Anonymizer but block. List of the best free anonymizers

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. You probably know that any of your actions on the network (website pages viewed, files downloaded, videos watched) can be tracked, and from completely different places (by contacting your Internet provider, rummaging through your computer, or searching in the logs of the sites you visited ). Anonymity on the Internet exists only if you don’t start “digging deep.”

There are some solutions to the “leaving trace problem” that we have already covered. For example, you can and then no traces of your visits will be saved on your computer. Or, for example, when blocking access to some sites (for example, to log into Contact or Odnoklassniki from a work computer).

But there is a much more comprehensive solution - this is the so-called TOR. Essentially, this is software that, with a very high degree of probability, allows you to hide from prying eyes everything that you do and have done on the Internet. It’s precisely on the basis of this technology that it works Tor Browser, which will be discussed today. Essentially, it wraps complex technology in the shell of a normal-looking browser, accessible to any Internet user, which everyone can use. But its filling is unusual...

What is TOR?

I don’t want to overload you with technical terms and concepts that, by and large, will be superfluous. I’ll just literally outline in a nutshell (on my fingers) the principle of operation of the Tor technology and the Tor Browser built on its basis. This knowledge will allow you to understand what to expect from this software, what strengths and weaknesses it has, so that you can consciously use it for your needs.

So, initially all this was brewed in one of the US military departments. History is silent about why they needed this, but at the beginning of the 2000s, the beginnings of Thor technology were completely unexpectedly made available to the public. Moreover, the source codes were open and this software became freely distributed. What does it mean? And how much can you trust such a “gift”?

The question is fair, but you can trust it precisely because the code of this technology is open. The fact is that since then (over a decade and a half) these program codes have been studied (and made changes) by hundreds, if not thousands of people who understand this, and no “bookmarks” or “secret doors” have been found. Where it's about safety(in our case, transfer and storage of information), it is better to work with open source software (software).

By the way, this is why when choosing n, but for . They simply belong to the category of free software and their code has been checked by thousands of competent specialists. It’s somehow calmer, because I store a lot of passwords for services tied to money and losing them would be very expensive.

So, TOP technology allows you to access websites and download something from the network without leaving any traces behind. That is, when you open, for example, a website through the Tor Browser, it will be impossible to track the IP address of your computer on this website (and therefore to identify you). Even your Internet provider will not understand (even if you want) that you visited this site (and it will be impossible to prove it). Well, the browser itself will not store all traces of your wanderings on the Internet.

Wonderful, isn't it? I understand that in this way people can cover up their dark affairs. Not without this, of course. But the general idea of ​​Thor is still bright - to provide the Internet user with real freedom in the form of complete anonymity. For example, in some countries access to certain resources may be blocked without justification, but Tor Browser will allow you to bypass these obstacles and not be punished for this violation, because they will not know that you did it (or will not prove it). But that's not the point...

How TOR works? This is called onion routing. Look. There is a network of nodes owned by adherents of this technology. Three arbitrary nodes are used to transmit data. But which ones? And this is precisely what no one knows.

The Tor browser sends a packet to the first node, and it contains the encrypted address of the second node. The first node knows the key for the encryption and, having learned the address of the second, forwards the packet there (it’s like removing the first layer of an onion). The second node, having received the packet, has a key to decrypt the address of the third node (another layer has been removed from the onion). Thus, from the outside it is not possible to understand which site you ended up opening in your Tor Browser window.

But please note that only the path is encrypted(routing), and the contents of the packets themselves are not encrypted. Therefore, to transmit secret data, it would be better to first encrypt it (at least in the TruCrypt mentioned above), since the possibility of intercepting it (for example, using sniffers) exists.

In addition, this technology there are a few more disadvantages(or features):

  1. Your ISP (or anyone else who monitors your traffic) may realize that you are using Tor. He won't know what you're watching or doing online, but sometimes the mere fact of knowing you're hiding something can have consequences. Take this into account and, if possible, study ways to enhance camouflage (and they exist), if this is critical for you.
  2. The TOR network does not use special high-speed equipment, but, in fact, ordinary computers. This brings up another drawback - speed the transmission of information in this secret network can vary significantly and sometimes it is clearly not enough for, for example, viewing media content.

Where can I download the official Russian version of Tor Browser?

