iPhone 7 wifi not working. Wi-Fi doesn't work on iPhone

Hello! We have already discussed all possible problems (and their solutions) associated with connecting an iPhone or iPad to Wi-Fi -. But the fact is that that article discussed general problems, but today I want to talk about one specific case. And this case, it should be noted, is very interesting.

So, I recently received a letter with a question that went something like this: “Good day! This morning my iPhone lost Wi-Fi connectivity. The thing is that when I went into the settings, I tried to turn on Wi-Fi, but nothing worked - the slider did not move. For some reason it appears gray and cannot be activated. Please tell me what to do?”

But indeed, there is some strange “glitch” of iOS - there is a Wi-Fi button, but it cannot be pressed. Or is it not a “glitch”? Let's figure it out, let's go!

In fact, the problem can be either software or hardware. And of course, first you need to rule out failures in the iOS system. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. A hard reboot is performed differently for different models ().
  2. Resetting network settings. To do this, open “Settings - General - Reset - Reset network settings”.
  3. If there is a jailbreak, then . Since some of its tweaks may affect the performance of the Wi-Fi connection.
  4. Are you using a beta version of the firmware? Remember that from her - do it.
  5. Back up and restore your iPhone or iPad firmware via iTunes (to be sure). See if the Wi-Fi icon activates on a completely “clean” (without your data) device.

Have you done all these manipulations, but the problem still persists? Unfortunately, in this case, the gray color of the button most likely indicates a faulty Wi-Fi module.

By the way, this fact can indirectly confirm the impossibility of turning on Bluetooth - its icon will also not be active.

How can I find out more accurately? Open “Settings - General - About this device” and look at the Wi-Fi address line.

And what to do now - how to do the right thing?

  • . If yes, then feel free to take it in for warranty repairs - let them sort it out themselves.
  • Has the service period expired? Unfortunately, replacing and soldering a module is not the easiest operation - it cannot be done at home, without special skills and equipment. Therefore, you need to visit a service center. But there is good news - the cost of such a procedure is not very high. Although everything is learned by comparison....

And finally, I would like to note this point.

On the Internet, as a way to deal with non-working Wi-Fi, you can find the following advice - put it in the freezer or heat the device. They say, then the soldering will fall into place and everything will work.

I don’t know whether you want to check this method or not, but you need to remember the disadvantages of such a solution:

  1. It rarely helps.
  2. The effect, as a rule, does not last long - after some time the Wi-Fi connection icon will again become gray and inactive.
  3. You can easily overheat (overcool) the device and break something else - the motherboard, display, all kinds of controllers, modules, etc.

Therefore, in my opinion, this manipulation is an extremely dubious decision.

Although, if you are still going to throw out the device (since you simply don’t need it with a non-working Wi-Fi button), then you can try. But only at your own peril and risk, because the consequences can be unpredictable. I repeat, visiting a service center will be a much more correct action.

P.S. After reading the article, did it become at least a little clearer? Like it, click on the social media buttons, and get +50% increase in Wi-Fi signal strength!

P.S.S. Do you have any questions, would you like to share a problem or some alternative solution? Welcome to the comments!

Connecting to Wi-Fi is as necessary a function for a modern phone as making calls or sending SMS. Every iPhone owner sooner or later faces a problem when this function fails for some reason. This article is intended to most fully explain why Wi-Fi does not work on an iPhone and how to deal with it.

Problems with Wi-Fi on an iPhone can manifest themselves in different ways: the phone may not see the network, or it may see it but not connect. Sometimes the function icon itself in the device settings does not work.

Usually there are two groups of sources of malfunction:

  1. Hardware - everything related to mechanical damage to the iPhone, burnout of modules or factory defects.
  2. Software - incorrect operation of the iOS operating system or other software.

The type of failure is easy to identify if Wi-Fi stops working after the phone has been in water, dropped and overheated - this is clearly a hardware failure. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to notice, for example, a short circuit during charging.

If the cause of the problem is not obvious, it is advisable to contact a service center, where they will help you deal with the module failure. But most often the gadget can be repaired at home. There are several simple ways to troubleshoot the problem yourself.

Updating iOS

It often happens that the source of the failure is the incorrect operation of the software. This is especially true for firmware. Developers fix most of the errors related to this in new versions of iOS, so the first thing to do is update the operating system to the latest version.

