Keyword density analysis. Rules for the frequency of keywords in the text. How to achieve optimal density? Some tips

Service checking keyword density very useful for web masters to find the optimal frequency of keywords. This SEO tool scans the suggested URLs, extracts and checks the density of keywords just like a search engine would do. You will receive a table of keyword density in percentages, as well as keyword frequency cloud. To fully comply with search engine behavior, common stop words will be removed (as they are usually ignored by search engines).

Please note that the results are www. and without www. may vary significantly.

This is the percentage of keywords in the text of a web page. It is very important that your top keywords have the necessary density (frequency) for better search engine rankings. Keyword Density is very important because search engines use this information to group sites by topic. Ideal keyword frequency will help you rank higher in search engines.

Keyword frequency must be properly balanced. Too little keyword density will not help you get good rankings in search engines. Too much keyword density can cause search engines to flag your page as spammy. Properly selected keyword density will help you in optimizing and promoting sites.

Keyword cloud This is a visual representation of the keywords used on a website. The higher the keyword density, the larger the font size. Ideally, the most important keywords should appear at the beginning of the keyword cloud in a large font.

You can discuss the work of this service on our SEO Forum in the topic.
Your comments and suggestions will definitely be taken into account.

Website content analysis- a tool for checking page information for quality for search engine optimization purposes. To promote a resource in search engines, you should control many parameters that are important to search engines: meta tags, stop words, keyword density, etc. With the help of analysis, the webmaster sees the content the way search engines do. The main goal of the analysis is text optimization of resource pages that can be displayed in the TOP search results.

What information can I get?

People visit the site to get useful information. This means that the effectiveness of the site is affected by its content. Therefore, search engines pay special attention to content, and if you ignore some parameters, the popularity of the site decreases when ranking.

Analysis of the site page shows the following parameters:

    Content Information

    Meta Tag Information
    and page tags

    Server response

    Clear text
    and text in html

    Semantic analysis

and more than 20 page indicators

Text analysis of a website is an important tool for increasing website traffic.

How to apply the obtained data in practice?

Take the addresses of your competitors' pages from the search results for the main key queries. Then, after analyzing the competitor’s website, you can determine the strengths and weaknesses of the content, and understand what needs to be done to increase popularity in ranking by Yandex and Google systems. Analysis of page nausea allows you to understand whether the text is overloaded with keywords. Search engines lower the rankings of such pages because they are spammy and unsuitable for users. Do the same with your website and compare the results.

One of the most important indicators is the relevance of pages, which demonstrates how well the information contained reveals the search query specified by a person.

Some tips for practical application of the results:

    Does the tag contain
    Title keywords?

    Does the first one contain
    paragraph main key

    Does the H1 tag contain
    key query?

    Are they evenly distributed?
    keywords in the text?

    Are there words
    your topic?

    Is it enough
    volume of text?

This review presents online services for checking the density of keywords on a page. This indicator needs to be checked to make sure: the text is not spammed with keywords and the density of the necessary words on the page will allow the site to be in the TOP of search engines.

In general, the keyword density should not exceed 5%, but in a number of topics it can be higher.

Free online services for checking keyword density

  1. is a good service for analyzing content on a website. When calculating density, he may make small errors due to the fact that he does not know some words and considers their word forms to be different words. The service itself downloads the text from the specified URL, which is very convenient. In our opinion, it produces the most correct result for SEO specialists.
  2. – the most complete content analysis: it checks the density of words not only in the text, but also in meta tags. Also checks the title for relevance to the text on the page. Loads text from the specified URL automatically. Unlike the service, it calculates density without taking into account stop words, which is why the density indicator is slightly higher than when taking stop words into account. How to calculate the density of keywords on a site - taking into account stop words or not - each SEO decides for himself.
  3. - on this service you can check the density of keywords, but the text has to be added manually (copied from the site). It is not comfortable. The advantage of the service is that it checks the text for grammatical errors.
  4. – checks the density of keys, not only words, but also popular phrases that appear in the text. The service allows you to set additional settings - this is a plus, but for beginners it may be difficult to understand the scan parameters - this is a minus. The service can download text from the specified URL.
  5. – the service calculates the density of each word form (for example, the word forms work and work are understood by the service as 2 different words and the density is calculated separately for each). In our opinion, calculating density using this algorithm is not entirely correct.
  6. – the service shows the density of words without taking into account word forms and sometimes counts strange combinations as words (for example, two words “July 2014” were counted as one). Using the service for SEO purposes is difficult.
  7. - quite detailed analysis of key density. After entering the site url, it shows all the data in the form of a table, which displays the presence of words in the most important tags (Title, description, keywords, H1, H2, B, I, A and ALT). Disadvantages of the service: different word forms are considered as different words, stop words are not taken into account.
  8. - the service allows you to check the main parameters of the site (TCI, PR and a number of others) and, among other things, calculates the number of words in the text, the number of unique words and density, but the last parameter is considered “tricky”: it is taken the ratio of the number of occurrences of a word to the number of lemmas that appear in the text. In our opinion, this calculation method overestimates the density indicator.

