How are selfie sticks different? 1st place: Vodool monopod. th round. Selfie stick operating hours

Greetings, dear readers. I’m in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. Surely each of you has heard about monopods and selfie sticks. But do you know how they differ and whether choosing a particular model can affect the quality of the pictures taken? If not, the information below is provided for you.

What do you think of the selfie in the photo below? Do you want to buy one? You can read more details at the end of the article, there is also a video there.


Before the advent of selfie sticks, a monopod was a type of tripod that had a single leg. It was intended for taking high-quality photographs in conditions where you need to move frequently. If a tripod (a structure with three supports) is installed for shooting in a specific place, then a device with one support is convenient to use when you need to take several pictures from different angles.

When using this design, the photographer stands in a position in which his legs act as supports, allowing him to more accurately fix his position to create a high-quality photograph.

You can buy Here.

Single-support holders can also be used to film not at eye level of the equipment owner, but from above. This is convenient when recording events near a large number of people in the frame. But since such designs for smartphones appeared, this device has been called by many definitions. When you come to a store to buy such a device, it can be called differently, since any equipment seller will understand what we are talking about.

Selfie stick

This invention became popular around 2007, when one of the smartphone models with a second camera was released. Some sources claim that this invention appeared before 1990, but was not taken seriously then. Nowadays, the product for photographing your face is so widespread that in stores you can choose many options that differ in several characteristics.

But at the same time, you can call it a monopod, since it is a type of photographic tripod. The popularity of this design is due to the fact that thanks to this invention you can:

  • take pictures with a group of people without worrying that everyone won’t be included in the frame;
  • expand the viewing angle;
  • find a better shot.

Moreover, if you shoot a video using such a product, it will turn out to be of higher quality, since the gadget will shake less and move along a smooth trajectory.

Differences from a stick

If we answer specifically the question - what is the difference between a monopod and a selfie stick, then we can say that a standard monopod is intended for professional cameras and helps to take a better picture. That is, the differences lie in purpose. But if we are talking about a device for a smartphone, then this is a product for taking selfies. When choosing from the available options, you can safely say different terms, as it does not matter.

The word monopod is often used because “stick” sounds worse. Often, sellers of goods on the Internet, when describing goods, write several variations of the name, indicating them in brackets, so that the store can be found by as many people as possible.

The term “phone tripod” is also common. To avoid mistakes, it is enough to add the combination “for selfie” to any name. Thanks to this, you will not get lost in a store with holders for cameras and gadgets of various sizes.

You can buy Here.

Differences between a phone photo tripod and a selfie stick

Before buying such a device, buyers begin to look for information about more convenient and reliable options and notice such a name as a tripod for a smartphone. Such a device may have one or three supports. In the first case, this is a monopod (stick). In the second, the holder can be called a tripod. It is used to create videos and photographs while walking around the city or traveling, as it is small in size and can be used to attach a small camera.

If you make a choice before purchasing, the differences will be noticeable to anyone:

  1. the presence of three racks;
  2. lack of a button on the body.

Such holders are practically no different from devices for professional cameras, only they are miniature and can withstand the light weight of the device.

A monopod (or stick) always has a handle at one end and a gadget holder at the other. Some of them also have a button, but the cheapest ones are produced without it. A photo tripod is designed for shooting when there is a photographer next to the phone without the ability to control it from a distance.

When using a self-photo stick while traveling, it is worth remembering that such devices are prohibited from being used in some museums. This is due to the fact that they are long enough to allow the gadget to be brought close to the painting and ruin it.

Having considered all the features of monopods for selfies, you can confidently go to the store and choose the one that will suit the price and characteristics, without hesitating to ask about all types of available products.

Watch the video and I think you will be interested in this selfie monopod. I gave this to a friend for his birthday, and he is still happy about such a high-quality gift. I myself did not expect that it would become a worthy gift.

I purchased it on Aliexpress Here.
And if you are also interested in the adapter, then I took it Here.

I really hope that now you understand the difference and now you can safely explain this difference to your friends. Share information with your friends via social networks, and they too will begin to understand the difference. See you again on my blog.

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.

Hello, dear readers of my blog. I’m in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. In this article you will learn about what parameters the quality of shooting with a selfie stick depends on. Few people know that the wrong choice of monopod can lead to the fact that every photo or video you decide to record will be of less quality than you would like. But on what basis is the choice made? Let us sort it out.

