Aliexpress ali tools. AliExpress Tools from AliTrust is a service for confident shopping in China. ePN Cashback plugin

Shopping on the Internet is becoming an increasingly popular and profitable activity. At the moment, there are a huge number of online stores that provide users with the opportunity to profitably purchase any product. However, none of them can compare to a dedicated marketplace called Ali Express. It is a kind of intermediary between ordinary buyers from different countries and Chinese manufacturers, as well as wholesalers.

Features of the service and extension

Since Chinese goods are widely known for their low cost on the one hand, and relatively low quality on the other, consumers have an ambiguous attitude towards this portal.

Many people want to save money by purchasing products at bargain prices, which is especially beneficial given the free shipping, but only a limited number of consumers truly trust the quality of the product and the seller.

To change the current situation and help consumers choose the best sellers of goods, ali tools for the Yandex browser were created. This useful extension allows users to get full access to reviews from other buyers about the seller, as well as about the product they are planning to purchase.

The aliexpress tools extension for the Yandex browser provides users with the opportunity to evaluate the seller according to several important criteria at once:

  • Overall rating calculated relative to other indicators;
  • Positive and negative feedback from buyers who have already worked with the seller;
  • An indicator of the seller’s sociability and responsiveness;
  • Length of stay of the seller on the portal;
  • The parcel corresponds to the photo specified by the seller, as well as the actual delivery time.

Considering the popularity of this trading platform, it should not be surprising that such funds are very popular among users.

Installing the application

When planning to install AliTools for Yandex browser, which you can download on the application’s official website, you should know that this extension allows you to reduce the likelihood of an unsuccessful purchase to 10%. This figure is an absolute record, which makes the application indispensable. If the plugin suddenly doesn’t want to be installed, then what should you do in this case?

After the program is downloaded, it should be installed. To do this, in the window that pops up in the browser, you need to click Install, and then wait until the procedure is completed.

After a reboot, the extension will begin its work and will display detailed information about the products and sellers viewed on this platform, easing the user’s choice problem.

Video to help

In this article we will talk about the AliTools browser extension and how to use it.

Aliexpress, as always, continues to increase in popularity thanks to its products with low prices. Although not all buyers are satisfied, as it happens that sellers deceive, send defective goods or something completely different from what is needed.

A special browser extension called AliTools. It can be installed in all popular browsers.

How to download the AliTools Aliexpress extension for Yandex Browser, Google Chrome, Opera?

First of all, let's look at how to install the extension in various browsers using Yandex as an example.

  • Go to the official website AliTools
  • The system will automatically recognize your browser and offer to install the required extension.
  • Select "Installation" and agree to this action
  • A light bulb icon will appear at the top right
  • Click on it and you will be redirected to the shopping site

As for other browsers, installation is carried out in the same way. The whole operation is carried out exactly the same.

What capabilities does the AliTools plugin for Aliexpress have for checking the seller, the best price, reviews, and tracking parcels?

After installing the extension, you will have access to a special block with data about the seller and his activities. What will you see?

  • Overall rating for the entire period of work
  • Data on satisfied and upset customers
  • Level of sociability and ability to resolve issues
  • Working hours on the site
  • Delivery information and its accuracy

If you are making a purchase using AliTools, then the likelihood of falling into the hands of a scammer becomes significantly less.

AliTools for Aliexpress: how to use the program?

The program is very easy to use. When you go to Aliexpress, then a block with information will be displayed in the left corner. It can be configured the way you want. There are also various videos here if someone filmed them. In addition, you can choose a convenient currency.

There is also an option that shows how the price has changed recently. In this way, price gouging and false promotions can be calculated.

Hi all.

Many who make purchases on Aliexpress have noticed that sellers very often change the prices of their goods, both up and down. But how do you know if the price is optimal at the moment and whether you will buy a product at a higher price than it cost a month ago? I would like to recommend you the AliTools browser extension, which will help you track the dynamics of prices for goods that you once bought or want to buy. This extension is also useful for big sales that Aliexpress periodically organizes. Of course, many people know that Aliexpress sales, especially 11.11 which takes place every year, are a blatant deception of inexperienced buyers and there is no talk of any 75% discounts. But you can still get some discount.

AliTools will help you really save and show you the price of the product, which has changed over the course of several months. This way you can find out whether the seller is really making a discount or is blatantly deceiving. Using AliTools, you can see how much a product cost before, whether the price increased or decreased, or maybe remained unchanged all the time. AliTools shows price changes for absolutely any product.

All you need to do is go to the official website and install the extension for your browser. But there is one nuance that I will write about below.

Price dynamics are tracked only in $, so if your prices are set to rubles, you will still have to temporarily convert them to $. Of course, this is not very convenient, but alas, AliTools does not provide us with other currency options yet.

To begin with, I’ll show you a few products that I have already bought or want to buy and the actual work of AliTools.