This is a fairly easy process, and will most likely solve your Wi-Fi problems.

Resetting Wi-Fi network settings

The developers also recommend trying to reset all connection settings and remove known access points and passwords for them. This is done through the standard iOS configuration menu, through the “General” menu. Next, you need to select the “Reset” section and already there - “Reset Network Settings”. Your device may require you to enter your Apple ID password.

After the reset, user settings will be deleted, including passwords and saved addresses. If the connection to the wireless network is not restored after this, it makes sense to look for clues elsewhere. There are several other easy methods to restore communication.

Reconnecting to a Wi-Fi network

Among the possible ways to make Wi-Fi work on a smartphone is to reconnect. To do this, you need to go to the Wi-Fi configuration, select an access point to which the gadget does not want to connect and set the “Forget network” command, and then start searching for distribution points. You can learn more about the problem of finding a network by going to.

If manipulating the wireless connection configurations does not help, it makes sense to do a hard reset. This will return all phone configurations to factory default. This can be done by simultaneously pressing the “Home” and “Power” keys. After such a reset, all user settings and programs will be deleted.

Rebooting the smartphone usually “cures” most Wi-Fi errors. This is the most that the user can do independently if the source of the bug is a glitch in the iOS operating system.

Hardware failure

The most serious problems are with the hardware. A malfunction of the gadget's internal components is a common cause of Internet connection problems. It is not recommended to repair the phone yourself, especially if the Wi-Fi module is damaged. But if the failure occurs due to overheating or water ingress, you can try to fix it with a hairdryer.

To do this you need:

  • Remove the back cover (for model 4) or screen module (for iPhone 5 series and higher). To do this you will need a Pentalobe star screwdriver. The best option is a special screwdriver for iPhones.
  • Find the module. It is located under a metal cover, which also needs to be removed. Then you need to unscrew the screw securing the antenna and very carefully remove the module. For more information about the location and the complete replacement process, see the video at the bottom of the article.
  • Warm it up gently with a hairdryer. Hot air (slightly hotter than room temperature) should only get there, but not constantly “hit” one place. The procedure takes no more than two minutes.
  • You only need to reassemble the device after the board has completely cooled down.

The procedure should be approached with extreme caution. There is always a risk of critical damage to smartphone components.

The problem is in the router

If the above tips do not help, there is a possibility that the router itself is not working correctly. This is easy to check - if other devices, including a computer, also cannot connect, then most likely you should pay attention to the configuration of the transmitter. They are often reset due to connection reboots and some external problems. In some cases, the reason lies in a hardware malfunction of the router.

The indicators indicate that the transmitter is not operating correctly. All of them, with the exception of the power indicator and the WLAN indicator, should blink - this indicates that the device is transmitting data. Power and WLAN should be lit steadily. Many users often simply forget to enable the latter on the router itself.

The internal configuration of the router is done through the menu, which can be accessed using an Internet browser at or If the user does not know the correct values ​​for setting up the connection, it is better to call a specialist or call the telecom operator’s support service.


Connection difficulties are quite common, and many of them can be resolved on your own. This should be done if the causes of the problems lie on the surface and are easily recognizable. And if it is possible to put the device in order without the risk of breakdown. In all other cases, it is strictly recommended to contact a service center, especially if the error is hardware. In some cases, only specialists can accurately determine the specifics of the malfunction and eliminate it.


How nice it is to sit in a cozy cafe, library or airport and connect to the wireless Internet! Imagine that Wi-Fi suddenly stopped working on your iPhone. But this problem occurs to smartphone owners quite often. Such an incident interferes with work, communication with friends, and searching for valuable information. You may not have time to buy a plane ticket, write an important letter to a colleague, etc.

You understand that such technical faults are expensive. However, you will soon see that if Wi-Fi suddenly does not work on your iPhone, then this problem can be solved.

Let's figure it out

All causes of the problem are divided into only two types:

  1. hardware;
  2. software.

The latter are often easy to fix on your own, without the help of specialists. With hardware, the situation is more difficult, since they are related to the design features of the smartphone and possible factory defects. Of course, Apple gadgets undergo the most rigorous testing, but users have repeatedly noted cases when Wi-Fi stopped working on the iPhone 4. Similar situations happened with other models.

