ActiveX download for free: technologies you can’t do without. The ActiveX component failed to load - what to do?


Call the main menu of the Microsoft Windows operating system by clicking the “Start” button and go to “All Programs” to perform the ActiveX control installation operation.

Select "Internet Options" and go to the "Security" tab of the dialog box that opens.

Click the "Custom" button in the "Security Levels" section and specify the desired options for the "Information Panel" element, which allows you to do the following:
- display a pop-up window;
- install ActiveX controls;
- download the selected file;
- launch the active content of the downloaded file;
- run ActiveX controls when Safe Mode is disabled.

Return to the main Start menu and enter the value gpedit.msc in the search bar text box to perform the operation of editing the settings of the ActiveX Control Installer tool.

Confirm the execution of the command to launch the Group Policy Editor utility by pressing the Enter function key and click the “Yes” button in the system prompt window that opens.

Expand the “Computer Configuration” node by double-clicking and go to “Administrative Templates”.

Select the "Windows Components" section and select "Local Computer Policy".

Specify the "Edit" command and apply the checkbox to the "Enabled" field in the dialog box that opens.

Use the Show option in the Parameters group and enter the desired URL in the Parameter Name field of the following dialog box.

Apply the checkboxes to the required installer service parameter value fields:
- installation of ActiveX controls with trusted signatures;
- installation of signed ActiveX controls;
- installation of unsigned ActiveX controls;
- exceptions for HTTP connection errors
and confirm applying the selected changes by clicking OK.


  • Administering the ActiveX Installation Service on Windows 7

Activex elements are small programs, often called add-ons, that are used on websites. Their main purpose is to create convenience for the user: for example, using this add-on you can animate objects in the browser window.

You will need

  • - personal computer with access to the global network.


Add the site where the applications are used to the trusted sites zone. To do this, open Control Panel and select Internet Options. Here (in the “Security” tab), activate the “Trusted nodes” zone and click on the “Nodes” button. Remove the default command "All hosts in this zone require server verification (https:)". Instead, enter the address of the desired site in the field. Then click the “Add” button.

In the “security” tab, click on the “Other” button and in the window that opens on the screen, activate the option “Run scripts of ActiveX controls marked as safe” by checking the “Allow” field. Confirm all changes and close this window.

Open the site that has been added to the trusted zone. Go to the “Service” tab using the “Information” link. After which you will receive a request to install the activex element. Click on the information panel and from the menu that appears, select the “Install this add-on” option.

After the browser starts downloading the plugin, a new request will appear on the screen: “Install?” Click on the “Install” button. Then, when the installation of this component is completed, the “Ready” message will be displayed in the browser status bar (lower part). Close this window.


When installing activex, make sure that the website is trustworthy! Often, this plugin can be used by site owners to track the Internet resources visited by a PC user, as well as to gain access to personal information. In addition, the activex element may contain program code that allows malware to use this plugin for their own purposes.

Helpful advice

If a PC user does not want to install the activex element, then when choosing to install the control in Internet Explorer, you need to click on the “Do not run” button.


  • Is it safe to install ActiveX controls on my computer?

The task of installing and launching a user-defined service in the Microsoft Windows operating system is standard and is performed using the specialized utility instsrv.exe.


Click the “Start” button to open the main menu of the Microsoft Windows operating system and go to “Run” to carry out the installation procedure for the required service.

Enter cmd in the Open field and confirm the command to launch the Command Prompt tool by clicking OK.

Enter the value drive_name:\full_path\instsrv.exe service_name\srvany.exe in the command line text box and press the Enter function key to confirm the execution of the command.

Return to the main Start menu and go to Run again to make the necessary changes to the system registry entries.

Enter the value "regedit" in the "Open" field and confirm the execution of the command to launch the "Registry Editor" tool by clicking OK.

Expand the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\service_name and open the “Edit” menu in the top toolbar of the editor window.

Specify the "Add Section" command and enter the "Parameters" value in the "Section Name" field.

Do not enter any values ​​in the Class field and confirm the command by clicking OK.

Select the "Options" group and open the "Edit" menu again in the top toolbar of the editor window.