When you install the extension in your browser, a small button appears in the right corner that adds an additional panel on Aliexpress, by clicking on which you can track the price dynamics of a given product, that is, track when and by how much the seller increased or decreased the price.

For example:

I want to buy this wallet. In order to see the price of this wallet, you need to click on the dollar icon. And we see a curve, the points on which reflect the price and the date when the price increased. Here we see that the lowest price for the wallet was on October 19th and it cost $2.85. Then the seller raised the price and again lowered it to the same price. Before the sale, of course, he raised it, but at the sale the wallet will cost less. 2.70 instead of 2.85. The benefit is as much as $0.15... yeah...

Unfortunately, the program does not show prices for example for a whole year. There is a certain period of time, on some products prices are shown only for October and November, on some only for November, and on some starting from August. I don't know how this system works.

The watch I want to buy on August 25th cost $7.99. By the way, I have been watching this watch for a very long time. Since the summer, the price has always been exactly the same. Next, we see that the price remained the same throughout the entire period; before the sale, the seller raised the price, but at the sale the watch will cost $6.39.

The price for a comb has not dropped below $4 since October 11. On sale it will cost $3.74. Of course the benefit is small, but it is there.

Watches I bought in the summer:

They cost $8.89 in September, I bought them for the same price in the summer, but on sale they will cost $8.18. The discount is very small, but still there)

Pillows I bought in the summer:

And here the seller cheated. We see that the price was the same all the time, before the sale the seller increased the price, and at the sale the pillows will cost the same as they always cost.

You can also quickly view the seller’s rating by clicking on the first tab.

The application is very easy to use. Everything is intuitive and simple.

AND NOW I WILL TELL ABOUT THE NUANCE. This nuance will be Terms of use , which is unlikely to be read by anyone before installation, but in vain. I decided to read it because I was alarmed by this message before installing the extension in the browser:

Why, one might ask, would a program that only works on Aliexpress get access to data? on ALL sites? I didn't install the app in the browser I always use (Google Chrome). And to begin with, I decided to study the official AliTools website.

On the site there is absolutely no information about the developer. No data, no addresses, no phone numbers. Only email for feedback.

And the agreement itself, by the way, is hidden in the “Support” button, although it should be directly accessible on the main page.

Naturally, the agreement also does not contain any data and the developer calls himself only “Developer”.

I was alarmed by some points in the agreement. Namely:

  • The developer has the right to use his program to do whatever he wants on other sites. For what?

  • That is, all guarantees that the developer gives in the agreement are automatically canceled. And this is the safety of your personal data (passwords, accounts, accounts) on all sites where you enter this data.

  • Is the developer not responsible? But what about the promise of the safety of all data? .. Well, yes, the developer does not give any guarantees.

  • Who these “other persons” are is not specified. And they can be the developers themselves, partners, or anyone else.

  • That is, “you provide us with all the data” and also bear responsibility for ensuring that you indicated everything correctly. By the way, by “Site” they mean absolutely any site. This is written at the beginning of the agreement.

  • This means that they wanted it, they added it to the program without notice, even if this would result in the loss of your data. Well, they have nothing to do with it. By clicking the button, you agreed to the agreement.

These are not the only dubious points. My main concern is WHY does the Aliexpress extension need access to ALL the data on other sites? This is suspicious. But there is a SOLUTION:

Install the extension in a browser you don't use. I installed the extension in the Opera browser. I don’t have a single password saved there, I don’t enter any data in this browser. You don’t even have to log into your Aliexpress account, but just view prices. BUT I won't I DO NOT RECOMMEND installing a mobile application! I think you can get by with just a browser extension.

I don’t know, maybe I’m too suspicious and interpret the clauses in the agreement incorrectly))) I’m not a lawyer. If you understand more about this, you can write something about this, I would be very interested to read)))

And so, in principle, I recommend the AliTools program. I hope the prices she shows are true. Otherwise, maybe these are all Aliexpress tricks to motivate people to buy more)))))))) It’s up to you to buy something or not at the 11.11 Aliexpress sale. Of course, there really are no such big discounts as Ali promises us. What kind of 75% can we talk about if many people have long known that sellers simply raise prices by this 75% before the sale and as a result the goods on 11.11 will cost the same as they cost 2 weeks ago, well, maybe you will save at best 1-10%, but not 75%. This extension will help you find out if there will be any savings on this sale.

In this review you can see more than 100 of my interesting purchases on Aliexpress. And also find a lot of useful information on how to buy on Aliexpress.

It will make your shopping calmer and help you decide on the best seller of the goods you are interested in. It is available for Chrome, Opera, Yandex Browser browsers and Android smartphones.

After installation, a small widget will be displayed directly on the product page, showing the level of trust, price dynamics and the number of video reviews. More detailed information for each indicator is displayed in the pop-up menu.

Seller rating

The main indicator of a seller's reliability is the rating. AliExpress calculates it based on the number of positive reviews over the entire period of the seller’s work, but this does not always allow one to determine his integrity.

