twice. This will display a list of active applications;
  • when the shaking starts, you must press the action confirmation key;
  • Double-click the Home button and re-launch the application.

Incorrect iOS update

Each iOS update, despite the manufacturers' assurances, carries certain hidden threats. Of course, the most key errors are corrected in it, and the speed of operation is also significantly higher than in the previous version.

However, despite the fact that the overall performance of iOS has remained virtually unchanged, many owners of Apple smartphones complain that it often freezes.

Jailbreak installed

Jailbreak installed on an iPhone often causes the device to freeze. Restoring your communicator after jailbreak will proceed without complications using DFU. In general, there is no potential danger in these actions if they are implemented correctly - the iPhone turns on normally, functions, does not slow down or crash.

Ways to get your iPhone out of a freeze

Despite all the advantages, sometimes an Apple smartphone can freeze when too many programs are running at the same time. This is a difficulty that can prevent the most powerful laptop computers from functioning properly, and even more so a smartphone.

However, even if your iPhone slows down and freezes, there is no real reason to worry. The main thing is to know what to do, since it can be easily resuscitated and returned to normal functioning.

Leave iPhone alone

In most situations where the device hangs, the communicator will return from the hung state on its own and begin to work normally without delay. If this does not happen or you urgently need to use the device, move on to another method.

Reboot with Power button

If your iPhone is frozen, the easiest way to restart it is to use the Power button.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

If the communicator does not respond to commands at all, and the freeze continues for a sufficient amount of time, then you need to use an alternative reboot method.

Often, iPhone freezing is associated with a huge number of active applications that significantly load the processor and RAM. In this case, you need to remove the most resource-intensive applications.

  • simultaneously hold down the power and home keys for 10 seconds;
  • The appearance of the apple icon will mean that the reboot was successful.

The described method allows not only to ensure that the system hangs, but also, quite possibly, to correct certain internal errors. But you should always remember that if it is possible to successfully use the first method, which is softer, then it is recommended to use it.

The hard (alternative) method should be used only in the most extreme cases and does not need to be used constantly.

Reboot without pressing a button

This method is appropriate in a situation where a mechanical key on an apple that has a certain resource stops functioning. After this, it may fail. The Apple communicator has the ability to control gestures, which will turn off the device. Its name " Assistive Touch" and it must be turned on first.

To turn off the device using this function you must:

  • go to the main menu => “Settings” => “General” => “Universal Access” => “Assistive Touch”;
  • move the slider to the “On” position;
  • touch the button that appears, and after that a window with the “Assistive Touch” functionality will be displayed;
  • go to the “Device” item;
  • In the active window, select “Screen lock”. It must be pressed for 2-3 seconds, after which the display will switch to the locked position, in which you should “Swipe” to the right to turn off the iPhone.

Freezing of an Apple communicator is not at all a rare occurrence. The methods discussed above, if successful, allow you to get out of the situation without losses. However, there are situations when the device's operating system is so damaged that booting is impossible. In Windows, reinstalling the operating system helps; in iPhone, the approach is similar.

If successful, factory settings will be restored and the latest firmware version will be installed. However, all personal data such as music, videos, contact information and calendars will be lost. At the same time, if the device is synchronized with iTunes, all this can be restored in the shortest possible time.

If reinstalling the system does not solve the problem, all that remains is to contact trusted specialists and hope that they will be able to revive your favorite communicator.