Specify the Add Parameter command and enter the following values:
- Application - in the “Parameter name” field;
- REG_SZ - in the “Data type” field;
- drive_name:\full_path\service_name with extension - in the “String” field.

Confirm the command by clicking OK and exit the Registry Editor tool.

Restart your computer to automatically start the installed service or change the startup type to “Manual” in the services control panel. This action will allow you to launch the installed service:
- using the “Services” component in the control panel;
- command net start service_name on the command line;
- command drive_name:\full_path\Sc.exe start service_name in the command line.

Video on the topic


  • Creating a User Defined Service in 2019

Elements ActiveX is used not only by web browsers, but also by programs from the Microsoft Office suite, for example, MS Outlook or MS Publisher. Before enabling this setting, you must ensure that the information was obtained from a trusted source.

You may have heard the name “ActiveX object” or “ActiveX control”.

Most likely, this concept came up when viewing web pages on the Internet using the Internet Explorer browser, which supports this technology. Or, perhaps you were asked to enable ActiveX, or perhaps an error occurred with ActiveX. In any case, in this post I want to talk about what it is.

I will not go into a detailed description, because firstly, this concept is quite complex, and secondly, we, as end users, absolutely do not need to know all this “programmer stuff” :) So, what is ActiveX?

This is a special technology used to create programs. But these are unusual programs that can be launched by double-clicking the left mouse button on the file. These programs are launched and executed by the operating system.

The main components of ActiveX technology are the so-called ActiveX controls - these are small programs that are used to create web pages. These programs allow you to expand the functionality of a web page, for example, using ActiveX, a player is loaded in the browser, which allows you to play video or music online, or open files of other formats directly in the browser window. Also, using ActiveX controls, various buttons and dialog boxes are created on web pages, and animation is played. Many companies use ActiveX controls to install their programs directly from their Internet site onto your computer.

If ActiveX technology was used when creating the site, then when you visit this site, the browser will prompt you to install an ActiveX control. If you agree to the request, the control element is downloaded to your computer and runs on it.

Now it’s not difficult to guess what danger lies in this technology.

Since ActiveX control components are programs that are launched through a web browser, there is a very real threat of “picking up” some kind of infection in the form of a malware or virus, since attackers can use ActiveX technology to create and distribute various viruses and spyware .

Officially, ActiveX technology is supported only by the Internet Explorer browser, but since this browser comes bundled with the Windows operating system, many novice users use it to surf the Internet.

This leads to the greatest danger - since novice users do not particularly understand their actions, there is a high probability of catching a virus while simply browsing web pages on the Internet.

By default, the browser asks users for permission to install ActiveX components, but, firstly, programs can change browser settings to bypass this check and automatically launch ActiveX controls, and secondly, even if the notification appears, most people They don’t read program warnings and prefer to answer “OK” to all questions.

Unfortunately, antivirus programs do not do a very good job of detecting and neutralizing such viruses. The fact is that, unlike ordinary viruses, malicious ActiveX elements are very difficult to recognize, since in operation they will not differ in any way from a completely, so to speak, benign module. As soon as the user agrees to install such an ActiveX element, the program runs on the computer and downloads Trojans, viruses, spyware, etc. without any warning. and so on.

Here, of course, well-configured protection – antivirus and firewall – can help. But do not forget that among virus writers there are professional programmers who are quite capable of bypassing computer protection, especially since the user himself allows the original program to be run on his computer, and this provides great advantages.

I think that the danger that ActiveX controls pose is clear. Now let's talk about how to protect yourself from this danger.

Today, the only useful module that makes sense to install on your computer is Adobe Flash Player. It is used to decorate web pages - it allows you to create colorful special effects, embed interactive games on sites or play videos online.

All the other 99.99% of modules and plugins that try to install on your browser or download to your computer are either useless or pose a potential threat.

Yes, I also forgot about one useful and necessary plugin - Java. This technology also allows you to play online games, communicate with people around the world, view 3D images and perform many other tasks.