Very often, the board comes off due to the phone falling from a height onto a hard surface, such as the floor or asphalt. Even if the iPhone didn't fall apart, there could have been a shock inside the case that caused the contacts to break or loosen, causing the wireless network to stop working.

Hardware reasons

These iPhone problems are not related to operating system firmware, viruses, or the installation of unusual software. The cause is usually a broken contact with the board. It happens that Wi-Fi did not work on the iPhone 4s due to insufficient contact of the board. The network may not be detected at all (the slider in the settings does not work), or it can only be detected two steps from the router. This situation also happens with other models. Of course, it is wiser to contact a service center, but it is possible to carry out repairs yourself, naturally, saying goodbye to the warranty card and other obligations of the manufacturer.

Watch the video, it shows how to fix an iPhone using a hairdryer:

Let's disassemble the gadget

If the above manipulations do not help, you will have to take a screwdriver. We need two of them:

We act in stages:

Watch the video, it shows in detail the process of disassembling and repairing Wi-Fi on an iPhone:

Software flaws

It happens that the wireless network does not work due to system errors. Often the reason is the transition to iOS 7. This operating system has undergone serious changes under the strict leadership of Apple Vice President Jonathan Ive. The design, interface and general structure of the operating system have changed. The eighth version is also not stable even compared to Android. If Wi-Fi is not working on your iPhone 5s, it may be a firmware issue. Don't change your operating system unless absolutely necessary. Remember that the new version may not be fully compatible with the old gadget.

If Wi-Fi on your iPhone does not work, do not rush to take the device to a service center. First, try to fix the problem yourself. As soon as there is a problem connecting to the wireless network, restart the device and reset the settings. There are also other ways to troubleshoot Wi-Fi problems, depending on the cause of the problem.

Main causes of malfunction

If you surf the Internet frequently, the quality of your wireless network reception is very important. Therefore, when Wi-Fi stops working on the iPhone (does not connect to the network, freezes or works at poor speed), this can become a very unpleasant problem. You can try to restore the device yourself or use the help of experienced specialists.

There are reasons why Wi-Fi on an iPhone may stop working:

  • hardware failure
  • software glitch
  • accidental reset
  • mechanical damage to the device
  • moisture getting inside the smartphone

Software failures and lost network settings can be easily fixed by yourself.

Signs of Wi-Fi failure

Understanding that there are problems with Wi-Fi is quite simple. If Wi-Fi is not very fast, perhaps the problem is not in the smartphone, but in the router. Therefore, first check that your router settings are correct.

The following signs indicate a Wi-Fi malfunction:

  • the device does not connect to the network
  • The smartphone does not connect to the access point
  • Wi-Fi icon is gray
  • Wi-Fi freezes after a short period of time
  • The mobile internet button and Wi-Fi connection do not turn on
  • Internet does not work well (low speed)
  • network settings are lost

Of course, Apple equipment undergoes rigorous testing during production, but some users notice that even the new iPhone does not catch Wi-Fi. Fixing a software glitch is much easier than fixing a hardware problem that causes Wi-Fi to not work on an iPhone. In any case, the method of troubleshooting depends on the type and complexity of the breakdown.

What to do if Wi-Fi does not turn on due to a software failure

It happens that Wi-Fi freezes and functions poorly due to system errors. Often the cause is a software glitch after updating the operating system. However, there are other software reasons due to which Wi-Fi does not work very quickly or does not turn on at all.

If your iPhone stops functioning normally, Wi-Fi works poorly or does not turn on at all, the button does not turn on, the icon is gray, or you find other signs of a malfunction, try the following steps:

  • reboot the router
  • If rebooting the router does not help, force a “reboot” of the mobile device
  • if Wi-Fi does not work or freezes, update the operating system
  • install an antivirus, your iPhone may be infected
  • try connecting to mobile internet

If the steps you performed did not help, and Wi-Fi in your Apple mobile phone does not work, the problem is most likely in the hardware. The reasons for such breakdowns are quite varied, ranging from broken contacts with the motherboard and failure of the power button cable, to module failure.

What to do if Wi-Fi does not turn on due to a hardware failure

The hardware failure is not related to the OS firmware or malware. This problem is quite annoying. Incorrectly performed repairs can affect not only the operation of Wi-Fi, but also other functions of the iPhone smartphone.