On this blog I have already published an article on that. The Torah was also mentioned there. Naturally, it is better and safer to download any product from the developers’ website, i.e. the official one (I think you know). The Tor Browser download page is located at this address (I repeat once again that for security reasons it is better to download from the official website):

Please note that before clicking on the download button, you must select a language. The default is English, but you can select a dozen more options from the drop-down list, including fully localized Russian version. This is how it will work more pleasantly when the interface language is native.

Although, during installation you will again be asked about your preferred interface language and you can also select Russian there. Otherwise, the installation process is no different from installing any other browser.

However, when you first launch you will be asked if you need to make additional settings to connect to the TOR network. In the vast majority of cases, it will be enough to simply click on the “Connect” button:

It will take some time for the browser to successfully connect to the Tor network:

After this, a window will open in a browser that looks normal at first glance, but works with the Internet by creating encrypted tunnels (analogues).

However, the developers themselves emphasize that Thor is not a panacea(at least with default settings). Therefore, those who are paranoid about absolute anonymity are advised to follow the link for clarification on this matter.

How to use the Tor browser?

When you first load the browser, you are immediately prompted use anonymizer to search at Actually, it is this service that will be used as “ ” in this browser (you can change this in the settings), i.e. when entering a request in newly opened browser tabs or when entering it through the address bar in any tab, the anonymizer will open with search results.

The search is actually carried out by Google (you can select from the settings in the top panel of the service - see the screenshot below), but no traces of who exactly conducted the search remain (remember, I wrote about the fact that, but in fact, nothing can be permanently deleted , so those who are concerned about anonymity need to remember this).

Don't forget also select search language(in the top panel of the window on the right), because thanks to the anonymizer, Google will not be able to recognize your preferred language automatically. Although, by choosing, for example, Russian, you to some extent lift the veil of secrecy about your incognito for this search engine. But here you need to make a compromise - either convenience or paranoia.

Yes, the Tor browser will also warn you when you first click on the link that it is better to load pages in English, to avoid, so to speak.

Personally, I chose the “No” option, because convenience is more important to me, and I don’t speak any other languages ​​besides Russian. Alas and ah.

By the way, you can check it yourself that you have indeed been “encrypted”. To do this, it will be enough to go to the site from any other browser, and then do the same from under Thor. As you can see, TOR replaces (I became a sultry Norwegian) and this is only a small part of protecting your anonymity.

By the way, if you click on the onion to the left of the address bar, you will be able to see the same chain of three nodes (proxy) that separates your computer from the site you are visiting (I wrote about onion routing just above):

If desired, this chain of nodes can be changed. You can also change your “browser-created personality” if you don’t like the current one. However, this will close all open tabs in Tor and it will be automatically reloaded.

Here you can also access security settings:

By default, all privacy settings (anonymity are enabled), but the security level is at the lowest level due to the fact that only in this case you all functions of this browser will be available. If you set the security settings of the Tor browser to “high”, a whole bunch of browser functions will be available only after you force them to be activated (i.e., everything is disabled by default). For me this is overkill, so I left everything as it was, but you can choose something in the middle (compromise).

Otherwise Tor Browser is similar to Mozilla Firefox, because it is essentially assembled on its basis. This will be clearly visible when you go to settings (by clicking on the button with three horizontal lines in the upper right corner):

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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If you have Classmates blocked the site at work and instead a message appears stating that the page was not found or access to the requested resource is limited, although other options are possible, then you should not worry too much about this. Firstly, at work you need to work, and not climb around. 🙂 And secondly, if you still have a free minute to check what your friends are writing to you on your classmates, now let’s try to get around this limitation and solve this problem. Moreover, it is completely free, just like with .

How to unblock classmates at work

If you know exactly what you blocked access to classmates at work, then first you need to find out how they did it. Let's go from simple to complex. First of all, check if everything is in order in the file hosts. It is written about what it is and how to check it. If everything is fine with him, then most likely more complex protection has been installed, it won’t be possible to unblock it so easily and it’s time to make friends with the system administrator, he is the one classmates at work blocked your site. If this is not possible, then move on to the next point.

Login to classmates at work

By the way, now many people are complaining that classmates disconnected at work, but there is a solution to this problem and it is quite simple. You can manually enter a name in the browser and log in through it, but this is a long and murky story; few people want to bother with this, especially at work. It is much easier to use ready-made anonymizer for logging into Odnoklassniki. This is a specialized service that hides your real location and also changes them to your own, so you will access the site, for example, from Guatemala. That's the service itself.

