What is the difference between a Rostest iPhone and a regular iPhone? Galaxy S9 Rostest and Eurotest - what's the difference? Let's find out which is better! What is the difference between Rostest and Eurotest

Rostest is a mandatory component of any officially imported electronics into the territory of the Russian Federation. But many buyers do not pay due attention to Rostest, and some do not even know what it is. In the article we will tell you what Rostest iPhone is, how it differs from Eurotest, and what choice to make when purchasing.

PCT logo.

Rostest or PCT means that electronic products are officially imported into Russia and have received Rostest certificates. All functions that are officially present in the device will work properly, and the device itself is covered by an official warranty from the manufacturer. Since any PCT product is subject to Russian taxes and has a recommended market price, their cost is noticeably higher than that of gray devices. There is nothing wrong with gray devices, they simply did not pass the PCT and therefore are not subject to Russian tax.

A classic example of PCT is the Apple Watch Series 3/4. The watch officially supports eSim technology and can work with cellular networks. A version without this technology is officially supplied to Russia. The same situation could have happened with new iPhones, but it seems that eSim is no longer prohibited, and operators are already beginning to gradually prepare their networks to work with this technology.

What is the difference between iPhone Rostest and Eurotest

In most cases - nothing. These are the same iPhones, which are technically no different from each other. But, for some countries there may be special restrictions on the functionality of the device, be it the maximum permissible sound volume or a ban on the operation of certain services. For example, in the UAE, FaceTime does not come pre-installed and cannot be installed from the app store. Another example is the iPhone for Japan. At a minimum, they do not turn off the camera shutter sound, and at a maximum, the FeliCa module is installed for Apple Pay payments, which may cause problems in Russia.

Unofficially, it is generally accepted that Eurotest or gray iPhones are all products that are imported into Russia without Rostest, no matter from which country, even from China. Therefore, in gray iPhones you may encounter the fact that the plug for the socket will be of a non-standard format.

A distinctive feature of Rostest is that smartphones are not assigned to a specific operator. In other countries the situation may be reversed. If the device is tied to one operator, the buyer is obliged to use its services. This is the most common difference between Rostest and Eurotest. Therefore, when purchasing on your own, be sure to take this fact into account and check whether the device is tied.

It should also be noted that all Rostest products are covered by the official manufacturer’s warranty. Therefore, if any problems arise, you can easily contact the service center.

How to find out iPhone Rostest or not

EAC logo.

White devices (Rostest) can be recognized directly by the box. It contains a Rostest certificate, which is designated as PCT or EAC (the icons are almost similar, the first is only for the Russian Federation, the second is for the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan). Having bought an iPhone with this designation, you can be completely sure of its “officiality”.

If you need to determine the country for which the device was intended, you can rely on the model number indicated on the box. It should say “Model A”, where *** are numbers. A complete list and description of iPhone models (including Japanese and Chinese) can be found at. Just in case: “Chinese” are original devices, just for the Chinese market.

Is it worth buying something other than Rostest?

The difference between gray iPhones and iPhones with Rostest lies primarily in the warranty and price. After receiving PCT certification, the device manufacturer must pay customs duty (tax on the import of goods) and issue a certificate of compliance of the device with the technical regulations of the Customs Union. Therefore, the price of “official” iPhones in Russia rises by 10-20%.

There is no need to pay tax or register for Rostest for gray devices, so the price for them remains the same. Sellers in Russia only raise it a little in order to gain a profit on sales, so the difference between White and Gray devices is really significant.

Bottom line: if you want to save a few thousand rubles and you don’t mind that you won’t receive an official guarantee, then you can buy a gray iPhone. Moreover, good stores with gray iPhones provide their own warranty from the store.

10/28/2012 | 11504 views

In this article I will explain why our products are cheaper and why it is better to buy from us. You will read this, shake your head, and then 2 scenarios are possible:

1) Smile, buy what you need from us and use it with pleasure, or

2) Smile, save some money, buy what you need in a store near your home and use it with pleasure.

As you can see, the outcome is the same in both cases, and it starts with a smile, so let’s talk about the middle.

In order to understand my further narrative, it is necessary to clarify 2 important terms that exist on the market of mobile (and not so mobile) technology. They are covered quite fully on a variety of resources, but still raise many questions. As you may have guessed (and no wonder, just above this text there is a picture containing the essence of it) we will talk about Rotest and “Eurotest”, and their confrontation.