Take, for example, the seller of this popular Bluetooth speaker. It has a 91% rating on AliTools. This is less than on AliExpress (98.7%), but still high enough to trust the seller. It has been in business for over two years, communicates well with customers and describes products in detail, and ships orders quickly. The number of dissatisfied customers is only 3% of the total. You can do business with such a store.

However, do not rush to order the product right away. There are a few more important points.

Price dynamics

Very often there are various promotions on AliExpress. Sellers also like to drum up interest in their products through discounts. Unfortunately, not all traders are honest; they often play on our psychology. They set inflated prices for a time, and then reduce them to the usual level, passing it off as a discount. The AliTools “Price Dynamics” section will help you understand that the seller is dishonest.

The color and direction of the arrow next to the dollar sign shows whether the product is currently becoming more expensive or cheaper. The extended menu displays a detailed graph of price changes over the last three months. Moreover, here you can add the product to your favorites. Then you will receive a notification when the price decreases.

Using the example of the same speaker seller, we can easily determine the nature of the current discount and understand that it is artificial. The seller raised the price to $49.99 for one day, and then held a “promotion”, bringing the price back to 39.99.

AliExpress doesn’t remember this, but AliTools remembers it well. By the way, with the help of the extension we can find out that real discounts still exist, so it makes sense to wait. And in order not to miss a great offer, you just need to add the product to your favorites by clicking the “Watch price” button.

Video reviews

Popular products almost always have reviews. This is what happened with the column from our example: the AliTools extension found two Russian-language reviews with 4,600 and 3,300 views (this is also a kind of popularity indicator).

The video can be viewed directly in the widget in which the playlist will appear. There's even sorting by date and popularity of reviews, which will save you time when choosing products with a lot of reviews.

Android app

For those who prefer to select products from a smartphone or tablet, AliTools has an Android application. It has the same functionality as the extension, but works a little differently.


The usefulness of AliTools is obvious. A simple, and most importantly, free tool will save a lot of time and nerves, protect you from unsuccessful purchases and help bring any seller to clean water. The extension will also allow you to monitor discounts and buy desired products at the best price.

AliExpress Tools is a reliable assistant for your purchases! The AliExpress online store is consistently popular all over the world. Firstly, thanks to quite reasonable prices, and secondly, due to the wide range of products. Here you can buy almost everything - from toothpicks to a vacuum cleaner. Do you also often visit the website of this trading giant? Then you just need the AliExpress Tools browser extension.

Log in to, download and install the extension, and your shopping will become even more comfortable and enjoyable. If you decide to download AliExpress Tools for free, it will be your indispensable assistant, who will find the product you need, analyze the reliability of the seller, and sort reviews.

Key Features

AliExpress Tools can do it all and much more. He will be your reliable advisor during online shopping and will help you avoid unpleasant moments. He will conduct a thorough analysis of the seller’s activities and process reviews of his products. You can download AliExpress Tools in Russian by following the link on our website.

The extension analyzes everything: the life of the store, the number of products sold, customer comments, the number of complaints. And all this is completely automatic. As soon as you go to the product card, a module with detailed information will automatically load onto this page.

It will have a scale with a trust rating for the seller as a percentage, as well as a list of analyzed points. Opposite the positive aspects there will be a green checkmark, those that are worth paying attention to - the Latin letter I. In honesty, it will be indicated how long the seller has been working on this site, the percentage of buyers who are dissatisfied with the product, the rating of communication between buyers and seller, the correspondence of the product to the description (again based on user reviews), speed of sending parcels. In addition, the number of complaints against the seller will be indicated. At the bottom there will even be a conclusion written about whether it is possible to deal with the seller immediately after viewing the product, after communicating with him, or whether it is not worth the risk at all.

Here you can independently read complaints about the seller or just customer comments, get a link to video reviews of the product you are interested in, as well as read current news about international mail, track already ordered parcels, track your own statistics on the site.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Detailed analysis of the seller;
  • “See” what the user will not notice;
  • A selection of current news;
  • Possibility of tracking goods.

May not work in some regions, for example in Crimea. In this case, you should change the IP address using one of the special programs, and then install the extension again.

What browsers is it compatible with?

Currently, AliExpress Tools works with Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser, Firefox Mozilla, Opera browsers.

AliExpress Tools for Opera

AliExpress Tools for Opera

AliTools for Yandex.Browser

AliExpress Tools for Yandex Browser

AliTools for Google Chrome

Install AliTools, open an online store or go to the product page. What the extension shows:

  • level of trust in the seller;
  • product price history;
  • popular video product reviews.

Add a product to your favorites and AliTools will notify you if the price of the product drops. The extension is integrated with the popular cashback services ePN Cashback and LetyShops. By using AliTools, you can be sure that it will not interfere with the processing of your orders.

AliExpress Tools for Firefox Mozilla

AliTools on Android