Programs for word density analysis

In addition to online services for analyzing content on a website, there are programs that perform similar functions. The most famous of them are:

  • Semonitor is a powerful program for solving SEO problems. This program has an html analyzer, which allows you to check the density of keywords on the pages of the site. The program is paid, the price depends on the version and number of components. The demo version can be downloaded from
  • CS Yazzle - the program allows you to collect external links to the site, analyze the level of competition for queries and perform a number of other functions, including checking the frequency of words on the page. The program is paid, you can download it from the website

We have described the most popular services for checking keyword density. The formulas for calculating density differ among different services, as do the results obtained. What method to use to calculate density, whether to take into account stop words or not, to count the density of each word form separately or not - each SEO specialist must decide for himself.

Recently, many website owners have been caught for over-optimizing texts, that is, for having too many keywords on the pages. Some increased the key density on purpose, others out of ignorance. And below you will learn about the optimal occurrence of keywords in the text, how to calculate it in order to prevent the site from falling under the filter.

What is key density?

Keyword density is nothing more than the percentage of their occurrence in the text. To make it clearer, we recommend considering the following example. For example, you wrote three hundred words and used the word “table” six times. So, the density of occurrence of a word in the text will be 2%, because 6 of the number 300 is 2%.

Typically, keyword density refers to the percentage of all words from a key phrase repeated in the text. To analyze their density and related nausea, many optimizers use the service from Advego. And below we will give as an example one of our articles, which was written quite a long time ago.

This service shows the optimal text nausea, namely 3-5%, academic 5-10% and much more. You can calculate the keyword density on a page as follows:

  • summarize the frequency of occurrence of each word from the key query;
  • define the primary key.

For example, this text is promoted by the query “optimal keyword density” (it is the main one). This phrase contains four main keywords: optimal, density, keywords and keywords. They are stop words, so they should not be taken into account separately.

The SEO analyzer from Advego will show you the frequency of repetition of the most used words, so it will be easy to calculate the density. So, let’s sum up 2.56+2.23. For example, the word “optimal” appears 10 times, so let’s add another 0.54. The total is approximately 5.5%. This will be the keyword density.

Optimal density of keywords

After receiving a certain value, you must understand how optimal it is. In the circles of advanced webmasters and optimizers, there is an opinion that the optimal density percentage is 5-7%. If the value is less, optimization is considered insufficient, and if it is more than 8%, it already resembles overspam.

It is worth understanding that the position of a site in search results does not greatly depend on the density of key phrases. It also happens that with a density of up to 3% the publication is still the same, but it also happens differently. Many webmasters publish articles with a fairly serious percentage of keyword density, and the pages of their sites also occupy high positions in the TOP.

Remember, the text should be natural. You cannot over-optimize a page, because search engine robots will immediately figure out which text will be useful for people and which simply contains many repetitions of the same key. The power of SEO promotion lies in quality text content written for people. This is the only way to make your publications unique, useful and diverse.

Nausea and tightness

It’s not for nothing that these parameters are defined in the same service. They are very similar to each other. Sometimes you can even say that nausea is the density of the keys. The only difference between them is that when analyzing nausea, other frequently repeated words that are not key words are also taken into account. Such words are always present in the text.

So, both indicators determine how well the text is written. There are also parameters such as literacy, water and uniqueness. They also play a role in. Some people believe that keyword density has no effect on search results. This is not entirely true. It may not have a significant effect, but for the reason that this is one of the parameters on which the quality of the text depends, it cannot but influence the position of the site in the search query results.