First, Rostest, the sign of which is placed on all equipment imported into Mother Russia either by the manufacturer itself or by authorized distributors.

Now Eurotest. You probably noticed that I put this definition in quotation marks, and for good reason. Officially, this word does not exist, but there is a term from which the sign is derived, which we will later in the text associate with the definition in question, this is Conformité Européenne (literally: European conformity). This is the sign that appears on devices imported into the country bypassing official distributors, and on devices sold in our store. That. Rostest and Eurotest are types of certification for the Russian and European markets, respectively. We’ll talk about their, and therefore our, advantages and disadvantages a little further.

Now, a little bit of legal basics (for those who suffer from indigestion, please skip the list below).

1. Mobile phones are not included in the List of goods subject to mandatory certification, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 1997 No. 1013, as amended on December 15, 2008.
2. Mobile phones are not included in the List of communications equipment subject to mandatory certification, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 532 of June 25, 2009; the Communications certification system (CCS) was completely canceled by order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation of May 19, 2005. N 57
3. Mobile phones are not mentioned in Letter No. 06-73/44906 dated December 19, 2006 on the list of goods for which confirmation of mandatory certification is required upon release into the customs territory of the Russian Federation (as amended by the letter of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 2007 N 01-06/43797)
4. According to clause 3 of the Government Decree of the Russian Federation dated April 13, 2005 N 214 (as amended by the Government Decree of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2008, No. 761) on the approval of the rules for organizing and carrying out work on mandatory confirmation of the conformity of communication means, communication means not included included in the list of communications equipment subject to mandatory certification, are subject to declaration of conformity.
5. However, mobile phones are not included in the later List of products subject to declaration of conformity, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 7, 1999 No. 766, as amended on December 27, 2008.
6. Mobile phones are not included in the Product Range, for which the legislative acts of the Russian Federation provide for mandatory certification, approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated July 30, 2002 N 64, as amended on January 31, 2008, and are not included in the Product Range subject to declaration of conformity, approved by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia of July 30, 2002 N 64, as amended on December 18, 2007.

Almost everything is the same for tablets and others like them. It turns out that the products you can purchase from us are completely legal.

It should be mentioned that devices with both signs are assembled in the same factories, by the same sweaty and sad workers (there is a joke about the workers, they are, firstly, washed and cheerful, and secondly, the assembly is done by automatic machines). Also, transportation to Russia is carried out by identical routes, only by different companies, and, as a result, the quality of the devices themselves, which in both cases were strictly tested, is absolutely identical.

There are not many of them, and one of the most important of them is a guarantee. The fact is that the manufacturing company in Russia is not obliged to service Eurotest smartphones, and it actively uses this. Official service centers will refuse you free service.

However, firstly, problems with modern phones caused by manufacturing defects are extremely rare, at least neither I myself nor the people I know have encountered this yet, with the caveat that we are now talking about global giant manufacturers, such as HTC, Samsung and others like them. As a rule, phones are dropped or fall with them in their pockets, which leads to mechanical damage, and this is no longer a warranty case.

Secondly, our store provides its own guarantee, equal to the official one in duration and, as a rule, terms of fulfillment, therefore, keep the original packaging and our warranty card for the entire period indicated on the latter, and in the event of a (sudden) problem, call us immediately.

Next, let's talk about the money side of things, and since the advantage in our store's prices is obvious, let's talk about what the Rostest system charges money for. So, the differences between the delivery kits are completed by a box with Russian language on it, Russian-language instructions inserted inside, an analogue of which in .pdf format can be downloaded on the manufacturer’s website, and, sometimes, a charger designed for European sockets, but this is not our case , all devices sold from us are equipped with Russian chargers, or are supplemented with adapters for our sockets from our store.

It must also be said that our products have never been unlocked, that is, they were never intended for use with only one operator, and all devices have the Russian language, insofar as the language packs are built into the system on which they are installed initially. Also, there was a tendency to update European mobile devices ahead of Russian ones, with the exception of Apple devices, they are all updated at the same time, and there is also a rumor on the Internet that from the 5th version of Android the update there will also become simultaneous, so this can be especially taken into account not to accept.