Don't miss the opportunity to do a good deed:

ActiveX are specialized components that are separate programs and applications that allow the consumer to create websites of any level of complexity. The element can only be embedded in one browser - Internet Explorer. To be specific, the component consists of many, which can be launched only in one, previously specified Internet browser. Despite the fact that most modern users of the World Wide Web complain about the slow loading and not the best functionality of Explorer, embedded elements can provide many operational benefits, which is why you need to know how to enable

Program elements can be launched in the Internet browser itself

Internet Explorer is the only browser that does not require additional installation. A software product intended for Internet surfing is installed on the user’s computer together with Windows OS. Its advantage over other standard programs is that during operations it uses files that are “taken” by the operating system. The joint work of Internet Explorer and Windows eliminates errors that may occur during the operation of other standard utilities. In fact, this relationship significantly speeds up the web browser, while minimally loading the system.

Before you enable a custom component, you should know that certain files, identical to those used by Internet Explorer 11, help eliminate or correct errors in the operation of the tool. Compliance with this simple condition determines the direct processing of the embedded component codes by the operating system.

Pros and cons of the implemented product

If you install, the user of the software product will be able to:

  • create various software applications in several languages;
  • do not waste time on additional installation of many additional applications, since product components can be launched directly in the web browser itself;
  • use a huge number of modern components that use this frame.

The main disadvantage of the add-on is considered to be its main advantage, since the programs used in the process of processing codes draw resources from the OS itself. In this case, various errors may appear, which cannot always be corrected safely.

Before installing on your computer, the consumer should know that this component is often used by hackers and unscrupulous programmers to create viruses with malicious codes.

Installing the application

You can install the component in Internet Explorer 11 in just a few minutes. To do this, first open the main window of your web browser and find the request “Site” in the list of tabs. The user will be notified of the need to additionally install program elements. To add a software product, the user will be shown a place to click on. Next you will have to carry out several simple procedures.

In an open web browser window, you need to find the main menu, which contains the word “Service”, click on “Internet Options”. After this, the corresponding properties window will open. On the “Security” tab, you must press the “Other” button located at the very bottom of the list.

In the security settings window open to the user, a huge list with many different actions will be displayed. In the list you need to find “ActiveX controls” and enable them.

Today, if not everyone, then certainly the vast majority of users of modern computer systems know, or at least have heard, about the concept of ActiveX. We’ll try to figure out what it is and why such technologies are used. Let's look at the most basic aspects, without going too much into technical issues.

ActiveX: what is it? The simplest concepts

In order not to burden the untrained user with unnecessary technical terms, we will consider ActiveX technologies in a way that is understandable to everyone. In fact, ActiveX elements are small programs from which a programmer or website creator can create many interesting designs as blocks.

Initially, it was believed that such elements (also called add-ons) were used exclusively to add many additional capabilities to certain World Wide Web resources and were supported only by the “native” Windows browser called Internet Explorer (using programs in different languages ​​​​in one browser, regardless of the development environment).

This is partly true. However, now many other control elements can also be classified as ActiveX technologies. What is this? The simplest example is an add-on in the form of a Flash player from the Macromedia corporation, which was at the forefront of its creation.

Today, this is the most common Adobe ActiveX Player plugin, or rather Adobe Flash Player, which can be integrated into almost all browsers known today. In addition to the Adobe corporation, which took the baton from Macromedia, there are many more developers of similar plug-ins, but their products, in comparison with this unique player, cannot be compared to any comparison, and therefore are simply unclaimed.

However, it is very difficult to call such elements programs in the usual sense, because it is simply impossible to launch them in the classical way (double-click). Their built-in codes are executed precisely in Internet browser environments.

The main area of ​​use of ActiveX controls (Windows 7, 8, etc.)

To make it clearer, let's consider several main aspects of the use of such technologies. For example, they allow, as mentioned earlier, to integrate audio or video players into the site. In other words, you can listen to music or watch a video directly on the site.

Please note that, as a rule, the program itself with the shell is not shown on the resource. Instead, it either redirects the audio to the computer system's audio system or opens a special window to view the video. It turns out that the element itself (add-on) works as if hidden from the eyes of the user or site visitor.