Before you start, take a look at the selfie stick in the photo below.

What do you say? Like? At the end of the article there is a video and links to where I bought it.

Criterias of choice

Today, a popular platform for purchasing many things at affordable prices is Aliexpress ( link to the website), where there is a large selection of selfie sticks. When purchasing the first monopod, owners of phones, for example, Samsung or other models, have the thought “yes, they are all the same, what’s the difference between them?”

But this misconception sometimes leads not only to the inconvenience of shooting, but also to a situation where the phone turns out to be broken or damaged. Therefore, before choosing a selfie stick, you need to pay attention to several parameters:

  • mount into which the phone is inserted;
  • metal quality;
  • dimensions of the device;
  • mounting angle;
  • telescope quality.

You can buy Here.

When examining, pay attention to the rubberized areas, which provide good adhesion to the material of the gadget. To test the strength, you can insert, for example, an iPhone into a selfie stick and shake it. But it is better to do this in a rubberized case. This will prevent the device from sliding. If even a slight play is noticeable, then the selected model should be excluded.

Tube metal quality

The second important characteristic is the quality of the metal elements. You need to check carefully, otherwise you will have to pay not only for the selected device, but also for the broken one. Poor quality tubes made with a small amount of metal may bend under physical stress.

To test its strength, simply try to bend the device, noting the sensations. If it seems that the structure is starting to bend, then it should be eliminated immediately. But why check the quality of the material? Some sticks are so bad that they begin to bend even under the weight of the phone, for example, even Lenovo. If such a stick is used constantly, it may soon break, ruining the device and mood.

If the shooting will be done on the beach in the summer, then you need to choose a model with moisture protection. If this is not done, then after several days of use rust will begin to appear on it, which is especially scary when using telescopic devices.
Dimensions and features of the handle

If a selfie stick does not fit into a purse, then after just a few days of use it becomes uninteresting to the owner. Ask yourself: Do I need a big, clunky monopod that I can carry without being able to get my hand off it? Few people will like such a device.

You can buy Here.

But if the device is intended for shooting while hiking, then you can choose longer models that allow you to beautifully capture the surrounding landscapes. You should also pay attention to the handle. It should be not just rubberized, but soft. This is due to the fact that the hard plastic slips in the hand. To choose the right stick, you need to consider all the options presented.

Mounting angle

Many monopods come with a mount that only moves in one direction. This is convenient only for those who film only themselves. If selfies are taken in a large company, then you have to turn the phone, for example, Sony, in the horizontal plane.
When choosing, you should consider models with 2D and 3D heads. The first presented option is enough to create high-quality pictures taken with a standard device, while the second is more advanced.

Telescope quality

Many popular models have a telescopic handle, which is convenient for users of any height. But when you come to the store, do not rush to purchase the first telescopic mechanism you come across. To check the quality, you need to stretch the handle and look at each element, paying attention to the grooves and length stops.

If the first ones are missing, then during use this leads to scrolling of some parts. Stoppers are also necessary, otherwise during extension it is easy to separate several elements from the handle.

Types of monopods

  1. monopod as a standard tripod;
  2. stick with remote control;
  3. mechanism with a button on the handle and a wire;
  4. stick with wireless button.

The first named type is common due to its low cost. But think about it: do you want to set a timer before each photo to take a photo? If not, then don’t even think about purchasing such devices. However, such sticks are usually not very reliable and do not hold the gadget well.

A tripod with a remote control is much more convenient, because in order to take a photo, you don’t need to hold the stick in an awkward position, while trying to keep a smile and feel for the button on the slipping handle.

The disadvantages of such models are that they require constant use of both hands. The remote control can also get lost due to its small size. But at the same time, there are 2 buttons on the remote control - for a standard phone and an iPhone, which is convenient for those who use more than one device.

You can buy Here.

A monopod with a button and a wire is convenient, but during use there is a possibility of damage, due to which the monopod will stop working. But the plus is that the stick does not require charging or batteries, as it is powered by a smartphone. If you want to buy a good selfie stick, then you should pay attention to a device with a Bluetooth button that has no wires.

But which of the proposed sticks should you choose? It depends on the conditions under which it will be used. After reading the article, all that remains is to remember the main points and go shopping like an expert in choosing monopods.