Despite the huge number of materials on the topic of product certification for various markets, potential buyers of Apple products continue to be concerned with the question: which iPhone to buy - Rostest or Eurotest?

Currently on the Russian market you can find American iPhones, European, Asian ones and those with Rostest certification. With the first, everything is clear: mobile devices were produced for the American market, which means they can be locked to a specific operator.

IPhone Rostest is the same “white” iPhone legally imported into Russia. The Rostest quality certificate confirms that the products have passed all the necessary tests, meet all requirements for them and are safe for the consumer.

But there really is no such thing as a Eurotest. iPhone sellers call “Eurotest” any mobile device that does not have a PCT conformity mark on its packaging. These can be not only European models of mobile devices, but also any others, even fakes. Of course, in the European Union, mobile devices are also subject to certification, but those that have passed it have a CE mark on the packaging (i.e. Conformité Européenne - European conformity).

Rostest (RST) or Eurotest?

In general, smartphones that meet European standards will be in no way inferior to Rostest. But CE is not the notorious Eurotest. So, when choosing between Rostest and Eurotest, it is obviously worth giving preference to a product with the PCT mark. Thus, you will be sure that the purchased iPhone:
  • is not subject to restrictions adopted in some countries, such as the inability to turn off the camera shutter sound;
  • not blocked for a specific operator;
  • The included network adapter has a standard plug for Russia.

If you have not found an answer to your question or something has not worked out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comments below, ask a question through our

If an iPhone is called gray when selling, then in most cases we are not talking about the color of the case, but the degree of legality of importing this device into the country. How to identify a “gray” smartphone and what consequences the acquisition of such a gadget may entail - we will understand the material below.

In contact with

Just a few years ago, for most domestic users, the difference between a “gray” and a “white” (official) iPhone was determined solely by cost, and the average Russian or resident of the near abroad considered buying a smartphone from unofficial resellers (in common parlance “resellers” or “hucksters”) savings. In fact, using an illegally sold device can be justified from an economic point of view, but gray is not the same, and it is better to buy an iPhone taking into account the recommendations presented below.

What is a “gray” iPhone?

To officially sell an iPhone in Russia or any other country in the world, you must enter into a contract with Apple, pay customs duties, undergo certification and obtain all permits. Naturally, official dealers, who have spent time and money going through these mandatory procedures, take into account their own and state interests when calculating the price (for example, the amount of VAT, which in Russia is 20% of the cost). This is the “white” iPhone, and you can only find it at official dealers (which are usually large retail chains, for example, Svyaznoy, M.video, etc.), as well as on the official Apple website. A list of “white” resellers in your locality can be obtained by following this link.

However, not every batch of smartphones is worth going through all the circles of bureaucratic hell and paying customs duties. Carrying several (or several dozen) iPhones across the border from nearby European or Asian countries is not difficult for many who want to make money, and the final price of such a device for the buyer is usually 20% (plus or minus) below the market price.

It is important to understand that we are talking about completely new original smartphones made by Apple. We talked in detail about how to identify a Chinese counterfeit, and about used iPhones sold under the guise of refurbished ones. Also in this article there will be no mention of scammers selling iPhone 5s under the guise of iPhone SE, unlocked devices in sealed packaging, etc. through advertisements.

In other words,

The “gray” iPhone is ordinary original a smartphone from Apple, but which has not undergone the certification procedure for the country into which it was imported after sale. Typically, “gray” iPhones are imported and sold in violation of tax laws (smuggling). Additionally, if you use iPhone in a non-native region (other than the country in which it was released), there may be some restrictions described below.

Does Apple warranty apply to gray iPhones?

It is not possible to legally oblige Apple to repair warranty-covered smartphones imported from abroad - the company does not undertake to repair devices for objective reasons due to technical limitations in different countries. For example, China uses different communication standards from European ones. At the same time, it will hardly be possible to prove that the LTE frequency has nothing to do with a broken screen or a defective battery.

However, Apple's internal policies do not negate the existence of consumer protection laws. If you bought a “white” or “gray” iPhone from a legal entity (online store) in Russia, then you have the right to make claims against it for two years from the date of purchase. Naturally, if you have a sales receipt.