But the advice that you should bother too much with this parameter is really reasonable. For example, out of more than 500-600 texts that were written for another resource (including ours), we only checked for nausea. Now most of these texts are quietly ranked in the TOP.

The fact is that promotion in search engines is not so difficult. Today there is no need to sit and describe thousands of factors. The main thing that your article should provide is to be interesting for the reader and optimized for the main keywords.

Indirect influence of word density and nausea on positions

Today, the first positions are occupied by behavioral factors, almost everyone knows about it. Because people are the best way to determine how quality your content is. If out of a hundred visitors, even half did not read at least one paragraph, simply turned around and left, then you need to sound the alarm, because your texts are not interesting.

What does density have to do with it? It does not seem to have a significant effect on the appearance of the text, but this is only the case when this parameter is normal. If the percentage of keywords in an article is too high, it will be immediately noticeable.

Thus, after reading several paragraphs of text from one site, you can draw a certain conclusion. If you were interested in reading, you didn’t notice much repetition of the same words, most likely everything is fine.

But if already in the third paragraph you can see 4-5 key phrases, this shows that the text was written not for people, but for search robots. This tactic doesn’t work today, since search engines determine the quality of content by the reaction it evokes in people.

Gross mistake

The biggest mistake is overspam. As a result, the percentage of nausea will be over 10, and the density of the keys will be the same, and maybe more.

Here you have a deterioration in the behavioral factor, due to which pages may be lowered in search results or even sanctions will be imposed on your project if spam occurs on an ongoing basis.

Overspammed text has very little chance of being highly rated by users, since even a narrow-minded person will detect unnaturalness. In addition, reading such a text can cause indignation, because such frequent repetition of key words will lead to the fact that reading will not only not cause delight, but may also result in refusal to read.

Therefore, since spammy text is not of high quality, the user will not appreciate it. Some will simply close such a text, while others, overcoming themselves, will read it in order to obtain the necessary information.

But still

A significant number of webmasters are inclined to the idea of ​​not paying attention to keyword density and throwing all their energy into writing texts for people. We recommend following the golden mean, as this is the optimal solution.

The fact is that when writing only interesting articles without optimizing them, search traffic will be significantly less.

There are repeated cases when, after writing unique 50-60 of your own texts (targeting people), after a certain time the traffic remains at a meager level, although the publications themselves are excellent. This suggests that certain rules in optimization must be followed (selection of keys, optimization of meta tags, text).

What's the best way to proceed?

If you love SEO and are a perfectionist, then you can scrupulously check 300 parameters and delve into every text, but we do not recommend living and sleeping only with the thought of optimization, just as we do not recommend letting everything take its course.

Key density is a rather specific parameter. It may not be calculated or calculated at all. In any case, this will take about five seconds (when using the Advego service), and the resulting result will point you in the right direction and allow you to intelligently reduce the density of keys and make the text more readable.

Your own head and, of course, common sense will help you in this matter. You should re-read your own texts several times and if you find constantly repeated words or phrases of the same type, you can simply replace them. As a result, you will not only expand your vocabulary, but also improve the quality of your text writing, which is guaranteed to affect behavioral factors.

Experts recommend analyzing the written text and adhering to the following rules: academic nausea should be 5-10%, and word nausea should be 2-4%. If you clearly see that there are no problems and are completely confident in your text, you don’t have to carry out the analysis.

Very important! When promoting a site or its individual pages, many optimizers mention keyword density.

Below are all the ONLINE services that can be used to effectively check the density of phrases (keywords) on a page. This indicator should be checked to ensure that the text is not spammed with keywords. The density of phrases on the page will allow the web resource to get into the TOP of search engines.

In total, the keyword density indicator should not exceed 5% (however, in some topics it can be higher).