As you can see, you can get to the Odnoklassniki website even if it is blocked at work. A similar method can be used for the website

Hello dear site visitors. Today I want to continue the topic of the secretive Internet. This article will talk about anonymizers. You will learn, what are anonymizers and how they work, let's look at an example of how to hide the current login session on a website.

Anonymizer is a tool for hiding data about you and your computer. No one except the provider will know that it was you who visited this or that site, since the IP address is hidden. Anonymizers also allow you to access blocked resources, such as a root tracker.

There have been cases when a user could not log into some resource, for example, the social network VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, or others. There is a possibility that the site is simply temporarily unavailable, but if this happens for several hours, most likely access to your IP for the site has been blocked. Then you can use anonymizers that change IP.

What types of anonymizers are there and how do they work?

Everyone knows that every computer in the world has a unique address by which it can be identified, this is an IP address. The server to which your PC accesses can know not only the IP, but also the provider that provides you with services, telephone numbers and the city from which the access is made. Sometimes this information is extracted from, or other sources.

If yours somehow ended up on the blacklist, then it will be blocked for many resources.

The doctorsmm website has a profitable offer for purchasing views on the YouTube channel. The service offers not only cheap prices, but also personal conditions for adding a resource. For example, you can independently determine the rate of material receipt.

The blocking can be bypassed using anonymizers or services, but these should be temporary solutions; it is better to immediately begin to eradicate the problem. Usually reinstalling the system solves everything, or change the IP address of the computer.

Anonymizers allow you to replace the IP address with another one, which can be located in any country, so the north receives calls from the false address, which is to our advantage.

If you want to go to any blocked resource or visit a social network, but access to it is limited, then you can use the following anonymizers.

Using anonymizers via the Internet

In a search engine, you can enter the word “anonymizer” and select any of the provided services, for example, Chameleon.

In the address bar you must enter the site you want to enter. Below are recommendations, for example, VK, Odnoklassniki and other social networks. Having tried to log into, I was disappointed because nothing worked. Most often you can only go to social media. networks or other sites.

The advantages of such online services are that they are free. To access any resource you want, use the Tor browser.

Using anonymizer programs

In addition to services, there is also software. You will have to pay for some programs. In principle, it performs all the same functions as the online version, so the choice is yours.

As an anonymizer for programs, I can suggest the same Tor browser. Although it is free, it does its job better than online anonymizers. You can also use the MultiProxy and Anonymity 4 Proxy utilities.

Examples of using anonymizers

We found out what anonymizers are and how they work. In most cases, they provide access to social networks. Let's look at an example of how it all looks.

If you are sitting at school, office or in a place where the necessary sites are blocked for you, anonymizers are at your service. Let's go to Chameleon, and enter the address of the social network, for example, Vknontakte.

In the address bar, instead of a normal address, you can see some set of letters and numbers. That's how it should be. Now enter your account information and rejoice.

The anonymizer for classmates is still the same Chameleon. Does the same thing as in VK. It changes your IP and other details so you can login.

To access all known social networks, including Youtube, you can use the service Spools Anonymizer. Now blocking is not a problem for us. True, this service is now blocked by Roskomnadzor, but the website says that this issue is being resolved.

A couple more anonymizers

To access other sites, including social networks, you can use other anonymizers. I'll just list them below:


The rest of the anonymizers I studied were blocked. True, I have not yet tried whether it is possible to access a blocked anonymizer using an anonymizer.

Rating: 4.1 out of 5
Votes: 11

On July 30, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law prohibiting in Russia the use of technologies for accessing blocked sites, that is, anonymizers and VPNs (Federal Law of July 29, 2017 No. 276-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Information, Information technologies and information protection“) In other words, anonymizers and VPN services are prohibited from providing access to sites blocked in Russia by a court decision or Roskomnadzor.

Chameleon( - a free anonymizer, a service for visiting blocked sites VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc. Very often, Internet users have problems accessing popular sites. The causes of problems vary, from sites being blocked by viruses through a file, to access to entertainment sites being disabled in offices. To bypass all these restrictions, you can use a special service - Chameleon. In order to access any site through an anonymizer, just enter the site address and press the GO button. For greater user convenience, Chameleon offers a quick links option. To go to the desired site, you just need to click on the link with its name. The service's quick links include the following sites:,,, and

What is an anonymizer? This is a special service (site) that allows you to anonymously visit any site. The connection to the desired site is not carried out directly, but through an anonymizer. In this case, from the point of view of the virus or the administrator, you are not viewing VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, but the anonymizer’s website.