It is worth noting that starting from 2019 some"gray" iPhones Covered by a one-year (1 year) Apple warranty in Russia. If problems arise, you will need to contact an official Apple reseller. At the same time, the warranty period for the “white” (official) iPhone is 2 years.

Here is a list of current iPhone versions for Russia that are subject to free warranty service in 2019:

iPhone 7: A1778.
iPhone 7 Plus: A1784.
iPhone 8: A1905, A1863.
iPhone 8 Plus: A1897, A1864.
iPhone X: A1901, A1865.
iPhone XS: A2097.
iPhone XS Max: A2101.
iPhone XR: A2105.

It is important to understand that in this case we are talking about a worldwide warranty, the duration of which is one year, while a device purchased from an official dealer can be serviced free of charge for two years.

Advantages of the “gray” iPhone

The main and often decisive advantage for the buyer of a gray iPhone compared to a legally imported one is the cost. The difference in price can reach about 25%, while most users do not see other differences between smuggled smartphones and those purchased from an official reseller, but they still exist.

Problems with a “gray” iPhone during operation

In most cases, using a “gray” iPhone does not cause any problems, but this is only due to the fact that most devices come to us from neighboring countries. If you purchase a Taiwanese or, for example, a Brazilian gadget, you may encounter poor communication quality and even the absence of an LTE connection. This happens due to the use of different frequencies in Europe, Asia, South America, etc. By the way, the Russian authorities have repeatedly threatened to completely block all smartphones that entered the country illegally. This is a very difficult, but feasible, from a technical point of view, task.

Perhaps the most significant problems can be caused by the purchase of “ gray carrier iPhone(aka: “locked”, “locked”, contract, tied to an operator, SIM-lock, etc.). Such a smartphone only works with a SIM card from a specific operator in the country where the purchase was made.

In addition to the cases described above, a “gray” iPhone can also cause less serious problems for its owner. For example, the plug for connecting the charger adapter to the electrical outlet differs in many countries. This means that it is impossible to connect a British or, for example, American iPhone to a domestic outlet using a standard charger without a special adapter

A less important nuance is that Apple complies with the laws of the countries to which it ships its gadgets, which entails some consequences. For example, an iPhone purchased in the Emirates will not support FaceTime video calls, a Japanese smartphone will not allow you to mute the camera sound, and a “European” will limit the maximum volume in the headphones (Apple does not yet have any restrictions for Russia).


The best “gray” iPhone for a Russian user is the iPhone, brought from the European Union. The device is practically no different from the official Apple smartphone produced for Russia, with the exception of the absence of a two-year warranty and a limitation on the maximum volume.

How to distinguish a “gray” iPhone from a “white” one

Naturally, the store won’t let you unpack your iPhone, but the box itself will help you easily distinguish a “white” iPhone from one imported from abroad. The description of the smartphone (on the bottom of the package) must be in Russian, at the end of the model identifier there must be the mark “RR”, “RS” or “RU”.

For example, the model identifier of an iPhone that was produced for the US market will end with the letters LL (or LL/A), “British” – B (B/A), an Apple smartphone from Poland – PM (PM/A), from Hong Kong – etc.

Photo of the “white” iPhone settings:

Screenshot of the “gray” iPhone settings from Poland:

Counterfeiting all these insignia or using packaging from another smartphone is quite difficult and not very profitable in terms of potential profit, so these signs can be considered sufficient to determine the “whiteness” of an iPhone.

If you are agreeing to purchase an iPhone second-hand, but do not want to purchase a “gray” gadget, then also start checking it by matching the information on the box and on the smartphone itself.

The serial number, IMEI and model must be identical in the device settings ( SettingsBasicAbout this device) and on the box.

We talked in more detail about checking iPhone online in.


If you need a clearly “white” iPhone, then buy only in large retail chains and official reseller stores: Svyaznoy, M.video, re:Store, on the Apple website, etc. This iPhone has "RR", "RS" or "RU" at the end of its model ID, which can be found in iOS settings or on the back of the packaging.


Gray iPhone really helps you save money in case of concluding a transaction with a reputable seller, which does not hide the origin of the device, did not activate it and did not replace accessories, packaging, or sales receipt. Otherwise, 10-25% savings may result in undesirable consequences, loss of time, nerves and money.

No sooner had the Galaxy S8 come out than Rostest and Eurotest devices could already be found on the market. Ordinary users do not see much of a difference, but are more inclined to buy Rostest devices, believing that the S8 “Eurotest” is an illegally distributed mobile device. Is it really?