Free ONLINE density checking services include

  • - This is a very good service with which you can analyze the content on a web resource. When calculating density, he may make insignificant errors for the simple reason that he does not know some words and considers them word forms. The service can independently download the necessary text from the URL (which you must specify). Many experts consider this service to be the most suitable for producing the most correct results.
  • – the most complete content analysis: it checks the density of words not only in the text itself, but also in meta tags. In addition, it checks headings for relevance to all text on the page. Downloads text from the specified URL automatically. Unlike, it calculates the density level without taking into account stop words, which increases the indicator. How to calculate the density of keywords on a website - with or without stop words - is up to each SEO to decide for himself.
  • – deals with checking the density of keys, not only the words themselves, but also popular common phrases that are often found in the text. The service provides additional settings, but, as a rule, it is difficult for beginners to understand the parameters. The service is able to download text from the specified URL.
  • – demonstrates the density of words and does not take into account word forms, and sometimes counts strange combinations as words (for example, two words “July 2014” can be considered one). Using this service for SEO is quite difficult.
  • – the service calculates the density of each word form (for example, word forms such as work and works can be understood by the service as two completely different words, which will lead to density calculations separately).
  • - a fairly detailed analysis of keyword density. After entering the site url, it displays all the information in the form of a plate, displaying the presence of words in the most important tags (Title, keywords, description, H1, H2, B, I, A and ALT). But there are also disadvantages of the service. Different word forms will be considered different words.
  • - on this service you can check the density of keywords, but the text will have to be added manually, that is, copied from the site, which is not very convenient. An advantage of the service is that the process of checking content also looks for grammatical errors.

Programs for word density analysis

Today, in addition to online analysis services on the site, special programs have been developed that can perform the same functions.

The most famous and popular are:

  • – with the help of this program it is possible to collect external links to the site. At the same time, the level of competition for certain requests is carried out. You can also analyze the frequency of words on pages. This program is paid, it can be downloaded from the official website
  • – a powerful assistant for solving almost all SEO problems. The program is equipped with an html analyzer, which allows you to conduct research on the density of key occurrences on a resource page. It, like the previous one, is paid, in addition, the price depends on the number of components and version. A test demo version can be downloaded from

These are the most popular and effective services for checking the density of key occurrences on website pages. It should be noted that each program uses its own formulas to calculate density, so the final test result may differ.

Each SEO specialist must decide for himself which method should be used to check the density and presence of stop words.

Bottom line

When optimizing text for specific queries, it is necessary that the keyword density does not exceed 3-5 percent of the total volume. This value is based on many years of experience of many SEOs. Still, for maximum effect it is necessary to monitor.

If you have questions about this topic, you can leave them in the comments.

One of the most important factors in website ranking is keyword density. Keyword density (“nausea”) is the percentage of the number of keywords to the total number of words in the text. That is, if a search query is mentioned enough times in the content of a page, then that page is more relevant to that query than a page where the keyword appears once or not at all. In simple terms, if the phrase “stretch ceiling” is often mentioned on a page, then with a high degree of probability the page is talking specifically about stretch ceilings, and not about something else.
All of the above does not mean that by introducing a larger number of keywords into the text than our competitors, our site will occupy higher positions. Excessive use of keywords is called search spam, and for such actions, search engines have the right to impose penalties on the site in the form of a decrease in search results.
Let's try to figure out how to increase the relevance of the promoted page without falling under search engine filters.

What is the optimal keyword density on a page?

SEO specialists have been arguing for several years about the optimal keyword density on a promoted page. For a long time it was believed that 5-7% was the most advantageous option, later 2% was taken as the standard... But, alas, search engine algorithms are constantly changing and this indicator is not constant. Moreover, the percentage of keyword density can vary greatly in different niches and topics. In order to determine the required keyword density for a particular query, we recommend looking at the TOP sites in the search results and focusing on the indicators of the leaders.

You can check the keyword density on a single page using special SEO programs or online services. Let's look at some of them:— allows you to deeply analyze the content on the promoted page for “nausea”. The service calculates the density of keywords, the number of internal and external links, and the relevance of headings. approaches text analysis a little differently and allows you to calculate the overall “nausea” of a page - the words most often mentioned in the text are taken as a basis. In addition, the service has an additional tool that allows you to check the text for uniqueness.

In conclusion, we would like to recommend: when promoting your website, try to focus primarily on the end user, and not on search engine algorithms. Interesting, well-designed content will ultimately pay more dividends than low-quality texts riddled with a bunch of keywords written exclusively for search robots.

If you have any questions about website optimization, please contact us and Webdom specialists will advise you on promotion issues.