The same goes for online games. Here, the Framework platform (4th or any other version) plays one of the key roles. Here it must be said that the .NET Framework is a unique development by Microsoft Corporation. However, Adobe ActiveX technologies in this case complement the main platform and are responsible for opening or playing multimedia elements. This combination allows you to use various elements that were originally written in different Delphi, Visual Basic, etc.).

In addition, the presence of the same element “Framework 4” (or higher - 4.5) is a prerequisite for the operation of many structural or control elements of sites, even in offline mode.

Difference between Java applets and ActiveX controls

Many people mistakenly classify Java applets as ActiveX controls. Yes, indeed, they are very similar, but there is one main difference.

The fact is that designs created using the Java language work on any platform and in any operating system, while ActiveX has a narrow focus exclusively on Microsoft software products.

Carefully! Viruses!

Unfortunately, nowadays you can find a lot of viruses on the Internet masquerading as elements such as Adobe Flash ActiveX. In this regard (since each element is downloaded directly to the browser and therefore to the computer when used), it is recommended to take into account some security measures.

The fact is that most users never really read messages about the offer to download and use this or that element and simply agree by clicking the “OK” button. This is fraught with consequences.

Separately, it is worth saying that in most cases, even standard antiviruses or Internet defenders are not always able to recognize such threats. So the installation of the same plugins in the form of Flash ActiveX should be done from official sources, roughly speaking, from the developer’s website, which guarantees complete safety in using this or that add-on.

Enable or disable ActiveX in Internet Explorer

Now a few words about how to properly configure the use of such add-ons in the Internet Explorer browser.

First you need to call the menu from the Control Panel or the service section in the browser itself, and then go to the security settings. At the bottom there is a button for the “Other” security level. Clicking on it takes us to the ActiveX settings menu.

In order not to catch any infection from the Internet, God forbid, you need to disable the loading of unsigned items and the use of elements marked as unsafe. Ideally, you should enable the item loading mode at the “Suggest” level.

General Security Settings

Don't forget about one more means of protection. This is a firewall, also called a firewall. As expected, it also has its own default security settings, however, for example, fans of online games can add some executable plugins to the so-called exclusion list. Again, only subject to complete and absolute confidence in their safety, as well as the absence of viruses on the sites from which they are downloaded.

And disabling the firewall, as some developers recommend doing for the correct operation of a particular online application or game, is not recommended at all. Otherwise, many people complain that there is a conflict between the application and the firewall. If you turn it off, the consequences cannot be avoided. In this case, no proactive protection from the antivirus will help.

Using ActiveX technologies in other browsers

The time when such add-ons were designed only for Internet Explorer is gone forever. Judge for yourself, because today Adobe ActiveX technology in the form of a Flash player is used in almost all browsers and is even, so to speak, an integral part of them.

Without this, it is impossible to imagine using the full capabilities of any Internet resource, be it music, video, three-dimensional graphics, games, online programs, etc.

However, if you look at it, by and large, of all the ActiveX elements and downloadable plugins known today, it seems the most appropriate to use only the Flash player, since almost all other add-ons and elements, to put it mildly, are either simply unnecessary or raise quite a lot of doubts about them security. After all, if you give permission to install a dubious element in your browser, you can only achieve that a security hole will immediately appear, and this is what worms, malicious code or spyware will exploit.

And the saddest thing is that most browsers do not even have settings for managing ActiveX controls, and the Windows settings used have absolutely nothing to do with third-party browsers. In other words, they do not apply to browsers.


So we briefly looked at the topic “ActiveX: what is it?” I would like to hope that the above material explained at least a little the principle of operation and use of such add-ons. Apparently, it is now not difficult to guess how careful you need to be with these technologies, otherwise, never mind, the consequences for the entire computer system can be the most disastrous. In the case of Internet Explorer, it is better to use security modes above average (or even maximum), but in browsers from other developers you will have to think a hundred times before agreeing to install and use the elements offered by the site. The point is not only the potential threat, but also the fact that installing completely unnecessary plugins and controls, as a rule, affects the performance of the browser itself, and not for the better.