Rostest or “white” Galaxy S8

Why are PCTs sometimes called “white” devices? No, this has nothing to do with the color of the case. The thing is that legally certified devices are completely “white” before the law and are imported in compliance with all Russian laws - all necessary taxes, fees, and duties have been paid. Special tests were carried out in laboratories.

Thus, the PCT is a mark that is assigned to every mobile device that comes onto the market legally.

By the way, recently the Russian certification mark (PCT) was replaced by the technical certification mark of the customs union (EAC), which includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. Essentially, PCT and EAC are the same thing. Only EAC is a more modern sign of address - on boxes with official Galaxy S8 for Russia you will see it.

Devices are imported either by Samsung itself or by legal distributors. When buying a Rostest smartphone, you can be sure of the originality of the S8, and that if it breaks down you can take it to any Russian service center.

That is, even if you live in Samara, but your phone is broken in St. Petersburg, your device will be repaired in St. Petersburg. Rostest always has the necessary certificate of conformity, without which smartphones may not go on sale in large stores.

"Gray" or European Galaxy S8

Let’s immediately dispel all the popular doubts regarding the fact that supposedly “such smartphones are under no circumstances worth buying due to their low quality.” Naturally, the concept of “Eurotest” does not mean “low-quality device”. In most cases, there are no complaints about quality. But the fact is that such smartphones always enter the domestic market illegally or “gray” (hence the second name).

And in reality there is no term Eurotest. There are sellers who managed to import smartphones into Russia through cunning manipulations. But no one wants to sell the Galaxy S8, telling all potential buyers that they were imported illegally, for example, from America. Therefore, the word “Eurotest” was coined, which inspires confidence.

Most sellers provide their own warranty - do not confuse it with the Samsung warranty. You will not be able to take Eurotest Galaxy S8 to official service centers. The warranty period depends on the seller himself. Well, in some cases, nothing good can be said about the quality of repairs either.

Are there major differences between the “gray” and “white” Galaxy S8?

If you buy a smartphone from a well-known mobile phone store, you can forget about any worries. Galaxy S8 arrives in the largest stores with the “Rostest” sign. Large companies will not risk their reputation by selling so-called “illegal devices.” Because for such sales they can receive a fine of several million rubles.

If everything on the box of your Samsung S8 is written in foreign English, including instructions, it is 100% European certified. When legally importing devices into the Russian Federation, the South Korean company always Russifies the instructions, labels on the boxes, etc.

In terms of quality, you won't see any difference. Smartphones are produced at the same Samsung plant (), where production quality is carefully monitored. The only difference is the warranty service and...

There is one more significant difference that you need to be aware of - the first activation and the first call from the Eurotest Samsung Galaxy S8 must be made only with the “native” SIM card. The conversation should last at least 5 minutes.

Now we will explain in more detail. Let's say they brought you a smartphone from Germany. So, in order for it to work with Russian SIM cards, from the very beginning you must insert a SIM card from a German mobile operator and make a call using it. Then you can use any SIM.

These are the regional restrictions that exist for the Galaxy S8 Eurotest. Yes, they can be removed quite simply (you only need a local SIM card) and most often the seller himself does this, but you need to remember this.

Updated! According to users, a “tourist SIM card”, which can also be bought in the Russian Federation (for example, Goodline), is quite suitable for solving this problem. We insert it into the smartphone and call the technical support line of the telecom operator - we communicate within 5 minutes. That's it, the regional blocking has been lifted!

Which Galaxy S8 to choose - Rostest or Eurotest?

One of the advantages of Eurotest is the lower price of smartphones. And the difference in cost can be noticeable - at least 5-10 thousand rubles. Therefore, if the warranty is not a particularly important aspect for you, take the Galaxy S8, which entered the domestic market illegally (just check with the seller about the issue of regional blocking - when purchasing, insert your SIM card and make a test call).

But, keep in mind that in the event of a breakdown, all your savings on buying a smartphone will disappear, because you will have to give your money for its repair. The Samsung Rostest service center repairs smartphones completely free of charge, unless, of course, you yourself are to blame for its breakdown.

P.S. What certification will you buy? Write your opinions and questions in the comments!