And finally. Watch a video review of a good selfie monopod, and under the video you can find links where you can purchase it. I gave my friend such a device for his birthday, and he was as happy as an elephant. Why him? The quality is good, the price is reasonable, the size is small, and the seller is sociable.

If you're considering a cheaper option, you might want to look for something on Aliexpress ( link to the website), there you will definitely find a selfie stick to your liking.

You can view and buy it on Aliexpress Here.

And purchase an adapter, if you need it, then Here.

This is where I will end the article. Happy shopping and good photos. If the article was useful to you, you could share it on social networks with your friends, let them also know how to choose the right monopod tripod. See you again on the expanses of my blog. Bye bye.

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.

The popularity of selfie sticks has been growing at a rapid pace over the past few years, as these simple and inexpensive devices take selfie photography to a whole new level. The extraordinary popularity of selfie monopods, as selfie sticks are correctly called, even became the reason that this device was recognized as one of the most ingenious inventions of the beginning of the new century. At the same time, you should choose a selfie stick taking into account several factors, because not all of them are equally easy to use and allow you to easily and effortlessly take excellent photos in any circumstances. In this short review you will find practical tips on choosing the right selfie stick, as well as information about the best models of these devices today, including costs.

THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE (you can click on the link for a quick transition)

Manufacturing materials and dimensions of the selfie stick

Modern selfie sticks belong to the category of things that are convenient to always have on hand, especially if you are not just walking around your hometown, but on a trip. Therefore, high-quality manufacturing materials will guarantee that your selfie monopod will serve you for a long time and will not make you regret the purchase. The cheapest selfie sticks are made of steel and have a small handle with a layer of rubber or plastic. The disadvantage of this design is its fairly high weight, which is especially critical when traveling. And cheap, hard plastic can slip in your hands, especially on a hot day. It is better to choose models that are made of aluminum and high-quality soft plastic, which are not inferior in terms of reliability, but have much less weight. The compactness of the model is also important, which often depends on the design of the rod (more on this below).

The design of the rod when choosing a selfie stick

Currently, the most common monopods for selfies are those with a telescopic rod that works on the principle of a folding fishing rod. The convenience of such selfie sticks is that you can adjust the length of the entire structure and, accordingly, the distance of the smartphone or camera from you in the process of taking photographs or shooting videos. This is one of the most important parameters, so you should pay close attention to it. The cheapest monopods are equipped with steel telescopic rods, which quickly become loose and rotate under the weight of the phone. It is impossible to operate even a new device of this type together with a smartphone. The size and weight of which is above average.

Therefore, the choice of selfie stick should be made among models whose rod does not bend like a fishing rod when attaching the phone and will not turn at the knees. For reliable fixation, three popular methods are used today: special grooves along the entire length, fixation by turning in a certain direction, and fixation used in professional tripods. Please note that the latter option implies a much longer monopod length when folded (inoperative), which can lead to some inconvenience while traveling. There are also folding monopods, which are extended not like a telescopic fishing rod, but by extension at the “elbows” (see photo).

Folding monopod for action camera - doesn't look very nice

Choosing a selfie stick based on the shutter release principle

All selfie monopods can be divided into wired and wireless. In wired models, the shutter button is located on the handle, and to connect the selfie stick directly to the monopod, a short wire is used, which is usually inserted into the headphone jack. Such models are somewhat cheaper than cordless ones, but a thin wire can get caught on something, break during use, and the stick will become practically useless. In addition, wired selfie monopods do not have their own battery and use the charge of the smartphone, reducing the battery life of the latter.

Wireless selfie sticks are much more convenient to use and are divided into two types. The shutter release button can be located on the grip or on a separate control panel. The first option is in many cases more convenient, because you don’t have to worry about losing a separate tiny remote control, the handle has its own rechargeable battery with a very long service life, and control can be done with one hand. In addition, modern selfie sticks are equipped not with one button, but with several at once, including taking photos and videos, as well as zoom buttons (zooming in and out of objects), because with the help of a selfie monopod it is convenient to take pictures not only of yourself, but also to simply take photos and video with the main camera of your smartphone from your exciting journey.