Many users come across the concept of Active X, but do not know its meaning. Let us finally try to clarify what this strange word means.

What is ActiveX

Asset X is a platform that helps identify utility elements that can be used. Typically these components are written in different programming languages. It was created specifically for software distribution via the global network.

This platform was introduced in 1996 by Microsoft. It is still widely used on the Windows system, although it is not tied to it.

Using this platform applications are created, which can work through a browser, through a client-server application. This platform is most often used by attackers, using control elements to force an inexperienced user to download an unrecommended or virus-infected application to their computer.

Asset X consists of many components - buttons, windows, lists, etc., as well as uses such languages, like Delphi, C++, .NetFramework and others that have support for the Component Object model.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main disadvantage technology is that one owns the means to use it browser onlyExplorer. And there is also no possibility of implementing this technology in public networks of the World Wide Web.

However there are also advantages. ActiveX is increasingly being developed on intranets. Active X provides a lot of control tools for solving many problems, constructing full-featured diagrams and data tables.

What is the difference between Java and Active X

In principle, above we looked at the main differences between the platform and java applets. The fact is that solving many problems using Java would require the developer to exert enormous effort, while with the help of Active X technology everything can be solved much faster.

Another difference of this technology is that the role of ActiveX on a Java virtual machine will be performed by any Java utility. It will be both open independently and at the same time serve as one of the components for the platform.

Dangers of use

This platform does not enter no restrictions on the actions of control elements. Instead, each element should contain developer's signature, who undertakes not to include viruses or similar files in the distributed utility. Therefore, if a user downloaded an unsigned component onto their computer that destroyed their system, the blame rests squarely on their shoulders.

How to install ActiveX (for Internet Explorer)

You need to open your Internet Explorer browser and go to any site that uses this technology. Then the user will be asked about the need to install platform elements. If you click on the inscription at the top of the page, then in the context menu there will be a request - Install ActiveX Control. Clicking the button will install the component.

It is officially impossible to download ActiveX for Windows 7, 8, 10, since they are built into Internet Explorer.

How to enable or disable Active X in Internet Explorer

Now go to the “Service” tab and open “”.

Then go to the “Security” tab and click on the “ Another».

Scroll through the page in the window that appears until you see the menu “ ElementsActive X" Then click on the circles, as shown in the figure below.

ActiveX Filtering

Platform filtering helps to detect the installation of suspicious applications in a timely manner and prevent the browser from using them. To enable it, you need to go to the “Service” tab, select “Security”, and click the “ FiltrationActive X».

If a checkbox appears opposite the item, it means you did everything correctly. If you want to disable it, then also click on this item and the checkbox will disappear.

In addition, you can remove the filter for certain sites. To do this, open the desired site and click on the filter icon. And turn off the filter.

Security Settings

In addition to the filter, you can adjust security settings and determine for yourself which program the computer will download and which you will prohibit. To do this, go to browser properties and security tab.

Using the slider in the menu " Security level for this zone» you can set the appropriate level.

Technology in other browsers

IN Opera This technology is not supported. But there is a special plugin OperaActiveXplugin, with which you can install this platform in the Opera browser.

Also in the Google store specifically for the browser Google Chrome There is an IETab application that needs to be downloaded and launched. Then ActiveX technology will work in this browser.

To install the platform on Mozilla Firefox, it is also recommended to download the IETab application. Since all these browsers do not have built-in Active X platforms, except IE.

You can check whether support really works on a special page - if the calendar is displayed, then everything is working.

How to fix ActiveX errors

If the site always gives an error that the Active X component was not loaded, then you must first try to reload it using buttonsCtrl+ F5 . If it doesn’t help, then add it to safe. How this is done was shown above. Or go to the service - Internet Options - click on the "other" button and find "Active X Elements" then scroll through them and mark them, which are shown in the figure below:

If the error “Internet Explorer blocked an attempt to install ActiveX” pops up, then try reduce security browser or do the following steps, which are indicated in the figure below.

Open the IE browser properties, go to security and click “Other”, find the “Active X elements” item and check the “Z” checkbox Launching ActiveX controls and plugins».