Below you can watch a video about how to use these services (using the Chameleon site as an example), what they are, and how to find them on the Internet.

Review address:

Comments and reviews: 25

1. Oleg 15.05.2011
Anonymizers are sometimes very helpful, but I still wouldn’t take their use so lightly. All data you receive through anonymirez goes through it. And these are your passwords and personal correspondence, etc. Who creates them and why is the question.

2. Dmitry 23.05.2011
Administrators are not fools; when looking at logs of sites visited, they will quickly notice that the same site is visited frequently. Having visited the site, the administrator quickly figures out what it is and why they use it. So you won’t be able to use the same anonymizer for a long time. But the good news is that there are many such services.
As for viruses, many of them, in addition to blocking VKontakte, also block some popular anonymizers.

3. Tftyana Kochergina 02.06.2011
I was hacked and I have a lot of personal information there, please send me the password so that I can go there again! Thank you in advance!!!

There, there... not very informative.
If you have been hacked, use the password recovery system that is available on any normal website. In any case, only the support service of the service you are using will help you restore access.

5. Svetlana 04.08.2011
I also sometimes use such anonymizers at work, but after using them I often can’t log into my page; it shows that my profile is temporarily blocked! Now I am tormented by the question, can my page be hacked after visiting through an anonymizer?

If you use normal Anonymizers there will be no problems. But do not forget that all your personal data is transmitted through Anonymizer, so you should not abuse it.

but after them I often can’t access my page; it shows that my profile is temporarily blocked!

Did you happen to download anything to your computer before?

6. Lyudmila Shirnina 07.08.2011
I can't access the page

Which page of anonymizer?

7.melani 30.08.2011
Tell me, I wanted to add photos to Odnoklassniki, but I can’t, what should I do?

8. Elizabeth 31.08.2011
What to do if the "Filter Avoidance" web category is blocked? how to get in touch now???? =)

9. Katerina 04.09.2011
Please give me a list of various working anonymizers for entering the site, since chameleon was blocked a few days ago.

I really suspect that many of them are not working. Check

Alternatively, you can try a good, time-tested anonymizer
True, he is very famous and many straightforward admins know about him.

11. Sveta 14.10.2011
After Chamelenon, when you log in “in the usual way” to contacts and classmates, a window appears asking you to indicate the phone number to which an SMS code will be sent (megaphone is not supported). What to do? How to disable?

12. SolodovNik 14.10.2011
A couple of days ago I tried to log into VKontakte through the Chameleon anonymizer ( and saw the following message:

"You are trying to log in as *** from an unusual location.

To confirm that you are indeed the owner of the page, please provide the last 4 digits of the phone number to which the page is linked."

Then I tried to log in directly through the site, I logged in normally. I actually have a phone number linked to my account.

Sveta, most likely your number is not linked and the contact is asking for it as protection. After all, in order to cover up their backside, hackers are trying to act through all sorts of proxy servers and anonymizers. You just need to link your number, it's free.

Although of course the logic of VKontakte is strange. You never know where the user can come from, it’s his business. Apparently the contact is able to determine that they came from an anonymizer, and not just from another computer, and he doesn’t like it.

13. Inga 21.10.2011
I can’t open classmates with photos on the page

15. Olya 13.11.2011
I can’t send photos to VKontakte. They won’t load, please tell me what to do?

16. rus 36 13.11.2011
After using Chameleon, it is better to change the password right away... why? This is already clear, free cheese only.

17. Mikhail 29.01.2012
The protection doesn’t even allow the chameleon(((what should I do?? I tried other programs, it doesn’t work...
Access is denied.
Setting up access control does not allow you to fulfill your request.
-that's what he writes...

Chameleon is a very famous anomizer. Administrators know about it. The solution is to use lesser-known services (at your own peril and risk), or use paid services on the “Access Is” website.

18. Denis 22.02.2012
I can’t listen to music from a contact, it won’t play, tell me what to do

You cannot watch videos or listen to online radio or music through the anonymizer. It loads the page, but does not broadcast its media content, since it simply cannot cope with such a volume of traffic.

19. Valeria 25.02.2012
I can’t log into my contacts and classmates as soon as I start entering my login a sign pops up
Account Validation
Enter your phone number.
Phone number: +7

Your phone number is needed so that we can send you a confirmation code and make sure that you are a real person!

VKontakte guarantees that information about your number will under no circumstances be disclosed or transferred to third parties. This measure was taken in order to protect users from automated spam bots.