On the Internet you can find the following ways to independently restore Wi-Fi hardware:

  • warm up the turned-on iPhone with a hairdryer at maximum power level - if a warning about an extremely high temperature level appears on the smartphone screen, immediately stop heating and reboot the device
  • If Wi-Fi still doesn't work, try putting your iPhone in the refrigerator for no more than 15 minutes, then reboot your smartphone

These methods are quite simple, but they are not always suitable, so if you are not sure of the correct actions, it is better not to do anything until you disassemble the device.

How to repair a gadget by first disassembling it

If your smartphone's functions are not working well or have not been restored at all, disassemble the device using special tools and try to determine what the problem is.

To disassemble Apple smartphones, two screwdrivers are usually enough (a regular Phillips screwdriver and a specialized one for smartphones). Once you have your tools ready, follow these steps step by step:

  • unscrew the fasteners and remove the front cover of the iPhone
  • find a Wi-Fi module (1 by 1 cm square, covered with a thin film)
  • carefully remove the protective covering using tweezers
  • slowly, at an angle of 90 degrees, start warming up the module with a hairdryer, carefully directing hot air onto the board
  • move the hairdryer evenly around the perimeter of the Wi-Fi module
  • After heating the board, press it to the contacts, secure the square with a small piece of cardboard
  • wait until the components have cooled down completely and turn on the iPhone

After such actions, Wi-Fi usually begins to function stably, however, situations arose in which smartphone owners discovered additional malfunctions.

Such a nuisance can happen to any iPhone model, so if Wi-Fi doesn’t work and you don’t know what exactly the problem is (a software glitch, a module, power and volume buttons, or other hardware elements), you doubt the success of doing it yourself repairs, use the services of qualified specialists.

Users of all generations of IPhone eventually encounter problems recognizing Wi-Fi networks. Let's take a closer look at why Wi-Fi doesn't work on an iPhone and how to fix this problem yourself.

Before you fix the problem on your IPhone, make sure your router is working properly. Connect to it from another device. Also try restarting your router and trying to connect to it again. Make sure you enter the correct password.

We update iOS

Unstable operation of the wireless network may be a consequence of using an outdated version of IOS. To check your phone for available updates, go to Settings-General and then click on Software Update. This update method involves downloading a new firmware version “over the air”, that is, this requires a working connection to the Internet (for example, to a 3G network if there is no Wi-Fi).

Also, users can update the firmware using iTunes. Connect your phone to your computer. The “Overview” tab in iTunes displays all the basic information about the device (model, phone number, firmware version, etc.). To check for updates and install them, click on the “Update” button.

Use this method if your phone has been recently finding and connecting to Wi-Fi networks, but the connection speed is very slow.

Resetting Wi-Fi network settings

Often Wi-Fi does not work due to incorrect settings. Perform a reset by clicking on the icon to the right of the access point name in the Wi-Fi window. From the list of available options that appears, select “Forget network.” Then turn off Wi-Fi, restart your phone and try to detect the network again.

Disable Wi-Fi in the System Services window. Select Settings-Privacy-Location Services. In the system services window, make sure that Wi-Fi is turned off. After this, reboot your device again.

Hard Reset

If Wi-Fi does not work on your iPhone and the networks are not displayed in the list of available access points, or the phone has connected to the network, but not a single Internet page loads, you need to do a Hard Reset - resetting your smartphone. After this, all data will be deleted from your phone; we recommend making a backup of your files and contacts.

Go to Settings-General. Select Reset and click on “Reset settings” at the bottom of the page. After this, the phone will turn off and a hard reset will begin. The procedure may last 10-30 minutes. A hard reboot can solve most software problems with your iPhone.

Hardware failure

If no Wi-Fi network is recognized, the problem may be caused by a faulty Wi-Fi module. Replace the part with a new one to eliminate the problem. The Wi-Fi module in iPhones is a chip located in the upper right part of the case. The circuit is covered with a protective panel. The figure below shows the location of the part.

The problem may be with the antenna, which works with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals. If these two technologies do not work simultaneously on your IPhone, change the antenna. This hardware component is a plate at the top of the smartphone. Underneath it are the cable connectors. Replacing the antenna can solve the problem of poor connection to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks.

You can find any instructions for self-repairing an iPhone on our website, or call a specialist for to any place convenient for you.