Monopod with a separate remote control and reliable fixation of segments, but with very large dimensions

A separate remote control requires two-handed operation (if there is no mount for it on the handle), requires periodic replacement of a flat battery and can easily get lost, turning your selfie stick into a regular one. To be fair, we are happy to note that the wireless remote control also has an advantage: you can attach the selfie stick like a tripod a few meters away from you and take a photo. When using a selfie stick with a built-in remote control, you will then have to set the time on your smartphone or camera. Usually there are two buttons on a separate remote control, but only one functions - to control the shutter on smartphones running Android or iOS (depending on which one is currently connected via Bluetooth).

Smartphone and camera mount + selfie stick versatility

If possible, it is better to choose monopod models that have a universal mount for smartphones of any size (including a protective bumper). In this case, it is better to refuse a product where the smartphone is fixed with a thin metal frame. It is better to choose a selfie stick with a reliable mount made of high-quality plastic that does not scratch the edges of your smartphone and has rubberized parts. This will guarantee that your expensive smartphone will not fall onto concrete, into the water, or from an observation deck on a high cliff where you climbed for a stunning selfie photo. There are selfie sticks for specific smartphone models (for example, for the iPhone 7), but when you change the device, you will have to buy a selfie monopod for another model, too, or (if possible) change the mount.

If you prefer to shoot video while traveling using an action camera, it is better to choose a selfie stick with a universal mount. Typically this is a standard GoPro mount (fits most other action cameras) or a standard ¼" thread (fits other action cameras, digital cameras, camcorders and DSLRs). In case you like a certain monopod, but the mount is not quite suitable, you can always buy a special adapter or a full-fledged additional mount for a smartphone or action camera on AliExpress for $1. When choosing a mount, you should make sure that you can not only securely mount your smartphone or camera in it, but also fix the angle you need by loosening and tightening one screw).

The simplest and cheapest selfie sticks do not hold the smartphone well (segments scroll)

Additional conveniences when choosing a selfie stick

Since competition among monopod manufacturers is very high (especially among good ones), many strive to equip their device with additional advantages. Among these, we can highlight the presence of a special hand strap, a small mirror in the area where the smartphone is mounted, a special case, an extendable handle, the presence of a standard thread in the handle for mounting on a tripod, various color options, etc. The presence of such additional “conveniences” is always nice if it does not affect the price too much and does not make the device less reliable. Also, when choosing between several models, it is better to give preference to those that have reliable fastening and good fixation of sections, rather than a maximum of secondary advantages.

Where to buy a selfie stick at the best price

There are many options for purchasing selfie monopods, but the main ones are three. Firstly. You can buy this device in a regular (or specialized) store in your city or on the market. The advantage of this method is the ability to “touch” the product and evaluate it before purchasing. The disadvantage of such a purchase is a significant overpayment, reaching 100% or more. You can also buy a selfie monopod in an online store in your city or country, but in this case you will also overpay a certain amount, depending on the “greed” of the online store and will no longer be able to check the device before purchasing.

Finally, in my opinion, the most convenient way (especially if you don’t need to buy a selfie stick today or in the coming days) is to order this device in the homeland of its manufacture - in China. In this case, you also cannot check the device before the moment of purchase, but the buyer protection on AliExpress is reliable and if a low-quality product is delivered, you can challenge the order and return the entire amount of money spent. The most important advantage of ordering a selfie monopod in China is the minimum price, and the main disadvantage is the need to wait two weeks or more, i.e. It is advisable to order a selfie stick no later than a month before your trip.

A compact universal monopod with a secure fit is my choice (in the photo it is extended halfway)

Which selfie stick model should you buy in 2017?

The wide variety of models and modifications of selfie monopods in China makes it very difficult to choose a specific model and even a specific manufacturer. Before buying a selfie stick for myself, I was also faced with a difficult choice, because most models are offered at similar prices and have similar technical characteristics. As a result of many hours of “natural selection” and viewing dozens of reviews, my choice was made in favor of a wireless one, which compares favorably with my first device, purchased several years ago in Thailand. That device immediately disappointed me with its large weight and the fact that it was simply impossible to use (the steel rod sometimes rotated even under the weight of the mount without a smartphone, although I sometimes use the remote control for remote photos even today).

I had very serious requirements, and the selfie stick of this model fully meets them, so I can confidently recommend this product to my readers.