Having access to the specified number, you can always recover the password to your page.

The service is not available to Megafon subscribers in some regions.
What should I do

1. Make sure that you are offered to enter the number on the VKontakte website, and not on a similar one.
2. Link your phone number to the profile, there are no other options.

20. Byafya 02.07.2012
Tell me how to disable the aninomizer on your phone, otherwise it’s eating up a lot of money

Here we describe a site that provides anonymizer services absolutely free.

Apparently you used some kind of service that charges money for its service (subscription to a service via SMS). Find the user agreement on the site whose services you used (usually in small, inconspicuous font at the bottom) and read it carefully, everything should be written there.

Never list your mobile phone numbers on websites offering services. 99% that you will be signed up for a paid service.

21. Karina 15.08.2012
I can bet. You can leave your phone number. As soon as you receive the code, enter it where necessary and that’s it. Then we call the operator and tell them to turn off the “short number” service.

22. Roman 20.09.2012
Anonymizers are both useful and safe. The second, of course, does not apply to all anonymizers, but only to those that you install yourself on your own hosts. For example, I did exactly this - I installed an anonymizer on my website and calmly use it.

Not everyone, not everyone, has knowledge of how servers and server scripts work. For many people, a regular line in the hosts file containing the command “” is an insurmountable barrier to accessing the VKontakte website.

23. Yayaya 22.09.2014
all these anonymizers are bullshit, they won’t let you into any of them

24. Vlad 18.03.2016
Who knows for 100% - Gebnya can figure out the user if he uses the chameleon cameleo.RU?43

Answer: - Terms of use of the service

The rules are very simple:
The service is NOT intended for:
- DoS attack
- Hacking sites
- Publishing messages that defame others
as well as for any other activity that violates:
- Laws of the Russian Federation
- Rules of the site you are viewing

If these rules are violated, we reserve the right to disclose information about the violator at the request of law enforcement agencies or the injured party.
By using this service, you agree to comply with these rules.

25. Alexey 14.09.2016
I went to Diaccess today and saw the following message:
Resource is blocked
Sorry, but requested content was blocked.

I don’t understand why he was blocked? This is not a torrent site or a political portal. Just a harmless service that sometimes helped a lot.

Although the Internet is usually called global, there may be restrictions on access to various resources.

For example, some sites may not be available in certain countries. Most often, the reason for such restrictions is external or internal censorship. Fortunately, such restrictions are very easy to get around.

The easiest and safest way to do this is to use the best online anonymizer. The most popular online anonymizers on the Runet are, 2ip, Chameleon and some others.

Today we would like to present to your attention ten anonymizer sites that you have most likely never encountered before.

Online anonymizer – Hide My Ass

Anonymizer – Anonymouse


A simple and convenient anonymizer with support for the HTTPS protocol. You can view blocked sites either through the standard web interface or using a special client, which can be downloaded on the official Kproxy website.

Anonymizer for websites – Ninja Cloak

Another simple resource for gaining access to various blocked resources. The name of the anonymizer translates as ninja cloak. CGI proxy technology is used to access blocked sites.


A good anonymizer with support for choosing an IP address. The service can determine the current IP address and location of the user. The load on the server on which the anonymizer program is located is also displayed. It is possible to create a paid account.


A good commercial anonymizer with additional features. Proxify supports hiding the IP address, ensuring anonymity of Internet surfing, dynamically changing IP addresses, and web content filtering.


A simple free anonymizer that can provide access to various sites, services and social networks.


An original and functional anonymizer. More precisely, Webevader is a whole catalog of proxy servers from different countries. Currently, there are 986 proxy sites in the database of this resource. Additionally, Webevader supports determining the user's IP address, country and host.


A simple anonymizer with a minimalistic design for unblocking sites. Additionally, simple proxy settings are supported.

Change IP Country (CIPC)

Another very good anonymizer with support for selecting a country and IP address. When using an American proxy, you can also specify the state.

Bottom line

Why did we actually provide this list? The fact is that sometimes system administrators blacklist not only the addresses of censored sites, but also the addresses of the anonymizers themselves.

At the same time, as a rule, the most popular Russian-language anonymizers are included in this list.

So if you suddenly discover that the anonymizer that you have always used has suddenly been blocked or simply stopped working, do not be discouraged - there are a lot of similar resources on the network and, if you wish, you will always find among them one that will provide the fastest access to what you need website.