★ Wireless connection with a smartphone (Bluetooth);

★ Control of shutter release, zoom and camera change using buttons on the handle;

★ Reliable fixation of aluminum sections by turning;

★ Compact and lightweight when folded (only 22cm and 260g);

★ Good length when unfolded (90 cm);

★ Reliable fastening of a smartphone with a large screen in a protective case;

★ Powerful built-in battery (more than 100 hours of operation) and USB charging;

★ The presence of a strap and carabiner for attaching to a backpack or belt;

★ Solid appearance and positive reviews from owners;

★ Possibility of installing an action camera instead of a smartphone;

★ Low price.

When ordering a selfie stick, I considered options up to $20, because... I don't consider it reasonable to pay more for such a product. The recommended model is located both in this price range (from $12.99 for the wired version and $16.99 for the wireless version). As a result, I ordered a wireless model in black (Wireless black version), delivery was fast. Initially, I also considered the option of a selfie stick with a tripod built into the handle, but in the end I abandoned it because... The working length of the monopod in this case would be shorter, and externally the design does not look too reliable. Therefore, I did it simpler: I ordered it for myself for 1.4 USD and now, if necessary, I fix the monopod not only on the ground, but also on the handlebars of a motorbike, in transport, on a backpack, a branch, etc.

A short video review of the best selfie stick of 2017

Above is a short review of my new monopod (initially I wanted to make my own video review, but a professional reviewer did it clearly better and more fun). I hope this article was useful to you and now you know how to choose a selfie stick for your smartphone, what parameters you need to pay attention to when choosing a modern monopod, and that the cheapest models can disappoint you, just as my first monopod disappointed me. I wish you interesting travels and bright photos!

In the simplest description, a monopod is a kind of . The variety of models is amazing: these devices differ radically depending on the planned scope of application and the loads for which they are designed.

Why do you need a monopod?

The question of how to choose a monopod remains unresolved for many who want to purchase such equipment. In general, not much is known about them; the average Russian is unlikely to use something like this in his daily life. However, it’s not just photographers who are interested in monopods.
A simple and convenient accessory makes it possible to turn a selfie into a full-fledged photograph with composition and complete surroundings; the pictures turn out bright, lively and natural. Since the camera is easy to position at any angle, it's easy to find a really cool angle for an original shot.

Main characteristics and features of monopods

When deciding which monopod to choose, you should decide on the goals you are pursuing. They may be different, and your preference for a particular model will depend on this. Each of them has its own advantages, which, however, also affects the cost. Most often, a monopod/selfie stick is part of the arsenal of creative people who are inspired to make new discoveries and lead an active lifestyle. It is also a great gift for all occasions.

Who needs a monopod:

  • Travelers who want to capture themselves in a new environment without losing the fullness of the frame.
  • Extreme sports enthusiasts who equip such devices with appropriate action cameras and get truly chilling pictures from the epicenter of events.
  • Designers, artists and photographers who spend time searching for good angles and compositions.
  • Club partygoers and prank lovers. Anyone who is interested in original and memorable things that make everyday life much more fun and enjoyable.

A monopod differs from a tripod in design: there are no additional supports that stabilize the image: a monopod is more mobile and was originally intended for selfies. Also, the tripod’s one-legged brother is often equipped with a special button or key fob for remote control. A tripod is great for staged photography, and a monopod is great for more active photography, including reportage photography.

What types of monopods are there?

Among the many characteristics, the most important remain:
  • Height. Depends on the height of the photographer and the size of the planned frame. Sometimes monopods are used for panoramas; the authors of such creations choose fairly long models. Telescopic solutions with a length of more than a meter are suitable for shooting against large landscapes.
  • Strength. The stronger the structure, the better, especially if you plan to use it in extreme situations.
  • Weight and dimensions. The most successful option is a monopod made of light, durable alloy, which has several sections.
  • Specialization. The most popular option is a small monopod for a phone, but there are models for professional cameras, including video.
  • For example, we have more than 8 types of these on our website.

New product from Megamind in detail

Our monopod is one of the most popular and versatile in its class. Unlike advanced models with a remote control, everything here is even more interesting, since the button is located on the handle itself. One click and the photo is ready. The device is 23 cm long when folded, expands to up to a meter and is made in a modern design; stainless steel is used as the main material for strength.
This holder will allow you to quickly secure your smartphone; the mounts are adjustable to fit gadgets of different widths. Charges via USB and lasts up to 100 hours after a full charge. The monopod is extremely easy to use and has increased durability.

To the website

  • Weight is only 178 grams.
  • Bluetooth based button.
  • Suitable for all smartphones.

A selfie instantly turns into a real art with a monopod, which today can also be purchased at an affordable price.

A selfie stick is not only fashionable, but also a really necessary device. This device has many other names: phone stick, selfie stick, telescopic monopod, selfie extender. In the modern world, this device is popular among both young people and older people. How to choose a selfie stick? The answer to this question can be found in the article below.

What is a selfie stick?

A telescopic monopod is used so that you can take your own photo at any time without asking for help from strangers. This device allows you to take pictures from unusual angles. Thanks to the phone stick, you can take selfies with all your friends at the same time. Also, when using this device, beautiful panoramic photos are obtained.

Most monopod models are equipped with a camera control button, which is built into the handle of the device. This greatly simplifies the process of creating photos.

Time magazine named the selfie stick one of the twenty-five best inventions of 2014. Statistics claim that at least 25% of US residents have posted selfies taken with this device on social networks.

How to choose a selfie stick for your phone? A detailed answer to this question will be given below. Now it’s time to learn how to properly use a telescopic monopod.

for a selfie?

To use the selfie monopod correctly, you need to take your smartphone, fix it on the end of the stick using a special mount and connect your mobile device using the Bluetooth function. Next, you should expand the tripod, choose the optimal angle and take a photo.

In some models of monopods, the connection between them and the smartphone is carried out not via Bluetooth, but through a special cord. This wire just needs to be inserted into the headphone jack, after which the device is ready to use.

How to choose a selfie stick for iPhone and other smartphones? First of all, you should find out what types of monopods exist.

Types of selfie sticks

There are four main types of monopods:

How to choose a monopod for a mobile device? Below is a description of the main criteria to pay attention to. The first of these is appearance.

Appearance of a selfie stick

How to choose the right selfie stick? First of all, you should pay attention to its appearance. The device must be made of high quality materials. Plastic shouldn't look cheap. The presence of burrs on the device is unacceptable. All surfaces must be well treated. The neatness of the seams is another point that you should pay attention to.

The base of the monopod on which the smartphone should be mounted must be made of durable metal. This means that this is a high-quality selfie stick.

How to choose a device that will securely hold your smartphone? To do this, you need to pay attention to the mechanism for fixing the mobile device.

Smartphone mount and adjustment

Most models of selfie sticks have mounts that allow you to adjust their width to securely hold your smartphone and give it a horizontal position. A special rubberized clamp holds the mobile device.

Some models are equipped with a locking adjustment system that allows you to rotate the camera 180 degrees. Thanks to this, the angle becomes even wider.

If you have a lightweight smartphone, then the mount can be anything. But if you take photos using heavier mobile devices, the fixation must be made against torsion.

How to choose a selfie stick if you need to install a camera or video camera on it? In this case, you need to pay attention to the screw with which the telescopic devices are secured. Each selfie stick has a metric or mount. In the first case, only the smartphone can be fixed to the device. But if the monopod is equipped with an inch thread, then it will be possible to mount both a phone and a video camera or camera on it.

How to choose a selfie stick and not make a mistake with the size? You need to decide what length of device you need.

Selfie stick length

Telescopic monopods come in different lengths. The average value of this parameter is 23 centimeters when folded. The longer the device, the more mass it has.

For those who use a selfie stick very often, a light and compact device with a length of seventy centimeters to one meter is more suitable.

If you rarely use a device such as a selfie stick, what length should you choose? In this case, it is recommended to purchase a monopod no shorter than 105 centimeters. This will allow you to capture the greatest angle of panoramic photography.

There are also mini-monopods, which are famous for their unique compactness. They easily fit into a backpack, pocket or purse. True, they are not cheap.


A telescopic monopod is a device that is necessary for creating your own photos. A smartphone is attached to this device. The modern range of monopods is wide and varied. How to choose a selfie stick? First you need to decide which of the four main types of these devices described in the article you need. Next, you need to pay attention to such tripod parameters as its appearance, smartphone mounting mechanism and length.